Rating:  Summary: bam bam Review: as i heard my friend put it "Stanley Kubrick provides the intelligence while Spielberg supplies us with the artificial half". i just dont get how you can combine the director reknowned for films like A clockwork orange,full metal jacket and Dr strangelove, with the man who brought us such masterpeices as Tiny toon adventures, Jurassic park, and who could forget, jurassic park II. it went from being a startling look at the future of humanity, to ET. it all died for me when it turned into big bad beetle borgs. sure, the movie definately had its good points. haley joel osment did a fine job, as well as Johnny Depps English twin brother,Jude Law. the beginning was fantastic. if you watch the movie's beginning,skip the entire "flesh fair scene" and watch the rest of the movie up until steven spielberg turns the movie into just another excuse to use special effects, its bearable. the movie would have been worlds better had stanley kubrick worked on it.
Rating:  Summary: The Movie that Kubrick wanted Review: Many people have blasted AI, saying that Spielberg bastardized Stanley Kubrick's vision. I can only guess that these people never watched the movie, much less looked at any of the documentation provided on the DVD.Brian Aldiss had the vision for the story. Kubrick took that vision and expanded it to fit the big screen. But Kubrick knew that he couldn't do it himself. So he turned to the one man he knew could make his expanded vision a reality: Steven Spielberg. The Pinoccio images were welded onto the story by Kubrick, but Spielberg managed to make them work. The great thing about AI is that it tells different stories at a variety of levels. Most obvious is David's quest to be loved. Mistakenly, he believes that he can only be loved if he is "real". Then there is Gigalo Joe, who joins David in order to prolong his existance. Joe just wants to fulfill his function: making women happy. But when he teams up with David, he becomes subltey aware of the end of his own existance, and the need to make a mark of the universe so that when he is gone, he will not necessarily be forgotten. And then there is Teddy, a simple toy who develops emotions all his own, although no one seems to notice. Some would prefer to have ended the movie with David trapped beneath the ocean, making the movie a Tragedy. Many have blasted the "happy ending" wherein David finds a moment of fullfilment before his dissolution. What they really find displeasing about this ending is the bleak view of the future of Humanity. A tragic ending is so much more palatable if the viewer can imagine humanity continuing on. Yet AI denies us this. Humanity's future is bleak, short, and terminal. Robots continue on, but Humanity is gone. And once gone, nothing can bring us back. A brave ending in these days of Hollywood happy endings and open ends for sequels.
Rating:  Summary: Are We Really The Robots Review: I have been very disappointed with the reviews of this movie until I saw it, and then I understood!! It is a movie that you either love or hate and there seems to be no middle ground. Some have said it is too long, the story line is bad, the special effects are lackluster, and only Osment and Law are good. They are probably right, what do I know. I am a movie buff, but hey, I liked - Gone With The Wind - How The West Was Won - To Kill A Mockingbird and hated Citizen Kane. So for what it is worth here is how it affected me. I was quickly pulled into the story and found it a journey very much like the Wizard of Oz and other quests to find our true identity. In this world of possible cloning of human beings and other life, I found the story plausible, but most of all associated with the overall theme of the piece, which I saw not only to be a quest for identity, but love. To me, the movie presented how much love can move our world and more important can move us as human beings, even if we appear to be robots. There are many portrayed in this movie that lack love. The parents, the boy robots maker, the overall outside world. Also, there is another theme, no less important. Not being loveable because you are different. So as these themes emerged this movie more and more held my attention. Then came homelessness. Few assoicate with that, and of those who watch this movie, I would wager to say, they have never been homeless. Then there is seperation and lonliness and fear, and the overiding desire to be like others so we can be loved in return. People have slept through this movie, and I would imagaine those same people sleep through life. None of the above is really important because we have become too self-sufficient to see a need for each other, to feel the loving touch of another, and to be nurtured by another, and most of all, to return the love we are given. We were all hit September 11th and taken down in a great way by our own technology, as are the people in this story. For a while we banded together and love on the streets, to the homeless, to the lonely became important. Now we are back and it is ok to hate again. Ok, to pull others apart as the robots are pulled apart in this movie. But not all. There are still heros. There are still people who reach out, and there are still those for whom the words - I love you - are the most important words in the world. To me, that is what this movie is about. That is what not only this boy robot wants, but we all do, if we stop to admit it. For awhile we did. For awhile we gave it in great abundance. For this movie, most of these loving people do not show up until 2,000 years after our species have gone. So I cried in this movie, more than any other. I cried for the boy who wanted to be loved, and wanted to give love. I cried for the robots who were created different and brought into a society that only sought to destroy them. I cried for the teddy bear who followed along faithfully and asked nothing, only to stay around, and I cried for a society that sometimes pushes love away, or sadly, never reaches for it at all. But hey, what do I know - my all time favorite movie is - To Kill A Mockinbird - it says a lot about love, a lot about being different and a lot about hatred. I put this movie along side it and hope that one day it gets the recognition it deserves. Tall order, but not an artifical one. Just for the record - also thought the special effects were great. The sound wonderful, the score good, and the DVD picture at times breathtaking.
Rating:  Summary: SUCK is to VACCUUM as A.I. is to BLACK HOLE Review: I cannot believe I wasted over 2.5 hours of my life watching this terrible movie. I was taken aback at the lack of creativity, as well as a total sham of a plot. The movie had no direction at all, it was nothing but a downward spiral towards the unsatisfying and completely lame ending. I am a serious fan of sci-fi and action, such as LORD OF THE RINGS and STAR WARS, however AI was completely blown out of the park by the mentioned films...Have a more enjoyable time drowning yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Movie Review: Dark, Dreary, Depressing are just some of the words used to describe this bomb of a movie. This is truly a movie to forget. I expected a light hearted E.T. type of movie. Instead I got a movie that at times bordered on the psychotic. I could not and would not recommend this movie to my worst enemy and would not recommend it to you.
Rating:  Summary: Two hours and 20 minutes you will not get back Review: Maybe I saw a different film from the people who actually liked "A.I.", or maybe I should lower my expections. Either way, this movie was simply awful. It starts off silly and goes downhill from there. And just when you think it can't or won't get worse, it does. The acting was weak, the story was weak, the ending was horrible, and what's with that bear? I beg those who have not watched this -- DO NOT waste your time. It's too late for me, but it's not too late for you. Save yourself!
Rating:  Summary: What a JOKE! Review: Ok, just because a director is popular doesnt make their movies fundamentally good. Is a good piece of art good because of the hype behind it or because of its cohesive / coherent message and content? This movie displayed so very little cohesivensss and coherency. It looks like pieces stollen out of 4 to 5 movies most people have already seen (wizard of oz and 2001 to name a few). Unless you just want to see this for some occational special effects and dont care about things like content, Id recommend passing on this one.
Rating:  Summary: 2.5 Hours of my life I won't get back Review: This is quite possibly the Heaven's Gate of Sci Fi. Too long, too boring, too many holes in the plot, bad acting, a terrible ending, and covered with more cheese than a theater floor. Haley Osment has about as much range as a daisy air rifle.
Rating:  Summary: In the vein of I, Robot Review: I feel incredible sadness. David's uniqueness was also the source of his alone-ness. How cruel then to program this being to love and seek love in return from one other, Monica. Longing for love is particularly poignant in a child. The power of science fiction to prolong this longing over a couple millennia shows David's extreme sincerity of his longing. I thought it particularly sad that David was able to accept the love of a facsimile of Monica (admittedly a very close facsimile) which I as a human did not find as cathartic. Although the story at times came across as contrived, the movie works on the strength of the performance of Haley Joel Osment as David. It also benefits from an unusually strong supporting cast, which included William Hurt and in particular, Jude Law. The science fiction is in the vein of Asimov's I,Robot stories. I thought it was wonderfully brought to screen.
Rating:  Summary: 1 star for Haley's acting but the rest is a waste of money Review: The movie is based on the Pinocchio theme. The acting by the young actor Haley Joel Osment was great and it was the only thing good about the movie. The story itself was very poor where the child robot and the adopting mother were subjected to a very emotionally challenging situation. The child robot is driven to a hopeless situation where it ends up jumping off a side of a building. As the viewer, we basically see a child try to commit suicide. I would definitely not recommend the movie if you have young children of your own. Steven Spielberg might have a lot of power when it comes to movie making but putting his name on the movie credits does not guarantee that you will be seeing a good movie.