Rating:  Summary: Renegade Version Review: I was forced to choose between giving this one or two stars. The original Highlander 2 was one of the worst movies ever made. It made no sense and explained the immortality of the immortals as they being aliens from a planet called Zeist. Sean Connery once again made his role as the immortal Ramirez.(Note: As stated by the [...] reviewer that Ramirez would be a scottish is wrong. There is nothing in the movie that Ramirez is in fact scottish, except for Sean Connery being it.) The Renegade Version is better then Highlander 2: The Quickning but is not any good in comparision to the first Highlander film. Planet Zeist from Highlander 2: The Quickning is gone but now it is replaced with something unexplainable. Sean Connery and Christopher Lambert had met at an earlier moment, which is not given any more explanation once the movie goes on. I give this version one star because I give the original Highlander 2 no stars. [....]The movie has some scenes that were deleted from the original and it got a different structure but it's still the same bad film. The longer presentation tries to establish the movie in the same way that the first one started out. The scene between Christopher Lambert and Virginia Madsen now includes some kind of a love sequence with Lambert just walking up to Madsen, presenting himself and then "foul around", right there on the street. Sean Connery is still good but here his performance is put into a shameful material. Michael Ironside tried to make a more crazied and awful baddy than Clancy Brown and failed. The best scene in both films is Ramirez return. He appears out of nowhere on a stage while a guy is playing Hamlet. Better then the original but not a movie worth watching, not even for laughs. (If you didn't like the first Highlander film it could be possible for you to like this)
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: Everybody has been putting down Highlander 2- The Quickening, but this is Renegade Version, you have to remember that after H:2 was filmed, the director and producers didn't get final cut, and so it ended up not making any sense. All mistakes are erased in this new version, it makes sense in the world of Highlander, it is funny, there is plenty of action, great directing, an awesome soundtrack, and is worth buying in my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: stupid IMMORTALS Review: I saw the movie ...and then i bought the renegade dvd version because they claimed that they modified the movie ...some claim! Yes they erased the ZEIST plotline which really screwed my head! If they were aliens on an alien world how come they retained their names that were of earth origin! HOW MANY ALIENS HAVE YOU ENCOUNTERED WITH THE NAMES MCLOUD & RAMIREZ? ... And then Lambert is seen holding it in his final confrontation with Ironside. The director didnt explain how he found Ramirez one of a kind blade? regardless of what people say the only original and entertaining HIGHLANDER MOVIE IS THE FiRST ONE FORGET THE SEQUELS AND THAT PATHETIC adrian paul! DO YOURSELVES A FAVOUR AND BURN THIS...
Rating:  Summary: A poor movie.... but still not as bad as people think. Review: First of all, the original "Highlander" was no masterpiece. With that out of the way, let's talk about this sequel. Christopher Lambert has never been a good actor, save maybe his role in "Mortal Kombat". His weak attempt to play an old man really hurts "Highlander 2", though his acting when he becomes young again is a least passable. Sean Connery just seems to be around to use up time. Ditto for Virginia Madsen's charactor. Canadian actor Michael Ironside does a good job as a psychotic killer, and easily turns in the best performance.The flow of the movie isn't worked very well. You have scenes that occur ridiculously. And even if you buy that ludicrous "Planet Zeist" idea, it still doesn't work with the first movie(though better than the "Renegade Edition"). But, whether you wish to admit it, if this movie hadn't been made, the TV series wouldn't have either. So, what is it that saves "Highlander 2:The Quickening"? Well, I agree with a couple previous reviewers that lots of parts are unintentionally funny, especially Connery and Ironside's scenes. This doesn't actually save this movie, but it is bearable,unlike the abomination that is "Highlander 3:the final dimension".
Rating:  Summary: Highlander 2: A film gone wrong Review: Why do people make bad movies? What are they thinking when they write he screenplay or film the scene? When they saw the final cut of this film did they actually think this film was any good? I can't even begin to understand the minds of the morons in charge of this movie. The plot twist about the immortals being aliens could have worked if done properly. I remember seeing Highlander (which is a far superior movie) and wondering were they came from. The alien (and subsequent time travel) story could have worked but didn't because the writers were narrow sighted and did a halfway job. The alien thing worked for Dragonball, it could have worked here, but it failed terrably. The one of the worst sequels ever (but not worse than Highlander 3 or Lawnmower Man 2). I liked how the movie was true to the main story of Highlander, but hated how it butchured the flashbacks and history behind Highlander. The best scene was when Connor became young again and the scene when Connor and Ramerize meet again. Overall, a large dissapointment. Plus the Renagade version wasn't any better.
Rating:  Summary: Minor flaws but still enjoyable Review: Although many people badmouth this movie, I actually found it quite enjoyable. Although the plot has it's loopholes(Conner didn't know he was immortal until Ramirez told him, then Ramirez died. Where in between there does this happen?), overall it is a decent film. A little comedic at times, it still has the same Highlander feel to it.
Rating:  Summary: A dreadful movie! Review: This is quite simply one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It was an obvious attempt to capitalize on the popularity of the original Highlander. The plot was thin and had little basis from the original movie. The acting was dreadful and brought nothing to the film. Quite simply I recommend that you note spend your money on this movie.
Rating:  Summary: the worst sequel ever to mankind Review: I had seen highlander 1 a number of times and i still like it, i saw this movie 2 times,i had to see if the first time i saw it that it was a highlander film and i would have to say it was one of the worst film i had ever seen, the only the good thing about this movie is that sean connery is in it and he wasent even needed.SO id give it 1/10 because of sean connery.ps dont watch it if you like the first one
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst films ever to be screened Review: The immortal from the first "Highlander" saves the Earth from it's decaying o-zone layer by placing a sheild over the entire planet to block out the sun. But after a few decades, the Earth has become a very ugly place and the highlander (who is no longer immortal) and a resurrected Sean Connery are on a mission to destroy the sheild which will supposedly bring life back to Earth. That appears to story line. But this film is so incredibly boring that its very easy to lose track of its tedious, hopeless, confussing plot. This movie is so bad that its almost worth watching just to see how bad a movie really can be. Its full of many elements that totally contadict the original and make it all the more confussing. Not even Sean Connery's performance was able to save it. You really have to wonder what brand of cigarettes the producers were smoking when they approved this script. The Director's Cut is also available and is reportedly much easier to understand.
Rating:  Summary: Whoops... Review: This was one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. The plot is bad, it's like they made it up as they filmed. The audio quality, unlike in the first movie, is okay, though. Video quality is above average. Despite this, if you are a rue "Highlander" fan, get this. If you can't wait for next year, you can get it now at "http://highlander-offical.com". It costs less there, plus there's a lot of other offical Highlander stuff.