Rating:  Summary: Ripley To The Rescue Review: Classic James Cameron Sci-Fi flick from 1986. Beautifully restored by digital transfer. All-star cast featuring Sigourney Weaver (as our hero Ripley), Paul Reiser (as jack-ass money-hungry corporate-man Burke), Michael Biehn (as tough guy Marine Hicks), Lance Henricksen (as Bishop the milk spewing droid), Bill Paxton (as the scared and often funny Marine Hudson), Jenette Goldstein (as foul mouthed Marine Vasquez) and Carrie Henn (as the kid with a monster tolerance "Newt"). This DVD comes with a ton of bonus features including 2 versions of the film (one being the extended version you didn't see in theaters), commentaries, galleries, pre/post production tid bits, trailers, etc. In a nut shell the storyline goes like this... Ripley wakes up from hypersleep only to find out it's been so many years... everyone she knows is dead. She decides to give the beast that almost killed her another shot at her as she accompanies a small squad of Marines back into space. Having found the mother load of all alien beasts, Ripley finds a small child (Newt) and calls the kid her own. One by one the Marines get picked off as Ripley just wants to leave and nuke the land mass (planet/star?) their on. Tho the beginning is a bit slow (and it sure helps if you've seen part one), the action and suspense quickly pick up. While their are four parts to the Alien series, Part II (this one!) in many a viewers mind is the best. I agree. Part I is very good. Part II is excellent. Parts III and IV are weak. "Aliens" is one of the all-time classic Sci-Fi action flicks of the last 2-3 decades.
Rating:  Summary: Marines in Space! It doesn't get any better! Review: Ok, so maybe that particular concept was already done in Heinlein's Starship Troopers novel, but let's face it - this is much cooler.Some great things about this movie: 1) The setting and effects! I know a movie rocks when it was made in the mid 80's and still has the best effects in a scifi / action fusion movie I've ever seen. Yeah, even better than the Matrix. I didn't see Keanu piloting a dropship. The colony is also completely convincing, as are sets like the Medlab and the Alien Hive in Sublevel 3. 2) The action! Cameron spends enough time at the beginning setting up the story and the characters, and BAM. Two thirds of them die in one big rockin' firefight. Then we have a nice fancy dropship accident (once again, how'd they make that look so cool??), Vasquez being her badass self in the air vents, Ripley finding the Queen, and just when you think there can't be anymore, UH OH! Looks like you shoulda laid off that non-dairy creamer Bishop! 3) The characters. Talk about great acting! We have Ripley who rocks as usual, Beihn doing his usual "calm and collected quiet leader" thing, Hudson with the greatest lines in movie history ("Why don't you put her in charge???"), Burke as a slimy corporate villain with some great furtive looking facial/eye expressions, and Apone with REAL LIFE military experience (he was the first black sergeant in Vietnam or something, I think). I mean, look at how cool Drake is - this guy could be the lead role in a low-budget, fun-on-a-weekday-evening scifi movie, and he's ALIEN FOOD in this one! The DVD rocks too. The added footage lends more depth to the movie, I think, because you get to see the colony fully operational before it's destroyed. You also feel more empathy for Newt after seeing her family, and Ripley gains more character depth. I've heard criticisms that the sentry guns make the aliens look weak and powerless, but since I'm a fan of a certain computer game featuring sentry guns (Yeah, TFC baby!) I gotta say I loved 'em. Only thing I wish was included in the DVD was the "lost scene" in which Ripley finds Burke cocooned while looking for Newt. Even if Cameron thought the acting was bad, it would have been nice to include that at least for the hardcore fans... after all, really casual viewers aren't going to buy a DVD.
Rating:  Summary: The Mother of All Monsters Review: Director James Cameron adds much excitement in the surprising Sci-Fi sequel "Aliens". After having been adrift in space for 50 years, survivor Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) awakens from her dreadful encounter and learns that a human colony has settled on the hostile planet LV-426. When communications with the colonists are lost, Ripley joins a tough team of high-tech colonial marines to investigate the disappearance of the colonists. "Aliens" is an exceptional action-packed thrill-ride from start to finish. Its engaging story delivers some top-notch thrills and great suspense. Sigourney Weaver delivers a strong heroic performance. The cast also includes Paul Reiser, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, Carrie Henn and Bill Paxton. The film also features some exhilarating action sequences and FX creator Stan Winston's award-winning visual effects. "Aliens" Collector's Edition is a very impressive highly-recommended DVD purchase. The DVD contains both the 1986 theatrical version and the newly extended special edition. Both versions are presented in 2.35:1 THX-certified anamorphic widescreen format. Its picture quality is remarkable with enhanced resolution. The 5.1 Dolby Digital sound is surely amazing but the DTS option delivers some great surround effects. This excellent DVD features audio commentary by director James Cameron, FX creator Stan Winston, cast members and crew, multiple behind-the-scenes and FX featurettes, photo galleries and "Alien VS Predator" teaser trailer. Overall, "Aliens" contains an outstanding DVD presentation and definitely scores an "A".
Rating:  Summary: Far Far Overated Review: I'll give this one 1 star-for the very good creature special efx only. But, that's the only thing that this sequal bettered than the original. One reviewer, at the time of the films release, noted that this is little more than "Rambo in outer space", and they are right. This is an ACTION movie-not a Horror-Sci-Fi movie. True fans of horror: the atmosphere, the tension, mood ect , will not think this is a classic. It was at this period that action movies really came to the forefront and this indeed does belong in that slot. Stick with the original. I also think the under-rated 3rd Alien is much better than this. Forget the ridiculous "Resurection", I never even got past the silly part in that one where the born-again Ripley prooves she's a basketball star. I will say this is better than "Resurection"-but that's about the only thing it's better than.
Rating:  Summary: Where is the Aliens vs Predator trailer Review: I think this DVD is awesome. It has a lot of interesting information about how the movie was made and also gives us the selection of the two versions of the film. Plenty of extras to choose from including interviews with the actors and behind the scenes info. The quality of the movie itself in outstanding. One of the best films in Sci-Fi or War! James Cameron does so much with so few resources and the acting is phenomenal. As far fetched as the plot is, the story of Space Marines taking on Acid bleeding aliens seems very realistic because Cameron wanted it that way: people afraid of dying, gear not working or breaking, human characteristics such as confusion, fear, isolation, and greed make this seem like it could really be happening. A great film. The only bief I have with this, however, is that you can't find the ALIEN VS PREDATOR trailer that was advertised with this DVD. This is worth every cent with out it, but if its there, we should know how to access it. If you know how to do it, please let me know.
Rating:  Summary: The best sci fi film ever made....PERIOD! Review: ALIENS was one of my most favorite films in the early 90s. I saw this film on video like around the year of 1997 and I simply loved this film. It is the best in the series. The queen looked superb in this film. I have the vhs versian of this magnificent film. I dont have the quadrilidy but Im saving up my money to get it. WHy need the legacy, aliens special edition,wide screen edition,Collecters edition,all THOSE DAMN EDITIONS! When you can get the quadrilidy. I saw some of the stuff in the quadrilidy at a friends house and it is SUPERB. FORGET ALL THOSE OTHER VHS DVD EDITION AND GET QUADRILIDY. This movie is awsome. The return of ripley as she battle herindous aliens in a space ship looking for a girl. I wont spoil anything for any of you new comers but this is with out a shadow of a doubt the best of the best you can get! Lets just hope Aliens vs Preditor wont ruin its reputation.
Rating:  Summary: Aliens Collectors Edition : Where's the sound? Review: I am forced to give this DVD 4 stars because it is probably the best sci-fi sequel of all time (forgive me, George, Empire Strikes Back is a close second). However, it peeves me when a rerelease that is supposed to be of higher quality comes out and the sound is untouched. I already own the disc and would not buy another when the sound has not been upgraded to DTS, et al. I was accused of being an "audiophile" way back in the days of vinyl (that is one who is more interested in tweeking expensive equipment than listening to music) and this could be true. However, sound is at least 1/2 of the home theater experience and it should never be ignored.
Rating:  Summary: Vasquez rocks! Review: This film is always a treat to watch. Whereas the first film was suspenseful and quite serious, this sequel is a wild ride filled with hot action and laughs. From Newt's infamous "They mostly come out at night, mostly" to Bill Paxton's hijinks, there are one-liners to be enjoyed by all. My favorite character just has to be Vasquez! She was such a hoot and I loved the way she pushed all the men around! Oh and lets us not forget Ripley asking Netw about her parents only to be told, "They're dead! OK! Can i go now?" hehehe
Rating:  Summary: Richer character writing and entertainment value Review: The debate over which film--Alien or Aliens--is better appears to be unending. It must be noted that both films are crucial to the sci-fi genre and represent the best of their respective sub-genres (Alien: sci-fi/horror; Aliens: sci-fi/action), but, from the standpoint of well-rounded filmmaking, it is truly Aliens that is the victor. Simply put, James Cameron recognized the shortcomings of the first film (lack of adequate character development and lack of a more suitable pace for a broader audience) and improved upon them so much, that Sigourney Weaver's character (Ripley) showed up on the cover of Time in 1986. The said shortcomings of the first film weren't really shortcomings at all in context (the first film is designated as a horror film, because we're made to not care about the characters so that we can feel jumpy about the timing of their deaths and be caught up in the atmosphere that the slower pacing creates), but, in order to take audiences to new places and really make the "Alien" monster a fright for the ages, we needed a "show." Again, Cameron did this with so much bravado, that it put people (such as critic, Roger Ebert) in a state of silence after first seeing it. The suspense is simply unrelenting once the machine gun magazine clips begin to unload on countless alien baddies (this film also boasts an unexpectedly creative and maternal mom vs. mom showdown of true "science fiction" proportions and curious metaphor). You don't feel "good" after this film, but you'll walk away with truly memorable characters (you'll likely find yourself quoting Bill Paxton after seeing it), an increased heart rate, further commentary on corporate corruption, a truly superior display of action filmmaking by Cameron, and, thanks to Cameron again, a female lead that forever changed stereotypes for women in film. This is an important film and demands the viewer's full attention.
Rating:  Summary: timeless Review: I realize Ridley Scott's first 'ALIEN' movie will always be cherished for what is the introduction of a great movie franchise. But Cameron knew how to take a risk to improve upon a genre classic. The 'ALIENS' Collector's Edition DVD with added material, while not wholly essential, does make this ultimate popcorn-chomper even better. Might I also point out that the movie is still well paced with the bonus material. Now in an age where people can tolerate epic length stories, ALIENS is still the joyride is was on initial release. Sigourney Weaver is in top form. The screenplay allows her doubt and fear to dictate the whole film. Her first suspicions of Burke and Bishop (obviously because of his 'synthetic' build) create another layer of drama along with having to work with strangers to kill her worst nightmare. Her peformance earned her an award nomination in a genre long neglected by the Oscars. Well casted as well were the Marines deployed for the 'bug hunt'. Most notable obviously is Bill Paxton as Pvt. Hudson. He gets to deliver the lines all actors with a grudge dream about. And you will still hear people reciting them from time to time in his own charismatic way. Jenette Goldstein as Pvt. Vasquez was notable as well. But all the Marines played the part well as arrogant soldiers who dash their invincibility when faced with a worthy foe in the Xenomorphs. Maybe the riskiest move was Carrie Henn as the child Newt. With the expectations and budget riding high, it may have proved disastorous if this vital role didn't pan out. But Carrie was flawless as the displaced survivor and her interacion with Sigourney very believable. The Collector's Edition DVD package is a bargain for the content given. While it's not entirely endless information, it's enough to illustrate the work poured into production. Most notable was the segment on the obstacles during the shoot. Cameron definitely did not treat this movie in a casual sense (as he never does) as it always shows onscreen. If you are a collector and need at least one 'horror' or 'action' flick in your library, 'ALIENS' will satisfy both conditions with style and content.