Rating:  Summary: INTENSE!!!!!! Review: Although not as good as Jaws-this move is very intense and entertaining. Kind of suprising and does not follow the usual route of the main character being the hero. The only gripe that I have is the computer generated special effects- looked pretty fake in some parts. The story made up for this slight downfall. A very good movie- I'd see it again!
Rating:  Summary: Terrorcomedy is back Review: As a terror movie, Deep Blue Sea is somewhat weak, but if you watch it determined to have a good laugh, it's excelent.The digital sharks move like they are on a cocaine diet. The folks that did the digital sequences could learn a lot from Toy Story. The level of technical inconsistensies would make a "B" Series director blush, so just take them as comic releif (just one hint (as a 1000 world would not be enough): when you flood an underwater structure the stress is REDUCED, not increased - will you people just FIRE the tech consultant ?). Samuel L. Jackson's death brings back fond memories of Alien, just when you though "this one is going all the way to the end" he goes down the drain, just keeps you guessing. LL Cool J just rocks as the cook/priest, he has the right amounts of religion and Clint Eastwood. If you like terror and have a keen eye for detail, just skip it. If you like terrorcomedy (like me) it's a must.
Rating:  Summary: Better than most Review: "Deep Blue Sea" often gets criticism it doesn't deserve. I see it as an action-packed thriller that moves along quickly. Sure, some of the moments and situations are corny and stupid. But I think the film is saved in many areas by the comedy and surprises. That is why I give this four stars. This movie is definitely better than most of the other "eat 'em up" movies. Sure, it's no "Jaws", but what is?
Rating:  Summary: Better AND Worse than Jaws Review: A lot of reviewers miss the point of this movie. It is definitely not as good a Drama-Thriller as Jaws. And Jaws is in no way as good an Action-Thriller as this is. They share only Sharks in common. Very obviously, the movie shares more in common with Alien than Jaws. This is a big, loud, well-directed, and attractive videogame of a movie. The DVD transfer went over very well, with nice extras. Again, viewers must remain cognizant of the type of movie it is. As referenced out of context by another reviewer, the great (and enthusiastically spoken) commentary reveals how some scenes were removed. NOT to make a bad movie, but to keep this fast-paced videogame from slowing down. That's intelligent film-making for a great action movie. If you want more out of your characters, you should be buying 1991's wonderful Bugsy or the like. You want the best of the recent "Alien underwater" movies?--Here ya go!
Rating:  Summary: Good sharks/Bad movie Review: Quite frankly this movie bored me. Yes the sharks are incredibly, but the story was thin and the acting was dull. Yes there were some gory parts, and yes the sharks were a wonder to behold, but that doesn't make up for this dull movie. Scary? No. What made JAWS scary is that they didn't show much of the shark. It's hard to be afraid of these "smart" sharks when they throw them in your face every few minutes.
Rating:  Summary: Intense, fun action Review: Was the plot a little thin? Was the story implausable? Was some of the dialouge cringe-worthy. Yeah, sure I suppose so, but in the end it dosen't really matter. It's an action movie, and it sure delivers on that front. Particularly surprising was ultra-stud muffin Thomas Jane(who I'd never even heard of previously), who comes off as something of a cross between Bruce Willis in Die Hard mode, Harrison Ford during the Star Wars/Indiana Jones era and Kevin Costner with his ever present tough sensativity. I dig Thomas Janes, can you tell? He makes one heck of a hero. Saffron Burrows was another pleasnt surprise. She actually is trying to give depth to a character that the entire movie is, somewhat unfairly, against. Looking and sounding like the flesh and blood incarnate of Tomb Raider's Lara Croft, she was wholly believable, in my humble opinion, in what little she got to do. Samuel Jackson. What can I say? Awesome as always, and certainly the biggest surprise of the movie comes from a scene with his character. The writing wasn't entirely bad(I've seen worse in movies that got critical praise) and provided a few genuine laughs and thrills. The action is astounding and mesmerising as one would expect from Renny Harlin. The DVD version is excellent, with Sam Jackson's commentary often times becoming laugh out loud funny. The deleted scenes were nice and left me wishing they'd been re-edited back into the movie as they would have really served to flesh out some of the characters. Plus I love the smoldering look Carter(Jane) gives Susan(Burrows) during her birthday speech. That right there: worth the price of the DVD. Yeah sure, the 'God against the devil sharks' was really lame, but it didn't ruin it for me. I wanted fun, mindless thrills and that's what I got. What more could I ask for?
Rating:  Summary: Not bad for a shark movie Review: I hear lots of people talking about how Jaws was a tremendous movie full of suspense, and Deep Blue Sea was a movie focused mainly on people being torn to bloody chunks with no surprises. The latter is fairly true, but it was still better than Jaws. The first time I saw Jaws, I didn't flinch, and when I finally saw the shark, I almost scoffed out loud at how incredibly fake it looked! You could practically see the gears working inside its mouth. Then I saw Deep Blue Sea, which at least made me grip my armrests a bit tighter. There were at least two scenes in there, punctuated by scary high-pitched music and screams, a la The Shining, in which everyone in the theater gasped sharply. I have seen it twice more after that, and plan to see it again. Jaws, however, wasn't quite good enough for that.
Rating:  Summary: The Deep Blue Sea, and glory n violence Review: 1st ov all, these sharks certainly do bite! How can u not like this? U simply get 3 gigantic blood thirsty sharks stalking humans, and tearing them to shreds with their jaws ov death.. I loved this movie, not only is the plot, and violence great, but has some excellent acting to back it up.. If u are looking for an excellent flick filled with thrills, laughs, action, and great directing, then please look NO further..
Rating:  Summary: DVD version Review: The single star rating is for the DVD version which was filled with compression glitches and artifacts. The worst I've seen. Special features of the DVD include two "making of" mini-docs. The first is a ridiculous puff piece but the second, "Sharks of the Deep Blue Sea" focuses specifically on the shark effects - animatronic, CG and actual live sharks - and is somewhat interesting. Director Renny Harlin challenges the viewer to distinguish between them. Sorry, Renny, it's too easy - the animatronic sharks, while amazing, fall short of reality and the CG sharks are just embarrassing. Also included on the DVD are 5 deleted scenes with commentary by the director. The scenes themselves are uninteresting but the commentary is a fascinating brief study in how to make a Bad Movie - "this was just character development, so we cut it" - "more character development, but we had to get to the meat of the story" (what story?) - "this scene made the lead (Saffron Burrows) to sympathetic". He also tells us his grand vision for the film - "it's time to see the shark." So, yeah, we get to see it (or them). A lot. Whereas much of the suspense of a movie like Jaws or Alien was that you only got tantalzing glimpses until the climax. Harlin gives us everything he's got in the first five minutes and has nowhere to go from there. Admittedly he's a professional director who the studios rely on to deliver just this sort of product. On the other hand he's the same man who gave us Cutthroat Island. As for the movie itself - it's a Bad Movie. If you like Bad Movies, give it 4 stars - it moves along at a good clip, has a few genuine surprises and one nice twist at the end regarding the shark's intelligent behavior. If you don't like Bad Movies, give it 1 star - it's classicaly Bad, with cardboard characters, huge plot holes and unmotivated physical action. Other reviewers have already mentioned the wildly varying speed of the sharks, inconsistency of bite damage and so on. Do yourself a favor. Watch Jaws instead. 25 years old and it still holds up.
Rating:  Summary: The Devil and "The Deep Blue Sea" Review: I avoided this movie like the plague in theatres -- it really came off as a semi-schlocky "Jaws" ripoff. But that was my loss -- because "Deep Blue Sea" is a pretty good movie for the genre, and atmospherically creates something new while working in the confines of the enjoyably predictable "people as rats in a maze" formula. "Deep Blue Sea" actually owes more to the Alien films than to Jaws, and the DVD edition offers wonderful extras that illustrate this, including an entertaining commentary track, some breathtaking peeks behind the scenes (the sets are phenomenal), and the usual gorgeous clarity of DVD. The film's underwater science lab has a greenish eerie shimmer to it that the DVD does full justice to. I especially enjoyed the interviews with the cast, all of whom come off as bright, funny, and entertaining people as they give some memorable anecdotes about becoming shark bait (or near shark bait). Speaking of the actors, the flim's ensemble of people-as-fish-food is comprised of some pretty good ones -- Jackson, Rapaport, and especially Burrows, who makes a completely convincing scientist in spite of her looks. (One side note on the 'official' review -- why is Burrows, who has now carved a respectable career as an actress for more than 5 years, still referred to as an 'actress-model'? Hasn't she earned the right to be called an actress yet?) LL Cool J is a blast as a Bible-quoting cook, and Burrows is a cool, calm center to the story, which offers up a few tasty Science and ethics questions before the sharks get down to business and start chomping. The story is actually very clever, with lots of humor, tension, and some huge sudden scares. There's a twist in the end, too, that literally made my jaw drop (I probably added a star to the review based on this suprise alone -- when was the last time a movie REALLY fooled you?). The music score is forgettable, but adequate, and the cinematography and special effects are gorgeous. The sharks are by far the most fun -- they're quick, smart, and even seem to have a devilish sense of humor. They're also, for the most part, entirely real (especially for those like me, who see sharks even in the swimming pool). A smart, enjoyable and scary diversion, and worth the asking price.