Rating:  Summary: My God, this was bad. Review: I don't even have that much personal experience with pen-and-paper Dungeons-and-Dragons roleplaying; I had a crummy gamemaster and after a while it just sorta lost my interest. But I went to the theater with the hopes that this would be a pretty cool movie. The previews all looked pretty good, after all, with lots of dragons flying through the sky and flythroughs of dungeons. I figured that even if it was a bad movie, it would be a bad movie in a good way, sorta like Mummy Returns managed to be.Well, not only was this movie bad, it was BAAAD. The special effects were not very good, at best; yeah, they might have seemed pretty sweet, but if they were good, you wouldn't have said "Ooh, look at the cool computer-generated dragons!", you would have said "Holy.... Shoot, those dragons are cool... those ARE CGI, right?" But putting aside the five-year-old computer animation, there was so much else that went wrong with that movie. The acting, for instance. It was... really laughable. I mean, the main characters were good for a few laughs in the beginning, as they tried to play some humor off each other... but as the film prograssed and the shallowness of the storyline became appearant, it just became annoying and worse. As for the storyline, I wasn't expecting high literature when I walked into the theater. I would have settled for something fairly straightforward, in fact, as long as the special effects had been kickass (they weren't) and the acting had been passable (it wasn't). And that ending...! I don't want to give it away, of course. the film would have been almost saved if the ending hadn't been so... bad. I mean, there's really no other way to cut it. This film was bad. It's certainly not worth the price of the DVD, though as it hasn't been released quite yet, I can't comment on the DVD itself. This might be worth the price of a rental, if you really, REALLY, want to see the film. There are other fantasy films out there, though, that would probably offer a lot better entertainment value. Hopefully, and I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this, the Lord of the Rings movie will be a far better faithful adaptation of a fantasy tradition than this was.
Rating:  Summary: Counter Review: Im giving this 5 stars because i liked the movie, and im buying the DVD! Thusforth henseforth and truthforth counthethtth...uh counteracting the bad rating of this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Let fire rain down on those who oppose! Review: I am an avid fan of AD&D, and I still role-play every week. To me, this movie was almost a breakthrough blockbuster, but not quite. Don't get me wrong - there were many things about this movie that I liked. The battle scenes were fantastic, and the special effects were outstanding. However, there were some things that just did not sit very well with me. For example: What self-respecting wood elf would use a crossbow? Why was the elven ranger wearing plate mail? And what was the deal with the magic dust - don't the people who made this movie know about spell components? And why did the beholders just sit around and sleep? There are so many things that could have been done differently to make this movie better, and the producers and directors ignored them. If there is a sequel to this movie, I hope it isn't as disappointing as this one. I expected so much more, and the movie didn't deliver. It was still a good movie, and I plan on watching it over and over. (Remember - Star Wars is a "B" movie, and it pales in comparison to its sequels). But this movie only if you know nothing about AD&D to begin with.
Rating:  Summary: Good, good fantasy flick Review: I also am giving this film 5 stars to offset all these negative posts because I don't think they do it justice. The problem is simply that most of the people who saw this film are Dungeons & Dragons players and they expected far more than what they got. And it's certainly just to say the movie doesn't deliver a true D&D experience the way it should have, and at the same time it's only somewhat accessable to audiences outside the Dungeons & Dragons universe. If you have read any fantasy lately, you'll understand everything just fine, but otherwise it will probably alienate you. This film just doesn't have any luck - most of the fans shun it because they don't feel it does their game justice and other audiences just can't grasp it. I myself am neither a D&D player or a standard movie-goer, but I'm an avid fantasy reader and know all that I know of the D&D universe through novelizations, and that, I think, is why I did enjoy the film immensely in spite of its many flaws. It does indeed fail to capture the spirit of Dungeons & Dragons properly, and instead tries to be the next Star Wars, which is a shame. It should have been in the heroic quest mold, not of the epic struggle against the evil emperor (arch-mage) variety. The focus of the story is on one character (namely, Ridley the warrior/thief), which is also a shame because this kind of fantasy is really about a PARTY of characters. Though there IS such a party in the film, with the possible exception of Snails (the contemporary comic relief) these characters are SEVERELY underdeveloped. The Dwarf, Elwood, joins the group for seemingly no reason at all and Norda the Elf also has very little background regarding her motivations. In fact, the bad guys are more developed than the heroes. And speaking of bad guys, Damodar's blue lipstick IS absurd and should be explained somehow or it shouldn't be there - heck, it just shouldn't be there anyway! But in spite of its many faults and disappointments, D&D is a fine fantasy film, if not the great one that it might have been. It certainly has its moments. Just don't expect too much out of it and it's likely to be a better experience.
Rating:  Summary: A bad movie with good qualities and movie reccomendations Review: One of my dreams growing up was that George Lucas would make another Star Wars. Unfortunately I got The Phantom Menace. My other was that a D&D movie would be made. Unfortunately I got this. I have been a fan of the game many years and have held it as the authority on fantasy so I expected that a D&D movie would hold the same standard. As soon as I saw the preview I knew it would not prove true. I expected the movie to be darker,drearier, and with more hardcore battle scenes, more like Braveheart.While the production was that of a Xena episode, the movie does have good qualities, hence the three stars.It does have great fantasy elements and some role playing elements. Unlike most people, I thought that Wayons and Whalin were great together and did have a companion like chemsitry.Irons on the other hand, who is the more known actor, was horrible. I have never seen somebody overact so bad.I cringed at his delivery. This movie is simple fun that I would recommend to fans of the fantasy genre, due to the lack of fantasy movies, but not to anyone else.In the World of Dungeons and Dragons there are many good worlds and products. Unfortunatly this movie will label all D&D products and stigmatize any efforts to make another.There is no end to how many D&D movies that could be made. I will buy this movie despite it's shortcomings.If you feel empty after this movie and are looking for the authority on fantasy I think DRAGONSLAYER, RECORD OF LODOSS WAR, and CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON, will give you what you are looking for. I know you have already seen Conan and Braveheart.
Rating:  Summary: Magic and Heroes Review: Ok, I'll be the first to admit that this wasn't the most brilliant or well done movie, but it was *fun*. The humour was good, the action scenes were decent (especially the dragons fighting at the end), and the story really didn't drag on. If some parts came off as cheesy, well...who cares? I grew up on the 80's fantasy movies, and let me tell you, with the rare exceptions of "The NeverEnding Story" and "Willow", all of those movies were pretty cheesy themselves. For example, I don't watch "Krull" because of the special effects, or for the brilliant storyline and acting (sarcasm), I watch it because its a fantasy movie, pure and simple. The same with "Dungeons and Dragons"-- It has magic and mages, heroes and dragons...what more can a true fantasy fan wish for?
Rating:  Summary: Those Who Can Do, Those Who Can't Critique. Review: I actually gave this movie 5 stars to offset some of the 1 star whiners. On its own merits, I would still give this movie an average score of 3 stars. The soundtrack was fantastic, the special effects were plentiful and the visible attempts to remain true to the game that spawned its name were (to me, at least) touching. The acting was done well enough that I never had to question,"Does he really expect me to believe he's a human thief in a fantasy genre setting on a quest to save the world from the evil clutches of a tyrranical wizard?". And wasn't that kind of the point? I really only had two problems with the whole movie; 1)Bruce Payne and the blue lipstick (what was the deal there?) and 2)The overly critical enthusiasm of Gamers and Movie Critics(professional and otherwise) to bash this movie without considering its true merits and potentiol.
Rating:  Summary: Probably one of the worst films of 2000 Review: This been there, done that fantasy actually sets the sci-fi film genre back about 20 years. A teenage princess (Thora Birch) takes the throne after her father's assassination. When she announces that all people on the planet should be equal, the ruling class (led by a wildly overacting Jeremy Irons) revolts and tries to kill her. A miscast Marlon Wayans is thrown in for comic relief (think Jar Jar Binks). Often unintentionally funny, "Dungeons & Dragons" is a camp classic. Ain't It Cool News said, "You will HATE this movie with every essence of your being."
Rating:  Summary: You're not thinking of actually ordering this are you? Review: Okay.... calm down... yeah, I understand you're a D&D fan... yes, I had a 15th level paladin too, yeah, I blew my entire highschool years playing D&D... I was hardcore, I played ADVANCED D&D, so I can empathize, really I can. Hey, I'm doing you a favor of trying to talk you out of buying this movie. Watching the movie's not gonna take some of the images of monsters and magic users out of your head and put them onto the screen.... It's gonna make you feel like an idiot for having sat thru 90 minutes of this dreck. Heck, it's probably gonna make you feel like an idiot for having played D&D in the first place. Yeah, it's THAT bad! No kobolds, no hook horrors, just a few red dragons that look more brown than red and the heroes are two -5 level thieves, and the villain is a -3 level fighter with blue lipstick. Yeah, you heard me right. BLUE LIPSTICK. So I tell you again, put that credit card down. Get out of your chair. Now, turn off your computer, go grab those 8 sided dice and don't even think of calling Gary Gygax. He's just as... about the movie as you are and is sick of the phone calls from like minded recovering D&Ders needing emotional support.
Rating:  Summary: Yowza!!!!!!!!!!! whatta movie!!!! Review: This movie was the best movie i have ever seen (possible exception for the matrix), but this movie was exactly as i expected it to be, action, spells, thievery, cool effects, and more. i am a fan of Baldurs Gate to the point of being a zealot, and i think this movie did justice to the fantasy world. i give it 10 out of 5 stars!