Rating:  Summary: Bad Study in Human Nature Review: Sphere is a useless movie that acts as if it's dealing with serious issues but is more bluster than substance. The characters spend most of the time pondering supposedly weighty matters of existence and man's place in the universe but in actuality they are talking about nothing in particular.A team of scientists goes under water to investigate a supposed alien craft wreckage site. When they get to the bottom all they find is a wrecked American spaceship from the future and a glowing spherical object that appears alien (or even sentient) in nature. They make their way back to the base ship and ponder the nature of humanity. This actually produces the only good part of the movie. When discussing the idea of what the sphere means, Harry (Samuel L. Jackson) makes the comment to Norman (Dustin Hoffman) that they're all going to die before they get to the surface. Norman asks him how he knows that and Harry replies that if they had been able to get back to the surface and tell everybody about the wreckage, then the future spaceship would have been able to avoid whatever it was that caused them to crash in the first place. So, by inference, they must not have made it back to the surface to tell anyone about the wreckage. At least this is a movie that deals in a logical way about the physics of time travel. Unfortunately, nothing much else about this movie is logical. The movie sufficiently confuses the viewer as to the sequence of events and what each character is all about to the point that everyone in the movie is either crazy or a murderer. It gives a very bad impression about the nature of mankind and our maturity as a species. I doubted that these people would truly behave the way they did unless the sphere caused them to act insane. I am a big fan of Samuel L. Jackson's work. He does a fine job with what is probably the best role in the movie. I personally have never been much impressed with Sharon Stone or Dustin Hoffman but they both perform adequately with far inferior roles. The bottom line on Sphere: it is far from the perfection of its namesake.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful movie! Review: I can't believe what some of you are saying about SPHERE! I thought this was a wonderful movie, and I despise science fiction films. The plot, the acting-it was great! This was very original, although confusing at times, with action and suspense. Sharon Stone, Dustin Hoffman, and Samuel L. Jackson all did great playing their roles. I admit, I wasn't paying close enough attention and I did have to watch it again to fully understand it, but it's not that difficult if you really sit down and watch it. If you want a good modern, science fiction film to appreciate, I highly recommend SPHERE :)
Rating:  Summary: Sphere Review Review: Sphere is a strange movie. Many times I just shrug trying to figure out what is going on, but it really doesn't matter, its still a fun movie to watch. To me it has that Abyss feel to it, and in the end a similar message, ie: if we don't change our ways we are probably going to destroy ourselves. If you like sci-fi movies, this wouldn't be a bad one to buy.
Rating:  Summary: All around great way to spend 2 hours and 15 minutes. Review: "Sphere" is definitely one of the better science-fiction films of late. I took one star off because even though Dustin Hoffman is a very good actor, his voice was so hushed and muddled in the movie, I had to struggle sometimes to figure out what he was saying. Anybody reasonably intelligent who likes sci/fi would probably like this movie. It has very intriguing dialogue and the acting is excellent. It's a good mix of mystery, humor, and terror. I don't think it was even meant to be scary, but the musical score along with certain sequences were very chilling. Overall, Just A Really Cool Movie.
Rating:  Summary: Sphere Sinks! Review: Director Barry Levinson (Good Morning Vietnam!, Wag the Dog) takes a departure from Vox Americana and enters the realm of science fiction/horror for the first time. Based on the novel by Michael Crichton, Sphere is an intricate psychological, deep-sea mind-bender with philosophical roots. The United States military has discovered a 300-year-old spacecraft resting at the bottom of the ocean. In its needs to find out its secrets, the powers that be hire an elite group of scientists to dive 1000 feet into the other wild blue yonder. Dustin Hoffman leads the all-star cast as the respected psychologist, Dr. Norm Goodman. Along with his colleagues, mathematics genius Harry Adams (Samuel L. Jackson) and Sharon Stone as Beth Halperin. The group finds out that they are in for more than they bargained for when they discover that the ship contains a large and mysterious sphere inside it whose function is equally cryptic. As strange communications begin occurring, the audience is taken on a rollercoaster of speculation as to what is happening. The film unfolds slowly to attest that what in fact is going on is at a level greater than that of the physical or readily comprehensible. What is however quite visible is that the sphere is an incantation of emotion which quite bluntly forces mankind to face the sum of all fears. Sphere possesses the claustrophobic terror seen in such films as Alien, while at the same time evoking the intrigue of the Abyss, with its stratum of serene blue mist which completely sets the mood for an escapade into a world which is as overtly cold and removed as outer space. However, the fact Sphere has the temperament of other science fiction films does not take away from its unique communication to its audience. Sphere stands alone in its power to convey the message that as humans, we are far too often ready to assume that we can deal with anything on any given level. Sphere will shatter any previous notions that we had about ourselves.
Rating:  Summary: A great movie, pure genius! Review: This is a great movie, don't let the numb minded Critics change your mind on buying this movie! I must say this a movie with a great plot that you will learn to love more and more everytime you watch it! The cast is without a doubt a great bunch of actors. The soundtrack was done by one of the best Composers ever, which helps bring out the suspense, and action. The ending may seem lame the first time you watch it, but it is just like in the movie "Arlington Road", if you think about what happens in the end you really understand the pure genius of it! I recomend this movie to anyone, but most of all to Sci-fi fans.
Rating:  Summary: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Review: Every time I watch this movie (and I've seen it countless times now) I just cannot figure out what point it's trying to make. The mystery of the 'Sphere' is just never satisfactorily explained...to the point that much of what happens in the movie...the computer who says he's Jerry, then Larry, and Mary...and all the phenomena that manifests itself...the jellyfish, the eggs, the giant form that terrorizes the station...it is all this together that just plain makes this movie unsatisfying in terms of where it takes me. 2001 a Space Oddessey goes somewhere...although the ending is open to interpretation...Full Metal Jacket starts somewhere and ends somewhere...But Sphere just starts and goes without a point...kind of like this review...with the dot, dot, dot... After a while, you almost hope they start bumping each other off, it gets so annoying. Or you hope Sharon Stone would go all wacky and off everyone with strange mental powers she developed when she takes a walk in the Sphere. And I have a question; just what the hell is the sphere anyway? Is it some intergalactic hallucinogenic medicine ball that aliens take turns trying to pawn off on the stupidist beings in the galaxy; (hey Earthling, you're it!) or what? It is never adequately explained or hinted at...it's just plain ignored...like I'm supposed to be all in awe of their computer-animated whiffle-ball and because it's so perfect and mysterious that of course it had to have come from the planet of the Annoying Saucer People...and because it's so packed full of knowledge and wisdom and other stuff us Humans don't understand that mere close proximity to it causes our brain cell(singular) to overload and makes us able to freak other people out while we're sleeping. Right. What I want to know is, how much money did they lose on this turkey? Better yet, how much did they spend. And is it just me, but were your hoping too that the character played by Peter Coyote would be the first to die?
Rating:  Summary: Did you enter the sphere? Review: Like the Tommyknockers and Event Horizon there is also in Sphere the discovery of a deserted alien spacecraft...or that is what the persons involved believe. I have read the book many years ago and I couldn't remember everything. I knew that the book was a little difficult to read as well as watching the movie. Like I wrote for the Tommyknockers it is missing the juice that binds the ingredients. The movie deserves a extra fourth star for the sound.Playing on dolby surround you are overwhelmed by it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Effects Review: I really enjoyed this film, its s science fiction mystery type movie. I would recommend you watching the trailer before the movie as it clears up some confusion. The trailer is located on the DVD. It is similar to event horizon if you have seen that. I thought the idea behind the movie was really good along with the superb effects. The line up of actors says it all Stone, Hoffman, Jackson! You know you're in for a great movie when you have a cast like that! The DVD has a few interesting features, the behind the scenes take a look at the special effects, how they created them etc. Even if you have seen the film previously then you must now experience it on DVD for the superb sound, picture quality and amazing film. Overall terrific value and money well spent.
Rating:  Summary: G-G-G-G-REAT! Review: Was that a good movie or what! An all star cast: Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, and Samuel L. Jackson. Great Acting, exciting, and a little scary. If you like sci-fi, you'll love this movie! A bit of addvice though...Don't read the book first if you haven't all ready. Its good but the movie just won't be the same. The movie will leave you hoping for a seuquel. Pay close attention...It can get conffusing. In short...awsome movie, see it!