Rating:  Summary: Get demolition man instead Review: Sylvester Stallone is Dredd - one of an elite force of super-soldiers who assume the roles of judge, jury and (not infrequently) executioner in the futuristic megalopolis of Mega-City. With most of Earth reduced to a barren and virtually uninhabitable desert (called "The Cursed Earth"), those who wish to survive squeeze themselves into huge but cramped "Megacities" like the one policed by Dredd. Though full of flying cars and other futurama, Megacity's overpopulation problem has turned it into an urban hell, forcing the city's leaders to take drastic steps. Whether looking to expand capital punishment to include "lesser crimes" or to re-start a shadowy program called Janus, the most bellicose of the city's leaders, Griffin (played by Jurgen Prochnow) is willing to overcome any obstacle - the first being Dredd himself. Griffin hooks up with Rico (Armand Assante), a former justice who was exiled to a nasty, high-security prison in Aspen when he turned vigilante. Sprung, Rico returns to Megacity and frames Dredd for the murder of an exploitive Geraldo-like TV reporter (judges are equipped with personalized weapons that imprint a record of their DNA on every round fired). With Dredd out of the way, Rico and Griffin touch off a crime-wave - one Griffin is sure to bend the council to his plans. Little does he know that Rico has plans of his own. Both suffer a shock when Dredd manages to escape enroute to Aspen, and re-enters the city.Unfortunately, unlike all of the character in this flick, the script itself has no plans of its own, and the story never arises from being a pastiche of countless action movies (including "Demolition Man" in which Stallone was a lot more fun). Though it's got great visuals, the plot meanders around, never coming together before the explosions kick off. Besides, it takes more than CGI to astound us now. Rob Schneider plays the comic relief and the lovely Diane Lane plays the anonymous love interest. Armand Assante tries to heat things up as Rico, but his over-the-top delivery just reminds us how much more fun we had watching "Demolition Man". This flick would have been much more fun if it took itself a bit less seriously.
Rating:  Summary: Don't take it seriously Review: I at first made the mistake of taking this movie seriously. That didn't work, not at all. So I switched gears to "parody." Ah, now we're havin' fun! While watching it I wondered, "How could you parody this movie?" Answer: you can't. That to me is the first sign the movie is consciously a joke. And that makes it great fun. "I am duh law!" indeed. Hilarious film. Just turn your brain off and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad; in fact, I like it... Review: Sylvester Stallone really knows how to be campy. All throughout "Judge Dredd," he never seems to take the part seriously and it's all for the better. The film wouldn't work if Stallone had tried to be convincing. Instead, he stands macho and strong, overacting and chewing scenery while still keeping his dignity. Way to go, Stallone! The plot takes place in the future, where Judges are now city police and crime, of course, does not pay. The best of the judges, Dredd, has just been framed for murder and now a former judge threatens to take over the world unless Dredd can stop him. It's a very basic premise, stealing from the likes of "Robocop" and others, but it works surprisingly well. The special effects are mostly pretty good if not dated by today's standards. Overall, the film packs in punch and fun and delivers a solid 90 minutes.
Rating:  Summary: Classic mindless action Review: As soon as I saw the trailer for Judge Dredd , I knew I had to go to see it. After I walked out of the theatre (when J.D ended) , I didn't feel cheated , I felt entertained. Sly Stallone makes a perfect "Judge Dredd" but I have to admit I really , really enjoyed his "brother"'s performance , Rico (Armand Assante). Armand has some really classic lines like when he is asked what is the meaning of life "It ends." Really great stuff. Jurgen Prochnow (that captain from Das Boot) stars as well as a treacherous Chief Justice Griffon. His acting style is so intense and believable "No one survived the shuttle wreck , do I make myself clear!" Fantastic.The sets and the quality of the acting add the experience. The DVD picture and sound quality are excellent and the studio actually bothered to throw that fantastic trailer they aired back in the theatres. All in all , a great movie at a great price . Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: A waste of a great idea. Review: I grew up reading the 2000AD comics which introduced Judge Dredd , and I remember really looking forward to seeing what could be done with the character. The timing of the movie appeared so right Stallone and Schwarzenegger seemed at the peak of their appeal to the movie going audience. Consequently a monosyllabic... law enforcer against a Sci-Fi backdrop couldn't miss, could it ? Unfortunately here it did, in the original comics ( to the best of my recall ) Dredd never removed his helmet, that part could have played by anyone. Instead of paying a ludicrous 'star' salary that money could have been spent on the movie, where it was really needed - am I the only one who cringed at some of the dialog, laughed at the special effects and blinked as some of the sets shook ? This could have been the seed of a great movie franchise, instead a comic strip that enthralled kids throught the 70's was pulped into nothing in an hour and half. What a shame.
Rating:  Summary: Underrated action... Review: I went to see this movie when it first came out, and I have to say that I never understood why so many people hated it. All I can think of that that they misread Stallone's portrayal of Judge Dredd. Stallone is purposely playing Dredd as a comic book character (which, after all, is what Dredd was), and therefore not a role laced with any deep meanings. Although there are some deeper scenes (Dredd speaking of what happened to his best friend, and later, Dredd and Rico meeting in the Janus complex), for the most part, the movie is just one big comic book. The movie is what it is, and what it was intended to be; a fun, action sci-fi comic. To expect anything else is unfair. There are some good roles here, too. Stallone purposely goes two-dimensional as Dredd, which is perfect (Dredd sees only black and white when it comes to the Law). Rob Schnider was also pretty good, not too annoying, not invisible. I recall my friends and I were impressed with him in this one. Diane Lane is foxy, and Max von Sydow lends credibility as mentor and Chief Judge. There were some interesting ideas on display here, and the execution of those ideas is handled quite well. Perfect? Well, no, but not bad, either. The effects are a bit dated. Most are CGI, and while impressive for their day, they are very "videogame-looking" compared to more recent CGI work. Still, if you want a fun sci-fi action picture, this is the one.
Rating:  Summary: "Judge Dredd" Review: Judge Dredd (R) ****/5 Sylvester Stallone, Armand Assante, Diane Lane, Rob Schneider, Jurgen Prochnow. Directed by: Danny Cannon. Synopsis: When a law man is set up by his brother he must fight to clear his name, and to save the lives of those living within the corrupt system. Special Features: Trailer. Review: Back in the day when Stallone was the man this film was one of the cream of the crop. Stallone plays Judge Dredd part of the new breed of cop who are judge, jury, and executioner. In this future earth is a wasteland, and only a few megacities exist. These cities are violent places to be. The city is controlled by older judges and one in particular wants to grab power. He uses a violent ex-judge (Assante) who frames Dredd. Dredd then begins his quest for justice. One of the better sci-fi action epics out there "Judge Dredd" presents us with a bleak, dark, violent, future and then it lets Stallone loose "Rambo" style. Let the fun begin. Stallone was born to play the tough guy, Lane is surprisingly good, Schneider does the sidekick thing well, Prochnow is great, and Assante is pure evil. Danny Cannon directs this film with a frenetic pace and he succeeds. One beef I have is why are the religious people always the psychopaths??? As for the DVD? Nothing worthwhile I want a Special Edition!
Rating:  Summary: Comics To Movies. Review: This is just a movie adapted from a comic book. Fans of Judge Dredd or comic book movies can enjoy this action flick or not. There are worst comic book movies out their and Judge Dredd is not one of them so remember this is a COMIC BOOK ADAPTION, sit back and enjoy the action or shut up until you can do a better movie, if you can even make a movie since you critics make it sound so easy! Hey the movie could have been better, but so can every other comic movie with more money, better actors, technology, and so on.
Rating:  Summary: "Judge Wopner" Is More Entertaining Review: Hungry for another film franchise (ROCKY was too old to box, and RAMBO had already killed off all possible enemies), Sylvester Stallone was hungry for a new cinema hero to portray. Science fiction films had always been popular, so Stallone threw his hat into the ring with JUDGE DREDD. It should've been called JUDGE DEAD-ON-ARRIVAL. Stallone hits both of his notes here: quiet merciful slaughter and screaming merciless slaughter. The story of a future city where all crime result in incarceration was mildly visionary, but, when the surprise twist of having the law turn on one of the most revered judges (insert "Stallone"), it became all too predictable. While the special effects are top notch, the film is best viewed once. Just once. The stunningly beautiful Diane Lane is wasted here in the role of one of Dredd's streetwise Judges. Armand Assante chews scenery as ... well, let's just call him a close personal friend of Dredd's. And ... what was the venerable Max Von Sydow thinking when he agreed to star as Dredd's mentor? The film was based on a popular comic series of the same name.
Rating:  Summary: Propensity! Review: All hail to Judge Dredd: Judge, Jury, and Genius! This movie revolutionized the world and is the best thing that ever happened to me since taking my first footsteps. Sylvester Stallone and Armand Assante are comic geniuses. To much of my delight, they threw in Rob Schneider and Diane Lane. Ultra purity. From betrayal to retribution, this movie cleansed my mind, body and soul. Immortal!