Rating:  Summary: It's a bad sequel! Review: Well where should I start.These are all the bad things about the movie.They picked the wrong people to replace these characters.They replaced Rayden,Jax,Sonya,Cage,and more.These actors are ok but they dont even remind me of the first.Also this is supposed to have a tornement in it.Not just running and fighting along the way.The actor that played Lui Kang said he was very dissapointed.The special effects were ok.But Smoke has the wrong powers.He has Sectors powers instead.The fights just look so fake.I mean that you can see that their not even hitting each other.There is barley any funny parts because of johnny having one line and then dying.Now what is wrong with that! But the good thing is that Rayden finally fights but is just like 2 min.The first 2 min of the movie is good but then goes crazy!I would rent this movie first but then deside if you want it or not....
Rating:  Summary: What is this? Review: I enjoyed the first Mortal Kombat movie. It was corny, yes, but the martial arts action was entertaining and seeing Christopher Lambert cast as Rayden definitely was a big bonus. This movie, however, turned out to be totally ridiculous.First of all, both Sonya and Rayden are played by different actors, both of whom can't act worth a darn. In fact, none of the acting is that good, and the plot is as paper thin and unconvincing as the acting is. There are a number of character appearances--too many, in fact. Many characters play a small, only momentary role in the movie that makes you wonder if the whole purpose of the movie was just to show all the characters in sequence and then end it. Rain, Sheeva, Mileena, many of the classic characters scarcely exist. So, to sum up, if you like bad acting, a thin plot, horrible special effects, and even fighting that is really, really lame, then this movie might be for you. Otherwise, avoid it.
Rating:  Summary: Incredibly stupid sequel is very annoying... Review: As my buddy ironman6662 so notably points out, don't expect academy-award winning material. In fact, don't expect much of anything at all in this weak sequel to the box office hit. Johnny Cage dies in the beginning, which is the film's first of many mistakes. Okay, I understand he dies in the video games, but does he have to be killed in the movies as well? He was the one character in the first that really brought believability to the story. Now he's gone, and the movie spends the rest of its time with increasingly bad music, terrible dialogue, and some really flashy special effects. The fight scenes in this look like they're from the Power Rangers movie, the dialogue feels like a six-year-old wrote the script in red crayon and the music is, well, irritating. There's only so many times one can hear the Mortal Kombat theme before it gets old. I mean, every other minute the soundtrack went "MORTAL KOMBAT!!!" It's like, in case you forgot what movie this is, it's "MORTAL KOMBAT!!!" Some of the fight scenes are kind of cool, but the rest of the movie is wading around in primordal soup yelling, "MORTAL KOMBAT!!!"
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate Mortal Kombat film? I don't think so... Review: When I saw ''MORTAL KOMBAT'', directed by Paul Anderson, I adored the movie. So I thought that the next movie, ''Mortal Kombat: Annihilation'', would be the ultimate Mortal Kombat film. But I was wrong. The prequel of this movie is far better, and the actor that plays Rayden in this movie ... for the role. So what we have here is: Some bad cast, some bad special effects, and a boring storyline. Watch this movie only if you don't have anything else to do, or if you are nine years old, and younger.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie but.. Review: This movie is an awsome film. FOr some reason I am always on the mindset that if I see it in Theaters I will love it. That was the case here. This movie features awsome fight scenes, cool special effects, and killer music. But I must admit the plot itself must of took Johnny Cages split punch because it is literally non exsistant. Johnny Cage dies in the beggining (Damn) and thus we are left with Rayden, Lui Kang, Sonya, and KItana. THis time the foes are in higher numbers, Shao Kahn, Motaro, Shiva, Noob Saibot, and Sindel. THey must travel to a sacred area for the final battle. Sonya must gather her partner Jax (well casted) and Lui Kang must find Nightwolf. In that time we see a few Cameo apperances. For example Sub Zero 2 appears and fights Scorpion at one point, but than vanishes (stupid), Smoke is played wrong from his title in the game (should of been sektor), Nightwolf lasts maybe ten minutes and has the worst line in the film (that was my animality) and Shiva dies way to easy (squashed like a bug). But beyond that we have some cool fight scenes in between. Sonya and Jax vs Cyrax, Lui Kang vs Baraka, and Sonya vs Millena (in mud) was for simple male entertainment. Over all if you are expecting an academy award winning story than stay away, but if you are looking for a fun martial arts movie than this is your pick.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible in every possible way... Review: They screwed up here. What else is there to say? This completely terrible sequel picks up where the pretty good first one left off and propels us into a land of... power ranger dialogue, campy violence, and cheesy special effects. This movie is worse than "Double Dragon." The fight scenes are amazingly bad, the music is annoying and the overall look of the movie is like someone barfed on it. Completely ruined what could have been an awesome martial arts series.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good, but not as good as the original Review: [...]P>The positive points are the special effects are great, the central main charactor is played by the same actor,and all three main charactors have alot battles to fight.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the original, but it's still a decent film. Review: Annihilation starts where the last movie ended, kinda like Halloween 1 and 2. But, there are some differences unlike the Halloween films... Take a gander at Shoa Kahn of the original movie and this one, and you will see he is no longer the horrible demon he appreared to be in the originals end. And his voice, gee willickers is it rather odd. Also, they quickly take away one of the three major character of the original and trade some actors. But anywho, back to the story. Basically the the troop of Rayden, Liu Kang, Sonya, Jax, and Kitana must find a way to defeat Shoa Kahn. You see, Shoa Kahn resurrected Sindel, Kitana's dead mother, and in order to defeat them they must get the now evil Sindel to reunite with Kitana in a caring way... So they go on about their journey, facing many spiffy opponents on the way. You will see: Smoke Cyrax Motaro Ermac (Like Scorpion or Sub-Zero, yet red) Sindel Shoa Kahn Nightwolf (doesn't really battle) Jade Scorpion (yes he's back from the dead apparently, cool eh?) Sub-Zero (watch the movie, learn! he's not in it very long) Mileena [Possibly others I could have missed] Now you see some of the competition, do you want to learn more? Watch the film, be surprised, watch the mystical eye candy, the martial arts battles, and oh so much more....Yep. Good day, good night, and farewell. Until my next review, this is Jeremy Barnes wishing you a peaceful morning and evening.
Rating:  Summary: Mortal Kombat:2, The Continuing Story Behind It Review: This is one of those movies that you have to see the first movie and know everything about it to actually put things together. There's a review somewhere around here that says that "Shao Kahn looks like he was taught by Shang Tsung." Hate to break it to ya, but SHANG TSUNG WAS TAUGHT BY SHAO KAHN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! That's why the fighting style looks so much alike, and besides, where would a normal guy get those kinds of powers? Anyways, on with the story. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation tells the continuing story of Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Rayden and Kitana. In the last movie, Liu won the tournament, which was SUPPOSED to secure the Earth Realm for another generation (I think that's like 10 years or something?). But, as Rayden says in the opening "Someone has a different point of view." Shao Kahn attacks the Temple, and starts merging Outworld and the Earth Realm. By the sixth day, both would be merged, and billions of innocent people will die, unless the humans can stop them. Cage dies so early it's almost funny. Extra characters are added, such as Rain, Mataro, Sheeva, Sindel, and Jax. What we learn towards the end, is that Rayden's father was a fallen Elder God, named Shinnok. When the team pieces the clues together, they weasle out the truth from the poor Rayden. Shoa Kahn is Rayden's brother, who had to fight to become an Elder God after his father. He beat Kahn, but couldn't destroy him, so that's what they gotta do, destroy the evil guy-like every stereotypicle fighting movie. Kahn energy blasts the now human Rayden, and he dies. With anger by his side, Liu uses his animality on Kahn, and destroys him. The Elder God's close Shinnok up in a box and send him to live permanently in Outworld, while the humans get to relax. Rayden is brought back to life (Funny moment that was put into a wrong place when he says "Was I dead?"), and is made an Elder God. The scene ends with the original game music, and the dragon symbol is restored. The End! Oh, and it helps to read the book with the dragon on it, not the on with Goro, thats the movie book. The one with the symbol tells a little more about what happened before then, with lots of spoilers about the TV series Conquest.
Rating:  Summary: This movie deserves annihilation Review: The original Mortal Kombat stunned audiences around the globe with it's deep characters, philosophical ideologies, and artful camera direction...or maybe not. However, it did remain true to the video games (a first for its genre), feature lots of brilliantly choreographed martial arts sequences, cool special effects, and actors who were having fun with their material. Even the most cynical reviewers acknowledged it was fun stuff. Then came Mortal Kombat Annihilation, and everything completely fell apart. Too many characters are introduced, and most are only in the movie for a quick cameo (Nightwolf, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero immediately come to mind). To counter this, characters are killed off just as quickly, often in a humiliating, cheesy way (getting eaten by a CG wall decoration, having a cage dropped on their head, etc.). Kitana finally fights with her fans, but she is quickly kidnapped and becomes the damsel in distress. The fight scenes have been completely ruined. As part of the movie's "plot", extermination squads have been sent to kill our characters. These guys look like rejects from the old "Power Rangers" episodes, wearing black ninja suits and welding plastic weapons. Even when we get a "showcase style" fight between two combatants (like in the video game), horrible camera angles and flashing strobes ruin everything. On top of all this, other silly, non-sensical things have been added, like big rolling spheres, and an awful CG "Animality" fight that looks like a 50's Godzilla revival. Did the movie do anything right? The replacement actress for Sonya Blade (Sandra Hess) looks a lot more physical and more appropriate for the role than Brigette Wilson did. Raiden is turned Mortal and joins in on the action, which later happened in the video games. Then there's Robin Shou, and though his talents are completely wasted this time, he still makes a good Liu Kang. If you're a Mortal Kombat fan, rent this movie once to see just how bad it really is, then treat yourself to the new MK game "Deadly Alliance" when it arrives. Everyone else should stay far, far, away.