Rating:  Summary: Mindless, Efficient Action Romp Review: JP III picks up the series and allows us to enter familiar territory with a few new surprises. Cynical, surly JP 1 veteren Alan Grant returns to lead a hapless expedition to rescue a divorced couples son who accidentally crashed on Isla Sorna, Jurassic test site off the coast of Costa Rica. Here they fend off smarter Raptors, bird Dinosaurs, and a new super-dino the Spinosauras. People are eaten. You grip the seat a couple of times. The usual.The version moves along at a brisk, swift pace. Every part of the movie serves to forward the plot a long. The usual rules apply. If you see a gadget in scene 3 it will be used by the heroes in scene 13. If someone says something in Act 1 of the movie it will be of some importance during Act 3. 86 minutes and the heroes leave the island. This works except for the ending. The ending is abrupt. Everybody boards helicopters and leaves the island and just as you expect one last final big dinosaur attack... the music swells and the credits role. The characters is this movie were for the most part fun. William H Macy was brilliant in his haplessness as Paul. There was the a-typical kid in the movie who is more resilent then the adults. The saving grace being that he didn't launch into a stupid gymnastic routine mid-movie. With the exception of "Alan" everybody was pretty clueless which made for a certain entertainment. Experts they aren't. Funny scene: Paul peeing upstream while another character is taking a drink a little ways down. (This was very subtle which was nice) WTF scene: In the "bird" cage. There is a human skeleton in the nest. Was Ingen feeding the pteradons humans prior to closing shop? Stupid scene: Flashing back and forth between the Spinosaurus assault and a baby watching Barney on PBS. Complaint: They introduce bottled T-Rex urine and it never comes into play. One last comment. There is a very obnoxious cell phone ringing in the movie. The first time it came on in Dolby Digital, very pissed I looked for the jerk with the phone in the theatre before realising it was part of the flick. All and all it was good mindless fun. A couple good cheap thrills. Nothing that will improve your life but may but a smile on your face.
Rating:  Summary: Garbage. Review: I enjoyed the first two Jurassic Park movies but Jurassic Park 3 was just flat out horrible, and in my opinion one of the worst movie I have see in quite sometime. The special effects were huge come down from the last two and there was no story, Just a series of scenes that were cut together and called a movie. Get the first two movies, and stay away from part 3.
Rating:  Summary: Insulting Review: "Computer geeks playing with their toys" would be a good way to describe the plot of this film. In this age of rampant technology we're seeing more and more movies being made based upon the technology available. Plot is an afterthought - the focus is in finding ways to exploit new computer graphics. The fact is, there was no reason for this film to be made. There is nothing in it that cannot be found in one of the first two films. I mean this literally, for in some cases actual "plot" lines were borrowed. The worst part about this film may be that its one redeeming quality - the effects - were actually poorer than the original which came out in '93. The ridiculous unrealism that crept into "The Lost World" runs rampant in JP3, providing us with memorable scenes such as a cell phone's ring being heard through a giant dinosaur's body (he swallowed it), raptor's speaking to each other, Grant learning their language and communicating with them (why yes, I speak Raptonian...), and a kid who in a few weeks alone on the island has become a dinosaur and survival expert. There is no reason whatsoever I can give to you to go see this film, especially if you've seen the first two. But, if JP4 comes out, maybe they'll give the raptors subtitles. I'd pay to see that.
Rating:  Summary: JPIII Is the Best sequel I've seen in a long time Review: I have just recently seen the new Jurassic Park movie and it was great. Although nothing can live up to the first film in the trilogy, Jurassic Park 3 is a close second. This film is far better than The Lost World (The second movie). And this time there's no annoying Jeff Goldblume in it. A big plus for most JP fans (I mean how much can you take of "You two dig up-dig up di-dinosaurs?"). And a huge up for the film is that Sam Neil is back for the role of Dr. Alan Grant. Even Laura Dern (Dr. Elllie Sattler) has a cameo. In Jurassic Park Three, Alan Grant and his student Billy are desperate for money for their new ideas on the intelligence of raptors and for their dig site in Montana. When it seems that they'll have to shut down for lack of money, wealthy Paul Kirby and his wife (William H. Macy and Tea Leoni) tell Grant that if he goes with them to Isla Sorna (Site B) they will provide fundings for his dig. But once they reach the island, things take a turn for the worst. The team (Alan Grant, Billy, Paul Kirby and his wife, and several others) crash land their plane on the island and are faced with a danger they could never have imagined. In my opinion, Jurassic Park 3 is a great movie. Also, this movie takes place four years after The Lost World, not before (Just thought I'd clear that up).
Rating:  Summary: Ah well. At least we still have the first 2. Review: The end of the Lost World (a sequel 5 years after the original, most of us forget), a majestic mix of new and already seen dinosaurs move around in their natural habitat, leaving the story successfully finished with most of the loose ends tied up. We've had lots of monsters, lots of good lines, time to go home. But no. Hollywood won't let an idea die if there's money in it, and the first Jurassic Park was a minor turning point in cinema history - it's sequel was gory and fun enough to bring millions to the cinemas. So what the Hell, they figured. Make another one. This time, there's no complex Crichton book as a basis, so the plot consists of the following: Grant is brought to island to find kid; we see some new/old dinosaurs; various team-members get chomped; Grant finds kid, parents/kid re-united; everyone goes home, happy and safe. It isn't brain taxing stuff, and the film is all the weaker for it. For drama, Director Johnston depends on zoom-to-Niell shots for some stating-the-obvious-in-a-dramatic-fashion moments, e.g. "He's calling for help" or "It's a birdcage." A good device first time, but it's re-used throughout the film. Johnston's direction, also comprising of sped up action shots, looks cheesy and unsubtle, much opposed to the decent direction of the first two films. Then the special effects. Certainly not better than before as somewhere stated, the dinosaurs are in terrible shape. The T-Rex is green, the raptors are blue, when they're CGI they look CGI, when they're animatronic they're jerky and different to their computer counterparts... it's all very messy and seemingly unfinished, like some rushed B-Movie sequel. The much-talked-about Spinosaurus, like the Raptors (who get their own silly subplot of having an advanced system of communication which Niell has only just noticed) comes and goes with such lack of cohesion that you could forget he's in it. In fact, the only dinosaur that is in any way impressive is the Pteranadons... the scene on the "birdcage" is atmospheric, the only one of it's kind in the film. Aside from Sam Niell, Alessandro Nivola and the cameo-bound Laura Dern, there's only B-List actors here, and again it only increases the straight-to-video feel of it all. It's stricken with sequel-itis, promising only some new dinosaurs and a returning character, as we could have guessed. Clocking in at just under 90 minutes, the film still feels padded and overlong, and it is, comprising one "characters run from dinosaurs" scene after another. Yawn. The movie simply didn't have to have been made, and there is nothing fresh or surprising about it. Direction, casting, effects, and ripped-from-the-previous-movies music all add up to make this a lame second sequel, that truly only fans will get anything out of - and even they will simply long to go and watch one of the two far better originals. Avoid.
Rating:  Summary: ive seen the film, but found it had flaws Review: I've seen the third film of the Jurassic park series. But ive noticed some troubles with it. Particularly the plot contrivances. Most notably, the opening sequence where the crew on the boat are killed by we-know-not-what. I expected a scene near the end that would show the audience what killed the men. It never occurred. Unless we are to assume it was the fin-backed dinosaur. The plot is as contrived as the first film, with the hangliding episode a means to get the people onto the island, so we can see their numbers depleted by voracious dinosaurs that one is amazed any sensible scientists would have created in the first place. I found the adventurous couple annoying. I almost wanted that woman with the megaphone mouth to be eaten alive. It was amazing given the noise they made and the great number of raptors that the whole crew wasnt wiped out. The film made a feeble effort at providing a theme: man playing god; but since the film was only an excuse for an adventure where men are pitted against dinosaurs, for the tittaliation of the audience (like ancient rome, if nobody was killed and eaten the audience would want its money back)the theme of the dangers of playing god seems hypocritical. On the plus side: the effects were very good, and we finally get to see some pterodactyls; the thrill is continuous and we have the pleasure of seeing men eaten alive. But is that fin-backed 'super predator' real?
Rating:  Summary: Pumping yet more money out of the franchise Review: This joins the long list of sequels that don't only not measure up to the original but don't measure up full stop. It even manages to be worst than 'The Lost World', which a feat in itself. I'm unsure whether the corny story was intentional. If it is then it's a terrible idea. There's absolutely no suspense, mumbled pseudo-science pushed onto us - more about intelligent raptors - and from the start you can tell exactly which characters will survive. All this and a stunningly abrupt ending that even makes we wish for the T-rex rampaging San Deigo. There are two good things going for this movie: the acting and the special effects. With regards to the dinosaurs, impressive as they are we have seen them before. They were ground-breaking in 'Jurassic Park' but here the director seems to have relied to heavily on imposing images which aren't quite as imposing as I imagine he hoped. The acting meanwhile is another matter. There's William H Macy (of 'Magnolia' and 'ER'), Tea Leoni ('Deep Impact', though probably more famous as David Duchovany's wife) and the team have wisely brought back Sam Neill. The real star though is Laura Dern, who returns for a few scenes near the start and the end. Unfortunately her scenes appear so brief it makes you wonder why she returned at all. This is a film that will entertain kids, but certainly not adults.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the 2nd, not as good as the first Review: Good movie. It was an improvment over the 2nd. It has a lot more dinosaurs, which makes it entertaining. If you like the first two, i recommend you to see this one. MPAA: PG-13 Running Time: 93 minutes Year released: 2001
Rating:  Summary: Dinosaurs must've bored themselves into extinction Review: The cash keeps rolling in, and the dreck keeps rolling out. If you paid money to see this, and now you find yourself short a few bucks, you deserve it. This film has nothing to recommend it. So neither will I.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park III on DVD Review: Jurassic Park 3 one of the big summer blockbusters out of 2001 next to "Tomb Raider". This has been the third in the Trilogy of Jurassic Park, no other sequels have been made since the first hit from Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg so it seems that they ride might over for JP fans. This film again uses the same elements of cgi animation and several of the same models of Dinosaurs from the other installments. However new new dinosaurs are introduced and the writers changed the characters around in this one to add a bit of tension and suspense that works throughtout the whole movie. Dr. Grant (Sam Niel), who in the first movie acts as a moral, and ethical scientist in the first movie, is a hypocrital, contradicting scientist in this one. At first, Dr. Grant, rejects any offers to study Dinosaurs saying that his previous experience in Jurassic Park has annoyed from doing any other research. However, when Mr. Brimley (William H. Macy) offers to pay millions of dollars just to have Mr. Grant's presence and insight into the Dinosaurs of Lor Sorna, Grant has no problem signing over himself to the project. He definitely is more interested in the financial and egotistical benefits of the project, than the actual scientist benefits of the project. The cool thing about the Jurassic Park movies, is that you don't have to watch every movie, to find out what's going on. Since the stories are basically the same in every movie, you can watch and be entertained by each movie, without being concerned about the plot. The plot in this case, is that once again more genetic research in Dinosaurs has led to a creation of dinosaurs on Lor Sorna in Costa Rica. Then a group of scientists, interested in the Dinosaurs wants to come down to Lor Sorna to "study" the dinosaurs. The movie starts with a lecture being conducted by Dr. Grant (Sam Neil) who was in the first Jurassic Park. Dr. Grant finds out that new research in genetic testing has led to new dinosaurs being bred in Lor Sorna in Costa Rica. Grant eventually receives offers to study the dinosaurs but rejects all of them, saying that he has enough of dinosaurs (he almost died in the first movie). However, a rich, entreprenual married couple is about to change that. They eventually offer Dr. Grant millions of dollars to have his presence in a special trip that the couple plan to make to this new Jurassic Park. However, all their plans are about to go amok, as the group of scientists, run into a bunch of dinosaurs, more deadly, more intelligent, and more scarier that the first dinosaurs in Jurassic Park........ Jurassic Park 3 has probably the best special effects I've seen in a dinosaur movie. Partially inspired by movies like "King Kong" and "Godzilla" the special effects team of Industrial Light and Magic and Stan Winston, once again, bring this monstrous creatures to life in all their glory. JP3 also offers a ton of suspense and thrills. There a bunch of new Dinosaurs in the movie. The Spinosaurs, who can attack in both land and sea is terrifying. Also Director Joe Johnston, managed to add new life into the series by making the Dinosaurs smarter than ever. The dinosaurs now "call" to one another, when they see a prey they want to kill. The dinosaurs can now also use their brain to corner and attack, their prey in many new ways. The scene in the lab, in which a dinosaurs corners their next victim is a great example of that. However, despite this JP3 is a fantastic achievement by ILM and Universal. I was amazed by the features on the DVD version of Jurassic Park III: *You get a special tour of ILM with Stan Winston *Trailer of the movie * Special interview with Paleontologist Jack Horner and much more like many featurettes on the making of hte film Highly recommend film.