Rating:  Summary: It's Just A Movie Review: I have seen this movie, and I have to admit, the elements of extended plot and complexity cannot be associated with this movie. So what? Not every movie is only for the viewing of the critic hierarchy and the Albert Einsteins of the population. This is an action flick made for EVERYONE's enjoyment, and while lacking in deep or meaningful substance, it still is entertainment for thousands. I am a fairly intelligent person who likes to watch and read very complex material, but every once and a while, I like to kick back, relax, pop some popcorn, grab a soda, and let my brain rest for a while. And why not dazzle me with a few explosions at the same time? IT'S JUST A MOVIE, folks, so chill out with the bad reviews. This is obviously no Schindler's List or Terms of Endearment, but it is a nice piece of entertainment, no strings attached.
Rating:  Summary: a good stallone movie Review: i don't know why,but the first time i watched it i was like "dang,i hate this movie"but the second time it was much more interesting.Rob Shneider was very funny in this movie.this really has no plot but a lot of action.
Rating:  Summary: I AM THE LAW!! (but honestly, why?) Review: All I can say is this is a very bad movie. It has no plot, no action no humor. However, it has great acting. Just kidding, the acting blows. Stalone really should have re-thought this one. But hey, we all make mistakes. Fortunately, most of our mistakes aren't as bad as Judge Dredd. Don't even waste $.49 on this movie. Honestly, don't even tune into it when it's on cable. And if you do watch it, tie your hands behind your back because you might have the sudden urge to injure yourself for subjecting yourself to the torture of watching a movie that's this bad. I'm serious, it's a waste of your TV. O by the way, my 1 star rating was quite generous.
Rating:  Summary: Stallone is great! Review: Yet another great Sylvester Stallone movie. This certainly isn't for those who like very serious movies--but this movie is really fun! It's a nice break from pure die-hard action, suspense movies (don't get me wrong I love action and suspense movies!). I do think Stallone is worthy to be called the greatest actor of all times! I really think the movie depicts how life is getting to be, although it's certainly not this bad yet.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been ... Review: The producers of Judge Dredd might have actually had a franchise on their hands had they just toned down the violence. Cutting the rating from its current R down to maybe a PG or PG-13 would have opened the movie up to a much wider, younger, audience who may have been a little more forgiving of its "cartoony" style and predictable plot. Although it isn't the most intelligent movie I've ever seen, it definitely has its entertaining moments. That said, I still don't think I'd spring twenty dollars to buy it, I think I'd be able to shell out a few bucks to rent it with a clear conscience. All in all, not too bad a movie. It's just a shame, I really think it could have been a money maker had it been edited a little different.
Rating:  Summary: Who says all movies have to intellegent? This one is fun! Review: While I would never rate Judge Dredd as one of the best films of all times, it certainly is entertaining as long as you check you brain at the door. Stallone Plays Dredd, a cop/judge who goes around a futuristic New York overpopulated 100 fold and attempts to keep law and order. He is equipped with a really cool gun that can serve as flameflower, rocket launcher, laser blaster, and machine gun all in one, as well as flying motorcycle. Armand Assante plays the man who set him up for murder, and now Dredd must clear himself of the charge and take down his enemy. Rob Scheinder is funny as Stallone's accidental sidekick, a conman who Stallone sent to prison by mistake. I thought the action scenes were loud, fast, and out of this world, everything you want to see in a mindless, fun, popcorn flick. The special effects are great too, and you get to see A LOT of action. While not as good as Demolition Man, this one will keep you entertained, as long as you don't take it too seriously.
Rating:  Summary: Dreddful Review: There was much hype surrounding the release of Judge Dredd. Based on the popular cult comic, the film ultimately failed at the box office and was hung out to dry by critics. It's not difficult to understand why. This was one of those films that wanted to have it all: B-movie humor, violent action, and a serious social message. It could have worked had there been real talent behind the production to juggle everything; but instead we get an inconsistent and silly film that struggles for an identity. What Judge Dredd should have been was the next Road Warrior. Stallone does what he can with the weak script, and the rest of the (stellar) cast shine with the garbage they have to work with. The FX, it must be said, are fairly decent. However, there is very little in this annoying film one can recommend.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Typical Review: Standard comic book type film adapation with Sly as the main hero in a movie that looks like it was budgeted by Roger Corman. Effects are over-done and the acting is about as second rate as what you would find in a play off, real off Boardway.
Rating:  Summary: It's okay, but it's not truly Judge Dredd. Review: There are many reasons this movie gets so much criticism. I'll try to explain a few of them:Firstly, the movie is loosely based on the British comic book hero of the same name. Unfortunately, the director chooses to only pay homage to the comic during the first 15 minutes. After that, Dredd removes his helmet, and he's just not Dredd anymore. Fans of the 'real' Judge Dredd are betrayed as one by one, Dredd's characteristics are stripped from him, and Dredd's world is simplified for a US audience that had shown its misunderstanding of the comic character ever since the franchise attempted to cross the Atlantic (possibly this is because Dredd hits too close to home in the US). Judge Dredd would have been a much better movie if the writers and the director had chosen to portray Dredd as the conscience ridden anti hero that he is in the British comic instead of simply making him a bad-a$$ future cop. Secondly, I hear a lot of people saying that the movie is derivative. Unfortunately, that's true - BUT - it's missing the point. Judge Dredd is derivative because it got made 18 years too late. The character of Dredd predates RoboCop, Blade Runner, Mad Max, and even Star Wars. Dark, megalopolis-based Sci-fi movies, and post-nuclear wasteland films came AFTER Dredd, not before. The problem is not so much that Judge Dredd is derivative, but that recent sci-fi movies have borrowed so much of the original Dredd's atmosphere and setting. So much so, that when they finally made the movie version, the setting and the character of Dredd had become old hat. Finally, the movie is simply not very well made. The above problems could have been overcome if the movie had a good script and a competent director. Unfortunately, the script seems to have been written by committee, and the director seems out of his depth. I sympathise with the director's effort, since he was always a big fan of the comic book, but unfortunately, his love of the character is not enough to overcome his heavy-handed direction and his overuse of special effects. In the end, Danny Cannon has done more than any other person to kill the hopes that the character of Judge Dredd might make it in the US market. Having said all that, I must say the movie has some good points - usually they're the parts that most accurately reflect the comic book Dredd. The first 15 minutes (up to the point where Dredd removes his helmet) are truly 'Judge Dredd'. The episode with the servo droid is especially good: "Eat recycled food - it's good for the environment and it's okay for you" - it very accurately represents the comic book's sense of irony and its tongue-in-cheek humour, as does the later quip by Fergie: "we don't have time for this" (I guess you have to be there). Other good parts of the movie are the Angel gang sequence (Mean Machine Angel is very good); the depiction of the Cursed Earth; and the movie's final scene where Dredd is seen overlooking the city. All in all, I think it's worth getting if you're a Dredd fan and can ignore the un-Dredd-ly parts, or if you don't mind action movies with little plot. The real Dredd is a fascist with a conscience - a person raised from birth to uphold a system he has come to despise. It's a pity that the movie makers did not have the imagination or confidence to bring the real Dredd to the screen.
Rating:  Summary: This has to be the worst movie in modern cinema history Review: This film needed a different actor to star because Stallone accent is difficult to understand. Even with the right actor it only gets a star. The plot is silly. It is not in keeping with the comic book in many aspects. There are numerous plotholes .