Rating:  Summary: No Wire Hangers For Supergirl! Review: As I listened to the Director's editorials for the international version of Supergirl, I was saddened by how good of a movie this could have been but for the re-writes. As it turns out, Jennot Szwarc was out of his league directing this film. This film is totally disjointed. When the Director is asked if there is any explaination for Supergirl appearing in her costume for the first time on earth, his response is "no". Even the extra 24 minutes in the Director's Cut does little to help audiences understand anything about how Argo survived the explosion of planet Krypton, how Supergirl knows anything about Earth, how she knows Clark Kent is Superman, etc. This is truly a director's movie and Szwarc's was not up to the task. A strong cast also suffers from a lack of direction. Helen Slater was a comendable Supergirl/Linda Lee, but never had the direction needed to truly develop her character. Faye Dunnaway was way over the top in her performance, making the character Selena unbeliveable and at times, laughable. There are very few actors better than Ms. Dunnaway, however, the director needed to take a stronger hand in controling her character. Compare this to Gene Hackman in the Superman films under the direction of Richard Donner and Richard Lester. His character could have been just as over the top if not for the fact the the directors had control over those films. The saving grace of this film are the special effects. The flying sequences in this film are worth buying and watching the DVD. Helen Slater is graceful and beautiful in flight. I remember when Christopher Reeve was interviewed on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson about Superman III and was asked what he thought about Supergirl. He stated that she does fly better than he does. It is also interesting to find out that Christopher Reeve was originally slated to be in Supergirl but backed out after several script revisions. It's unforturnate because Superman's presence would have added some much needed continuity to the film. If anyone wants to see how great actors can fail under the hands of a weak director, this is the film. When you have a cast that includes Peter O'toole, Faye Dunnaway, Peter Cooke and Mia Farrow, a super film should be at hand. Not this time. A disjointed script and a director who is use to directing one hour television episodes sealed the coffin on any Supergirl sequels and that is a shame because Helen Slater would have made a great superheroine for many years to follow.
Rating:  Summary: FUN! FUN! FUN! Review: Supergirl is a fantasy movie that is not meant to be taken seriously. There is not a town named Midvale in Illinois. You shouldn't take this seriously. IT IS FANTASY! Everyone is so hell-bent on being critical because they are so spoiled by the special effects of today that film makers cheat on. They rely on computers now instead of original thinking and hard work. Sometimes, I feel cheated watching today's movies. But Supergirl shows us a pretty good time for the decade of decadence that it was made in. The effects are great! Okay, the acting leaves something to be desired but you can tell that everyone is having a good time and laughing and joking around as they make this movie. Maybe you should too.
Rating:  Summary: Supergirl the Movie Review: Please see my review for this movie under the widescreen format for more detailed info. Don't buy this movie if you're looking for a great sci-fi classic. Buy it for exactly what it is; an addition to the Salkind Superman franchise. It is shot with the same feel and look of the Superman movies. That alone makes it worth owning. The story is bad and so are most of the FX. I still recommend it to any Superman fan. It won't make you turn it off!
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable Super Cousin of a movie Review: This is a enjoyable cousin to the Superman series. Helen Slater is. Great as Supermans/Clark Kents cousin as Supergirl/Linda Lee at a girls boarding school her room mate is Lucy (Lois Sister) Lane who has a crush on Jimmy Olsen (Marc McClure) also starring as the villins are Faye Dunnaway Peter Cook and Brenda Vaccaro. Dunnaway Hams it to the hilt as a witch who suddenly has the power that she always want thanks to the power source from Supergirls home world If Supergirl doesn't get it back her people will die. There are cameo's from Mia Farrow as Supergirl's mother and Peter O'Toole as Zaltar a friend of Supergirl's
Rating:  Summary: Meet the last DAUGHTER of Krypton Review: I have always had a soft spot for this campy spin off from the Superman series. An attempt at starting a seperate franchise (Reeve was balking at doing any more Superman movies), it tried to duplicate the formula, but lacked the budget and writing of the first two Superman films. Still it is great fun. Faye Dunaway is hysterical as Supergirl`s arch enemy. Helen Slater is bland as the girl of steel, but she is so darn cute that you don`t really mind. The plot is corny, the acting strictly comic book, and the most amazing special effect is the way that, no matter in what position Supergirl is flying or landing (including upside down!) her tiny red skirt remains demurely in place. Not high art, but fun and no worse than Superman 3 or IV, to be sure. Definitely worth a look, as long as you accept it for what it is.
Rating:  Summary: Limited Edition Anchor Bay Release Best Version Ever! Review: This is one of the best Anchor Bay DVD releases to date! A lot of tender loving care went into this release and it shows! The two different DVD menus on the discs are really well done and fun to look at. The 'Director's Cut' version of the film really fleshes out the characters more and adds a lot to the film. An all-star cast, and a fun superhero movie make this one a great film to pull out for the family, or fans of the 'old-school' innocent and heroic type superhero (non-dark & brooding types like Spawn, etc). The amount of information and features in this package is phenomenal! The entire hour long making of Supergirl was a joy to watch. Brand new cast bios and tons of trailers, T.V. Spots, etc. give you everything you want to know about the film. Sure it wasn't financially successful, and the story is a little weaker than the early Superman films (the arch enemy and Supergirl fought over a guy...where Superman fought Lex Luthor over his Nukes!), but it is a fun movie and welcome entertainment. I was brought up on Superman, Rocky, and Star Wars movies. It's always great to see them again, and I am really happy with this new cut of the film. Worth the price, this Anchor Bay DVD is another one I am proud to have on my shelf sitting next to their other Limited Edition DVDs.
Rating:  Summary: DVD - GODAWFUL JUNK --- DON'T MISS IT ! Review: I hadn't seen this piece of 80's dreck since it was first released so when a friend brought over his new double-disc DVD Collector's Edition, I said what the heck! The 138 minute running time for the "director's cut" scared me a bit, but I was interested in seeing the "new" stuff so 2 1/2 hours it was! I'm not a fan of the "Superman" movies and normally would not waste time on such stuff, but if you like really BAAAAD movies, this one BITES big-time! From the ultra-cheesy effects (you won't believe your eyes!), to the banal dialogue ("I want the oxyhedron so I can rule the world!"), to Dunaway and Vaccaro trying to ham it up (and failing miserably), to the non-existent plot (Supergirl spends more time with her schoolmates eating at Popeye's than she spends on her mission), to the rampant product placement (the Popeye's restaurant is the biggest building in this town and you get to hear about almost every item on it's menu!) to the very bad acting from all involved (WHAT was Mia Farrow doing in this? ), to the constant breaches of logic (why does Supergirl swear everyone to secrecy! ---what difference does it make? ), to the lack of scope (Dunaway wants to rule "the World" but never leaves the small desert town -- is that town "the world"? ). My friend clued me in to what all the extra scenes were in this longer version and some of this stuff was hysterical, too! The final wrap-up stuff when the characters are all leaving town...."Hey! What's up!"...Reply - "Hi , See ya!", Reply -"OK - Good luck! Bye!"....The End....HUH! Another great line - "Are you alright?" Reply - "Oh, I hit my head"....CUT...end of scene. I swear half of it sounds improvised (and badly). This is very AWFUL filmmaking and is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Invite your friends over, have a few brewskies and ENJOY!
Rating:  Summary: Good at times - but not worthy of a DVD before Superman Review: One thing which strikes me about this film is how strange the plot is. When Superman comes to Earth, he has a secret identity so that he can live a normal life, but Supergirl is here to retrive a magic source that keeps her people alive. This magic source is in the hands of a now very powerful witch yet somehow Supergirl manages to find time to make a secret indentity and go to school - why? Don't get me wrong - Helen Slater looks great as Supergirl in that costume (though not as a schoolgirl - maybe thats because she ceases to be a blonde and becomes a brunette as part of her secret identity!) and a lot of the movie is very good. I like the fact that the typical damsil in distress is played be a man this time. This is a good movie just not a classic like Superman. I just don't understand how they could make a Supergirl DVD before Superman.I would have thought a Superman I - IV box set would be the sensible thing to release first.
Rating:  Summary: What's that Smell? IT'S SUPERGIRL :The Movie Review: In one short sentince; This movie stinks! The plot: Cripton Exploded but was not distroyed completly thanks to a power sorce in a city. The power sorce is stollen by a want to be Sorceres. Supergirl fales to stop the theft-the citezens blame her. she goes to earth instantly knows about Superman & Clark Kent (No explination). And gives away Superman's identity by having her alter identity be Kent's cousen and reveal that Supergirl is Superman's cousen. All through the movie she never meets Superman becouse he is on an alian planet fighting an alian war. Is that what his parents wanted in the first 3 films? NO! In Supergirl men are wimps; women are strong and all earthers are IMBASILS, becouse they never figure out the identity of Superman. Even after Supergirl revels her own secret identity. The movie was poorly acted and directed. But the specal efects where nice. Frome a scale of 1-10. The movies from the early 1980's I consider better then this one are "Flash Gordon" I rate a 3 and "Star Trek III" I rate a 5. Supergirl:The Movie is so bad I give it a 1 for specal efects.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful fantasy-Sci-Fi film! Review: This is a wonderful movie! It has such a great sense of wonder and innocence. I first saw this movie back in the 80's and loved. Only recently did I find out it had been re-realesed. I immediatly got the 2-disc special edition and have already watched it twice! Supergirl is a winner, and I highly recommend it to everyone, exept for the people who need to lighten up and not give it a bad rating. If you havent seen Supergirl on DVD, then you havnent seen Supergirl at all!