Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as everybody thinks. Review: "For me, SIV is the most personal film in the series. Superman does exactly what a superman should do, and what the people of the world want him to do". Christopher Reeve- 1987Come on everyone, look at it this way. Richard Lester did not direct it, The Newmans didn't write the screenplay, the Salkinds did not produce it, Gene Hackman was back, aswell as Margot Kidder. BTW, did you people know that there was cut over 40min from this film? The movie's running time was originally supposed to be 134 min, but the test audience didn't like it so they cut it down to 90min. Scenes as "Clark visiting his parents graves", "The Nuclearman1 battle, "The Metro club", "Superman visiting Jeremys school", and "Nuclearman2 turning into a missile" were all cut out. These scenes would have helped to fill out the plot holes in the movie [....] Now, lets talk about the special effects. SupermanIV's special effects supervisor Harrison Ellenshaw, was hired by director Sidney Furie, and since Harrison already worked for Golan Globus made everything alot easier. The budget for the film was originally around $39 million dollars, but the producers Golan Globus slashed the budget down to $17 million dollars. By this time, Chris Reeve had already been signed, so he was determined to finish the movie. The special effect crew was supposed to use Front Projection or the Zoptic system, but both of them were rejected because of the low budget. The special effects crew were then forced to use the Blue Screen, but with blue screen it can be many months before you know if a shot is successful or not, and by then it usually too late to reshoot. Some of the flying shots were not successful as you might have already noticed, but some of them actully turned out to be quite good. I hope you have all learned something new about Superman IV, and how difficult it was to make it because of the low budget. Hopefully, one day we might see the 134 min cut of Superman IV in all it's glory, but that will probably never happen.
Rating:  Summary: Its not superman 3, thank goodness Review: This movie has several problems with it. First, how can Lacy Warfield breath in space. If superman were to move the moon to create a solar eclipse wouldn't that throw off the orbit of the earth. This movie didnt have enough funding from canon, the special effects were terrible in some scenes and the same language was used in this film that was used in past supermans. "Stop dont do it, the people" But at least this film had a pulse unlike superman 3 and richard lester. The relationship between Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane is developed extremely well with the long relationship. Gene Hackman is back and he does enough as Lex Luthor and one surprise is that I liked the Lenny character, he was funnier than Richard Pryor and Pamela Stephenson combined. Also, I like the scenes on Clark Kent going back home to smallville and Chris Reeve and Margot Kidder deliver outstanding performances. My favorite scene is at the end where Superman drops off luthor again at the jail and how the music is playing as he flies away I think thats a great scene. This movie is not Superman 1 or 2 but at least it has heart.
Rating:  Summary: Super Atrocious Review: This movie was terrible. They should have stopped making Superman movies after the second one. Gene Hackman what were you thinking doing this movie? You almost destroyed your acting career with this garbage. Not to mention a zillion plot holes. Like the girl breathing in space and it being daylight in both America and China at the same time. Absolutely atrocious.
Rating:  Summary: Superman 4! Wish there were more! Review: Okay, so this movie is not considered the best out of all the Superman movies, but it still packs enough action and excitement to keep Superman fans entertained. Christopher Reeve once again delivers a knock-out performace as the Man of Steel in this final outing. He even helped write the provocative theme of nuclear disarmament that could have made this the best out of the series, had it not been for the 30 minutes that were cut out. Despite this, it is a compelling plot that is further enhanced by the return of Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder and the rest of the classic cast from the original Superman movie! They have such wonderful chemistry that it's easy to look past any holes in the plot. This movie has been cleaned up for the DVD and VHS release and I can definitely tell a difference from my original video that I bought a few years back. The great performaces from the returning cast and the cool fight scene on the moon definetly make this better than a lot of other comic book movies!
Rating:  Summary: Hey Warner... Review: ...We want the real Superman IV! The whole film! Not this poorly cut version!! Don't bother releasing movies on DVD if you're not gonna bother putting the technology to good use and ripping everyone off by just giving them something they've already seen and don't really want because you couldn't be bothered to improve it in ways you know are possible! GIVE US THE FULL UNCUT VERSION !!!
Rating:  Summary: POOR END TO WHAT STARTED A GREAT SERIES. Review: By far out of story, Superman 4 The Quest for Peace was the weakest of the four films. The main problem with Superman 4 was the dramatic cutting made on the movie. The original running time was 134 mins, but it was knocked down to a disappointing 90 mins cause the 134 min version didn't do to well in a screening. It possible that a screening never took place and the story was never actually finished so they made did with what they had. Cause of its terrible cuts, the story appears to jump and some voice overs can be seen in the film. I beleive that if Superman 4 remained at its 134 min version, Superman 4 would have been a far greater success. According to film resources the extra footage no longer exists. But there was budget restrictions on Superman 4 which is why it was totally filmed at Pinewood Studios. Superman 4 The Quest for Peace actually feels more like a TV movie than an epic blockbuster. A poor end to what started out as a great series of films.
Rating:  Summary: The Best of the Series Review: Superman IV has done the impossible and created a super film on a modest $15 million budget. The most sincere performance from Christopher Reeve is in this movie. The music in this film is in my opinion the BEST in the series...yes even better than the first. Alexander Courage (with help from John Williams) did an amazing job. There are as many GOOD f/x too... I hate it when people critisize the F/X ...when one uses a cost factor for the F/X then one could argue that this film has the BEST F/X of the series. Thank you Mr Reeve for making Superman IV. This will always be my favourite Superman movie and I'll always defend it. I'd love to see the missing 45 minutes someday. Warner are u listening ?
Rating:  Summary: Peace For Metropolis Review: Here are my favorite quotes from the movie: Miss Thomas:Now I know you're all upset by the crisis. The best thing we can do is to try to think positively. Now, is there anything we CAN do? Does anyone have a suggestion? All right. I'LL make a suggestion. Why don't we write to our congressman? Fellow Student #1:THAT won't do a lot of good. Miss Thomas:Somebody has to be an optimist. Jeremy, what do YOU think we can do about the crisis? Fellow Student #2:He doesn't even know what's going on. Jeremy:I'd tell you who I'D write a letter that would do some good. Fellow Student #3:WHO? Santa Claus? Jeremy:No! SUPERMAN! Museum Guide:Superman,the subject of our latest exibit, has greatfully donated a strand of his hair to the museum, so we can see how strong he really is. As you can see,a 1,000-pound load easily suspended by hs single hair! The museum will be closing soon, so we should hurry a little. Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman):You know what I can do with a strand of Superman's hair? Lenny Luthor:You can make a toupee that flies. Lex:That hair is a sample of Superman's genetic material. The building blocks of his body. With my genius and enough nuclear power to mutate the genes I can create a being who's more powerful than him. With total allegiance to me. You better stand back. Keep your eye out. Mr. Warfield: Welcome to Metropolis, Jeremy. I'm Mr. Warfield and this is my daughter, Lacy Warfield. Lacy Warfield:Hi, Jeremy Mr. Warfield:Now come along and meet the press. Don't you trip. Lacy:The car had a flat. Mr. Warfield:Sorry to hear that. Turn around. Let everybody get a picture of you. That's it, everyone. What a boy! Now come along and tell the American public what YOU told ME. Jeremy:I just said I wish Superman would've said yes. Mr. Warfield:Did you get that? Reporters:No,we didn't. Mr Warfield:Well, say it again. Loudly. Jeremy:I just said I wish Superman would've said yes!
Rating:  Summary: Nice try, Superguy! Review: Superman must defeat Atomicman. Not much else. A valiant attempt to revive the sagging Superman series.
Rating:  Summary: Last Christopher Reeve "Superman" film. Review: Christopher Reeve returns as "Superman" one last time. The story for this film was in part written by Christopher Reeve. Clark returns to his farm in Smallville where he grew up. The land is for sale. He goes back to the barn where he finds the glowing emerald spike. It is the last gift from his real mother on Planet Krypton (that was put in the module with him as a baby). Once he uses it, then he will be truly alone, without the guidence of his real dad or mother in image. His second parents that found him and raised him are now gone too. Clark has second thoughts about selling the farm. Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) is out of prison again. With a strand of Superman's hair, Lex is able to collect enough DNA to create "Nuclear Man" (Mark Pillow) who gets his energy from the sun. The special effects in this last one are really shoddy. The "blue screen" effect and how it pales Reeve and changes the color of his costume is yucky. Superman (1978) and Superman II (1980) are still the best. Sadly, this forth film really was to be the last Superman film for Christopher Reeve. On May 27, 1995, Reeve had a horse-riding accident and it left him parlyzed and had to continue breathing by a generated machine. His ability to talk and breathe has much improved. He still acts on television occasionally which one project included a guest spot on the WB tv series "Smallville" on February 23, 2003 in the episode "Rosetta". Reeeve will also return in a new episode of "Smallville" in 2004. Reeve also did a special commercial some years back where he was computer-imaged standing up again.