Rating:  Summary: Evil-Lyn, Overlooked Villain Review: Meg Foster is the archtypical Evil-Lyn. I love that she is the only one of Skeletor's company who is not afraid of him. She is icy cool.Dolph Lundgren IS He-Man.
Rating:  Summary: Fun, fun, fun! Review: Great movie. Dolph is excellent as the redux He-Man. Colorful characters new and old, a rich, engaging Bill Conti score, plus what really made the movie for me, Frank Langella, unrecognizable as the terrifying megalomaniac, Skeletor. Deffinately a movie you can watch with your kids, and a classic 80s flick all-around. One of my favorite "popcorn movies." The DVD includes insightful audio commentary by director Gary Goddard.
Rating:  Summary: Oh woe to the Good Idea gone Bad Review: Now as many have pointed out, this movie is an over all let down for most fans who remember those carefree He-Man days of sitting infront of the old Tube and watching the exploits of old Big and Blonde. I could sit here and go on and on about the movie's let downs, but that would be counterproductive. So I choose to look at the movie's main highlight, Skeletor. Langalla ((hope that's spelled correctly))potrays the Lord of Snake mountain beautifully. Considering all the restrictions, the bad costume at the end, the one with the headdress, and the bad fight scene at the end and the director not wanting little kids to cry because he was too scary, Langalla pulled it off! I mean I have seen tons of movies with supposed 'Super-villians' and he is the only one that has done what most people expect from a meglomaniac. He doesn't over-play the evil role like a laughing moron such as the Riddler,(No offence Mr. Carrey) but not too softly like King Kuppa in the movie that shall not be named that had a certain Mr. Hoskins in it. Of course a sinlge star in a very dim sky is no reason to bother looking, but if you wanna study how evil should be done then by all means get this film.
Rating:  Summary: GWILDOR Review: " I was going to share, I was going to share." - Gwildor this film is greatness
Rating:  Summary: Stunk then and now Review: I went to this 1987 movie when I was little figuring I would see a reasonable fascimille of one of my favirote cartoon show reincarnated into a live action and big screen production. Wrong Attributing my first disappointment to youth and inexperience, I rented this movie as a young adult and found that it was still unbelievably campy and dense. What easily could have been a standard-setting movie for entertaining the whole family was allowed to degenerate into an overblown and overhyped production. Lundgreen does look physically stunning as the protagonist, but looks alone fail to save this film from the dreaded early morning b-movie status it has since accumulated. The costumes are generally well done-but the dialouge construction and delivery leave much to be desired in terms of quality and content. There is only so much the actors can attempt to improve in this script. Recognizing that the studio attempted to make the adventure pleasing for adults and teens as well as children, I never less feel saddened that the premise of the cartoon (which is how most people came into contact with the He-Man franchise) was dumped in favor of a less successful storyline and characterization. The losers were of course the fans of all ages who expected to see an awesome movie staring one of their cartoon favirotes. Perhaps it was never destined to be in the ranks of Gone With the Wind and Casablanca, but it would not have hurt to excercise a little more quality control over the creation and production of this product. If there is some small consolation to be pulled from all of this, it is that the She-ra spin-off was not included in the production because it likely would have been saddled with the same camp and cheese characterizing this film.
Rating:  Summary: by the power of greyskull Review: This is one of the all time great movie's. I loved this movie the first time I watched it. I just got the DVD movie and it is a real jem. for all He-man masters of the universe fans who have never seen the live action movie I would get the DVD over the vhs because the picture is much better and the sound is better. stereo sound I believe. you will see old bad guys like beast man evil lyn and the good guys like He-man teela man-at-arms. their are two reason's why I rate this four stars one is because most of this movie takes place on earth when it should have taken place on their home planet. and two because She-ra He-mans twin sister was not in the movie when she should have been. but do not let that stop you from watching this great movie A must for all masters of the universe He-man fans. i think it would be nice to see the cartoon movie He-man She-ra the secret of the sword get released on DVD. I guess only time will tell.
Rating:  Summary: I Have the Power Review: Although this movie is a little campy, it is still a great representation of one of the greatest cartoons of the 80s. Dolf plays a great HeMan, and the inclusion of Courtney Cox and Robert Duncan McNeil (later to be Star Trek Voyager's Tom Paris) as well as Frank Langella as Skeletor are great casting moves. Leonard Maltin NEVER gives a good review to a movie, unless it's artsy, and probably never had an ounce of fun at a movie in his life. Don't bother to ever listen to his reviews! Get this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Master of the Movie Universe Review: My review is short and simple. I am a child of the 80's and I think that this movie does great justice to the He-Man story. I dont care what people think. It does a great portrail of He-Man, Skelator, and all of the other characters in the show. Some of these other critics look to much into the movie and try to break it down. You are just suppost to watch and enjoy. All this movie brings me is joy. I've been watching it just about my whole life, I'll never get over it. It has great effects, and is, for a science fiction action movie, very believable. Say what you want, but this movie is in a class all by itself.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good, but aint include enough violence Review: When I first time saw this movie. I was about 9-years old. I liked it back then, but now... At firs He-man is a big man. Dolp Lungred aint muscular enought. This can sound funny, but Arnold Swharzenegger was more better actor for this kind of movie( see conan films if you don't believe me). Skeletors mask makes me laught on these days and he wasn't evil enought. Where are those satanic spells wich he did in early comic books. There should be more battles in Eternia, too much in earh. The good things are those battles beetween good and evil in music store and at the end. I still like how they made the Beast-man and other villains. Beast-man's wild nature gave the great effect for the fight beetween him and He-man. One great thing was that Skeletor did take over the Castle Grayskull. He wasn't clown like they made him to be in cartoon and latest comics. No in this movie Skeletor is a serious threat and that's the reason why I like this story line. Music is one of the most important things of movie. Masters of the universe is pretty good adventure movie because the music. I liked Conan's music very much and this aint that good but you can still enjoy of it. If they ever make part 2, I hope Oliver Stone writes the story and guy who directed the Gladiator would direct it.
Rating:  Summary: By the power of Greyskull.... Review: I was a child of the 80's, and this movie brought some great memories back for me. Yeah, the acting isn't that great, but so what? For die-hard fans of He-man and 80's media, this is excellant! Another cool thing about the movie is that Courtney Cox (Monica from "Friends") and Robert Duncan McNeill (Lt.Tom Paris from "Star Trek: Voyager") starred in this movie, very early in their careers. Definitely a must-see for other "children of the 80's".