Rating:  Summary: Great Review: I grew up with this movie and I think it was great. Let me say this, it had a better plot to it then SupermanIII. I also think that the whole meaning about nuclear destruction was a good touch. It points out the fact that we do have the abilities to blow our selves up.
Rating:  Summary: Please..even Superman looks bored in this flim. Review: I didn't even wanna give it 1 star but I had too, it wouldn't go less..How pittafull can u get man!!! Did they sleep walk through the movie. I swear every good movie the producer leaves or gets fired then some dork gets to take over like he knows what hes doing..If u make a movie this bad u might as well kill Superman..At least that would be some awww in it.Man I already miss Superman 1 and 2
Rating:  Summary: can superman fly any higher? Review: I'm sick of all the negativity that's being expounded on this film. Let's just face the facts, a thousand years from now when advanced cultures are trying to figure out what our time period was all about, Superman 4 will provide all the answers! It touches the best and darkest within all of us! It makes us laugh, it makes us cry, it fills us with awer and wonder and hope. What else should a film do! So can your negativity and get in touch with your inner child and the historical context within which this superb film was created. Open your mind and let its grandeur overwhelm you and sweep you away.
Rating:  Summary: Superman IV flys in the toilet Review: Who could have thought there was a worse sequel than Part III. Aside from nice performances from Margot Kidder and Reeve, this one should never have been made. With shoddy FX and a stupid supporting character from Jon Cryer, this has crass commercialism written all over it. It lacks the wit, irony, and thrills the first two had. Hell, it lacks some much needed effects part III had. Overall, a waste of talent and viewers time.
Rating:  Summary: Super Flop 2 Review: Superman 4, Superman 4, hmmmmmmmmmm. I just don't know WHY THEY CAN'T HAVE SOME DIGNITY FOR THE MAN! This was MAYBE a little better than S-Man 3, but man, do we hafta? The special effects in this movie was superbad, the villian superlame (it's been done already.), the actors seemed like they just wanted to do the gig and collect a paycheck. God bless Chris Reeve though. He could've bailed out on a fourth film and left us with a REAL stinker. The fact that he's in it with a villian more credible than a COMPUTER is the only thing that gets this one 2 stars. (By the way, that reviewer from New York needs to be put under for giving this one 5 stars) C'mon Man! you know better.
Rating:  Summary: Could it be any worse? Review: As if the Superman franchise couldn't get worse after the third installment, we're served up with the Quest for Peace. Comic book movies are hard enough to make when you have to jump the hurdle on the "suspension of disbelief" concept about a flying man. This movie not only reversed that concept with its outrageously ridiculous special effects and flying sequences, but it dared mix in with it the preaching of the horrors of a nuclear holocaust. It's difficult to become hooked with this important topic when you keep breaking out in laughter at the utter stupidity of some of the scenes. Perhaps if this film had a first-rate script, was considerably darker in mood, and had a major budget, it could maybe pull it off. In this case, this movie makes the whole notion of making a movie based off of a comic book an absolute career-ender. This movie has literally nothing whatsoever going for it. The story is awful, the effects utterly bargain-basement, and the writing dreadful. The acting is sincere, but that couldn't help this sinking ship. It's difficult to make a movie like this. Obviously, the producers forgot this and assumed that whatever you throw together people will pay to see it. Not only did less people see this film, but the prospect of even getting a fifth Superman film off the ground, even 12 years later, is still proving to be a problem. It's a painful film to watch when you know what a gold mine this franchise could be. Indeed, the first two films were good, but they weren't grand. They still missed the mark a bit. Why no one has made a real effort to make a good Superman film boggles the mind. Don't buy the film because it's good...it isn't. Buy the film to study how NOT to make a bad film. In that light, it's a good film.
Rating:  Summary: A LITTLE BETTER THAN SUPERMAN 3 BUT NOT BY MUCH Review: I found SUPERMAN 4 THE QUEST FOR PEACE to be a little better than SUPERMAN 3 but not by much. It seems to me like CHRISTOPHER REEVE looked bored in this film kinda like his heart wasn't in it at all and he acts it too unfortunately. I also did'nt go for the villan in this story either NUCLEAR MAN? please!!! my 3 year old cousin could've probably come up with something better. The only thing that keeps this film from being a total disaster is GENE HACKMAN as wily LEX LUTHOR otherwise this film would be even worse than it's predecessor so all in all I can't recommend SUPERMAN 4 THE QUEST FOR PEACE.
Rating:  Summary: The series is COMPLETELY redesigned- for the worse Review: unlike the other films, he flys like an X-wing, has visible wires, makes stereotyped remarks to other nations, has a green costume that doesn't clash with the blue-screen he 'flys' against, has NO muscles, defys the laws of physics by having a flapping cape in outer-space, and overall, NOTHING in this film relates to the rest of the series. This lacks it's predessesors gradiose-scale expensiveness. If they'd left it at 3, the series could have been left flying reasonably high, and it could have been remembered as being special. But why have something special when it's so easy to ruin it?
Rating:  Summary: Superman is better than ever!!!! Review: Superman does his bit for world peace by ridding the world of nuclear weapons so earth will not suffer Krypton's destruction. This inspires Lex Luthor to create a NuclearMan from Superman's DNA. This results in an exciting, well done battle and a surprising conclusion. Wonderful special effects and a good cast.
Rating:  Summary: The Quest For More Review: After running the series into the ground, with the almost cartoonish Superman III, it looked as if Superman were finally defeated by his greatest enemy...poor box office reciepts. But then, a few years later, star Christopher Reeve came up with an idea for one last adventure. Just like the last two sequels though, Superman IV: The Quest For Peace, didn't turn out as good as it could have.After a poor test screening, it was decided that more than 35 minutes of footage would be edited out, leaving us with a very poorly edited film---filled with obvious plot holes that left some viewers scratching their heads. Another problem was the fact that the effects budget was slashed and boy does it show. The Salkinds refused to sell the equipment that made Reeve "fly" so well in the past, to the new producers, which also hurt the look of the film...At least original cast members Margot Kidder and Gene Hackman were both recruited to return to active duty. Made at a time when President Reagan challenged Gorbachev to tear down that wall, the film takes a look at how our hero might deal with a still raging cold war. Superman (Reeve) is asked by a young boy to, "rid the world of all nuclear weapons" Troubled that Earth may suffer the same fate as Krypton's, he agrees, and for a time our world is safe. Lex Luthor (Hackman) has other plans. He decides to create a Nuclear Man (Mark Pillow) to defeat Superman once and for all, while rearming the world for his own financial gain. It's a shame that the film has so many problems. Still, I wouldn't mind seeing the uncut version of the film anyway, and then let the chips fall where they may. Directed by Sidney J. Furie, Superman IV gets higher marks than third movie, because of Reeve and the return of Hackman. Both actors elevate the film in ways that Richard Pryor could not in Superman III. The theatrical trailer is the DVD's only extra. With the relaunch of the franchise taking forever, let's see both Richard Donner's version of Superman II, and Superman IV uncut.