Rating:  Summary: MR. HOWARD IS NOT PLEASED!!! Review: Poor Robert E. Howard...He never lived nearly long enough to enjoy the fruits of his labors that would have made him a very wealthy man. Conan movies, TV shows, comics, magazines, toys...He'd be startled to learn just how popular barbarian hero had become. He'd be equally horrified to see the results of Kull the Conqueror. Kull was actually created by Howard before Conan and in fact Howard re-wrote several of his Kull stories that Weird tales rejected, as Conan stories.
One immediately knew things were not going to be good with Kevin Sorbo playing the title role. He's too slender, and altogether too 'pristine' to have played Kull who was essetially a savage tribesman, much like Conan. In Howard's original works, Kull took the throne of Valusia by force by killing the petty despot King Borna and took the crown from his head and became King...no matter who liked it or not. There was nothing so trite as the dying king merely handing over his crown to the man who just killed him...a man who was a savage at that.
Borna's heirs are none too happy that they've been left out of power and enlist the aid of a resurrected witch named Akivasha to get rid of Kull. We then get some mish mash of a quest that Kull has to complete to defeat the witch...ho hum...It's obvious that Sorbo was cast to cash in on the popularity of the Hercules TV show but he's just too nice a guy to be playing the savage Kull.
Tia Carrere fairs no better than Sorbo. Again we have someone just a little too good looking to be playing their role. And again someone whose acting talent is meager to begin with. And where is Kull'f long time companion Brule the Spearslayer? And instead of creating the new character of the witch Akivasha, why not use Kull's actual arch-enemy Thulsa Doom?
This plays more like a maede for TV movie than a big screen film. A huge disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: This the the way barbarian movies should be! Review: Pounding rock music, slashing swords and bulging muscles. It's corny and fun. This film never takes itself too seriously. It may not be good film making, but it's great entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Kevin Sorbo in: Krap the Borer Review: Simply put, this movie sucked. It tried to take the effects of Hercules and put it into a movie. Sorry, it didn't work. This movie had terrible acting (if you want to call it acting), a predictable plot that a bunch of drunks probably got together to make, and just lacked in everything from dialouge to action. My recommendation is not to watch, listen about, talk about, or even think about this movie or you'll just get dumber.
Rating:  Summary: it was ok Review: some action, laughs, and sfx.ok but not worth buyin
Rating:  Summary: Don't take it too seriously Review: The story of Kull the Conqueror is quite stereotypical among fantasy stories: the hero saving the country from evil, etc. Still, that does not make the movie a bad one; on the contrary it is a surprisingly entertaining movie that never takes itself too seriously. I'm not putting Kevin Sorbo up there as one of the greatest actors of all time, but he fits in the role of Kull and does what is expected of him: he plays a hero. And in my opinion, he does a good job of that. Kull the Conqueror won't appeal to everyone, obviously, but as long as you don't take it too seriously, there is no reason not to enjoy watching.
Rating:  Summary: LAME SWORD AND SORCERY CRAPFEST Review: This lame piece of dung probably made ROBERT E HOWARD roll over in his grave when it was released.It had NONE of the spirit or grandeur of the original storys nor did it have a sense of adventure like the first CONAN film...in short,don't waste your time or money on this mediocre crapfest.
Rating:  Summary: This aint Kull, but still Review: This movie has all the silly acting, corny dialogue and unconvincing special effects that we've come to know and love in these sword-and-sworcery movies. Unfortunately, even with some experienced hands on board, this movie fails to come together satisfactorily.Despite the multitude of able, if not spectacular, actors in this film, there's really not much good acting. Particularly bad was Carrerre, who could've been good but for some reason couldn't hold herself together and had to go stealing Darth Vader's lines. Sorbo, his acting saved by his Hercules experience, isn't very good but he's not horrible either. The swordplay, however, is mixed. Most of the time it i badly done, but sometimes that fight scenes are pretty neat. There's one big no-no, however -- no blood. I can't stand people being hacked up without blood. In fact, that's the thing which could've benefitted this movie the most -- an R rating. I think the producers underestimate the adult population. You aim a movie at kids, who knows, but if you make an adult film, it will do well. There's enough sex and violence in this movie it would've been a simple thing to elevate the dialogue a little and aim it at the mature. And then there's the fact that this isn't Howard's Kull...that Kull wasn't interested in women, he was all into philosophy and the mysteries of the universe and all that. The music is somtimes interesting and inspired, but the hard rock battle music is sadly out of place and the main theme is repeated so often it gets boring. This is a fun, watchable movie if you don't mind lousy, computer-game-esque special effects and corny dialogue.
Rating:  Summary: No comparisons, good in it's own right! Review: This movie is a riot! It's campy, it's cheesy, it's goofy, and if you don't like those things in a movie don't see it. If you do, enjoy Kull the Conqueror as a great example of all of them. It's a great movie, with lots of fun action, amusing innuendo, and some cool special effects. There's no comparing it to other movies, since it deserves to be watched and enjoyed for what it is. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: This movie was a great one. It had a lot of fighting which kept me in my seat. Also this movie had everything I liked. An simple plot, a main hero and villan, and two famous actors and actresses. I would reconmend this movie to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: should have been better Review: This movie would have been so much better if they would have left out the terrible rock music. It did not fit this film at all. The rest of the music was fine. Maybe the filmmakers will learn from their mistakes. I don't think there will be another one in the series!