Rating:  Summary: Just when you thought it was safe... Review: Renny Harlin brings us another in a long line of really bad action/adventure movies (Remeber, the man is responsible for "Cut Throat Island") and while "Deep Blue Sea" isn't nearly as bad as "Die Hard 2" there's little redeeming value here.The plot centers on a floating research lab (formerly a U.S. Navy submarine re-supplying station) in the middle of the Pacific. While trying to find a cure for Alzheimers disease, the scientists have created super-smart sharks in order to harvest chemicals from their brain stems. Let's see how many Jaws rip-offs/horror movie cliche's we can pack into the first 15 minutes? Well, one of the sharks escapes and attacks ("this was no boating accident") two couples out for a sail before a very Quint like shark wrangler saves the day with some tranquilizers. The mad scientist (She has to die, it's her fault, call it the poetic justice rule of horror films) begs to be allowed to complete her work despite the danger to human life. The crew of the research station heads to shore. ("We run a skeleton crew on the weekends.") Suffice to say, that later, as Sam Jackson's character delivers a diatribe on the nature of survival, you pretty much know he's going to end up as chum. What else...Well, according to this film, you can keep a zippo lighter underwater for about half an hour yet have no trouble at all getting it to light. Nearly an hour after the expository lines on the former Navy station, we're treated to an underwater shot complete with a sunken submarine, if you weren't paying attention you might wonder why it's there. In the spirit of Joe Bob Brigs, awards for quality performances go to Sam Jackson on being lost in an avalanche, "Ice is a powerful thing, but it's nothing compared to a man." Saffron Burrows as the mad scientist, "it may be super smart, but it's still just an animal. Come to Mama." L.L. Cool J on revenge, "You ate my bird!" and Michael Rappaport as the Shark is being lifted into the station for research, "Anyone order the fish?" There's nothing here that you haven't seen in better movies before.
Rating:  Summary: Little on Logic, Big on Body Count. Review: Unlike the Thrill-less, Laugh-less "Lake Placid", "Deep Blue Sea" is one-hell-of-an Exciting Ride. It's 105 minutes of Brainless Entertainment that, even though it isn't trying to be a Comedy/Horror, is Still funnier than it's Comic Rival "Lake Placid". The Sharks in the film happen to be Genetically Enhanced, "Smart" Sharks, so anyone goes in expecting Shakespeare is going to be Sorely Disappointed. The Sharks look Frighteningly Realistic, at all times. I'm the type of Special Effects freak who purposely Looks for faults to tease... But in "Deep Blue Sea", There wasn't a fault to be found. Thomas Jane has a Star-making role as the Hero of the Pic. Saffron Burrows is a little Annoying as the Brains behind the Super Sharks. He only expression in the film is a Sulky one, she never even looks Scared. Samuel L Jackson plays his role Straight and is very Effective and LL Cool J and Michael Rapaport provide some good Comic Relief. Super Intelligent Sharks... That is Gold. If you haven't seen it, what have you been doing? If you have seen it.. See it again, It's Just as much fun the Second time.
Rating:  Summary: Deep Blue Sea Review: Renny Harlin, the director has really out done himself on this movie production. Thomas Jane staring as Carter Blake is a control guard on this gigantic version of 'Alcatraz' but set in the middle of the ocean. Saffron Burrows, Dr. Susan McCallister has been assigned to enlarge 3 Great White sharks' brains to make their brain capacity much larger. This all goes shockingly wrong when the sharks start to think for themselves. The sharks can't break down the fence because it is made out of re-enforced titanium. The acting is was truly magnificent because if you understand the movie then you start to care for the actors. I thought the best actor was Carter Blake (Thomas Jane), his expression was dead on time to make the movie feel like it was a real event happening at that exact second. This film is a very good but if you liked the movie 'Jaws' then you will like this even more.
Rating:  Summary: Alright Review: Its great, but not. Ya know? Well let me explain it to you this way: its well scary at first ya know watchin it when you're 7, 8 years old but then it gets boring after about watching it 10 more times (im exxagerating so go with me) its about 5 people (i think) who are tryin to make sharks smarter, so they have to get near the sharks after they are injected with the smart shark potin thing. This one guy gets to close and he gets his arm bitten off (so cool!) so they rush him off to the hospital in a helicopter but falls in the water and drowns. Then both the girls died (man!) so then there are 4 guys left then the black guy is making a speech in front of the water hole where they go in and out of the water (big Mistake!) and gets pulled down from the sharks and u see them under water and they rip him in half (haha). so 3 guys left (they are trying to fix the under water house thing from getting water in it all because the guy with the ripped arm got pushed in to the glasss by one of the sharks) anyway there are 3 guys left and the other black guy (the cook) the sharks eat his parrot and so he gets mad and he sets him on fire with a match. But still alive and so they survive and its only those three who survive. Its pretty good You should buy it if you like shark movies with blood and killing and people getting ripped in half.
Rating:  Summary: Deep Blue Sea DVD Review: It's no jaws but it's pretty good Review: I can still remember when "JAWS" was released and each movie I was scared as hell. I swore that I hate sharks and even though I surf, I still don't like going far deep because of my fear of sharks. It has been 25 years later and "DEEP BLUE SEA" has been released. I wanted and I didn't want to see the movie because sharks scare me. Even hearing the ghost shark stories in Hawaii...scary! The colors were cool and the 5.1 sound is very nice. I guess what was most shocking is who lived and who got killed. Some scenes were well done and a good shock value especially the Samuel L. Jackson scene. They did a good job with this film and to make the sharks terrifying was made believable by the hard work they put into this movie. You can see the work in the filmography. The documentary was very insightful with the director and Samuel L. Jackson giving their commentary on the movie. All in all this movie will freak you out, scare you and for a group of not-so-popular actors (aside from Samuel L. Jackson), they did a good job including LL Cool J. If you have a craving for another cool shark movie, "Deep Blue Sea" would be perfect for you.
Rating:  Summary: Watch out! This babys got bite! Review: Okay. The acting from Saffron Burrows in the opening scenes with Samuel.L.Jackson is shaky and that in itself can damage the movie. Get past the wobbly first five minutes however and you've got to grit your teeth and hold on for the ride of your life! Cos baby, this ride is one fast, intense helter skelter that you're gonna want to watch again, and again, and again. Believe it! Do you remember the days of brainless action movies that just didn't let up? Hell, you should do. They made Big Arnie and Sly famous. Anyway, this is what this movies like. Don't need to think. All you gotta do is prise your hands from off the cushions after the rides over. The movie itself stays true to the action movies of old with some cheeseball lines, none better than the whole of Samuel L jackson's hero speech halfway through the movie. Unusual for a movie of this type is that you see a lot of the sharks. This doesn't take away from the movie but instead, makes it better. It's the flipside to the coin of the shark genre. Take 'Jaws' as an example. Don't see the shark until the end and then, it looks like a bus! If you like action movies. Get this! If you don't like action movies. Get it anyway. Just as a little test to show you the wide range of people who will enjoy this movie, I forced my mum to watch it. The experiment work, she loved it. Is that proof enough of how good this movie is? I think so!
Rating:  Summary: A phonimal movie Review: This has got to be the best of the Jaws rip offs. Here is the stynesis. Some scientist at Aquaticus a lab that was roriginal built by the military are conducting medical experiements with Mako sharks. The have gentically inhaced three sharks in attempt to find a cure for Alhimeres. This is one of the gorgest movies Ihave ever seen. All goes well until a tropical storm blows in. All hell breaks lose. Aquatius floods the sharks get lose. The three Mako shark kill al but two of the main characters. This movie is rated R for gore, bad langues and violence. It has a some god lines in it. There is some comedy in it. One of my favorite lines comes near the end "We have to kill her that the first smart thing you said all day." A exellent movie that deserves a sequel. Here are some other Jaws rips of that you can see. Shark attack 1 Sharck attack 2 Shark atatck 3, Red Water, Creature. To other ones are Great White and Jaws 5 cruel Jaws but you can only see these two if you live over sea they were ship oversea from the US. because the obtain stolen Footage from other movies.
Rating:  Summary: Mindless Fun Review: I came to this movie with pretty low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Yes, the plot has major holes, some of the effects are chintzy, and the thing is just too damn long. Still, the action scenes are well choreographed (especially the terrifying helicopter crash) and any movie about killer sharks is going to press a button or two. This one pressed several. Yes, Samuel L. Jackson is terrible, just as he was in The Phantom Menace (it is rare to see an actor who is so equally capable of brilliance and bathos), and the characters played by Saffron Burrows and Thomas Jane, both gifted peformers, are as one-dimensional as LL Cool J's is stereotypical. Of the rest of the large ensemble cast, which includes indie fixtures Michael Rappaport, Jaccqlyn McKenzie and Aida Tuturro, few are allowed to do more than wait their turn to be fish bait. Of course, character development is not the main concern here, action is and, on that count, Deep Blue Sea works quite well. Just don't think too hard about it and you will find an enjoyable way to kill a couple hours.
Rating:  Summary: Deep Blue Sea (1999) Review: Director: Renny Harlin Cast: Thomas Jane, Saffron Burrows, Samuel L. Jackson, LL Cool J, Jacqueline McKenzie, Michael Rapaport. Running Time: 106 minutes. Rated R for violence, shark attack gore, and language. In 1975, a miraculous, terrifying film created by Steven Spielberg was released, causing such an uproar that people did not want to get into the water because they were so scared of sharks. This film, of course, was "Jaws" and still to this day can make the heart jump a few beats. "Deep Blue Sea", the goofy horror flick directed by Renny Harlin, is no "Jaws". A midocean research station where scientists are researching the effects of artificial intelligence on sharks, the creatures develop superhuman smarts and turn on their captors. Samuel L. Jackson's presences is wasted as the head scientist who is running the research, the special effects are only adequate, and the preposterous script takes away from several fine supporting performances (mainly LL Cool J, who lights up the screen with his strong stage charisma and charming humor). An enjoyable movie if you are looking to sit down for nearly two hours and watch a cheesy action-horror picture, but largely disappointing if the audience is expecting a tense, atmospheric, and believable fright fare.
Rating:  Summary: meh Review: this movie has some good action and has a good pace. The sharks generally looked good. Some attacks looked fake. The extras were pretty boring.