Rating:  Summary: Steaming Dragon Turd Review: I too am a D&D player and have been for over 20 years now. I am also a movie lover - and for you naysayers - not just of the sci fi/fantasy/action brand. I remember when Gary Gygax (the founder of D&D back in the 70's) was planning to finance a film in the 80's. I have been waiting in anticipation since then. Imagine my excitement when I found out that one was actually being made.Imagine my disappointment when I saw the film. I tried to like it. I wanted to like it, but I didn't. The only reason why I didn't hate it is because I am a fan of Dungeons and Dragons. Had I not been a fan, I am sure I would have shot this down in flames and then kicked the flaming mess when it landed. For those of you that have read some of the other reviews (which I agree with in the main), I might mention that Courtney Solomon (Director) optioned the rights for this film back in the early 90's. He was in his early 20's then. He is 28 now I believe. He is an avid D&D player and had been pursuing the rights for a while before he was given the go ahead. He wanted to make a D&D film that players would be proud of. I guess he wanted to do it right to show up all those poorly made fantasy films of years past. There are a few valuable lessons here: 1. Being a fan does not necessarily make you a great writer(oh yes, I'm afraid he is responsible for that as well) 2. The press releases for this film indicated that Courtney had "never been to film school". Even if he had, he probably couldn't have saved this one, but it could have been a whole lot better too. 3. A great cast means nothing. I don't believe that this film was directly pitched at the 8-12 year market. Wizards of the Coast (current owners of D&D) are marketing their products at the older age group (an attempt was made to lure a younger audience to D&D in the early 90's and it was unsuccessful). What I cannot believe is that after all this time of having a story developed and raising funds etc he still managed to stuff it up. A sequel you say? Never. Most movies don't break even at the box office, let alone make money. This one won't which pretty much guarantees that the D&D movie franchise will end here. That's what hurts most about this film - the D&D game is the most successful of its type world wide with dozens of spin off industries (novels, games etc) but they will probably never get the chance make another D&D film and do it right.
Rating:  Summary: Fantasy Fans, RUN AWAY! Review: If you like fantasy books and such stuff, If you are interested in FRP or if you like good visual effects; then do NOT WATCH this film. It is obvious that the effects have been cut to make the film cheaper. You can see at most 3 or 4 spells casted. And the effects are very typical. The dragons are just fire ball throwing big birds. And the wizards (even eith higher levels than 7) can only cast fire ball like catapults. The story is weakly represented and the scenes are very inrelevant to each other, just like the movie Charlie's Angels. The jokes and conversations are very very typical and you know what they will say before you hear it. In conclusion, even I (I am a real fantasy fan) got bored watching this film. So STAY AWAY!
Rating:  Summary: Harmless Fun Review: Quite frankly, I went into the theatre not really expecting much. I just wanted to pass an afternoon and spend an otherwise dull winter day without having to think too hard. Basically, that is what I got. It is certainly not a great dramatic award winner. From a special effects point of view, I thought it was well done. The script was a bit cheesy, but it was fairly well-acted and worth the matinee price I paid to see it. Was it a masterpiece? No, of course not, and anyone looking for one will probably be very disappointed. But it also was not as terrible as some critics would have you believe. It was harmless fun and nothing more.
Rating:  Summary: Dungeons & Dragons Review: This movie is definitely for kids or die hard D&D fans who are so blinded by their love of the game that they might actually like this film. For the rest of us, the movie is simply terrible. Not even Jeremy Irons, such a wonderful dynamic actor, portrayed a decent role in this film. This should have been a straight to video release. The story line is boring and the FX are merely so-so. Thank goodness I only spent $3.50 to see this movie because any more would have really enraged me. Finally, Wayans role in this film is merely ok as the comic relief. He fits in this movie like Dolly Parton's breasts do in a trainer bra. If you must see it, wait for it on video or DVD.
Rating:  Summary: This dungeon's a drag Review: Other than Jeremy Irons' over-the-top performance as an evil wizard and some fairly elaborate sets, this absurd and unimaginative movie has absolutely nothing to recommend it. Look, people, I wasn't expecting much when I settled into my seat to see a movie based on a role-playing game popular among pre-teens, but this sort of thing can, and often does, have a certain air-headed charm. But this flick is just painful--lame dialogue, undistinguished acting, and one of those connect-the-dots storylines that just plod on and on. Kids deserve better than movies like this. Come to think of it, so do I.
Rating:  Summary: must see but don't expect much. Review: The movie is so visually stimulating it is worth seeing. The costumes and characters were great. The story was ok and I even enjoyed it even thought the plot has said to have been weak. The fight scenes were short (except for the end) but well done. What I really was disappointed in was character development. There was some, but not near enough for a game so bent on role playing. The movie also fell so very short of each character class abilities. The move had so much potential to really be great but instead fell short on directional effort. I just wish I could have been a consultant for the game's sake. It sold each character short of potential. The main character being a thief I was so excited and anticipated some cool things, but the thieves in this movie could not even climb a wall. Magnum PI could pick a lock better instead of using a ring of skeleton keys. The main character and sidekick fell could have been extremely colorful but instead became dull. I also got tired of seeing the mages cast the same spell over and over. Any one who has an interest to see should definitely go, but don't expect much more then a great graphics, costumes, and effects. I was very disappointed in the lack of story and character effort but I will definitely buy the movie.
Rating:  Summary: It is clear, expected little, found little... So happy? Review: Shortly I loved it. Because I accidentially heard and watched it. I'm from the city where the film take place. It's Izmir in original but Izmer in the movie. They had changed the name a lot. &:-D I was looking forward to seeing a fantasy world -like the Tolkien's ones- before I watched it. But I just saw an Ottoman city which is synthessed a little with Byzantine architecture and SO UNfamilliar to a Turkish watcher, also an extremely weak plot. But i'm not regretful, because Zoe McLellan was really cute. I think she can be used more actively in the movie, so maybe she could be saviour of the film like the 'thief hero' was the saviour of Izmer...
Rating:  Summary: Terrible-Horrible-No Good-Very Bad Movie Review: I'm not sure what I was expecting, but the movie was less than impressive. Its a classic example of how not to do a movie - no focus on the story and play up the special effects. The special effects were good, but seemed to soak up so much of the budget that the sets and costumes looked like they were straight off of Zena. The movie tried to do too many things - be sort of a fun, medieval knight movie like First Knight, a little bit of Star Wars, a little bit of Willow, and a little bit of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I swore scenes were taken from all of these movies and thrown together to create Dungeons and Dragons. There were also too many characters which didn't add to the story - they simply detracted from the main focus of the battle. Lines are also misdelivered where lines that should make you cry or cheer end up making you laugh because they sound so pitiful. I love movies and its not often I find one that I dislike so much...this movie was my dungeon.
Rating:  Summary: Old Canadian AD&D Hack Review: As an AD&D gamer of old, I was eagerly anticipating the release of this film. Although a decent effort with some interesting special effects, I did walk away from my first viewing somewhat disappointed that the essence of the game had not been captured. This film portrayed an overly predictable storyline which lacked any inspirational moments in terms of acting or dialogue. For more inspired roles look to Russell Crowe in Gladiator or the various roles cast in the movie Excalibur. In fact Excalibur is a sterling example that great films can be created without horrendous budgets. The success of any great movie is determined primarily on the quality of the casting and storyline which were both lacking in this film. The actors seemed childish and the storyline failed to deliver any surprises or twists. And of course they had to have their "hollywood" token clown skillfully portrayed by Wayans. From a gamers perspective the visuals were appealing. The dragons were well portrayed and the beholder was a nice touch (although its part was brief to say the least). The thieves maze was well crafted. The infiltration/battle scene in the thieves guild was not very believable as not one thief employed invisibility or backstabbing skills in defending the guild. All in all this movie was geared towards a younger audience, failing to provoke the imagination or intellect. Entertaining for a one time viewing or rental only. Definately one full step below Willow.
Rating:  Summary: Some effects nothing more Review: Well, the trailer was great; unfortunately the trailer contained all the good stuff the movie had. Some effects are good, but plot is weak and has no connections to "Dungeons & Dragons" whatsoever. I would recommend fantasy fans see it when it would be available for rent. Don't make the same error I made; don't waste your money to see it in theaters or to buy it.