Rating:  Summary: Barely tolerable Review: I don't know how I got drawn into watching this movie, but I actually watched the entire thing. I guess it comes from being a big "Jaws" fan. This is basically an idiotic movie. L.L. Cool J. steals the show. Without him, this movie would not have even been tolerable to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Makes me yearn for Jaws and Jaws 2. Review: Deep Blue Sea is an example of cinematic overkill. Trying to pack three killer sharks with a lot of non-stop action in a confined setting isn't the way to make this sort of film. Steven Spielberg did it almost flawlessly in Jaws, a brilliant film that featured incredible acting, exciting action, and fine special effects. Deep Blue Sea has serviceable acting at best, yawn-inducing action, and CGI effects that are so fake I thought I was watching a video game. To see how to get this sort of film done right, check out Jaws and its first sequel. Oh, and Thomas Jane, you're no Roy Scheider.
Rating:  Summary: How could people say this is a bad movie? Review: How could people say this is a bad movie? It is beyond me. Jaws wannabe? Yeah, right. This is a different kind of scary than the 1975 predecessor. Jaws scared practically everybody out of the water. Deep Blue Sea won't do that. But it sure is one hell of a ride.
Rating:  Summary: JAW'D TOO Review: Renny Harlin is a hack, OK? He's Jan De Bont, he's Stuart Baird, he's Roland Emmerich. But. irretrievably derivative as it is, "Deep Blue Sea" is the only one of the bank-breaking B movies he's made that verges on actually being a right old hoot. And the only one that isn't even remotely dull. Never mind the claptrap about sharks taking smart drugs. And yes, the cribs are telling and obvious. Shameless even. A little "Abyss"here, a dash of John carpenter's "The Thing" there and magnificent dollops of "Jaws".( And if sequel rumors prove accurate, a large helping of "Hard Rain" , that ungodly B movie starring Morgan Freeman, will be added to the stew ) But of course. Still there's something Hawksian about it that makes my nose hairs do jigs. Most of the time against my better judgment. A group of people sardined in a cramped space while evil lurks, or swims, in the storm-ravaged outside. You know the drill. But it's a terrific drill. Harlin is far (very far) from being a Hawks or a Carpenter or a Speilberg.But here, for once, he's stalwart , cunning and game where he used to be clueless, vacuous and self-important. Samuel Jackson and LL Cool J are, as per usual, fun. Thmoas Jane and Saffron Burrows are not. But Harlin gives us very little downtime between the set pieces to care. Besides, wooden actors are what makes B movies fun. And the sharks are the real MVPs of this movie, just as the extras are the real reason to shell out the moolah for this DVD. Still. This timekilling mother has bluster and velocity to spare which, when you've got nothing better to do, is an infintely sweeter deal than soiling yourself with such crap as "The Haunting" and "US Marshals".
Rating:  Summary: Horrible, Grusome, And the sharks look too digital. Review: I think this movie was trying be sort of a jaws. They failed! Its about a group of experyts trying too help humans by curing Alzheymers disease with a cell form sharks. They accidentally made sharks smart. It is a total blowout with people getting arm bit off, heads bitten off, and one girl is eaten like a patato chip at the end.
Rating:  Summary: Boy this movie bites! Review: Coming form the guy who directed Cliffhanger, and Cutthroat Island, I wasn't expecting much, and that is what I got. The FX were among the worst I've ever seen, my Playstation could animate those sharks more accuratly. People get ripped to shreds, things blow up ho-hum. The acting is bad even Samuel L. Jackson whom I admire very much. LL Cool J is in it too, and of course he has a rap song on the end that is totally out of place. Do yourself a favor and watch Jaws, not this steaming chunk of feces!
Rating:  Summary: Good special effects Review: Not a terrible movie, Deep Blue Sea is a decent flick for monster movie lovers. Special effects are pretty good. The sharks look a little more realistic than "Jaws". The unusual thing about this one was that the storyline was excellent. That's atypical in this genre. This was good enough to sit all the way through and had some relatively tense moments.
Rating:  Summary: Dumb Blah- I give it a C Review: Renny Harlin tries to out-"Jaws" Steven Spielberg, and the result is this insipid, silly mess. A group of moronic scientists make Mako sharks more intelligent in order to fight Alzheimer's disease, then get eaten. The great Samuel L. Jackson shows up (but not for long!) to talk about his disastrous mountain-climbing expedition (which plays no role in the outcome of the movie, nor does it develop his character), but LL Cool J steals the show as the cook who values his parrot over his own life. Other than an all-too-brief Saffron Burrows in her underwear scene, and LL Cool J's antics, there's not much to recommend about this movie. The characters are dopes, the death scenes go on so long several of them induce laughter, and the CGI sharks are atrociously animated- they look like they're sliding along through space, rather than swimming. This is one movie that makes the abysmal (and "Abyss"-mal) "Deepstar Six" look like triumph. On the plus side, the animatronic sharks look pretty realistic. So does Saffron Burrows, but you can look at pictures of her on the Internet and avoid "Deep Blue Sea" altogether.
Rating:  Summary: pretty good Review: this movie is no 'jaws' but then again it isnt suppose to be. i liked it but that was because of ll cool j without him this movie was a 1. with him the movie is so much better. the other head guy is also a plus. but the worst part about the movie is they didnt get the charecters enough known to you so when they died i didnt care. i felt no sorrow. the best part of this though is when the action starts it doesnt stop. non stop! you cant even blink! so overall good movie but a few parts could have been fixed. (shout out to ll cool j, his acting was awsome!)
Rating:  Summary: Stay Out Of The Water Review: Deep BLue Sea takes a bit of a different approach than the makers of Jaws did, and i think it was a wise decision. The film is about Mako sharks that are experimented on to try and find a cure for alzeimers disease. The unfourunate thing is that due to the experimentation the sharks have become more intelligent and strike back. What eventually happens is hunt and kill with the humans being the victims this time. The cast make this film what it is as you dont really have any of the top names so there is no competition for worst over actor. This film is definetly worth watching and hopefully you will like it that much that you will buy it