Rating:  Summary: Close Encounters of the Artificial Kind Review: Stanley Kubrick is turning over in his grave right about now. I'm not saying that the movie is bad, because it's not at all. It's just that you can see where Kubrick wanted to go, and you can see where Spielberg decided to take it.Jude Law was great and Haley Joel wan't too shabby himself. There must not of been a budget on this film because Spielberg went all out. The ending was headed towards being a typical Kubrick ending, which means that it would take you the rest of your life to figure out the meaning. Spielberg cut in and tried his best to give it a clean cut, "happily ever after" finish. Aliens, most likely the same ones that have been in a few other of Spielberg's movies (Close Encounters, ET)play a pretty big part in the ending of this movie. Personally, ever since I saw Close Encounters, I've always wanted to see a movie based on those aliens. This is not that movie, but we do get a closer look at those lanky beings. Hey, I'm not gonna lie, I thought the movie was pretty good. It was very different and movies like this aren't made very often. The ending will leave you scratching your head (just like it did in 2001 A Space Oddesey). My advice to you is go check it out for yourself, and stop reading my review. Just win, baby.
Rating:  Summary: Real Intelligence Review: I went to see this movie based on its extensive publicity and advertising campaign. I was expecting a cinematic experience that explored the philosophy of artificial intelligence and the polemic presented by immersing cognizant machines in everyday human life. However, I was presented with an extremely overwrought story and convoluted diatribe of blither-blather. It boiled down to a CGI version of Pinnochio -- Spielberg style. Not to mention throwing in some rock-art looking aliens to completely throw the plot off kilter. I cannot beleive that this movie went on for over two and a half hours! Granted the production was excellent, hence the rating of two stars. Here's some real intelligence for you: don't go see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Sniff...Sniff Review: I'm going to keep this very simple. As a typical guy, I like for people to see that I'm tough and I don't cry. I went to this movie with a buddy of mine thinking it was going to be a cool special effects extravaganza. I walked away having experience many emotions and tears from the effect of one of them. The only time I can think a cry is appropriate is if I ever saw a wrecked Porsche. I am an admirer of both Kubrick and Spielberg. I think this movie captured the best of both worlds. We will never know how Kubrick would have done this movie differently but I am glad to have seen it in any form.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunate that one the greats..Speilberg... made such bad Review: The first half hour of this movie is the best. The acting is great and the charcter development works. After this it becomes a very long, very pretentious, confusing and boring 3 hours +. I had no sympathy for any of the charcters and the plot becomes so muddle so obviously pretentious that I could barley watch it. It is like watching a potperri of film clips from Close Encouters, Blade Runner and Love Story! To bad Speilberg allowed himself to indulge himself in this melodrama. It supposes to move you into a feeling relationship to the charcters and their life adventure and instead does just the oppisite. By the way don't take kids to see this it will confuse them and in some ways is a bad child nightmare into the darkness with no lessons, redemptions or understanding
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: When the Newsweek guy said it's like nothing else Speilberg's done, he's not lying. "Artificial Intelligence" is without a doubt one of the best movies this year. It sucks you in, puts you on a mind-raveling chase for answers to questions, and it leaves you pondering those "what if" type questions. The film is split into three easily divisable parts. Osment is going to HAVE to be put up for a best actor nomination; he is absolutely excellent in this movie. Jude Law is impressive too, comic relief all the way around and also great acting in the end. I can't emphasize how great this movie is enough, it is THE must see movie this year. Osment for Best Actor. You can take it to the bank.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing Review: It's been a very long time since I've seen such an epic, beautiful movie like this. It combined Stanley Kubricks genius with Spielbergs to create the perfect film. I was enthralled through the entire film by the fantastic acting, the unbelievable visuals and the epic plot that left me with questions I had never thought of before. Haley is just a diamond in this film, along with every one of his co-stars. Spielberg has stepped into a whole new realm of movie making, and done it to perfection. This defintly goes on my top 10 of all time list. Go see it!
Rating:  Summary: Nice start but complete garbage by the end Review: AI is a futuristic version of Pinnochio in which the first robot to "love", David, embarks on a quest to become a real boy. During this quest the viewer is shown a not so distant future where the polar ice caps have melted, population control is enforced and humans have developed intelligent lifelike robots. The visuals of the movie are stunning but the story falls short. The first two parts of the movie are somewhat enjoyable as we journey with David on his quest but the last part of the movie is .... The story ends with a hour half sequence that will leave you looking at your watch and wondering what was going through Spielberg's mind. Save your money and rent this one.
Rating:  Summary: No Intelligence, Artifical or otherwise Review: This was a disappointing film. I enjoy Spielberg's films immensely, and Kubrick's as well. Considering screen treatment of this film has been kicked around for nearly twenty years in one form or another before it was finally made, I would expect better. You can't meld the two distinctly different styles of these directors successfully. Especially considering that one of them is dead. Instead, A.I. is a pastiche of intruiging ideas lifted from Isaac Asimov (Bicentennial Man), Ridley Scott (Blade Runner), and a host of others. In addition, the movie has three distinct "acts", which each feel as if they were made by different directors / producers. Nothing is ever properly explored or examined. The Mad Max homage of Act II is given too much screen time, as is the Mission to Mars like Act III. I almost left the movie theater when I realized how cheaply Spielberg decided to end the movie. Apparently this is his first screenplay since Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Considering how good that film was, and the cheap re-hash he uses at the end of A.I., he should have quit while he was ahead. The 2 1/2 hour movie would have benefited from deleting the final 30 minutes (which dragged awfully), and the film making courage to deal realistically with the issues. Apparently nobody had that courage. It is so disappointing that the real issues were not explored here: how do we define intelligence, emotion, and self? All of these were glossed over in favor of visual effects. Jude Law deserves a thumbs up for his performance, as does Frances O'Connor. Osment is good, but not great. The Teddy bear character seemed smarter than any other character in the movie. Do yourself a favor, read Isaac Asimov's robot books for a better insight into these questions.
Rating:  Summary: Mommy! Mommy! Review: Unhappy combination of Speilberg's fuzzy-wuzzies and Kubrick's chilly-willies. Your tolerance of this movie will depend on how much you can stand watching a boy pining for his mother. It started off pretty good, actually: a lot of ethical questions about artifical intelligence will remind you of the cloning debate; the very essence of parenting is examined, as in What Do We Really Want From Our Children? I sat in the theater excited, thinking, Wow, this is going to be a great movie. But after the first 50 minutes, the adorable robot (Haley Joel Osment) embarks on a quest to become a real boy, and the movie starts getting weird. I won't spoil any of it for you, but I think you'll agree with me that each set-up becomes more preposterous than the last. Eventually, the movie becomes a bloated bore. The cumulative impression *A.I.* had on me was that I wish either Speilberg or Kubrick had written AND directed it individually -- Steven's crowd-pleasing sentimentality certainly doesn't mesh well with Stanley's brow-beating. I'm thinking Speilberg would've trimmed the artsy chaff and made a satisfyingly simple quest picture; or Kubrick would've realized a vision nearly as colossal as his masterpiece, *2001* (which this new movie resembles, somewhat). All in all, a disappointment; but what else is new? This continues to be a terrible year at the movies.
Rating:  Summary: Warning: View with an open mind Review: DROP YOUR EXPECTATIONS NOW!! DO NOT GO TO SEE THE MOVIE YOU'VE SEEN HINTED AT IN THE TRAILERS! DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING IN PARTICULAR! The three people I saw this movie with did not like the ending. I thought it was kind of poetic. In fact, I thought the entire movie was beautifully crafted. The special effects were phenomenal... in true Spielberg style... and the acting was wonderful. Jude Law is extremely convincing as a cyber-male-prostitute. He provided a lot of comic relief and nearly stole the movie. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC IDEAS FORMED ABOUT THE FILM, IT'S BEST YOU LET THEM GO OR YOU WILL NOT LIKE THE MOVIE. The most important thing to remember is that this is a fairy tale above all else and should be enjoyed for what it is. It is sad and romantic, sweet and thrilling. But, it is unlike any movie you have ever seen. This movie may leave you thinking for a long time, but it will affect you. And the teddy bear is ... well... something we all dreamt about as children.