Rating:  Summary: Buy this NOW! It's limited and expensive anywhere else! Review: SUPERGIRL was a worthy addition to the Superman franchise. Corny, warped sense of humor, and great flying effects - basically just like all the SUPERMAN films. But it's endearing! And to see Helen Slater take on the bad guys in a pre-Buffy feminist power move was wonderful. It's a fun movie, and even more fun as a special edition. You get two versions of the film, a commentary, and documentaries. Check out the foreign trailers for the movie as the German announcer shouts "ZZZZZUPERGIRL!" The commentary helps a lot, because it explains why the film was made the way it was and what they were going for. The movie itself is rare! I liked it a lot just because it was so gleefully silly. Everybody looks like they are having a great time biting down on the comic book material. You really can't go wrong! Faye Dunaway is a hoot and a half! And Helen Slater plays wide-eyed wonder to the hilt! And Brenda Vacarro is so FUNNY as Bianca. Grab a friend, giggle, and believe that a GIRL can fly!
Rating:  Summary: Winsome; SUPER-silly-ious fun... Review: The script of SUPERGIRL is inane. The dialogue--particularly on ARGO, Krypton's surviving inner-space Metropolis--is nonsensical. A fine cast...including Peter O'Toole;Faye Dunaway and BEDAZZLING British ironist, Peter Cook...is torturously abused. The film is one goofy mess. What--almost--saves the day is the charming performance of Helen Slater as SUPERGIRL... Miss Slater is a beautiful young lady whose winsome, unaffected role as WOMAN of STEEL is winning and SUPERbly appealing. Special Effects(overall production values)are excellent. It's super shame the story deserves consignment to the Phantom Zone. One redeeming moment...in what seems to have been attempt to portray Supergirl as Fairy Princess battling Faye Dunaway's New Age(super-silly-ious) foray into Black Magic...is THE FLYING SEQUENCE. It's near-astonishing aerial ballet evoking Peter Pan wonder as in SUPERMAN I but with greater technical proficiency. SUPERGIRL,however,never overcomes its clownish posture toward material regarded MYTHOLOGICAL(revered in now classic CHRISTOPHER REEVE portrayals of Superman I & II). This is Kryptonite killing fault dooming an all-star array of actors and actresses and classy production mounting. Ironically, seeing Hellen Slater soar as SUPERGIRL does make one believe a MAN CAN FLY. What could've been exciting epic reduced itself to comic cartoonish: super-silly fun; eminently forgetable except as cult curiosity it's deservedly become.(3 & 1/4 Stars)
Rating:  Summary: Good purchase if you like to collect superhero movies Review: Can anybody think of any major feature film superheroine movies out for the last 20 years? Most likely you'll only remember Supergirl. That's because we've only been given all-male superhero movies (with the exception of X-men, but that's a band of superheroes, and Batgirl - and she's just a sidekick). From Superman and Batman to Spiderman and the Daredevil - now the Hulk...there's still no real movie focused on a single superheroine around. This is why I like Supergirl, as it stands above the rest in this area. I collect DVD's and VCD's (Video Compact Discs) of all the Superhero movies I could find, and Supergirl is a fine addition to the collection. I remember quite well when the movie came out in 1984. It was all hype. They've boasted about having a powerhouse cast (which it has) and having the finest filmakers in the world involved in the project (minus the scriptwriter). But the movie turned out to be a letdown. Huge plot holes can be found in the story as wide as the meteor hole-pocked Sea of Tranquility (that's on the moon). I didn't realize this then because I was just a teenager then who didn't know what a good movie was supposed to be, but I thought it was my all-time favorite. Even though I knew the story left so much to be desired, I still bought this DVD because of the pure joy of seeing Supergirl in action. You'll never find anything like this anywhere. If only the producers picked a much better screenwriter then, this would have been a top notch movie like Superman I and II. If you see Jeanot Swarc, the director, doing his work in the making-of featurette, you'll know he knew what he was doing. My impression is that he was desperately doing his best to do the best movie out of a script made in hell (pardon the language). If you don't mind the story being in the way of your enjoyment seeing Superman's cousin in action, then this DVD is worth buying. A great addition to Superhero (or Superheroine) movie collectors like me.
Rating:  Summary: Mediocre story, mediocre SFX, just plain mediocre! Review: Helen Slater (a dead ringer for the woman of steel) appears as "Supergirl", a survivor of Argo City in pursuit of the Omegahedron...a device that can turn any thought into reality. A likable adventure. Co-starring Faye Dunaway...who overacts as a wannabe witch. (By the way, When DOESN'T Ms. Dunaway overact?) Also Brenda Vaccaro as her sidekick....who stinks up the screen. Go back to TV commericials, Brenda!
Rating:  Summary: only 50,000 copies available ... and still available Review: Anchor Bay released the Special Edition 2 DVD set for 'Supergirl' some time ago. They only released 50,000 copies worldwide too. When you think about it, 50,000 copies isn't very many for the world. Yet, why are there still copies left to buy? Simple answer - the movie was garbage. I saw the international version back in 1984 which was supposed to make more sense than the butchered US theatrical version, but the movie still stunk! Don't get me wrong, I admire Anchor Bay for releasing titles on DVD that perhaps the big companies prefer not to, but Supergirl is a very bad movie. it should have been kept at the bottom of the vaults marked "never to be seen again in anyone's lifetime". Back in 1984, when we sat through the international version it ran for a whopping 124 minutes! I always prefer to let a movie run its entire length to give it a chance. By the end of it, I wish I hadn't. It was a silly storyline. It ruined Fay Dunaway's career, and didn't do anything to help Helen Slater's new career (at the time the movie was tipped to make her a huge star). I fortunately won't be buying this DVD. Obviously many people in the world agree with my comments on this film (hence the many copies still left of the special edition !!).
Rating:  Summary: * * * * *This is how DVDs are supposed to be made!* * * * * Review: In 1978 there came Superman, followed in 1980 by Superman II which was a direct continuance of the story. Superman and Superman II are the best when we think of the Superman movies. The attempted comedy of Superman III in 1983 was a disaster, and Superman IV The Quest For Peace in 1987 was a cheapo version, especially considering the disgustingly terrible special effects. Between Superman III and Superman IV, in 1984 there came Supergirl. Commercially it wasn't very successful and is often considered as one of the worst ever blockbusters, something which I didn't understand then, and really can't believe now. However, Supergirl has come to DVD and you're about to realize what you've been missing all this time. To cut a long story short, Superman's cousin Kara is on a mission on Earth to find the Omegahedron. The Omegahedron is the life source of Argo City, a place where those who survived the destruction of Krypton (where Superman was born) now live. The Omegahedron was lost in an accident caused by Kara. It got sucked out of Argo City into space and landed on Earth. Since it is her fault and all those who live in Argo City will die if she doesn't get the Omegahedron back soon, Kara is determined to return it. When Kara leaves Argo City in a small ship and lands on Earth she discovers she now has the same powers as Superman- she can fly, has superstrength, x-ray vision, heat vision, superhearing and superbreath. Unfortunately a witch has found the Omegehedron and is planning on using it's power to create an evil shadow over Earth in which she will rule. Since Superman is negotiating piece with an alien race several trillion light years away, Kara as Supergirl is the only the one who can save the planet. Supergirl starts off like Superman did with an introduction to the character and a story that begins to get you excited as we meet this new character. The opening credits themselves look fantastic and actually surpass the Superman opening credits. There is a real 3D effect to them, and the music by Jerry Goldsmith although not remembered now, is certainly on a par with John William's original Superman score. Helen Slater plays Supergirl and she is as much Supergirl as Christopher Reeve was Superman, perhaps even more so. Helen Slater has a perfect blend of innocence and strength, something which we only started to see in the late 1990s in shows such as Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Helen Slater is also beautiful, so making Supergirl beautiful. Supergirl basically becomes someone who can impress male audiences and be admired by female audiences. Faye Dunaway is the witch and although quite dull in comparison to Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor in the Superman movies, she does help the character of Supergirl to shine. The movie itself has plenty of action, yet is also endearing. There are comedic moments and a love interest. In 1984 audiences didn't give Supergirl a real chance, but now, you can. As for the DVD itself, it is a very impressive one from Anchor Bay. This Limited Edition version of Supergirl has 2 Discs and features 2 versions of the film. When Supergirl was released there were various complications regarding studios and distribution and so Supergirl ended up being cut several times. This also could have been responsible for how successful Supergirl was. The version shown in 1984 in US theatres is the shortest version and was released on video shortly afterwards. A while later when Supergirl was broadcast on television, some of the scenes that were cut were restored. It was also this version that was shown internationally. Disc 1 of the DVD features this international version of Supergirl. Recently in the UK, the original uncut version of Supergirl was discovered, and it is this which is the definitive director's version of Supergirl, now located on Disc 2. Disc 2 doesn't have any other extras except for this directors cut. Note that the sound is in mono and the picture is not THX mastered, but if you're a fan of this movie, this is a real find for you. Disc 1 has the international version which is THX mastered and in Dolby Digital 5.1. The Special Features include a Commentary by director Jeannot Szwarc (which probably should have been put on the Director's Cut but what the hey!) and expert Scott Bosco. There is also a 50 minute "Making Of" originally made at the time, and is done the way making ofs should be made today. In addition, there is an Extensive Booklet with interviews and photos which is fascinating, as well as TV Spots and trailers fron the US, the UK and Germany. I have to admit, the trailers are probably my favorite of the special features, apart from the making of, and the commentary....oh my god, there is just so much that is wonderful about this DVD set! I really recommend you buy it. And if you don't, hey I'm not bothered, I've got my copy already.
Rating:  Summary: Supergirl is not super. Review: There is nothing remotely good about Supergirl except that it was another bad movie in the so-called Superman sequals made by the Salkinds in the early 80's. With a cheesy screenplay, phooney acting, and very low budget effects. This makes this movie about as bad as Batman and Robin.
Rating:  Summary: Supergirl Rules Review: Supergirl The Movie well, as for the movie I must admit though it is staggering it is not good! It sure could have been great but somewhere on the road they messed it up big time. The story is pretty lame and you can tell that the story writers were in big lack of imagination since Christopher Reeve dropped out as Superman. Helen Slater as Supergirl is not to blame, check out the Phantom Zone scene where she outperforms Seven times Oscar nominated Peter O'Toole easily. But the DVD on the otherhand is magnificent! You get so much extras, two versions of the movie, THX approved Dolby Digital 5.1 sound on the international extended version, Trailer, Director's Cut version as well (problem is it has only mono sound) the original "The Making of Supergirl" which is a documentary...and a lot more, you just name it... oh and did I mention that you also get a 16 pages booklet with games from the original promotional material? awesome stuff I must admit. If a movie is THX certified that means it must hold a very high quality of Picture and Sound and the Extended International version is THX certified so I can't really complain as far as the quality of the movie, it's really outstanding and it will give you the ballpark! And if you're wondering then the answer is YES, they did digitally master the international version. Being THX certified I believe that's a must, not sure though. but for the Director's Cut it seems like they presented it in it's original form with mono sound and the picture being good but not that good as the international version. it's in a way really cool to have a movie in it's original form. When I first bought this movie which is the PAL version (I live in Sweden) I got very disappointed of the poor quality of the picture, sound and no extras. it was also the 92 min version. Later on when I discovered this 2 disc limited edition it made me go nuts for not having it, so of course I ordered it and I must say, THANKS A LOT ANCHOR BAY! for this super DVD edition. I am not disappointed at all. They did a great job with filling this DVD edition of Supergirl unlike Warner Brothers did with the rest of the Superman movies (first part is excellent packed but not the others, check out my upcomming review). Another cool thing with the DVD is that it is region free so you don't have to worry of it not playing on your DVD player or computer for that matter. I just love Supergirl and would like to see a new version of the movie as it should have been with Superman and the original Kara Zor-El story with good old supes being her mentor and all that, you know the story. And the current comic of Supergirl is great too, I just ordered a book of it here from amazon.com and you should too to support Supergirl cause I heard a rumour lately that it is going to be cancelled in april due to lack of sale or something like that. The new comic is great and written by Peter David (awesome writer). ...As a summary i'd say... BUY THIS DVD EDITION before it runs out. I got nr 46640 and there are only 50000 copies made so go ahead or otherwise you'll have to buy the two versions separate for a higher price. This edition is the most bang for the buck edition of Supergirl on DVD that I know of! On the "Bang per Buck" factor scale I give it 10 out of 10. So my question is... what are you waiting for?
Rating:  Summary: SUPERGIRL SOARS HIGH NICE MOVIE BIT LET DOWN. Review: From the producers of Superman comes Supergirl, in 1984 Supergirl was released however it never actually did that well in the cinema and was not held as being as good as the first two Superman films. But the fact is that it is pretty good, ok Supergirl acts more like a fantasy fairy tale then Superman did just like Superman 3 Supergirl has a quite a lot of humour which I guess gives more of a comic book movie. Anyone who is not famliar with Supergirl the movie well Supergirl is Superman's female cousin and comes to Earth to search for a cosmic power source that will save her world from destruction. The innerspace and outerspace thing is never explained in the film but basically what is meant by that is another dimension Supergirl is basically another self from a Krypton which when it exploded some of it stayed alive. Christopher Reeve was suppose to have appeared in Supergirl but dropped out of it before filming started. If he had been in it, it would have had a much different story with Supergirl not only trying to save her planet but a powerless and aging Superman. But cause of Chris dropping out the script changed completely, Supergirl the movie an excellent film that could have been better especially with Superman in it, but still if your a fan of Helen Slater or comic books your mostly like this film. Anyways great acting, story and special effects for it's time.