Rating:  Summary: Could be better! Review: When me and my brother rented this movie we where really exited(because our friends gave it so good recomendations)When we finaly started the movie i promised myself not to hold my hands infront of my eyes,but i thought whatdahell the movie hasen't even started yet,what am i so afraid of.But when we pressed the play button and the dvd menu was coming up i got so scared because there was a camera who dived under water,and a huge shark came up and ote the whole camera.That laides and gentlemen is the only scaring scene in this movie,the computer effects are laughable and i give this movie 3 and a half stars.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining for an hour and 25 min! Review: Much more movies about animals terrorizing people are being developed. Much like Lake Placid sharks get smarter and start wrecking a floating lab shutting down controls and such. The cast is pretty good. You think LL Cool J wouldn't be a good adsdition to the cast but surprisingly he is a very funny and smart chef who loves his bird. This movie has a little humor and nonstop action which isn't much worse than Jaws. It is more of PG-13 movie than R but the swearing supposidly makes it R.
Rating:  Summary: idiotic garbage Review: Good special effects and sound effects, but absurd plot. Another movie that exploits sharks as evil killing machines. Many absurdities such as sharks being fooled by red wine in the water (thinking its blood).
Rating:  Summary: moronic action adventure Review: Though "Deep Blue Sea" has been compared most frequently to "Jaws" for obvious reasons, its real cinematic pedigree lies in the "Alien" movies, "The Poseidon Adventure" and a dozen other films featuring a small band of people trapped in a labyrinth of corridors, fleeing either rising floodwaters, monsters or both and dropping off one-by-one in the process.Still, the "Jaws" analogy seems inevitable, yet what made Spielberg's film score as a thriller was that it took place in a real world setting filled with innocent people as its potential victims. This film misses that tension by being set far out to sea in an isolated research laboratory where some genetically altered sharks have decided to seek their revenge on the humans who have imprisoned them. It seems inconceivable, but it actually took three writers to concoct this ludicrous tale of a comely researcher's search for a cure to Alzheimer's in the guise of raising brain-enhanced giant sharks. The characters fall immediately into their stereotypical action film roles: we have, for instance, the sexy medical researcher so blinded by her humanitarian zeal that she foolishly delves into the forbidden areas of unrestrained genetic engineering to her and everyone else's everlasting regret; the brawny pragmatist who undercuts the doctor's idealism at every turn and who must try to save everyone with his muscle and brain power; and the comic relief black brotha who quotes Einstein and launches tepid witticisms at these munching predators of the deep. The one moment in which the film seems to admirably recognize its own slavish devotion to action movie cliches comes when the black man quips "brothas never make it out of situations like this, never." The situations are often cliched as well. Let the cynical atheist, for instance, utter one of his blasphemous we-are-greater-than-God statements and we know he is destined to become fish food very quickly. The action, too, is often incoherent, filmed with spatial confusion as to where in the facility the characters are or where the sharks are in relation to them. As to the film's derivative nature, there's even a bobbing corpse scene taken straight out of the "Jaws" handbook. The film does deserve a commendation for devising THE most idiotic motivation ever for getting the brainy scientist to strip down to her undies to model her aerobics-instructor body. Still, you have to see our intrepid musclebound hero piggy-back riding the giant killer shark to its ultimate demise to believe it. "Deep Blue Sea", sorry to say, drowns in its own giggle-provoking idiocy.
Rating:  Summary: Lunch Time. Review: If you liked the 1975 thriller Jaws, you're gonna love this. Deep Blue Sea is a wonderful film, the sharks look terrific, the acting is very good, and suspense moves quickly along with the intense action sequences. I recommend it to anyone who wants an amazing shark movie, or for somebody who enjoys being spooked and surprised.
Rating:  Summary: DEEP BLUE SEA Review: Deep Blue Sea was Jaws all over again. If you enjoyed Jaws, then this wil terrify you. With all the special effects you end up believing the shark is out to get you! The whole cast supporting and main work so well together. It was great to see my old fave Samuel L Jackson still does not have a good dress sense as is another fave film of mine Long Kiss Good Night. All I can say is KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
Rating:  Summary: The Most Wonderful Shark Film Ever. Review: I watch this movie firstly in cinema.It looked perfectly to me its sfx were wonderful.Also the sharks are designed perfectly and their moves and behaviors are so real.It makes me crazy.However when I watched this movie again on dvd I liked it 5 times more and I can watched the sfx so clearly also I felt the sphere of the movie more than I watched it on cinema.About the movie I can lastly say that you sould own one strictly.Besides Thomas Jane was acting wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: Award for worst CGI effects Review: Jaws, with its rubber shark, was far more impressive than these weak CGI effects. The vast majority of effects screamed CGI and were thoroughly unconvincing in motion, texture and appearance. The movie could never decide if the sharks moved at normal speed or faster than thought and their research into shark behavior must have been more limited than my own. Sharks don't attack from the head down and it's dubious to the point of ludicrous to assume that one generation of genetic tampering would change millions of years of successful predation in that way. The story line had interesting concepts but fell short of fulfilling its potential. Character development was weak to the point that I didn't care who got eaten with the exception of the cook. Predictable and disappointing. Comparable to Jaws 3. Unworthy of being mentioned in the same sentence as the original Jaws, which was masterfully told with rich character development.
Rating:  Summary: Scariest movie I've ever see Review: I love watching horror films but this one was the only film that I had to close my eyes on at certain scenes in the cinema. Now I've got it at home, I need someone else there to watch it with me. The plot was strange about scientists having to test on sharks and the sharks get smart because of it. But the acting were superb and the special effects dead scary. Thomas Jane, what a hunk! I'll be watching out for him in the future. I actually think this movie was better than Jaws because of the special effects and the suspence of when characters die. I do NOT want to go to the beach for a very long time. Forget the story. If you want a good scare and want to escape from your mundane or stressful life for awhile, I totally recommend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: An Entertaining Shark Film Review: Okay, so it's not Jaws, but if you wanted to watch Jaws you would, right? I liked the story and the effects in this film. After reading some things about Mako sharks, this film really made more sense. I started to understand why they chose Makos, etc. It's a good film for suspending disbelief. Like Jurassic Park, you have to accept that it takes a touch of liberty with science and then runs with it. A fun film to watch, especially with people afraid of sharks. ;)