Rating:  Summary: Terrible film Review: A very, very, very poor film. I still remember how terrible this movie was. I only tolerated seeing it because I was with my friends. Besides the extensively long, boring intro...and the slow development of the plot, which couldn't have been more than five sentences long, this movie was ultimately predictable. There was maybe one twist.However, if you are a fan of Kevin Bacon or any other actors/actresses in this film, I have some good things to say about this film. the acting is not bad. I won't say that it was good, but I won't say that it was bad. Second, the special effects in this movie are very good, actually I'd say that they were excellent. This does not mean that I recommend the film. Because sadly, it lacked plot and it lacked interest. the movie was not going anywhere, and I knew what was going to happen in the end, I was just waiting for it to happen.
Rating:  Summary: Hollow Movie Review: Somewhere, buried deep within its watered down blood and thunder, is a fine science fiction/horror thriller, too bad the screenwriters and director could not see the forest for the trees. Kevin Bacon does a fine job with his ego driven charcter, you can see him straining to make this guy seem real, but the script gives him very little to work with. Elizabeth Shue's performace is so lifeless that, if I had not seen her in Leaving Las Vegas, I would think she could not act....Josh Brolin is the heroic boyfriend and he fills in the space nicely but does little else. The rest of the cast is simply cannon fodder that will, in the final reels, die in various special effects ladden ways, no surprises there. Jerry Goldmsith once again graces a mediocre movie with a superlative score. If Hollow Man had been slightly more watchable I would have taken the time to listen to the isolated track containing the score and a Goldsmith commmentary, but I'll just get the soundtrack instead. The movie is simply too painful to sit through again. I could go on and on about all the logic and character snafus, but why bother. There are far better things to do with my time.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: I wanted to like this movie. The invisibility concept was well-thought, using a quantum phase shift to put an object out of phase thus rendering it invisible, even if the physics of achieving it through an irradiated serum was not. The special effects were beautiful. Beyond that, the movie offers nothing worthwhile in the way of entertainment. It is rather slow and we are not given any reason to like any of the characters. Even though Kevin Bacon's mad scientist roll was depicted as arrogant and unlikeable long before invisibility drove him to insanity and evil, he was the only character who evoked any sort of empathy. The DVD has many interesting extras. The anamorphic transfer was flawless and the digital audio track was very well done. There was a part in the movie that had me looking behind me for a housefly that wasn't there. Deleted scenes were included, along with a nonoptional commentary about them. Behind-the-scenes featurettes were interesting and presented well. All in all, the DVD packaging is excellent.
Rating:  Summary: Hollow Man - A Hollow movie Review: I really expected more from this film. After watching this movie, you sit back and wonder why didn't they just add a plot to this whole movie? This movie could have been made with much more creativity. The special effects were good but not having any real plot made it disappointing to watch. They left too many parts open with no resolution. What happened to the neighbor? What happened after the guy was drowned in the pool? Didn't the commity get suspisous? What happened all the times that Kevin Bacon left the lab? RP
Rating:  Summary: "THE HOLLOW MAN" Review: I saw this movie and i think it's great the special effects were really great kevin bacon is a bad boy in this movie but he was great,josh brolin looked great and act great like always and the rest of the actors were great too.that's why i rated this movie five stars and i cant wait till i buy this movie its a really good movie.
Rating:  Summary: WORTH SEEING Review: OH THE POSSIBILITIES WERE ENDLESS.....The concept of this movie had me drueling with anticipation. A modern day invisible man film directed by Verhoeven has all the ingredients to make one great flick. Unfortunately it didnt live up to the hype that I had set. Kevin Bacon leads a team of government researches (Elisabeth Shue, Josh Brolin and others) trying to obtain chemistry's holy grail....an invisibility serum. A working prototype has given them success with other primates, but the possibility of an invisible man remains out of their grasps. Bacon plays a mad genius type. Combine that with the fact that the serum leads to increased aggression and the plot is as see through as the hollow man himself. Due credit goes to the special effects crew. The changing sequences were masterful and fluid. Suspense was made possible with ingenious hints as to the hollow man's presence. The movie is worth seeing and buying for the visual aspects alone. However, the letdown is with plot aspects. Yes there are some moments where Bacon uses his invisibility for diabolical means, but overall the film doesnt explore the age old axium of just how much good natured mischief you could have if noone could see you. Overall, the acting was good, the effects were superb, but the story line was a bummer. The extras were nice but nothing over the top. A great visual effects Disc for the sci-fi fans. Enjoy the eye candy.
Rating:  Summary: Three Stars for the SFX, minus 2 for the story Review: I'll be brief here. This film is entertaining if you have the ability to actually shut down your brain and just take in images. If you know anything, for instance: Gorillas are vegetarians; Setting a man on fire, then braining him with a crowbar then electrocuting him would kill him; you won't enjoy this movie nearly as much as if you dropped out of school at age nine. Don't get me wrong. The performances are fine, the camera moves assuredly and the film is essentially a guidebook for editors of action films. Unfortunately, nothing in this film happens for a reason, only to set up some kind of special effects shot. The script is the culprit here; the film could have served the effects and the story, but it chose to ignore everything but the most simple plot elements. The extras on this DVD are above average. They focus mainly on the special visual effects. If you are interested in green screen effects and how long they take to set up and shoot, you'll love this disc. Either way, I think you'll know what to expect from a film like this and I won't convert anyone to my thinking with this review. Just speaking my mind. Thanks.
Rating:  Summary: Take this movie for what it is Review: This is considered a "guy" movie, that means it has no plot, just a lot of fighting and blood. It may be thin, but it's a movie you can come to time and time again and never get tired of.
Rating:  Summary: Needs Improvement Review: This film was a major disappointment! I actually wanted the villian to win for once! I was convinced it was good due to the hype the advertisements made it out to be. But boy was I wrong!
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as I thought! Review: When I saw the trailers for Hollow Man last summer I thought it looked pretty cool. A guy gets his insides turned invisible, he becomes a pervert, and death and distruction insue. This is a Paul Verhoeven film after all (props to Paul on the shower scene in Starship Troopers heh heh.) It has Kevin Bacon (which is one of the reasons Stir of Echos is in my top 5 favorite movies). When the reviews came out...my enthusiasm dwindled. But I gave it a chance and Hollow Man turned out better than expected. It has science but not enough, I was left wondering how the heck "quantum phase shifting" was appiled to the human body, last time I heard of QPS I was watching Star Trek NG! The movie does explain things somesort but not enough. Elizabeth Shue does a great job of playing the mad scientist's (Bacon) love interest. All the actors do reasonable jobs of playing their parts. The ending was a surprisingly simple though. While watching I couldn't help but compare Hollow Man to "The Fly" with Jeff Goldbloom. I mean you have the mad scientist that has to test his amazing invention on himself and he ends up going crazy and kills a few people. The primise is the same, but its a good change from all the other "invisible man" movies. The sound and visuals are amazing but the DVD is lacking in special features. It only has one "Making of HM" short. All in all Hollow Man is a definite rent but buy it only if you have to have all the new DVD's coming out.