Rating:  Summary: Horrible Movie - Excellent Disc, sort of... Review: The movie was absolute garbage - THAT is a fact. The much-maligned Marlon Wayans was certainly not the worst actor in the film -- that honor is shared by Justin Whalin, Jeremy Irons and Thora Birch, the latter two looking very much like they stepped on to the wrong set one day and got stuck playing in this turkey. The effects are intrusive and cheap-looking. The makeup (especially the blue lipstick on the menacing henchman and the orange beard on the "Drawf") is horrible. And the story is, at best, boring. What is good about it? Not much. Zoe McLellan does a fair job as Marina and Tom Baker is fine as the Elven Elder.The DVD is an excellent product. The supplemental materials are fantastic and there is a pretty good selection of deleted scenes that make you think the director wasn't so incompetent after all for cutting them. The biggest burr in the saddle is the two audio commentaries. The first with the director, Courtney Solomon and lead actor Justin Whalin is horrible. All they do is giggle like loons who seem to be getting a joke that no one else does. The second with the cinematographer instead of the lead actor isn't much better and tends to be a little dry. All in all the movie is a painful dud -- from a Movie fan and D&D player. Instead of making this boring tale as a Dungeons & Dragons film, they should have tapped into the many worlds TSR already has. Dragonlance or Forgotten Realms offer many opportunities for an excellent story. Instead we get this tiresome exercise and an embarrassment to fans of the Role-Playing game that spawned it.
Rating:  Summary: Ok movie saved by a great DVD Review: I'm not a fan of D&D at all, but after seeing the movie I went to buddy's house and try'd it, it's a ok game and a ok movie. So I was looking at the disc and the ok movie is saved by the great disc so many feature's and special feature's the menus are awesome the sound is as good as it gets the pictureis prestine and 1 realy interesting and the other so-so.This would be the greatest TV show ever. If your fan get the disc, if not buy Spawn the Movie on DVD if you own Spawn on DVD get this.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointment Reigns in Izmer! Review: Movie Summary: Two bumbling thieves stumble into the middle of a plot to overthrow the empress of Izmer. They decide to help a pretty student mage search for the rod of Savrille which will help the empress by letting her control the red dragons and thus defeat Archmage Profion who is leading the revolt against her. My Opinion: I was disappointed by D&D. I had even heard the bad reviews before seeing it, so I was prepared. When are they going to learn that special effects do not make up for a good story, characters, and plot. I am a huge fantasy and science fiction fan. I wanted so badly for this to be good, but the story just wasn't there. The plot was convoluted and hazy and the characters undeveloped. The humor was misused and poorly timed. The Saturday morning cartoon by the same name was far superior because it had good stories and characters (If you haven't seen any episodes of this one, watch for it. It's on from time to time). Basically the movie is just really disappointing to a fan. By using the name Dungeons and Dragons, they got our hopes up. What they delivered was eye candy. Ease Your Disappointment with Some of These Fantasy Movies: The Sword and the Sorcerer - The Never Ending Story - Return to OZ - The Beastmaster - Conan the Barbarian - Conan the Destroyer - Arabian Nights - Army of Darkness - Excalibur - The Princess Bride - Princess Mononoke - Time Bandits - Labyrinth - Krull - The Clash of the Titans - Goonies DVD Quality: Widescreen anamorphic, packed with all sorts of extras including trailers and deleted scenes. All DVD releases should be this great. What You Should Do: Rent it, then check out some of the other fantasy movies I mention.
Rating:  Summary: Not a great movie, but sort of true to the experience Review: I just got finished watching the movie for the first time, on DVD. I'm kind of sorry I missed it in the theater. Now, I realize that there's a lot of gamers out there that take their games very seriously, but in the games I've been in, there was a very lighthearted feel most of the time, with a lot of jokes, and laughing at/with each other, and just general enjoyment. This movie actually reminds me of the way our games were. Not on a story level exactly, but if you pull yourself back to the player level, rather than the character level, and watch it again, you might see the same thing. Imagine each of the characters in the movie as a player, doing and saying what a player might do and say, and it turns out to be much better. Yeah, a lot of the dialog is corny, but I've definitely heard worse sitting at the table with my dice and books. Some of the effects weren't the greatest, you say? Have you seen some of the crappy art that's gone into some of the AD&D books?? Think of the entire game experience, cold pizza, spilled Cokes, the DM changing rules spontaneously, and all, and you might feel better about this.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, pretty bad Review: Maybe my age is beginning to show, but I just finished watching this movie about an hour ago, and it was pretty bad. Poor dialogue, too many characters with nothing to do, except to give token representation of non-humans, and non-interesting fight scences. Granted, the FX are really good, and watching that many dragons flying around is a wonder, but those are far and few between to compensate for the rest of the movie. My sister watched this when it first came out, and she's not a fan of fantasy at all, but she thought it was "okay". With that in mind, I was expecting a little more- but except for the literal dungeons and dragons in the movie, there was a minimal amount of D&D in the movie itself. >o'
Rating:  Summary: I ENJOYED IT FROM BEGINNING TO END... Review: Which puts me in the minority based on the other reviews and average stars. But I make no apology for it. I thought the story line was executed well and found quite a few surprises. I liked the way it ended and couldn't understand why the movie didn't get a bigger play when it was in the theaters. It's been a while since I rented two video's in one day and both was excellent. But Dungeon and Dragons was. Maybe I liked it so much because I never played the game and don't know the 'rules' or whatever, but it got my vote and I hope there's a sequel!
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining to say the least Review: overall, a satisfying rental. One of those movies that are meant to be fun. And it does succeed in my book. The premise and story was kinda interesting because I miss the fantasy genre in Hollywood. I don't regret seeing this film, it was campy at times and the CG looks bad. Give it a try if you want.
Rating:  Summary: I thought it was good Review: It was a good start to future dungeon and dragon movies.It opened the door.And for you people who say it wasnt as good as the game,can anything be as good as your imagination?
Rating:  Summary: If I was allowed to give no stars, I would.... Review: First things first...I am biased. I have played AD&D for over 20 years and have had to put up with the consternation of friends, family, and acquantances for the hobby that I love. With that aside, this movie is just plain awful. In fact, I feel really upset that my brother bought this for me considering the profits go to the producers who allowed this script to even get approved. You can read other reviews if you really want to know what the plot was. All you really need to know is that the plot is terrible, the acting is terrible, and the ending is terrible. To me, the plot was almost the same as Star Wars: Phantom Menace; the queen was almost the same character as that of Amidala, Marlan Wayans makes Jar Jar Binks tolerable, Jeremy Iron's "Sith Lord" is wearing Blue lipstick instead of red and black paint, and there is even a corny bar scene (a la Star Wars) that is just a waste of CGI money. DVD extras include deleted scenes (which should have been joined by the rest of the movie), trailers, a commentary which I am not up to listening to, and a documentary on "gaming" which really gives gamers an even worse reputation. In all, I know I am rambling, but after just watching this stinkbomb, I am confused, insulted, and upset all at the same time. A big waste of money, time, and an insult to the intelligence of any person who watches it. Please, treat this one like all the Highlander sequels and repeat after me...This movie was never made...it is a dream...this is what could happen to a really great concept that is taken on by a hoarde of [...]... Keep repeating that until you talk yourself out of buying this movie.
Rating:  Summary: awesome flick great graphics great special effects Review: this was awesome on dvd. rent this awesome film for 1 hour and 30 minutes of fun. i reccomend the dvd though for the graphics and sound and special effects.