Rating:  Summary: violent Review: I cant believe pepole review movies they have not yet seen.Having said that this movie is not that good. I give it 3 stars because if action and violence are your thing this is for you. I happen to like John Carpenter very much I liked Vampires this is not as good all this talk about cheep effects I dont know were there coming from Carpenters colors lighting choped off heads music ex. always apeal to me. If you like John Carpenter see this if not spend your money on something else. cant wait for lord of the rings.
Rating:  Summary: FAST PACED THRILLS Review: If you are a fan of john carpenters movies, your gonna love this rocket fueled trip through hell.It feels like an 80's movie,and thats not a bad thing.Its what "zulu" would be like if carpenter directed.Dont miss it,chances are you WILL NOT see anything in theaters like it again.
Rating:  Summary: Poor but still has its laughs Review: This is probably one of the worst movies of the year, but we still got a some laughs out of it, sometimes because a scene would be so bad we couldn't help it. They should have gone all the way and made it an Evil Dead. Instead they went about half way so the movie was mediocre at best. Rental.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVED THIS MOVIE! Review: Ghosts of Mars is absolutely the best. It is as great as Carpenter's masterpiece Halloween. To be clear though, Ghosts of Mars goes to new and excellent places, the comparison to Halloween is just to tell you how fantastic Ghosts of Mars is! Do not miss this film! John Carpenter if you're reading this, well done! Reunite yourself and the cast to do an audio commentary when you release the undoubtably kick@55 dvd!
Rating:  Summary: Bad, bad, bad.... Review: This movie is really bad. I almost walked out, but decided to stay just so I wouldn't stay up watching it on HBO in a few months just to see what happened. The film is a bad combination of Alien and Night of the Living Dead with Freddie Krueger making cameos. The special effects look fake, the acting is lame, and the characters are dumb. There is lots of fake blood and gore, but it doesn't add to the story line which is weak in it's own right. Then there are the "special" moving effects used to save time by quickly moving the characters from one spot to another. Felt like I was playing a video game on my PC and I hit a key to temporarily speed up the action. All it did was remind me that I was watching a movie and that some guy or gal had edited out some of the character steps to speed up the drudgery. Overall, the movie is just plain stupid. Invest your dollars in something (which is nearly everything) better. ...
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Review: I won tickets to see this movie a week early and saw it Monday. I can't tell you how disappointed I was. They tell you never look a gift horse in the mouth, but give me a break! This has to be one of the lamest movies I have ever seen. There is no logic to any of the story, the acting is subpar, the effects include a lot of fake-watery blood and some fake heads. If by writing this review I can stop at least one person from giving this movie even one cent, then I'll feel better. Do NOT see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great cast, Great story!!!!!!!! Review: I actually enjoyed John Carpenter's Vampires and thought it was a kick... [butt] movie, this one promises to be far better with a much better cast including the great Ice Cube and the amazingly gorgeous Natasha Henstridge, mmmmmmmmmm. I think the story is great and could be an amazing sci-fi/horror/action/thriller type movie, a little like the great movie Pitch Black. I will be looking forward to this movie being released in the UK and will be going to see it on the release date!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: What a clunker Review: I've read some of the reviews already posted here, and a lot of folks either flat-out loved this film or thought it stunk. Unfortunately, I find myself more aligned with the latter group, although "stunk" may be too strong a word. I'm actually more disappointed than anything else. I'm a big fan of John Carpenter and B-movie schlock in general. My favorite Carpenter film is "The Thing." To this day, I think it's a barf-bag/gross-out masterpiece. I've watched it an embarrassing number of times and I have yet to grow tired of it. I've just seen "Ghosts of Mars" after having rented the DVD. I really, really wanted to like this film, but I just couldn't do it -- even after having watched it a second time to see if maybe I'd missed something. If only there had been decent plot development, meaningful dialog, competent acting (the best of the lot is Ice Cube, as "Desolation" Williams) or good special effects, it might have stood a chance at the box office. No such luck. For me, its most noteworthy feature is the fact that Natasha Henstridge actually manages to keep her clothes on during the entire movie. The train visuals and music that accompany the opening credits aren't too bad, but things go rapidly downhill from there. I won't rehash the plot, as it's already been discussed at length in other reviews. Suffice it to say that when the movie ended, I was still waiting for something halfway believable to happen. I do want to address one aspect of the film's premise that I haven't seen mentioned in any of the reviews I've read here. "Desolation" Williams is supposed to be this big, bad, ultra-nasty murderer, right? So who is sent to transport him from one location to another? Competent people, maybe? Nope. We get a known pill-popper (Henstridge, as Ballard), two rookies (Clea Duvall and Liam Waite), and a "new guy" (Jason Statham) no one seems to know too much about, but whose main activity is trying to put the make on Ballard. A fifth member of the transport team (Commander Helena Braddock, played by Pam Grier) is the only one who seems even remotely qualified for the assignment, although she apparently has the hots for Ballard as well (oh, the problems of being drop-dead gorgeous). Braddock isn't around very long, though. After her depature, we're left with Drug-Taking Cop, Sex Fiend Cop, and Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum Cops to successfully transport Nasty Murderer to Intended Destination. Does this make sense? Nope, not to me. Throughout the film, the main characters act so illogically that I just couldn't bring myself to care about them. The plot is riddled with holes and continuity problems. Most of the dialog is so ridiculous that I don't know how the actors kept straight faces while delivering their lines. ("Maybe I'd sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth, but we're not on Earth." Groan.) Even the scenes without dialog are silly. The worst offender is the interminable sequence during which Henstridge demonstrates how adept she's become at rolling her eyes up so only the whites are visible. This is something she didn't do nearly as well in "Species." I guess the intervening six years gave her plenty of time to practice. After seeing "Ghosts of Mars," I'm left with one question: What could John Carpenter possibly have been thinking? Whatever it was, I hope it moves on -- much as the ghosts in the film vacate bodies they occupy once those bodies are killed -- and lets John Carpenter be himself once again. Meanwhile, I intend to keep the faith and remain a fan. That having been said, I think I'll go watch "The Thing" for the 1,734th time.
Rating:  Summary: Just When You Thought Hollywood Ran Out Of Ideas... Review: Well, just when you thought Hollywood had run out of ideas, John Carpenter goes and pulls one - right out of his a*#. This is not only of the worst movies that I've seen, it probably has the stupidest title I've heard. You have to admit that it's original...being about ghosts of Mars. I'm not sure exactly how the characters didn't have to where helmets or have oxygen tanks...but I guess that would have looked stupid on Ice Cube's big fat head. Carpenter tries to immitate the success of his 1980 horror flick, "The Thing" by getting a small cast of people and having them chased by aliens. Of course the "street smart" Ice Cube is there to help in fighting off these alien ghosts. But I don't think all the street cred in L.A. could save Ice Cube. The difference between Carpenter's "The Thing" and "Ghosts of Mars" is that "The Thing" was primarily psychological, whereas with "Ghosts of Mars" everybody's getting chased by tall, pale, vampire-like aliens that don't look anything like aliens. This movie is horrorifying, not in terms of trying to scare you, but the acting, directing, and concept is so frightening it makes you wonder if Hollywood producers have any common sense at all.
Rating:  Summary: Carpenter back in top form Review: Thank God someone is preserving the spirit of the American B Movie. John Carpenter's "Ghosts of Mars" has no delusions of grandeur, no desire to be 'great'--but is a raucous and exciting ride all the same, much like "Escape from L.A." crossed with "They Live." Sexy Natasha Henstridge leads a motley crew of space cops (including Clea DuVall and Pam Grier, among others) to pick up buff criminal Ice Cube to take him back to a Mars colony to stand trial for murder. But the humans quickly find themselves at war with a gang of "possessed" colonists who enjoy decapitating intruders. Carpenter's polished action scenes commence with a crackling intensity, and bear resemblance to the classic westerns he speaks so highly of. The storyline--while often unbelievable and absurd--contains many well-done twists and turns. And Carpenter outdoes himself with the scoring--heavy, thumping techno that fits the action perfectly. For the genre fan who's sick of the self-aware, teen-driven, and profit-hungry slashers infecting the multiplexes, "Ghosts of Mars" will transport you back to a time when there was nothing greater than straightforward, traditional horror.