Rating:  Summary: Carpenter back in top form Review: Thank God someone is preserving the spirit of the American B Movie. John Carpenter's "Ghosts of Mars" has no delusions of grandeur, no desire to be 'great'--but is a raucous and exciting ride all the same, much like "Escape from L.A." crossed with "They Live." Sexy Natasha Henstridge leads a motley crew of space cops (including Clea DuVall and Pam Grier, among others) to pick up buff criminal Ice Cube to take him back to a Mars colony to stand trial for murder. But the humans quickly find themselves at war with a gang of "possessed" colonists who enjoy decapitating intruders. Carpenter's polished action scenes commence with a crackling intensity, and bear resemblance to the classic westerns he speaks so highly of. The storyline--while often unbelievable and absurd--contains many well-done twists and turns. And Carpenter outdoes himself with the scoring--heavy, thumping techno that fits the action perfectly.For the genre fan who's sick of the self-aware, teen-driven, and profit-hungry slashers infecting the multiplexes, "Ghosts of Mars" will transport you back to a time when there was nothing greater than straightforward, traditional horror.
Rating:  Summary: Typical Movie Junk Review: Ghosts of a past Martian civilization haunt the men and women who live on Mars today, in this badly acted, badly written, gory, and Heavy Metal soundtrack film. If you're fan of Carpenter, see it. If you want more meaningful science fiction, stay home and watch the Twilight Zone.
Rating:  Summary: ho-hum gore Review: Ghosts of Mars takes some of the worst of Sci/Fi, horror, and action tosses them together, as sees what comes out. It isn't pretty. Like most John Carpenter films, it leaves alot to be desired in terms of a plot, with holes big enough to fit the aforementioned red planet through. Also like Vampires, it has buckets of gore tossed around, but in such a cold way that no-one seems to care. One thing that Carpenter does know how to do is spooky music. The soundtrack fits well with the setting. Although I liked Three Kings, I couldn't bring myself to like Ice-T in this. All the other actors were in general awful, including the evil leader(who, by the way, looked like he belonged at a KISS revival) and the heroine. Simply, if you want a fun sci-fi movie this summer, try Planet of the Apes. Avoid Ghosts of Mars like the plauge.
Rating:  Summary: This movie sucked! Review: My friend and I saw this movie the other night and we didn't like it. It was stupid! If you want to see a good John Carpenter movie go rent Escape From L.A. or Halloween. Otherwise, don't waste your time on this movie I almost fell asleep. Trust me you will not like this movie it's dumb!
Rating:  Summary: Ghosts of Mars was the best film EVER MADE! Review: Simply put, this was the best film ever made! It was filmed great and the acting was superb! I liked that the story focused on Natasha Henstridge's character Lt. Meleanie Ballard retelling the incident she and 4 other Mars Police Force officers had on Shining Canyon(A colony on Mars). They have to go to Shining Canyon to transfer James "Desolation" Williams played by Ice Cube to a city on the Red Planet called Chryse to stand trial. But when they get there they are thrown into a fight for survival situation that may possibly be there last! This film is rated R for violence/gore, language and some drug content. I would recommend this film for aldults and some children 12 and up that will understand not to repeat the language used and that the violence is not real! Some scences may be considered frightning so overall give it some thought before bringing your child!
Rating:  Summary: Want to ruin a perfectly good movie day this is your movie! Review: The one time I should have read the critics reviews... What a humongous disappointment. I love scary and yes sometimes gastly gore in movies, but this movie is truly nothing but red martian dirt! I can't believe John Carpenter couldn't have come up with a better villain than the Marilyn Manson type beef head that everytime he's in the camera he gives a big "Aaaahrgh" with a wide open mouth! Ooooh really formidible. Horrible acting, even worse story (Was there one?) I didn't walk out of this one, but I really should have... Don't waste your time. This movie is only good for all those goth kids that want to freshin' up there freaky outfits and to give them new ideas on what they can pierce. Now if you want to see a really good Carpenter film I would suggest going to the local movie rental shop and checking out "The Thing" that is a truly terrifyingly fun movie!
Rating:  Summary: Another Great Carpenter movie! Review: I saw this one just last night and plan to go see it again a.s.a.p. it was great! It delivers everything a Carpenter movie should, lots of genuine jump out of your seat scares and great action sequences and kick a__ f/x to say nothing of having a he__uva plot. Which it does(o.k. I'll say that much for it) but for those of you who haven't seen it (and judging by the latest box office scores not many of you have)and want to, I won't spoil it for you. All I'll say in closing is if it's [the] sci-fi/horror you are looking for AND a coherent plot, you'll be sorry if you miss this one. It is meant to be seen on the big screen too, so I highly recommend you get to the theatre and see it before it's gone. It's well worth it.
Rating:  Summary: DON'T MESS WITH MARS! Review: Every time we earthlingg venture onto the red planet, all hell breaks loose. You'd think we would be used to it by now.Oh, well. As has been noted, Mr Carpenter uses elements from several of hie previous films here, most notably ASSAULT ON PRECINCI 13, but, so what? John WAyne made RIO BRAVO at least 3 times, and I loved them all. It's violent. profane, and the plot doesn't strain anyone's imagination to keep track of who the bad guys are. My only real objection is that, after 150 years, we're still using plain old pistols, rifles, and shotguns. As Wesley Snipes said in THE DEMOLITION MAN "Where are all the phaser guns?"
Rating:  Summary: Easily the best movie of the summer. Review: This has been the worst summer movie season in recent history. Both Pearl Harbor and Planet of the Apes were nothing short of horrible. Rush Hour 2 and American Pie 2 were 2 of the unfunniest comedies I've ever seen. The only bright spots had been Shrek and The Mummy Returns. But now summer has been saved thanks to The Master Of Terror, John Carpenter. Not only is this the best movie of the summer, but it is Carpenter's best in some time. Gone are the glossy and empty traits of today's movies. No heavy handed CGI effects. No "up-and-coming" Dawson's Creek-style teen actors. No useless winks to the audience to show how "clever" the filmmakers are. This is old fashioned movie making, and thank GOD! The cinematography is absolutely incredible. The music is pulse-pounding. (Yes, I bought the soundtrack already). The acting is low-key but great all around. And the action is in your face, and it never stops. No John Woo-ish or Matrix-style slow motion (which I despise). The action comes at you full throttle and puts you right in the middle of it all. John Carpenter has been my favorite director for over 20 years now. He has NEVER let me down. This time he delivers the goods in spades. I won't go into details about the plot. You've seen the previews. Ignore what "critics" have said. Don't think that just because a movie makes a ridiculous amount of money that it deserves to be seen. If you want to have a fun time at the movies, see JOHN CARPENTER'S GHOSTS OF MARS. Accept no substitutes.
Rating:  Summary: old school carpenter Review: I went in with low expectations(due to weak opening week) and came out happy. This is the type of movie carpenter used to direct. It is definitely a 'b' movie. Very violent, and creepy in spots, weak plot, and bad dialogue....all a carpenter fan needs. I was afraid this would be like Escape From LA but it was more like Vampires. As much as I love Ice Cube(and I do) no more roles showing his biceps, it makes his head bigger than it is.