Rating:  Summary: Same lesson, different world Review: Great movie, marvelous cast (especially Jude Law). This movie perfectly illustrates the gigantic human flaw known as intolerance. Instead of exploited humans, the victims in A.I. are robots originally constructed to conserve resources and assist humans. Of course, humans reciprocate by ostracizing the robots and destroying some for sport. The situation does merit the question of whether humans need to consider some 'self' improvement before creating androids. Throughout the movie, there is a search for love. David teaches the audience that love is worth any struggle. An additional 4.5 stars for the super Teddy toy!
Rating:  Summary: "A" Stands for Awful Review: I had high expectations for a Speilberg movie and the young actor Haley Joel Osment, who plays an artificial boy. (robot) It is a s-l-o-w movie. I never did understand why his "mother" really chose to keep him. It was predictable that his "brother" would re-enter the parents lives. David yearns to become a real boy after his trouble making "brother" insists on the book Pinnochio being read to them. It was appalling when the "mother" took him to the middle of nowhere to dump off her responsibilities. (reminded me of Hansel and Gretal meets Pinnochio) He then searches to find the blue faerie to get back with the mother that abandoned him. The most dependable character in this movie for David is this toy bear. The bear's animation is incredible, that is why this movie even earns 1 star. However, the bear is almost creepily real and I expected his to turn into an evil Chuckie doll at anytime. The movie goes on and on, seemingly not knowing when to end, and when it does you are not even rewarded with a "good feeling" about the outcome. The only good feeling I got was "thank goodness it's over".
Rating:  Summary: A BEAUTIFUL AND DISTURBING VISION Review: I don't understand how A.I. could possibly have received so much disrespect and poor reviews. It makes no sense??I had heard from a friend, that the movie was a disappointment. I didn't care. It was a KUBRICK idea. Kubrick confided in Spielberg. How could it possibly go wrong? Upon viewing it, I strongly disagreed with my friend. The movie is beautiful. A tremendous performance by Haley Joel Osment. The images are unforgettable. The story is heart-warming, yet disturbing at the same time. The effects are fantastic, but low-key. Odd. Yes. But what Kubrick movie isn't? Kubrick had a unique vision. That was what made him a genius. Simple stories told in extraordinary situations. Normal and relatable characters put in extranous situations. Spielberg directed A.i. after Kubrick suddenly passed away. Yet, Spielberg managed to capture Kubrick's style in a lot of ways. The elaborate echoing sets that seem to put off a vibe of loneliness. The feeling of entrapment and overpowerment by the authorities and corporations of the world around us. Not to mention, the multi-layered characters. Yet, he still managed to keep a lot of his own. I personally think it's a fantastic mix. Which, again, makes me wonder how this movie hasn't received more respect. Oscars or not, like all Kubrick movies, ten-years down the road, everyone will look back at A.i. and find a new respect for it. Unlike most movies that come out these days. Movies we forget twenty minutes after viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Playing God Review: I can't understand how many people around here thought low of the movie. The movie to me was amazing. Acting, direction and the story was great. I realized that we should never ever mess with humanity and everything that makes it human. The movie tried to present us what it means to be human, leaves us asking...does being human just mean being flesh and blood? Or does it qualify when you can think, feel and dream? The movie also tells us the consequences of our ambitions in playing God, how much effect it leaves to us and how much damage it can leave to many, mentally and emotionally.
Rating:  Summary: Too much unfair critism in my mind. Review: Are we getting ahead of ourselves? Is it that we are imbuing computers with too much 'human-like' qualities? Now we can turn on our T.V from a cell phone call, meals can be cooked with the same call. Even fridges that can make a virtual shopping list reminding us of what we need. It is this continuation of technology that is addressed in 'A.I Artificial Intelligence' It was the vision of film auter Stanley Kubrick in making his film that dealt with the human condition and our need to correct the mistakes humans made themselves. Unfortunately his vision was never realized when his met his untimely death in 1999. What was left was a half-filled shell of a film that needed some fleshing out. Steven Spielberg met the cry and decided to make 'A.I' as an everlasting tribute to a man who made some of the most brilliant and controversial films to touch the silver screen. The narrative reaches its heights through finding the complexities within simplicity. A pseudo child David (Haley Joel Osment) on a mythopoetic quest for a mother's love. In this sense the film can be seen as a futuristic 'Pinocchio' as David is on a quest to become real, and therefore find the love he has been reaching for. Along the way David experiences a myriad of emotions when he is forced to deal with the cruelty of the human race, embodied through the 'Flesh Fair' as well as meeting the unlikely character of Gigolo Joe (Jude Law) who serves as his friend and guide. Along with David's trusty Teddy who serves as a comparable Jiminy Cricket character. The film has the feeling of an epic in every sense of the word. The timespan shifts some 3000 years through the course of the film and David's quest itself can be seen as an epic journey. 'A.I' has been critised by many as running too long, and that Kubrick's projected ending was better than the one Spielberg came up with. I however disagree with this summation, yes the Kubrick ending may have been darker, have more of an edge and a film noir feeling. The Spielberg ending however has more of an emotional ending, which I feel works. I will go as far as saying that the ending as it is now is very much like Kubrick would have wanted; It is thought provoking. If we look at Kubrick's previous work we can see how he had an uncanny ability for playing devil's advocate on film. In '2001: a space odyssey' no one speaks for the first 20 mins of the film. In 'The Shining' we are told that Jack may be from the past. Leaving the viewer confused and wondering if the film was about time travel. In 'A clockwork orange' Malcolm McDowell is changed back to his original persona. Overall 'A.I' is a fabulous film and an amazing DVD, the Dolby Digital 5.1 EX sound is amazing and the picture is fabulous. This is the best way to see the movie since the cinemas and the added features will make the audience see the film in a whole new light.
Rating:  Summary: annoying and boring Review: Is this Disney, a chickflick or Sci-Fi? The only good parts are the futuristic eye candy which I wanted to relax and enjoy but kept getting annoyed by the obnoxious kid who sees dead people. And I wont even talk about that stomach churning scene where the two brats are shoveling spinach into their mouths and showing their chewed up food. This is the great Spielberg?!! Keep the barf bag handy... In its many components, it tries to have something for everyone and instead has nothing for anyone. Whats with this teddy bear, is it Disney? No cause it has sexual scenes such as the boys in the car being magically touched in the crotch. What is it? [junk].
Rating:  Summary: Too weird Review: This movie seems to be a love it or hate it. I hated it. It was too long and the plot was just unbelievable. I'm not sure who the hero was supposed to be, but I think it was the mentally disturbed child robot. Was this creepy? Yes. Was this an entertaining movie? No. Would I ever watch it again? No way.
Rating:  Summary: blah blah a boring review Review: This is what Kubrick's final film should have been instead of that atrocity of a mistake Eyes Wide Shut. Osment is a cyborg programmed to actually love and have emotion in this futuristic Pinnochio.The film starts off entertaining even though alot of reviews tend to say it [stank], but those same people are the reason why Harry Potter is such a success. Law plays "Gigalo Joe" a cyborg that performs just as his name. In my opinion the coolest thing in this movie was the damn robot bear Teddy...I think the bear was more watchable than any character ...The first half of this movie is great ...but the last 40 minutes in Osments search for the "blue fairy" is a drag..and I mean DRRRRRAAAAAG..Spielberg also had to rehash his famous Close Encounter aliens in the ending and make it really lame. Good up until the last 40 minutes...then just be warned that it's pretty lame
Rating:  Summary: Very thought provoking, very very well made Review: Okay, I've argued with people about this movie, and I do see it's faults. But it is significantly better than any other Sci Fi movies that came out last year (LOTR notwithstanding; that is fantasy). A very thought provoking, very dark, Kubrick-esque movie, and I commend Spielberg for pulling it off. It is certainly a far better swan song for Kubrick than the dreadful "Eyes Wide Shut", that can only be enjoyed as a non intentional comedy. Watch A.I. with an open mind, enjoy how amazingly well it was made, and it's message is not a bad one!
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT Sci-Fi movie Review: I cannot believe how many people degraded this movie. I thought it was wonderful! I even cried towards the end. Haley Joel Osmont is a great actor and plays a strong character in this film. Yes, I admit that the film cuts off in the middle and you wonder, "What does this have to do with the movie?" But it all ties in together. It's all about the journey. Searching for the "one" thing that David wants-to be a real boy. And the special effects are great. I have always been a fan of Modern and Future technology. The future cars were really cool. So I give this movie 5 stars. Way to go Spielberg!!