Rating:  Summary: I nearly wet myself........laughing hysterically! Review: Ugghh...where do I begin? As far as visual effects, they were rather remarkable, and succeeded (apparently, according to the number of 5 star reviews) in masking the actual, or lack of, plot, with little to no character development, leaving vital factors unexplained. You would think that the director would've had the sense to at least draw out the recovery of the child, but no...the audience is rather bombarded with dinosaur attacks continually throughout the movie, eradicating any potential for the build-up of atmosphere....
Rating:  Summary: Great summer entertainment Review: A very enjoyable film, as efficient and fast-moving as a velociraptor. The plot is negligible--a rescue mission to save a boy who is lost on Isla Sorna. Dr. Grant, from the first film, is duped into joining the expedition. Of course, they crash land on the island...and the fun begins, with director Joe Johnson treating us to one great action set piece after another. Particularly impressive were the pteradon scenes. Throw in some entertaining dialogue (by screenwriters Peter Buchman, Alexander Payne, Jim Taylor) and and some fun references to the previous two films and you have a winner. It was fun to see Laura Dern again in a small but important role.
Rating:  Summary: Read This Review: Ok, first off, it only takes a few internet movie critics to say that a movie is awful, and all of a sudden, 75% of the online community is trashing said movie. Thats what has happened with JP3. Honestly, this is not even close to Oscar caliber material. But this is one hell of a fun movie. I walked in with little expectations for this flick, and I walked out very pleasantly surprised. And I'm not even a big fan of the JP series. Oh yeah, for everyone who says this movie has no plot, let me just sum it up for ya. You have a couple whose son is missing on the island. It is known that dinosaurs inhabit the island. So they lie to a dinosaur expert to get him to come along. Then their plane goes down. So not only do they have to find the son, but also a way off the island. And when Dr. Grant finds out he's been lied to, he's none to happy or cooperative. That sounds like a pretty in depth plot to me, at least for a summer popcorn movie! So go see the movie and try not to analize it too much and just have fun. When did we all become such reputable movie critics anyway?
Rating:  Summary: R O A R !! 10 yr old reviewer Review: This movie was good but could have had better effects. Also a bit too short. The Spinosaurus and T-Rex battle was awesome. The Pterodactyl and Raptor looked the best. A must buy on DVD!!
Rating:  Summary: we probably wont get off this island alive Review: I think that this is the best one yet! the dinosaurs are more creepy,and it seems that the jungle was more darker then the other two movies.I was glad that they used the spinosaurs instead of a t.rex again,even though the t.rex was in the movie,but only for a bit. my favorite character was alessandro nivola,I was glad when he was alive in the end after getting attacked by the pteranadons. I thought that the raptors looked cool with their feathers on them,and they were smarter too. one of my favorite scenes is when that woman thinks shes looking at a raptor head inside a tank,and leap!
Rating:  Summary: Blah Review: The first Jurassic Park was better, the second worse. The elements that made the first one good were not here. Bigger and meaner do not always equal scarier, as with the newest dino, egyptus spinasaurus (or something). The inevitable is not so frightening in comparison with the unknown, the unexpected. You know the E.S. saw you, you know he's coming after you, you know you can outrun him because you are a good guy and it's a movie. Big deal. With the T-Rex though, who knows if he saw you? If he saw where you stopped, will he look for you there? Did he see you twitch? That is the kind of fear that eats at a person's stomach. The only thing that scared me during the movie was expectation. It's too quiet, I think. I grip the arm rest of my chair, waiting, dreading for some monstrosity to pop up and bite somebody's head off. What I feared, though, was never as scary as what finally happened, so just a few hours after the movie I found myself thinking that there was nothing really scary about the whole thing. This coming from a person who is still traumatized by the kitchen scene from the first movie. Bottom line: If you really liked the earlier movies and you find your curiosity cannot be quenched until you see this movie, don't let me get in the way, but don't walk in there with any expectations. If you want to see a tense, nail-biting flick that will make you jump, well, this ain't it. I recommend staying at home and waiting for the thing to come out on video if you must see it.
Rating:  Summary: Way to sort But good Acton Review: Ok the movie was short the other Jurassic Parks are all 2 hours but I relized not only was there a continueing left at the end but I also relized this is a storyline fill in witch is to cover the story before the IV Jurassic Park is relesed. But it had good action and some of the actors have gotin older to over the years since the first installment.
Rating:  Summary: This Is Not Your Spielberg's JP... Review: In 1993 I read "Jurassic Park" a few months before the film release and I was fairly satisfied with the adaptaion, considering I had expected the film to be very far off the novel as many are. In 1996, I read "Jurassic Park: The Lost World" and created some fairly intense expectaions for the film version only to find that Michael Chrighton had nothing to do with the screenwriting on the project. "The Lost World" left me unsatisfied in the way it had almost no corellation with the book whatsoever save for a scene with a high-tech RV being pushed over a muddy cliff-side. So, this time I decided to see "JP3" without any prior knowledge of plot or character interaction and it was a good move, I must say. "Jurassic Park III" is best enjoyed when you try and separate it from the previous films because it's like a puzzle piece that doesn't quite fit. The characters all act differently, the story is more absurd than any other "JP" film, and there are more attempts at comedic antecdotes than in the previous films that don't quite generate the effect they hope to get. At least not with me anyway. BUT, that's what makes this film all the more enjoyable. I had a wonderful time watching the dinosaurs torturing the lowly, stupid humans in various ways, which may be the idea the film-makers were going for. Sam Neill's Alan Grant is the only redeemable character in this movie you actually want to see survive to the end. Everyone else seems to have been created as varitable "shrimp on the barbee" if you will, for the many species of rather intelligent lizards (or birds, if you prefer) roaming the island. The set designs are great. The special effects are, as always with Stan Winston, beatifully done. It's an enjoyable flick for a Saturday matinee, but I wouldn't expect seeing this film hoping for a Spielberg-esque sequel in the vein of it's predacessors. This "JP" is decidedly different, for better or worse. --By the way, it might be a good idea to leave your cell-phones in the car when seeing this. I thought my phone was ringing during one of the satellite phone scenes (Which were actually very funnny - the first two times) :P
Rating:  Summary: It's sad what sells these days... Review: This movie is a wash. I enjoyed the orignal Jurassic Park because it was genuinly exciting and the science behind it was interesting. The Lost World was good, but not by the satndards Jurassic Park was, so why would they amke a third? To spend a year on dazzling effects and whip up a script in fifteen minutes. Have your thrills and excitment, but there's just none left here. Where has good old fasion intelligence in movies gone? My reccomendation to those of you wh still enjoy a movie with an actual story, go to the independent film industry, sure, you won't have the multi-billion dollar shoot outs, or the big tall scary looking monsters, but is that all movies are about? I say make Hollywood go bankrupt, and give that money where it belongs, to the poeple starving on the streets. Because where Hollywood is going, I'm almost starting to believe the T.V. brainwashing America stuff going around. This is a desperate attempt to rack in a few million dollars off of a somewhat reputable franchise. Please, do not see this movie. The story is insulting, the ending even more so. If you want to see a good thriller, I would reccomend Silence of the Lambs, Manhunter, or even Hannibal over this. This movie just isn't very good.
Rating:  Summary: Just because it met my expectations doesn't make it good Review: I knew it wasn't going to be a great movie, just from the previews and the fact that JP2 was pretty lame. So, when I saw this movie in the theater and realized that I was right, I shrugged and wondered why I still bothered to see it. So-so character development. A cheap story that was probably written on the back of a cocktail napkin before handed to some hack screenwriter. But the acting is pretty good, for the most part. I noticed a strange thing with this movie, in comparison to its predecessors. In part 1 and 2, the kids were annoying, and the adults were either dinosaur food or interesting. In part 3, the adults are all annoying (Except for Grant) and the kid is the coolest character. The movie practically said it to the audience when he talked with Grant, and it seems like he would be the main character of JP4 if it's ever made. The special effects aren't too special. They're good, but not any better or worse than the original movie. Of course, that can be said about pretty much everything. It's a decent rental flick, but don't kill yourself to see it unless you really love dinosaurs, or Jurassic Park is part of your life. I think most people would watch it and wish they were watching the original.