Rating:  Summary: Futile Attempt To Cover Up The Highlander II Abomination Review: The director and producers thought it was so terrible that the investors made them eliminate 16m of footage from Highlander II, thus screwing up the srory line and forcing them to rearrange the sequence of events. Boo Hoo NOBODY CARES they already ruined Highlander enough with the "immortals are aliens" bit. We should thank the investors for letting that dissapointment end 16m faster. Yeah, yeah I know they "eliminated" the "alien" thing, actually all they did was replace the words "Zeist" and "Earth" with "Past" and "Future," which is worse than before (atleast you could somewhat understand--even if it sucked--the Zeist idea, this Past/Future crap is just mind-boggling idiocy). The extra footage is only for those who buy the idea of the people of Earth living without sunlight for 25 yrs. and for some reason they felt compelled to needlessly eliminate a few scenes (some of the rather funny ones too). Trying to fix Highlander II is like blowing Michaelangelo's David to pieces and saying "Don't worry a little super glue and she'll be as good as new." Just give it up all ready, PLEASE!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: So Bad It Is Fascinating Review: Initially I hated this movie with a passion. I was a big fan of the original and crushed when I witnessed this abomination. But after watching since I've grown to like it (for all the wrong reasons). This film could be picked to pieces: Immortals are aliens, the deteriorated o-zone covered by an electro-sheild (no sun = no food = death for the entire planet, HELLO!) and countless others. One just has to wonder what the cookey screenwriters were thinking when they came up with this I mean HOW COULD THEY HAVE POSSIBLY THOUGHT THAT THIS WOULD WORK? Who knows maybe they didn't, maybe they just thought they could come up with any old crap to appease all those fans out there and cash in ($$$$$$$$). And how could Russell Mulcahy agree to direct this (after all this is the same guy who turned down Rambo III because he declared it an awful sequel after reading the screenplay--Rambo III's not great but its The Godfather compared to this). After recovering from the shock of the awfull "aliens" explanation I also noticed that this movie is quite funny just about all of Micheal Ironside's scenes (esp. when he 1st enters the Sheild corp) and Sean Connery's scenes (the Hamlet scene is halarious) are great, but that still can't save this, but it still renders it more watchable than H3 (with nary an original moment in sight). Bottom line: you may HATE this at 1st (and really do mean HATE) but give it a chance and you'll see it does have some cool moments (the morgue scene is the best). It's just to bad that they couldn't've been in a coherent Highlander sequel.
Rating:  Summary: The good, the bad, and the ugly Review: This version is 100 times better than the US theatre release. It is also 1000 times worse than almost any movie ever made. In the fan scene, I guess Sean had been training with Yoda. However, there are some saving graces, including the morgue sequece and Sean walking in on a Shakespearean play. But the airplane ride, the Back to the Future 2 flying skateboards and the fact that Chris Lambert can't play an old man really hurt this "film". There are lots of in jokes, but most of them aren't funny. Instead of building on anything, it tries to explain it. I dub Highlander III as "The Apology" for this.
Rating:  Summary: If you saw it in the theatre you need to buy this! Review: The original theatrical release of this movie was taken over by the film's insurance company due to budget overruns. They were the ones who produced the monstrosity that we saw the first time around. This version *completely* eliminates all traces of that "Planet Zeist" crap. This alone makes the movie watchable. Beyond that, the plotline has been re-edited for continuity (cause actually precedes effect now) and scenes have been added back in that should never have been removed - scenes which make the whole story gel a bit more. While Highlander II:Renegade Edition still in no way measures up to the first movie (a MUST have, especially the Director's Cut), it's still a quite entertaining movie and well worth the money. END
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievably bad! Review: Before I watched Highlander II, a friend of mine warned me away: He said that watching it is like finding out John Wayne was a cross-dresser. He was right--this shameful sequel takes what was a beautiful and fascinating story (the original), and inexplicable ruins it in the most bizarre way to generate one of the worst, most truly unwatchable movies in history. Among its many sins, it utterly ignores the wonderful story line of the original--the very heart and soul of the Highlander saga--and instead we're left with an idiotic revisionist plot, the immortals being a bunch of aliens who all came to earth at the same time after being banished from some other planet. Forget all the "history" from the first movie, none of it applies. Lambert and Connery should be ashamed of themselves for having anything to do with this dreadful garbage. END
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the worst sequel ever... Review: While I have not yet seen the DVD of this film, let me tell you what happened when I went to see it in the theatre upon its original release. I was a huge fan of the first Highlander film so I was eagerly anticipating the sequel which was helmed by the same director (Russel Mulcahey). After about 5 minutes, it was obvious this film was going to be an utter waste of time. About 20 minutes into it, it's getting even worse. A guy in front of me in the theatre is joined by his friend who arrives late. "What'd I miss?" asks the friend. The guy says, "It's sometime in the future and Ridley Scott is president!" That's about the most generous thing you can say about this horrible sequel to a terrific film. END
Rating:  Summary: See it before you review it! Review: While the film as released in the theaters was a complete mess, the re-edits on the "Renegade Version" clean up the film to some degree. As noted by the producer during the "making of" featurette, this film was taken from them and run through the Hollywood meat grinder, producing the horrid thing you paid good money to see the first time around. Give this version a shot. While it isn't perfect (there are still some pretty pointless sequences), it *is* far closer to the original concept, and it *is* the one that the producer would put his name on. END
Rating:  Summary: A terrible sequel! Review: The first "Highlander" movie is one of my favourites, but the sequel... The script-writers must have developed collective amnesia! The entire concept of the first movie (except for the swords, the beheadings and the main character) is gone. Since the end of Highlander 1 seemed to make a sequel impossible, why they insisted on making one anyway remains a mystery to me. END
Rating:  Summary: Laugh Review: I have to say that I haven't seen this Renegade Version, even though I have already purchased it (I'm a Highlander FANATIC, so I just had to do it), but the original Highlander II has to rank way down there with Dragon Heart, First Knight and other really cheesy action/fantasy flicks. What where they thinking? I highly recommend Highlander I, and I am sure you will watch it at least 10 times within a month and become addicted like me. But if you spend more than dime on this one, you will curse yourself, and the idiots who made it. END
Rating:  Summary: Still sucks after all those versions. Review: Heh. Guess what? The theatrical version was bad and made no sense, but this "Renegade Version", making SLIGHTLY more sense, is equally bad - AND longer. Do not waste your time and money, dude. You'll miss it later. Word.