Rating:  Summary: I'm still wondering if the critics actually saw this movie Review: I can't figure out what's so bad about this movie to get such reviews. The only thing I can figure is the reviewers have never gotten past the author's and star actor's religion. The book was incredible and this movie stays very true to it. The visual detail is great, the action is great, the story is wonderful. It's a really good movie. Too bad so many can only see it through a filter.
Rating:  Summary: Very Interesting but somewhat sordid... Review: A very interesting movie but not executed to its full capacity. I will say that I'm tired of people bashing this movie. Everyone thinks they're a critic and says it's the worst ever made; you want to see something horrible see The Princess Diaries or The Sound of Music. They're sure to make you sick to your stomach. One thing I will note is how campy John Travolta looks in the role of a Psychlo. It's soo cheesy it actually works to an extent. He may come off as unconvincing but makes up for it with an interesting look. The apocaliptic look of America's most beloved land marks is very well crafted and so is the Psychlo city. All in all this movie was not that terrible. Especially since Barry Pepper was in it; his gorgeous looks save the movie somewhat. The Madman!
Rating:  Summary: BETTER BUY 2 COPIES!!!!!!!! Review: Because you will probably throw away your first one. i had a tough time not throwning out the rental i got. this movie has a terrible script and acting to boot. perhaps i am alone on this one but i definatly ended up fast forwarding through most of the movie, i wasn't worried though because i knew i missed nothing good. i must admit i was extremely surprized, that any actor in there right mind would agree to partake in this "movie". who ever it was that directed this movie started off the screen play on an unbelievable note when he had that guy for saving private ryan talking about demons while jumping and tossing sand in the air. then the hunt begins, and what seems to be endless scene after endless scene. i think i began fastforwarding about 30mins into the movie, which is most likely longer than most people made it. i an not sure how long this movie is, but it did seem endless, even while skipping what i am possitive was real important stuff to understand that dramatic ending. about 45 seconds into the movie i started to take it as a comedy, but that didn't even last long. somebody out there must like this movie. and i would like to meet that person, wipe the druel from there chin, stand them out of there wheel chair, take out there glass eyes, replace there hearing aids and take them to a corn field, and leave them there.
Rating:  Summary: Sickening Review: Ok, first of all I have to say that I read the book this movie is based on and it's one of my all time favourite novels. That being said, I think this movie is complete garbage. It's only based on the first 400 or so pages of the book and even that's not done properly. The screenwriters completly changed the way things go. It's just sickening. I started out watching this movie with the expectations of seeing my favourite scenes from the book. I wanted to see how the director's vision would differ from the way I imagined the story as I read the novel. But after the first 5 mins it all went horribly wrong. Everything was changed for the worse. Jonnie meets these tribes people as he ventures off from his own tribe in the first 10 mins of the movie and I have no idea WHERE this is mentioned in the book. And WHY are there so many humans kept in cages in the Psychlo compound? This was NOT in the book. Jonnie was the only one captured by Terl and kept in a cage. Also, the Pyschlos look all wrong. I thought they had FANGS and wore breathe MASKS, not some stupid wires connected to the nose for god's sake. And WHY do they have those god awful dreadlock type hair? And where are those prominent eye and nose bones that Hubbard mentions in the book?? And how on earth do the humans gain all that combat knowledge in just 7 DAYS without a learning machine?? And what happened to the Scots and Russians mentioned in the book?? Atleast the end wasn't a COMPLETE letdown. They did manage to include the part where they blow up planet Pyschlo but it was done ALL wrong. Just what was John Travolta thinking when he made this movie? I mean, isn't he a Scientlogist? So, being a devotee of Ron Hubbard how could he not be disgraced by the way the movie turned out? This movie was just pure garbage. I just hope someone makes a longer and more true to the book movie in the future.
Rating:  Summary: The Werst of the Worst! Review: This movie completely [stinks], I think even for you die-hard John Travolta fans you would be disappointed! I turned it off halfway thru it I was so bored to death. Don't waste your money, don't even rent it
Rating:  Summary: this movie should inspire amazon to make negetive stars! Review: way to go johnny revolta.i hope L. ron hubbord didnt have any other books you want made into movies.this may be the worst film of the last few decades.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid....how did it even get produced? Review: when this film came out back in 2000, i wisely read the reviews---not from just one critic, mind you; i like to get a wide view of opinions--and learned that this film was horribly created. having read those reviews, i stayed away from the film at the theatres. last night, while flipping through the channels, i noticed it on Showtime and was curious to see how terrible it really was. right from the beginning, i realized this was worse than the campy sci-fi films of the 50s. those you could at least laugh at. but this was just utterly horrendous. while i admire John Travolta's attempt to bring to the film a great book, one dear to his heart, why did he chose that director and cinematographer? what was up with those camera angles? why did we need to see Johnnie and co. from a 37 degree angle? what was wrong with just a straight angle? what was up with the terrible editing? in other words, HOW COULD IT EVEN BE PRODUCED?
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Dumbest Movies Ever! Review: I have to say I'm a real fan of most science fiction movies-but this particular film brings this genre down to a new low. I mean there have been plenty of bad sci-fi movies in the past-wooden sets,awful acting,preposterous plots,etc.But I would have thought that a sci-fi movie with generally good actors like John Travolta and Forrest Whitaker would have had to have some merits-well I'm afraid this one doesn't have any. In fact I can't really understand how it can even earn 1 star! Okay the basic plot and you've all seen this a million times before is-Earth the year 3,000.Man seems to be living in caves,wearing animal skins and has basically been sent back to the stone ages.Why?-Well because we just got whooped by the forces of a far superior planet-the stupidly named Psygor planet. They hate earth-especially all the 'green and blue' landscapes and those here would like nothing better then to go back to their purple planet. But they need to take as much of the earths resources as possible.Well actually it's only one resource really-gold.Amazingly in a planet on the far side of the galaxy some aliens would run over their own mothers just to get more gold. They also need men-or should I say "Man Animals!!" to work as slaves and gather the gold-you know so they can send it back to their relatives back home on planet purple. Men are looked upon as being pretty stupid-in fact they like to call us "Rat Brains"-even though they are the ones who look really dumb as they try to totter around on these enormous stilts inside their trouser leg so as to give the impression that these aliens are in fact about 10 feet tall. They are similar to humans in many ways-they enjoy getting drunk on their own particular brand of yellow liquid.The local bar tender is a world of information and most importantly in the galaxy of business you can't trust anyone. In fact Travolta and Whitaker spend the entire film laughing in a sort of dumb maniacal way or else they're threatening to kill each other. All the while they are underestimating man's powers-especially the desire for freedom to rid us of these terrible aliens. Barry Pepper plays Johnnie(it's good to see the old names will be popular in 1,000 years) and this revolt is based upon his powers of being able to gather the men from not killing each other over the last bits of meat in the stew to form a united front. In the space of the film they go from being a group who can only grunt at each other to people who can express quite brilliantly their desire for freedom. Even better still Johnnie given 20 minutes spare time in a derilict library in Denver can now formulate his plans. So he knows how to do it-but how will he train the men. Well Travolta gives him 7 days to mine as much gold as is possible-but in that time Johnnie discovers an old U.S. army base-what luck. Even better luck is that there are lots of planes there too-and would you believe all the planes still carry fuel that is still usable after 1,000 years.So the humans go from being as dumb as the producers of this movie to be excellent pilots,have a very solid grasp of nuclear physics and also become explosive experts-all in 7 DAYS!!!!So then we go on to the battle from which this awful movie gets it's name. The thing is I would have loved to have seen the makers,actors,writers etc, view the premier of this movie-I mean how embaressed must they have been when they left the cinema??
Rating:  Summary: horrible film... Review: If I could go into negative numbers as to rate this I would. The movie doesn't half HALF of what is in the book. And no matter how "famous" John Travolta is, you don't star someone first who plays a bad guy! I hope one day IF a remake can be done of the book it will be more true to the book (and star someone who plays the GOOD guy, not the bad guy...).
Rating:  Summary: Utter Scud Review: Come on People! Now do you see what Hollywood producers think of your intelligence? This film was an insult to the viewing public. Such could well be expected from John Travolta (Who has betrayed us with films like Broken Arrow, White Man's Burden, and Face Off) but for Barry Pepper to put so black a mark on so promising a career, so early on is absolutely inexplicable. My head aches from the ghastly camera angles, shot so as to increase the film's intensity, even as I write this. Recollection of this movie alone, is neaseating. I am left all the worse for ware. Utter Spud Scud! Save your time save your money, save yourself...