Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Film! Review: "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" has caused a lot strenuous frissions from Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg aficionados, most of them wanting to wash the film off of their idols' filmographies. The truth is, both filmmakers are guilty of the charms/trials (whatever you prefer) that "A.I." serves its audience. Kubrick's influence is evident in the dark sexual undertones of the story's settings and locations as well as the head-scratchingness of the film's ending. Spielberg, meanwhile, meshes his artistic and commercial qualities, and bears most resemblence to "Empire Of The Sun" than any of his other films.The film's screenwriting and directing credits rightfully belong to Spielberg though, as in spite of Kubrick's name on the credits, "A.I." is like many of Spielberg's blockbusters in its unashamed sentimentality. Not since "An American Tail", possibly the evillest animated motion picture ever (and it was made by Spielberg!), has a diminutive child been placed in so much hazard and peril as Haley Joel Osment's David. However, Spielberg intelligently comments on the human condition with David's character in how humans treat and percieve him; is it right to treat a luxury item as bad as David's 'brother' does or should we even care about David's situation? Spielberg shows us what it is to love and also what makes us 'human', and whether emotions count us as being human or simply being. These questions, which many critics dismissed as pointless, are at the crux of the film, but it works best as a fairytale, which is certainly where it ends. Acting wise, if the role of David was given to an actor of questionable capability the whole project would fall flat on its face. Thankfully, Osment is every inch the pro and carries a two-and-a-half hour film incredibly well, and an Oscar nomination isn't unforseeable in my mind. The rest of the cast serve their roles well, particularly Jude Law as Gigolo Joe, who exudes cocky exhuberance and attractiveness even whilst looking like a like-size 1950s sci-fi action figure. And, yes, the teddy bear steals every scene the adorable little mite's in. Spielberg doesn't forget that he's making this film with Kubrick's fans in mind as well as his own, and imbues the film with many stylistic riffs from Kubrick films, including long, sustained steadicam shots and some sophisticated camera movements. I'd just like to finish with reference to where the film ends; I cried all of the way through the 'ending' and thought it was beautifully executed. True it's long and it's also true that Spielberg relies too much on voiceover to explain the story (though obviously not enough if critics misconstrued the ending as having 'aliens' in it!), but what remains is a stunningly told film. And it blows away every other film that was released this summer!
Rating:  Summary: What movie did you see? Review: This was the worst movie I ever wasted $7.00 on! I was stunned by the sheer stupidity of the plot, and after watching about 15 minutes, I knew there was no way to redeem the movie and I was right, it just kept going down the drain! I love Spielberg, I love Osment, I love Sci-fi, but I also have a brain - and if you do too, I'm sure this movie will bore you to tears like it did me and the whole group I was with.
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly Intellegent!!!!!!!! Review: I went into watching A.I. with very high expectations due to the involvement of two of the best directors/writers of all time. The movie drags at points, but is lifted by spielberg's classic action sequences soon after. The ending was great in my opinion, almost too short, but still great. It left me pondering the movie for days afterwards and I could barely sleep that night after watching it. My girlfriend who watched it with me hated it though, so basically I think is it a love or hate movie. In that way it goes along with Kubrick style of writing, because in movies like clockwork orange people either love or hate that movie as well, no in betweens whatsoever. Still make sure you check it out and be ready to own a classic (...)!
Rating:  Summary: A moving film Review: Again, Spielberg shows his creativity by megging a film that is unlike his previous films and comes out successfully. He tells a story of a robot-child who wants to be loved by the mother he recognizes but that love is unrequited. He is dumped by the "mother" as the real son recovers and after an event wherein he is mistaken for having attempted to kill his "brother". He waited for centuries until a new breed of aliens creates a robot-mother in the likeness of his mother and for a day, he enjoyed the attention of the mother he longed for. Spielberg created a human character out of a robot. He was able to build realism into the story through detailed character development. Despite some unncecessary subplots in the middle of the film wherein the events began to drag, the movie is a mesmerizing tale of an unwanted child in search of a mother's love.
Rating:  Summary: A Touching Film Review: The night before I saw this film in the theater, I was told by a close friend that it was a horrible movie - quite possibly the worst she had ever seen. Still, I had to see the film for myself simply due to the involvement of Kubrick and Speilberg. Instead of a horrible film, however, what I saw in the theater that night was a remarkably touching and meditative film. Osment deserves many great things for his turn as the robotic David, and the direction and special effects are perfection. This film will move you in ways few films can if you will only let it. After the film's final scene, my girlfriend and I sat in the emptying theater trying our hardest to fight back the tears. This is a great film. Relax and let it move you.
Rating:  Summary: have problems with sleep? rent that movie! Review: The only reason I gave the movie even a single star was Law. His performance was brilliant and the only 30 minutes of the whole watchable without falling asleep. I would even give 4 stars to Jude Law - if it was possible to get back time I wasted on that movie. Slow, cold, absolutely predictable, boring, deadly boring, excruciatingly boring...It is even boring to write about. Something I would never expect from Spielberg - a really boring movie.
Rating:  Summary: Not Kubrick at his best...but still watchable Review: Well, this is definitley another film that failed to lived up to its hype. Th ebiggest problem with this film is its direction. I think its like mixing coke with cheese when u put Spielberg and Kubrick together, the show tries to convey a lot of messages, but ends up looking like it over-reached and fell over backwards. As a Sci Fi film, the plot is full of holes at best, quite lame at its worst. Since the film is only about one robot, it doesnt set how everything fits together in this futuristic world, or the overall impact of the theme on society. However, kudos again to Haley for an excellent screen performance. The acting in the film was simply quite superb. If there is anyone born to act, then its gotta be this kid. While the film left no particular impression, its probably a good date movie or for snuggling with your gf on some Firday night. It seems to be a huge tear jerker for the girls. Myself, I prefer Bicentenniel Man starring Robin Williams. Definitely better development and better overall movie to me. A bit overlooked in my opinion, but its a cut above AI for sure. If u HAVE to buy one "I'm a robot pinnochio trying to be human" type of movie, AI wouldnt be the one for me!
Rating:  Summary: Thinking man's Sci Fi Review: It is a very strange film. Not the run of the mill Sci Fi with huge special effects (such as Phantom Menace); nor is it a pure futuristic adrenaline pumping (such as Blade Runner). It's more like a fairy tale with moral implication; and "hope" as the final word on humanity (such as "there is always hope"..."Hope never dies" and so forth). As is peppered throughout the film and also in reviews - this is a high class Pinocchio. But since this is not a fairy tale the Blue Fairy can't just make our Haley Joel Osment into a real boy....or can she?.... there's always hope. Definitely a number of moral issues come up, and it is very much a thinking film and emotions run high. Knots form in the throat (some women were crying in the theatre). The premise is very simple - a robot is created which is capable to love, but circumstances make it such that it is left like Snow White in the jungle (despite the fact that his "mom" loves him). He (the robot) understands that the reason for him being deserted is that he is not "real." And thus begins the quest for the Blue Fairy (from the Pinocchio story book his "mom" has read to him) who will make him real, so that his "mom" will love him again. It is definitely a "must see."
Rating:  Summary: A.I. - Kubrick would roll over in his grave!!! Review: A.I. began in the true Kubrick style of a dark and sinister scenario but as the the film progressed it slowly became boring, wishy-washy more like a dull children's fairy tale. Although you felt sorry for the androids you didn't feel that sorry for them due to Stephen Spielberg's style of directing (which made the film even worse). One film Spielberg should not have directed was this one. Jude Law was fantastic as was the rest of the cast, it was just a shame the film was badly directed by a man I thought was capable of directing fantastic films. The ending was dire, boring, painful to watch and extremely un-flattering towards the man-genious that is Stanley Kubrick....
Rating:  Summary: A lovely sensitive movie about...LOVE Review: It is a marveleous movie, talking about ...LOVE....its not a sci-fiction movie....its a romantic dramatic movie, the sci-fi atmosphere is only to serve the aim of the movie...how a boy can fight for his love....to his mother, and to let her love him...even if he is a robot