Rating:  Summary: I can't tell if it's intentional or unintentional, but... Review: "Hercules In New York" can be put into two perspectives. One, it can be looked at in a serious way. If you do so, you will most likely name this the worst - or one of the worst - movies ever. But if you look at it as a comedy - a really, really weird comedy - you might have fun. Like I did.I can't believe how hard I laughed at the "Grizzly Bear" scene, which magically transforms from an "American brown bear" to a "Grizzly bear" (look at the sign at the zoo, then listen to the radio transmission by the police). This goes to show that the director had NO IDEA WHATSOEVER of what he was doing. The seen where "Herc" fights the bear is so ridiculous, that you just have to laugh! This film is one of the all-time best "cheap" films, following in the steps of all the others before it. I was lucky enough to view this on AMC, where they provided the version where Arnold "Strong" Schwarzenegger ISN'T dubbed. He got the part of Hercules because his agent told the director of the film that Arnold spoke great English. What a laugh, right there! If you enjoyed such "classic," dare I say, films like "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians," then you'll love "Hercules in New York," which co-stars Arnold Stang as "Pretz" I believe was his name. Overall, depending on what perspective you view this film in, is what you will get. Advice? Watch it from a comedy perspective. I don't think I've laughed this hard in years, and I'm serious.
Rating:  Summary: "I've Been Here for Thousands of Years--I'm Bored!" Review: and that's why Hercules (Arnold Swarzennegger) is itching to leave Mount Olympus and the company of the other gods and take a vacation on Earth in this extremely campy low-budget movie, Arnold's first feature film. Who could have guessed what a superstar he would become? I find "HinNY" a real riot, for a host of reasons. First and foremost, because Arnold's English was apparantly not yet up to snuff, his voice is dubbed in by an unknown actor who gives a wonderfully flat reading of many insipid lines. For instance, when confronted with slang terms for money: "Bucks? Doe? What is all this zoological talk of male and female animals?" When picking up women: "You remind me of someone. A goddess." Well, perhaps it mighn't look so hilarious in print, but wait til you hear it in the movie. Another fun part is how much of the movie was filmed in Central Park; why as a native NYer this really gets to me is that it's the run-down, Lindsay administration Central Park of my childhood. Those who know only the Giuliani/Central Park Conservancy era of the Park would probably be shocked to see how derelict the Bethseda Fountain pavillion appears when Hercules and his newfound girlfriend are walking thru there on a date. I'm delighted to be visually reminded of how far the city has come in this inadvertant documentary of how bad it used to be. Another location featured prominently is the Conservatory Garden up by 103rd Street on the Fifth Avenue side of the Park--this, believe it or not, is Olympus! And speaking of Olympus, that's where another bad set of campy actors and actresses reside, gazing into a big ball (not crystal) to check up on the antics of Hercules down below. Of course, Arnold does a funny job as Hercules, and certainly never misses an opportunity to flex those pecs and biceps. What a great job, too, he does beating up the bear suited individual who has escaped from the Central Park Zoo and terrorized him and his date on their carriage ride. Assisting him in various adventures as sidekick is Arnold Stang as Pretzy, his Bronx- accented friend who puts me in mind of a turtle. And for those NYers from the 1970s, you'll be pleased to see the guy who used to be the TV spokesperson for Pathmark cast as a benevolent college professor, whose daughter is Hercules' romantic interest. Got a couple of hours to spare? Then have a minivacation like Arnold and take in "Hercules in New York".
Rating:  Summary: This is funny! Review: Any Arnold fan Needs to See this Movie. This is great you won't believe it. Arnold is dubbed and it's so cheesy.
Rating:  Summary: I don't care if it is Arnold's first film, it is so stupid!! Review: Arnold Schwarzenegger's worst film, obviously this one, is so lame- even for 1970! He voice is dubbed for Gosh sakes!!!!! I fell asleep in this film, as will everyone else who watches it! HERCULES IN NEW YORK (1970) Rated: G 1/2 star out of 5.
Rating:  Summary: this movie was great! Review: Arnoold is Hercules and he lives on top of Mt. Olympus and one day he decides to come down to New York City-when he goes he fights all over the place and shows his big muscles and meets women and a special friend.This movie is fun to watch.It's a good movie!
Rating:  Summary: Very Entertaining Review: As a huge fan of both Greek Mythology and Arnold Schwartzenegger, I loved the movie. I prefer the version where you hear Arnold's real voice instead of the dubbed version. The first time i seen it it was dubbed and that was kind of cheesy, it was much easier to watch with his voice. (Of course I think his voice is pretty sexy) It is great to see Arnold when he was only 22 or 23 years old. I would definately reccomend this movie to anyone that is a fan of either Greek Mythology or Arnold Schwartzenegger...........but if possible, watch it with his voice, not the dubbed over version
Rating:  Summary: The Two Great Arnolds Meet Review: Atlantic Monthly used to (and maybe still does) have a short column on unlikely, but true, meetings of historically significant figures. Frequently there would be some irony about the circumstances or the juxtaposition of the individuals and their images or personalities. Hercules in New York is a perfect, previously unrecognized joinup of two great Arnolds of American entertainment, Schwarzenegger and Stang. Ironically, at the time this was made, the diminutive and irritating Arnold Stang was the better known of the two, based on his television, commercial and cartoon voiceover work. Needless to say, the situations reversed over the next ... years, and in recent years Mr. Stang has been reduced to more voiceovers and occasional bit parts. Still, during his prime he cut a memorable swath playing the standard role of an ineffectual, undersized, asexual, wimpish, nasal voiced New Yorker, who nonetheless had an indefatigable drive as the foil for a main character who was more forceful, but less intelligent. It's a shame that today Arnold Stang isn't as well remembered as the individual who had second billing under the stage name of Arnold Strong. Both men in their own way have left an indelible mark on campy American entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Hercules in New York. Arnold Schwarzengger VHS Tape Review: END
Rating:  Summary: Arnold at his best and biggest Review: Every five minutes or so, Arnold will take off his shirt and show his bulging biceps and pecs. This film was made when Arnold looked his best. It's very funny,also.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest bad movie of all time! Review: Folks, this is a real gem! They don't make these kinds of movies any more, and it's a damn shame too.
I STRONGLY urge you to watch both versions of this movie. In the first, Arnold's voice is not dubbed, and his accent is extremely thick. His English was not exactly up to snuff so he delivers most of his lines with absolute hilarity. My favourites are "You have striked Hercules!" and "Why he always got to be necking me?" If you're not laughing within 5 minutes of this movie something is definitely wrong.
The second version is where Arnold's voice is dubbed. Many say this version is even funnier since Arnold's voice is dubbed by what sounds like a 70 year old English professor. The lines are delivered in such a tepid and uninspired fashion that one can't help but to laugh uncontrollably!
The storyline is ridiculous, so don't even bother with it. This movie is BAD and it knows it, but it's so hilarious that you won't even care by the end. Watch it with your friends and spread the word!