Rating:  Summary: No less then 5 Star Review: I don't know why everybody rated this movie so low. I'm a big SciFi fan, and I thought that a combination of great acting, moderately good special affects, and an excellent mystery plot that keeps you suspense till the end was great. Recommend it to anyone. See it once at least.
Rating:  Summary: take me to your therapist Review: this is a movie i enjoyed but it could have been alot better. the cast overall is excellent and very enjoyable to watch. samual jackson is very cool. the special effects when they happen are very interesting but there are not that many of them. there are some interesting ideas hidden throughout which can make us think about what is happening. the cons are that there were not enough special effects to do the movie justice. the movie does at time bog down with past relationships and interactions that don't really effect the plot. the ending is a little confusing as well. the pro's good solid acting some interesting ideas are a interesting overall feel to the film. the dvd comes with 2 commentaries and are an interesting listen as well as a short featurette on the making of the film. give it a watch but don't expect to much.
Rating:  Summary: Sphere Review: I have not read the book, so I am only reviewing the film itself. I had no real intrest when I first saw the theatre trailers. Now, when HBO began to advertise its showing, I became a bit more intriqued. I noticed that Liev Schriber, brilliant actor, was in the movie and he appeals to me. Dustin Hoffman was great as always. Not a Sharon Stone of Sam L. Jackson fan, but they were believable in there roles. The movie had a great plot. I enjoyed everything, up until the ending. Don't get me wrong, the ending wasn't terrible, just was missing that special something. Overall, I would recommend it to any Sci-Fi buff out there.
Rating:  Summary: What happened? Review: I really wanted to like this movie. I honestly did. I love sci-fi, horror and mystery movies. The actors cast are an impressive group. Michael Crichton is a terrific writer. But I have to say that this is HANDS DOWN, the WORST movie I've seen in 10 years. It made no sense (and folks, I loved Event Horizon). How long was this movie? It felt like it was about 6 hours. Obviously a lot of money was spent to make this movie...how did it go so wrong, so boring, so stupid? It was so painful that I was even hating Jules Verne at the end for writing "20,000 Leagues". Please don't waste your money on this.
Rating:  Summary: Probably one and a half actually Review: This is really a pretty bad movie. Read the book instead, it's much better. The movie, unfortunately, never could have lived up to the book.The movie is not terrible, it definitely has some good points. The cast is excellent, perfect for the movie. There is one thing that really stands out though, and makes it lose a lot of what it could have had - the lack of special effects. Now, when I went to see this, I didn't go to see just the special effects, I went to see a good movie. But for one like this, FX are a big part of it. You never even saw the giant squid! Plus, they cut out what is probably the best part of the book (I won't say what it is in case you read it). Also, the ending is utterly confusing and stupid. The book's ending made sense (to me at least, apparenly not to a lot of people that reviewed the book). The movie's ending is very strange and pointless - they didn't change it a lot, there's still the same end result, but it's quite bad. Also note that they originally had a different ending, which test audiences hated, so they changed it. Hmmmm . . . My advice in this case is read the book instead.
Rating:  Summary: Good sci-fi. And Excellent cast Review: This was a very good sci-fi. It does sort of fall apart because of the plot but still it is very enjoyable. One thing that makes Sphere work is its excellent cast. Dustin Hoffman, Sam Jackson, and Sharon Stone are all awsome. I can see why most don't like it becasue it has a very boring plot once you've seen once. But I still find Sphere as an enjoyable film.
Rating:  Summary: I the film had more blood maybe...... Review: It was a good film.I liked it.But the only special effects was on the sphere.There were no monsters or anything that will make scared.This is not a horror film but the makers could have shown some gore!
Rating:  Summary: Read the book instead... Review: The movie is not worth the third of what the book can make you feel. If you read the book slowly and in an attentive way, you'll never get bored. But the film was boring, at a certain point. The book is not even the same story as the movie (it's much better). I recommend the book, but you can see the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Its Reasonably good Review: The acting, sets and story are all good. There's something not quite holding it together but its Ok.
Rating:  Summary: mind boggler!! Review: this movie is not for the average lay person. however those who are well educated and highly intelligent wil enjoy this underwater thriller. a thought provoking movie that will examine the infinite realms of the human mind and parlay it into terror!!!