Rating:  Summary: Thats where I'll be waiting Review: Boo, says the old woman in princess bride at the Critics. Hook is in my top five favorite movies without a doubt. The ones who don't like it, don't understand the underlying thread. Peter grows up - and forgets his childhood as the flying menace. He is even afraid of heights! It doesn't matter whether you are a spielberg fan or not, if you love interesting films that hauntingly leave a mark of childishness on your heart, then this is for you. I have watched this film more than any other movie. I seriously KNOW for a fact that since I was 11 I have viewed it over a hundred times....easily! I had a copy...then I bought it on vhs...then the other day bought it on dvd and it still hasn't lost its meaning to me. I could still watch it twice in a row and not loose an ounce of attention. Maybe it's Robin Williams perfect transition from snobby business man, to the high flying , sword chopping, pirate stomping, peter pan. Or Dustin Hoffman, who endured just as many hours in make-up as he did in Tootsie, to bring to life the ultimate clock-hating villain, who despises the "L" word. Or Bob Hoskins (Who framed Rodger Rabbit), an excellent Smee, more brain than bum-fundled. Julia Roberts had me in the state-of-crush for about 3 years. Anyway, Hook is a 5 star great movie that THE People love. Forget the critics for this one. The dvd is sharp, and sounds terrific. As far as sound, check out Smee's "Good morning neverland." I would seriously enjoy ANY extra's, because the skull and crossbones on this disc represent death to extra lover's. Two-disk anyone?
Rating:  Summary: A delightful, magical movie! Wonderful sequel to "Peter Pan" Review: Despite what other reviewers may say about "HOOK", the movie speaks for itself. This movie works best for people who still believe in that magical place "between asleep and awake", where imagination knows know bounds, and that youthful paradise of Neverland is always "second star to the right and straight on till morning." Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, and Bob Hoskins deliver great outstanding performances sharp to those in the original story. The continuing story of "Pan" is wonderful! The grown up Peter Banning must return to Neverland to save his children. Not only must he come to realize his past as the Peter Pan which leads to his clamactic fight with Captain Hook, but recognize his priorities when it comes to his family and children. A great family movie! Killer orchestrations and scoring by the incomparable John Williams! I've loved this movie since it first came out and I've loved it ever since! This movie will leave you filled with a sense of child-like wonder and magic. Do we ever really grow up? At most, "HOOK" and Spielberg leave us wondering if the child in us all still exists into the hapless years of adulthood. Never ever grow up with "HOOK".
Rating:  Summary: Watch it once and throw it away Review: It gets tiresome watching movies of dysfunctional families that try to find their way to normalcy. Our culture has lost that sweet spirit and moral sense of values we once had more of, and this movie is the quintessential product of it. We would not show it to our children and the movie was bad enough that we just tossed it in the trash. Even so-so movies usually wind up down on the bottom shelf. Not this one - out in the garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding film a must see Hoffman performance Review: After a long time between viewing for me I found Hook better than ever. Spielberg did it again. Like many of his others he has created a truly magical and inspiring film which will be utterly amazing to a children and hysterical and heartfelt to adults. Containing some of the best performances I have seen and almost faultless casting ( lost boys were a bit off, and pans son drives you up the wall ), it includes Robin Williams - as the pan "who did grow up" into a middle aged overweight lawyer, Bob Hoskins - as the utterly lovable pirate smee, Julia Roberts - as tinkerbell and Maggie Smith - as a touching older Wendy. The movie however is stolen by Dustin Hoffmans rendition of - Captain Hook. Talk about an actor made for a role, Hoffman doesn't falter once, he is fantastic. Deviant but charming throughout he times some clever one-liners perfectly and makes you feel privileged to seen such phenomenal acting. With the help of spectacular scenery ( Hooks ship and the North symbol in the ocean are particular favorites ), fantastic costumes ( excluding Tinkerbells party dress - looked like it came out of an opshop ) and some of the funniest dialogue you will hear ( Hooks me, me, me, my, my, my, now, now, now speech for one ) you'll be screaming "Good form" in no time. So forget what the critics said on its release ( they are always wrong anyway ) and trust the viewers for I have never met one who doesn't love this movie. You will love it.
Rating:  Summary: Spielberg's mistake in "Hook" is that he miscast the film Review: I was totally enthralled by the dazzling remake of J.M. Barrie's classic story of the boy who did not grow up that came out last year from director P.J. Hogan. So I decided to go back and reconsider Steven Spielberg's 1991 film "Hook." In this version it turns out that Peter Pan did grow up. He fell in love with Wendy's granddaughter, Moira, decided to stay in our world, and does not remember anything that happened before the age of 12. With heavy-handed irony, Peter turns out to be a corporate raider (in other words, a pirate), who not only does not remember what it is like to be a child, he also ignores his own children. However, that all changes when Captain Hook makes his way to Granny Wendy's London home and kidnaps Peter's two children, Jack and Maggie. Tinkerbell shows up to help Peter remember who he is and take him to Never-Land to save the day. A lot of Spielberg's films deal with the theme of the absent father and clearly a key part of "Hook" is that Peter, the father, remembers not only his true self but his own children. But the film does not provide the sense of magic we expect from Spielberg and I want to make the argument that the problem is not so much the story as it is the casting. You simply cannot have Robin Williams in a movie like this and not expect him to be Robin Williams, which means that several key scenes get spun in a way that is not necessarily in the best interest of the story. Throw into the mix Dustin Hoffman having fun playing Captain Hook, Bob Hoskins having almost as much fun playing Smee, and Julia Roberts as a very talkative Tinkerbell, and you have a lot of star power running around on screen. The problem for me is what happens to Rufio, King of the Lost Boys, because that event changes the whole equation at play here. Because of what happens Peter cannot let Captain Hook off the hook, yet that is exactly what he does. I suppose it was too much for either Peter Pan or Robin Williams to do what had to be done in those circumstances, but this forces the film to come up with a way to have the right thing happen, albeit it in a comic way, without Peter having to get his hands dirty. Still I came back to what happened to Rufio and as the end game plays out in Never-Land I know in my heart that this is just not right. The idea that the casting of the principles is off is confirmed for me when we get back to London town. The reaction of Caroline Goodall's Moira when her children come back and Maggie Smith's performance from start to finish as Granny Wendy seem to me to be grounded in the film that this one should have been. If Dame Maggie had been the only recognizable name in this film and the others had been even relative unknowns, then the message in "Hook" might have worked. In other words, this needed to be a Steven Spielberg film and not a Robin Williams movie. There is a lot of power to be mined from Barrie's original story, which is exactly what Hogan proved in creating the best "Peter Pan" movie of them all.
Rating:  Summary: 'Hook' Leaves You Astonished! Review: Hook has to be one of the most mysterious & captivating versions Pan ever constructed. Spielberg leaves you wanting to know more, about Pan's past & the unknown paradise that is Neverland. Dustin Hoffman gives a brillant performance as Captain James Hook, striking the audience with both pity & hate for the evil sea captain, Hook seems to be more evil than in the Disney animated classic, bringing the story a believable villian. Julia Roberts also gives a captivating performance as Tinker Bell, bringing the fictionous fairy to life, & Bob Hoskins as Smee brought a little comedic relieve to the dark fortress of the Jolly Rodger. Robin Williams was excellnt as Peter Banning but so-so as he soon began to relize that he was Pater Pan. The Lost Boys add a nice touch to the film too, especially Rufeo who brings a little mystery to boys. The score takes the slap-stick & mystery to the movie & rolls them completly into one magnificent soundtrack. The film is excellent in nearly every aspect, even the child stars, from the Lost Boys to Maggie & Jack (Pan's children) bring the story to life with their stunning portrayal of their characters. A must for your collection perfect for the family or yourself it's sure to haunt you & leave you completely inquisitiive & stunned by the ending.
Rating:  Summary: A delightful, magical movie! Wonderful sequel to "Peter Pan" Review: Despite what other reviewers may say about "HOOK", the movie speaks for itself. This movie works best for people who still believe in that magical place "between asleep and awake", where imagination knows know bounds, and that youthful paradise of Neverland is always "second star to the right and straight on till morning." Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, and Bob Hoskins deliver great outstanding performances sharp to those in the original story. The continuing story of "Pan" is wonderful! The grown up Peter Banning must return to Neverland to save his children. Not only must he come to realize his past as the Peter Pan which leads to his clamactic fight with Captain Hook, but recognize his priorities when it comes to his family and children. A great family movie! Killer orchestrations and scoring by the incomparable John Williams! I've loved this movie since it first came out and I've loved it ever since! This movie will leave you filled with a sense of child-like wonder and magic. Do we ever really grow up? At most, "HOOK" and Spielberg leave us wondering if the child in us all still exists into the hapless years of adulthood. Never ever grow up with "HOOK".
Rating:  Summary: Great film, HORRIBLE DVD Review: Since there are so many other reviews available, I'll save my opinions on how great this film is and go straight to the DVD review. First things first, the DVD version of "Hook" offers an increidble 5.1 Dolby Digital soundtrack that makes a huge difference if you've been getting by on the VHS edition. My room was shaking everytime the cannons went off with my surround sound. As for the picture, Hook has one of the most beautiful video transfers I've ever seen from a film to a disc. There were some absolutely gorgeous scenes of Neverland and spectacular menus. Unfortunately, like most of Tri-Star's DVDs, this film is absent of extras. You get trailers for Hook and Jumanji, and some lame "Tallent Files" thing it looks like someone pulled off the Internet. That's it. They certainly have room on the disc for more, but I guess they're too lazy. With such a beatuful film transfer, a great director, and so many A-list actors, this DVD would be incredible packed full of featurettes and interviews. But alas, the viewer is resigned to wait until Tri-Star decides to release a REAL edition of this wonderful film on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid Review: Just because two award-winning actors star in a movie, it doesn't automatically mean it'll be a good film. Some people commented on how badly the new Peter Pan was and actually preferred this version. I have no idea why. Hook's portrayal was over the top and not even dangerous. He was a total goof, almost more so than Smee. Peter Pan as an adult in tights after he returns to Neverland and the Lost Boys accepting him in...unlikely. And who the heck is this skatebording freak Rufio? Even more annoying than Hook and the adult Peter Pan were Robin William's bratty little children. In fact all the children in Hook seemed like they fell out of the nursery somewhere or just learning to talk. They just seemed much to young to be Lost Boys. The ones in the new Peter Pan film, were far more realistic. They were kids being kids and having fun, but with enough intelligence to know what's going on aorund them. Julia Robert's Tinker bell was okay at best and far less mischevious. Boring. The new Peter Pan is very much in line with J.M Barrie's version of him and a much better choice of film. The great part about it, it's played by an acual kid. The what-if take on Pan growing up just kills the whole essence of eternal youth that is Peter Pan. A waste of a movie. Only watch when seriously, seriously bored.
Rating:  Summary: Not that bad Review: Sure Hook isn't Steven Spielberg's best but it's still a good movie. I think Peter Pan growing up and forgetting his past was a clever idea. If anything is bad about the movie it's the set pieces. The lost boys hide-out and the pirates village all seem like they are obviously a movie set. I think everything looks better in the new Peter Pan. I also didn't think it was necessary for one of the lost boys to get killed by Captain Hook. Critics were still too hard on it though. It's still fun and imaginative and the actors are great. Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell is surprisingly the best casting in the movie though. Bob Hoskins makes a good Smee as well. Dustin Hoffman is really good as Hook but he's not very scary. I think Jason Isaacs made a better one in the new version of Peter Pan. Hook, I just think has minor flaws but not enough to call it a bad movie. It still deserves a fair chance.