Rating:  Summary: A very well done movie Review: I know many people did not like this movie, but I thought it was a great movie. The plot/story was very well done and the acting was superb. I found the movie a very emotional experience because of the excellent job done by Haley Joel Osment in the lead role. I cannot think of one negative thing to say about this film. Personally, I think everyone should go see this movie, and I hope the kid wins an award for his superb acting in the role of David.
Rating:  Summary: Kubrick+Spielberg=Brilliant Review: Reading the reviews you can see who really understands the film, and you can see the people that were expecting E.T. Anyone who knows anything about a Stanley Kubrick film will certainly reaalize that it does take a few viewings to fully comprehend his storys. Though Steven Spielberg softened this story, he did stay amazingly true to Kubrick's intention. If you thought "My best friends wedding" was deep. If you were captivated by "Top Gun", and thought it had some secret meaning. May I suggest you skip this film. You will not get it. do not waste you time.
Rating:  Summary: I liked it BUT... Review: I gave it a 3 because, though I did like the movie overall-it did remind me a lot like Bicentennial Man (with Robin Williams). Humans designing and making robots to replace humans...a family falls (on purpose or no) in love with the robot. In Bicentennial Man, the robot (played by Williams) is made to slave for the family (cook, clean, etc) but he wants to be real and be taken in by the family and society like a real human, not just a maid. In A.I., same thing, but the robot (played by Haley Joel Osment) is made to "love" and be loved by, in particular, the mother (who cannot seem to recover or move on from her real boy child, who is in coma).Even though I gave it a 3, I do recommend the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Wrong order revelation Review: AI's theme was good, but if viewers were informed from the outset that the storytellers were aliens who discovered the now defunct human race my interest level would have been heightned. The movie gave few clues that the storytellers were extraterrestrial explorers recounting the experiences of a loving robot boy ditched by an adoptive mother's who attempted to preserve the "life" of the robot who was very human-like in almost all respects.
Rating:  Summary: One of Spielberg's Best Review: I have no idea how this movie has been so criticized, yes the ending is not good, but the other 90% of the movie is quite good. It's not perfect but if you try to forget about the ending it doesn't deserves how it's been treated. Probably it's being treated this way, because it's gotten Spielberg's name.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie ive ever seen....Period. Review: WOW, Everything is so right with this film.The music,cinematography,direction,and performances are top notch. Haley had better not get ripped off again when Oscar time comes around because he sure deserves it this time!! If you understand that this is a (like Grimm brothers) fairy tale told in the third person by Super Mecha's 2000 years in the future, exactly like Kubrick wanted, ending and all, then you will really enjoy every moment. Being a Speilberg film, nothing is left to chance,everything is on purpose. Its as perfect as i could be while being faithfull to Kubricks wishes(ie: his ending). If you go in expeciting Kubricks direction you will be dissapointed. It has his vision though, and is hauntingly beautiful. When the end finally came i was unable to move from my seat i was so stuned. As i left the theater i felt like crying and for an hour after that i could think of nothing else. It sticks with you to say the least. If you dont like this film its because you didnt "get it", or expected something that it was not made to be ie: Kubricks last film. And for those of you who say that it could have ended 4 times? Its a fairy tale, it had to end that way, no option. It must come around full circle. Ive seen it 5 times now and hope to see it 8 to make it the most ive ever seen in a theater. Its that good, even on repeated viewings. GO! you'll want to go again!! Its thick, involving and a Masterpiece that will only improve with age.
Rating:  Summary: If you liked ET... Review: My wife and I walked out of this movie angry. While the visuals and the acting were exceptionally good, the lost opportunities to explore the morality of AI and the suffocating Spielberg schmaltz ruined what could been a great film. Had the movie ended under the water, it would have been more interesting and thought provoking. Instead, Spielberg has to tack on a happy ending that just doesn't make any sense. Where did humanity go? And just where, exactly, did the friendly aliens come from? And more important, why should they give damn? I'm angry because it seems that Hollywood just can't seem to make a decent science fiction film anymore. I'm angry that the name of one of the few directors who managed to make a good SF film was used to sell this maudlin, confused pice of junk. I'm angry that Spielberg seems to think that we *enjoy* having our emotions manipulated in every movie he makes. In "Private Ryan", it didn't bother me. There was meaning an purpose attached to the emotions, but it AI, I just felt jerked around. So, if you liked ET (friendly aliens who befriend a little boy) or "Close Encounters" (friendly aliens who befriend a little boy) then you'll probably like AI (friendly...). But *none* of these films are good science fiction. They are really fantasies. Blade Runner (the director's cut) is *so* much better that AI.
Rating:  Summary: The feel-bad movie of the year! Review: You have to understand that I am a movie freak. I own 1300 DVDs and 2500 VHS so I *love* movies, especially sci-fi. Having said that, I absolutely hated A.I. A promising idea for a modern day Pinocchio turned into Mad Max meets the Aliens. I packed my family off on July 4th to see this and we all had the same impression, as did a majority of the theater group. You started out feeling sorry for the little robot boy and everything went downhill from there. There were some good parts, such as a cute robotic teddy bear, and Haley Joel did another wonderful acting job. Gigolo Joe was superb. It was just that the whole plot seemed to be cobbled together from totally different movies. At one point, we thought the projectionist put on a wrong reel. The movie took a radical new plotline. While trying to be entertaining, Spielberg apparently decided that we all needed some big message on the foibles of humanity and he failed miserably. As the movie wound down to an anticlimactic end, getting even sadder if that was possible, we suddenly thought the projectionist did it again! Switched in the reel of some other movie because now we had aliens everywhere and no reason was explained. This gave Spielberg one last chance to screw up the film a little more by once again torturing the little robot boy. If you can see this movie free sometime, and you have absolutely nothing else in the world to do, then you might consider it. Otherwise, stay away. You will be disappointed and left with a terrible empty feeling. This is a feel-bad movie!
Rating:  Summary: A.I.---Absolutely Implausable Review: Well, what to say about this movie. Hmmm. Generally I'm not a real harsh critic but this one confused me. It's too Spielburgian to be pulled off the way Kubrick intended and too Kubrickian to attain the emotional empathy common to Speilburg. So it's just odd and demented. Above all, too long. The movie is emotionally twisted in that it is so freaky and unnatural yet because of Speilburg's direction almost forces the audience to have feelings for the characters. It gives a dark feeling to those who watch it because they are not sure what it is they are suppossed to be feeling. May I just say that Manhatten under water was the saddest thing I've ever seen? Sad in that I love New York, please God let that never happen. This movie could've worked if it was directed by the late Kubrick, not to say it's all Speilburg's fault. I think that had it been directed by Kubrick it would've been acceptable because during the scenes that were way out there the audience could always remind themselves that, well, it's Kubrick, what do you expect? But Speiburg's influence is is too much there to be plausable; especially at the end. Was I the only one left going, "What was that?" I just sat in my seat puzzled. Teddy by far is the best character in the movie. Jude Law is awesome as always. I'm starting to gain a new found respect for the boys of Natural Nylon. It's...alright; not a movie I'd see twice. It almost has an element of Frankenstein to it in that you feel contorted emotions for inannimte things. In the case that that is what Kubrick was going for...kudos to Speilburg for pulling it off. Although, somehow, I feel that Kubrick would've taken the pimps and "love droids" of the film and run all the way with it, rather than play so much on the Pinnochian "I'm a real boy!"
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and thought provoking Review: This movie was marketed very vaguely and I didn't know what exactly to expect when I saw the movie especially with its history of a pet project from Stanley Kubrick & of Steven Spielburg. Spielburg I enjoy but Kubrick I don't. I was pleased with this film for several reasons. It is different than the other films released this summer; that's a great plus! I enjoy movies that make you reflect and talk about the themes and meanings. This film was one of those. My husband like it for the sci-fi, futuristic aspects and the story. I loved the boy's passionate pursuit of his dream. Haley Joel is amazing in this movie and should get an Oscar for his performance. If you like interesting and different movies check this one out!