Rating:  Summary: What was everyone talking about? Review: I don't like science fiction at all, and after reading the reviews of Battlefield Earth in the newspaper and magazines, I told myself not to see it. But after some convincing from friends, I went to see it and really enjoyed the movie. I had expected to see some stupid, pointless junk, but instead saw a great movie with a wonderful plot and actors. I admit that John Travolta could have done a better job as Terl, but Barry Pepper, who played the hero Jonnie, really carried the movie. Battlefield Earth was an all-around fun movie. I recommend it to anyone who just wants to be entertained.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, not great, but it'll do. Review: Ok, I'm a fan of Battlefield Earth. The story itself is campy, fun, and maybe even a bit rediculous, but very enjoyable. Hubbard wrote this book for himself really and nobody else which makes it more fun then most novels.Now the movie. Ok, for a decade they've been trying to make it. What we have isn't bad, but could be much better. It's not easy to take an 1100 page book and make a good movie out of it. Especially since parts of Battlefield Earth, although important, are downright boring and longwinded and would put an audience to sleep. Remember Dune? Dune is an incredible book, but the movie was limited with time constraints, the need for mass-market appeal, and not the biggest budget. Travolta is fun to watch as Terl and brings an over-the-top performance to it which is in itself fun, but the movie could be better. With luck, the sequals will be better (there are 2 in the making) as the first movie covered about half the book and gets us rolling through most of the drudgery portions of the book.
Rating:  Summary: Battlefield Earth is a bad joke! Review: I am a big sci-fi fan. Every time I go to the movie theater to see a new science fiction film I am hoping that it is not like Battlefield Earth. I knew that Battlefield Earth would be bad from the moment when I walked into the show room and saw that there were only three people in it. One person left after thirty minutes into the film. I don't know what force kept me in my seat for such a long time. Perhaps I was simply tired to leave. The movie was terrible. Many people that go to see sci-fi movies want to see something probable, something that could happen in the future. I am not saying that Aliens do not exist or that such a story is completely unrealistic I am just saying that what I saw was a cartoon that reminded me of bunch of shows that I skip when I skim through chanels on my TV. Battlefield Earth portrayed human-looking, human-acting, dumb Alien race that could not understand humans. I cannot understand how respectable, serious people could have made this garbage. The plot and whole idear of this film are so superficial that I sat through the whole time thinking how John Travolta could agree to humiliate himself so much. My advice for everyone is not to give this movie a chance, and tell everyone else that this is the waste of money.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, I actually enjoyed this film! Review: The sheer amount of negativity this film has generated amongst moviegoers staggers me. I spent a great deal of my time reading the message boards on "Battlefield Earth" upon its release. Apparently, the vast consensus was of the opinion that if you enjoyed this film in any fashion you were either: A) A Scientologist B) Brainwashed or C) Braindead. Insults, dear people, both unnecessary and immature. This film was labeled as a science-fiction/fantasy. Whoever said all movies in this genre had to follow the rules of logic? I'll grant you the movie DID have its share of hard-to-swallow plot holes. But, to be frank, I really didn't care! This was nothing more than a rollercoaster and, for my money, a pretty darn fun one at that. From the corny dialogue between Travolta's Terl and Whittaker's Ker (lifted straight from the book) to the Saturday-matinee-style action, I had an awesome time! None of the other patrons I saw it with "got up and left" and, contrary to what was predicted, there were no church members passing out literature in front of the theater. Clearly, as much as many would hate to admit, there are people who actually did enjoy themselves -- I among them. It's not the best film, not by a long shot. But it's also not the dreck-fest the media has made it out to be. It's harmless, good old fashioned escapism. Give it a chance.
Rating:  Summary: Battlefield Earth is not as bad as everyone says it is! Review: I am a major Science Fiction fan, and enjoyed Battlefield Earth! There are elements in this movie that could have been taken out of the Planet of the Apes, Independence Day and probably a few others. Is the story far fetched? Of course it is, it is science fiction. The Special Effects are cool. Forest Whitaker makes this movie...he does such a great job. I didn't even recognize him until I was a half hour into this movie as he looks so different in his Alien Garb. The worst part of this movie is actually John Travolta. His part should have been played by a stronger actor, or someone with a deeper voice. John looks really cool as an Alien but he sounds like a total wuss throughout the movie. It is actually annoying after awhile. Bottomline, the effects are great, the story while far fetched is good, the cast is decent enough. Although this is no Star Wars by any means, its still a good movie worth watching, it just isnt worth 8 bucks to go see it. If you are not a fan of SCI FI...skip this, other wise catch this one at a Matinee or wait until it hits video.
Rating:  Summary: THE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN Review: Watching this movie was a total waste of time and money. i cannot believe john travolta has lowered his standards so much to star in such a bomb. the costumes are ridiculous, the plot is soooo predictable, and boring beyond belief. in a word, watching this movie was "torture"!
Rating:  Summary: Hey, hey, hey - it's pure garbage! Review: I make that reference because, to illustrate how laughably bad this movie is, Forrest Whittaker's character has as his terrifying alien accent the voice of... Fat Albert. I was waiting for Rudy and Mushmouth to show up. Maybe Vinnie Barbarino was supposed to be Rudy... Anyway, this movie was horrible beyond words. I actually went to see it, expecting a laugh-fest like "Reptilicus" or "Planet of the Apes". Man, oh, man - when Mystery Science Theater 3000 is revived, this movie's going to be at the top of the list. This movie was painfully bad - by the end of the first hour, when John Travolta's codpiece was introduced to the audience, peels of laughter echoed in the theater. This movie makes Independence Day look like Hamlet. I won't go into all the details, but besides when I started laughing uncontrollably when Forrest Whittaker first did his Fat Albert impersonation, other priceless moments included the Psychlos falling for a Homer Simpson-esque ruse when the cavemen needed to go to Fort Knox, the perfectly intact jet fighters after 1000 years, the repeated "Cave Dwellers" style slo-mo shots of people running and yelling "Noooooooooooooooo"... but I'll stop. Two last points - one, I'm not sure what is with the Scientologists who say there's no violence. This movie is full of violence - and the very last part, when the entire Psychlo home planet is destroyed, is a horrible act of mass murder. Guess they deserved it, right, Scientologists? Very disturbing... And the second point? Never, ever, ever greenlight a movie pushed by a star who thinks that fifth-rate snake oil salesman, con artist and hack writer L. Ron Hubbard is a god. It's not a good financial move for your studio. On the other hand, it points out to the world the desperate need for Mike, Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot to get back on the Satellite of Love and tear apart some Hollywood turkeys...
Rating:  Summary: Brought to you by the attention span disorder league! Review: THis is what happens when a generation over doses on music video's and eye candy films like "The Rock." I am not against movies for entertanments sake, but I do expect to be treated as a person with an intellegence higher than the average house plant! Directors like Micheal Bay have come close to actually lowering the I.Q of our populace! Special effects do not equal a movie...Say it out loud...special effects do not make a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Voodoo Rockers From The Planet Psychlo Review: There is no doubt that this movie is the most awful piece of fecal matter that Hollywood has dumped upon an audience in a long, long, time. This is not your average stinker, folks. This one's REAL bad. It's like some monstrous, gangling, retarded, cross-eyed bird swallowed a dozen bad sci-fi flicks and regurgitated them all-at-once to feed the cheeping, peeping nestlings. Watching this film is such a direct slap on the face of human intellect (and cohesive imagination), that moviegoers across the nation have left the theater and walked straight into the paths of oncoming locomotives, or thrown themselves from bridges to their deaths. The book is based upon one of L. Ron Hubbard's numerous Pulitzer Prize-winning masterpieces. Reading the "novel" version of Battlefield Earth, one can practically hear the hack-hack-hack of Hubbard's machete-like imagination at work, and the film is faithful to its source, believe me. The villains in this epic mis-adventure all come from the planet "Psychlo." That ludicrously dumb name alone should tell the world how clever the storyteller was. Hubbard obvious came from the esteemed school of fantasy writing that says, "If you can't think up a cool-sounding name for an alien planet, just take any English word meaning an odd state-of-mind, and put an 'L' in it." Rumor has it that Hubbard's next choices for the planet-name were "Morlon," "Schizlo," "Reltard," and "Creltin." In any event, Hubbard did not stop there. His sci-fi villains also have laughably dumb names, monikers like and "Terl" and "Ker." All that's missing are character names like "Lerg" and "Drog." "Terl" is played in the movie by Vinnie Barbarino, whose performance is so screamingly bad that one can tell he reached deep, deep, deep within himself (all the way to the bowels, no doubt) to come up with sufficient motivation. It's not enough that the peformances are bad. Oh no. The costumes and alien get-ups make you want to just heave with laughter. The first moment I saw Travolta appear in that outfit, I spit popcorn all over the poor gal in the seat ahead of me. It was just too much to see that mountain of ratty hair, that bulging forehead prosthesis, and Travolta's pork-pie face sticking out from the midst of it all, like the embarrassed neighborhood kid whose mom made him wear the worst Halloween costume on the block. He looks like a white Jamaican hippie dressed in a big, black, space-age oven mitt. Forrest Whittaker (an actor whom I've lost ALL respect for) doesn't fare much better as "Ker." Ker looks like the love-child of Mrs. Butterworth and a Klingon warrior. Adding to the family-spirit of this movie, Travolta's wife---the world-renowned and celebrated Shakespearean actress, Kelly Preston---has a cameo as a 'Psychlette,' tantalizing moviegoers with her snake-like tongue and hinting at the satisfying sex-lives of the Psychlods. If the underlying theme of the Star Wars films was "The Force," then the hallmark of this one should be "The Farce." ... You gotta see this one to believe it, folks. It's worth watching if it ever shows up on Channel 87 some night around 2AM and you're battling insomnia. If this film doesn't bring the Travolta Career Chuckwagon to a screeching halt, I don't know WHAT will. ...
Rating:  Summary: I loved it. Review: What can I say. I saw it 4 times. Of all the hyped movies I would rather see a movie that get bad reviews than good ones. The actors were magnificant. Travolta the alien your love to hate, Pepper, the hero you love to love. The plot was somewhat jumpy at first, but once it started it was not easy to leave even for popcorn. Photography was throw back to the sixties. Special effects were excellent. But, that is my opinion. I loved the movie. It had it's flaws but what movie doesn't.