Rating:  Summary: Superman is a super movie! Review: I saw this movie way back in 1978 in the theatres. I remember feeling a little foolish then asking my girlfriend who became my fiance who in turn became my wife to go to the movies on a Friday evening and trying to explain to her that we, as young adults were going to see Superman!That is untill I got into the theatre and saw other people our age and even older, college students, people in their late 20's, 30's and even 40's and they weren't there with their children, they were there with their spouses, significant other, friends and so on. From the start of the movie when you hear a child reading and then a black and white video showing the the Daily Planet circa 1930's to shooting to the planet Krypton, imprisoning the three villians, the destruction of the planet Krypton to Jonathan and Martha Kent discovering the baby superman in that rocket and on and on, this was a great movie in the theatres. In fact I liked it so much that I bought the vhs and now the dvd as well. The special effects were astounding! Cinema graphics incredible. Music was out of this world. (...)Gene Hackman makes for a great villian playing Lex Luther and Ned Beatty plays a great, bumbling gopher to the savvy Luther. Playbunny of the year and Playboy centerfold, Valerie Perrine was also a nice touch as Luther's special lady. Superman is a combination of fun, comedy, and superfeats. I've watched this movie many times and never tire of it.
Rating:  Summary: Super DVD Review: SUPERMAN THE MOVIE falls into the "they-don't-make-movies-like-that-anymore" category. It is a hybrid of 60's "epic" movies, 70's all-star-cast disaster flicks, and the late-70's special effects films (like STAR WARS and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS). The DVD looks and sounds wonderful. The extra's are very interesting - 3 documentaries illuminate the journey from page to screen. The battles between director Richard Donner and his producers are fascinating. However, in all fairness, one wishes the Salkinds (or someone on their side) could respond. There are some very cool early flying effects in the bonus stuff. The screen tests are hilarious - Stockard Channing as Lois Lane would have been a hoot. Lesley Anne Warren was an interesting choice as well. However, when Margot Kidder's screen test appears it is obvious why she was chosen. In her screen test she had a bad haircut and a 70's hippy dress on. However, she simply glows with energy and the magic required to help the audience believe a man can fly. The film has held up well. It moves from Greek-like Krypton to the Americana of Smallville to the zippy, campy feel of Metropolis. Gene Hackman is hilarious as Lex Luthor. The re-inserted scenes are fine. They are really minor additions to this great film. They only help make it better. (I'd really like to hear/see more of the SUPERMAN II cut scenes!) SUPERMAN is a super DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Spider-Man has kind of surpassed it... Review: Well now that we have seen the two Spider-Man movies, I tend to belive that they are now the standards by which other comic book films (both Marvel and DC) will have to live up to now. In a way, Superman is now kind of the odd film out. It works better as an origin story in how Clarke Kent becomes Superman and Chris Reeve's effective perfomance in the title role still works, In the comics, Lex Luthor has always been a one dimensional cartoon character, the only time that he was an effective villian was when Gene Hackman played him in this movie. The final scenes of Superman turning the Earth backward to save lois lane, are what they are. It might be a bit far fetched to put in a movie, but that does not stop audiences from enjoying it. and it doesn't stop me from watching it over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: Look! Up on the screen! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... Review: "Superman" recalls a time when adventure movies had their innocence and weren't shameless corporate marketing devices. This film has the same energy and spirit as the "Batman" movies, but what makes "Superman" a cut above the rest of the other based-on-a-comic movies is that this film has a heart. Christopher Reeve is perfectly cast as the man of steel who parts from his father (Marlon Brando) and is transported to Earth to fight evil. Gene Hackman is devilishly good as Lex Luthor and Margot Kidder shows spunk and verve as Lois Lane. The DVD is also an attractive package: although the picture leaves a bit to be desired, the sound is so solid, it looks like it was recorded this year instead of 1978. Plus, the features are a real treat, including a few featurettes, and the original trailers, which show how long a way we've come in marketing films. As with all franchises, the Superman films hit a dead end and wore out their welcome, but the original is the first and best. Recommended for all viewers.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Comic Book Adaptation Ever Review: The first line of Superman: The Movie is Jor-El (Marlon Brando) telling the Kryton Council "This is no fantasy." This line is symbolic of the movie that is about to follow. When one watches Superman you do not feel as if is a fantasy. Superman takes itself totally seriously and it is therefore an immensly entertaining and believable viewing experience. The video quality of this DVD is excellent. This is the first time I have seen this film since I was young. Now that I'm older I can truly appreciate the riveting performance Christopher Reeve gave as Clark Kent/Superman. Reeve provided each character with a distinctive personality. This lent credibility to the story. Reeve's mannerisms also gave the flying sequences authenticity. The greatest compliment I can give Christopher Reeve is that whenever I think of Superman I will instantaneously think of him. The supporting cast of Superman were also excellent. Marlon Brando (Jor-El) and Gene Hackman (Lex Luthor) both gave outstanding performances. This DVD also has additional scenes that were not in the theatrical release. These scenes are not frivolous and really add a new dimension to the film. For example, there is more of Jor-El emphasizing his son's purpose on Earth. Superman: The Movie is a great film because it has one ingredient that future comic book adaptations have lacked, emotion. This is inherent in the relationship between Superman and Lois Lane (Margot Kidder). Superman is undisputably the Citizen Kane of comic book adaptations.
Rating:  Summary: Still one of the best movies ever made!!!! Review: After the sudden death of Christopher Reeves a couple of months
ago, its only fitting that I review this movie. Christopher
Reeve was a legend in my book , and thats good enough for
everybody. True Reeves wasnt in a lot of movies, but the few
movies he has been in, made an impact in Hollywood and for
movies in general, just look at Superman.
Superman stands out as one of the best movies he did and it
stands out as an awesome comic remake.
The story really doesnt need a review, Gene Hackman plays
Lex Luthor , Superman's main enemy and he hatches
a scheme to attack him and conquer the world. Superman
stops him but not before beginning a great friendship
with Lois Lane (Margot Kidder).
Kidder was also at the peak or her acting career here, she]
was great,
The effects, the music, Superman was not only a big hit
but just a stellar piece of filmmaking.
Its great now that the film has now been on DVD, but now
with Reeve's death we must honor his name and what better
way to do it, besides giving money to his charities
than to sit down and discuss his movies.
Rating:  Summary: Chris our superman Review: Christopher Reeve was very well known because he was in this film.Christopher Reeve did not have to act in this movie.He was a hero in life.Even though he was paralyzed he still cared,thinked,and loved other people.I was very sad when Christopher Reeve died .He almost died in 1995,but he was a Superman and he survived now he died for good.
In Memoriam,
Christopher Reeve(Superman)
Rating:  Summary: Otisburg Review: Originally released in 1978, this first film in the series, directed by Richard Donner, became, and still is, the blue print for the perfect superhero/comic book movie. All future movies of it's kind should be so good. Unfortunatley, most of them haven't been. Save a few. This original film was the "origin" of Superman and Clark Kent. Telling it from the beginning. Basically, here is the story. On the planet of Krypton, about to meet it's end, Jor-El and his wife Lara, send their baby son Kal-El to earth in a small spaceship. Ot crash lands in the small farming town of Smallville, Kansas. The little boy is picked up by local couple, Jonathan and Martha Kent(Glen Ford, Phyllis Thaxter). Right off the bat, the little boy showed super powers. Flash forward several years, and young Clark(as they named him, and played by Jeff East for these scenes), is leaving home. Read to go out on his own and find out who he is and his true calling. Once he makes it to Metropolis, Christopher Reeve steps into the role. He gets a job as a reporter for The Daily Planet, under the employment of Rough and grumy Perry White(The great Jackie Cooper). Soon, Clark is accquainted with feisty reporter Lois Lane(Margot Kidder), and boyishly wholesome photographer, Jimmy Olsen(Marc McClure). Gene Hackman plays millionaire madman, Lex Luthor. With the help of his sidekicks Otis(Ned Beatty), and Miss Tesmacher(Valerie Perrine), Lex plans on taking over the world, unless Superman can stop him. Ned Beatty and Valerine Perrine donate some comedic relief to the proceedings as Lex's team. This is a real high class production. The performances are well done and fleshed out, and carry the film to the grand adventure that it is. Reeve was a virtual unknown at the time, and was only 26 I believe. He did a phenomenal job his first time out, brillaintly creating two seperate people in one, with Superman and Clark. He was wonderful. Hackman is a pro, and he chews the scenery with scene stealing bravado, owning every frame he is in. Kidder was perfectly cast as Lois Lane. She had that right sense of perkiness, determination, and strength, that makes the character endearing. Cooper is a delight with his portrayal of Perry, and McClure brings the right level of 'ah shucks' to his bow tied photographer. One cannot exclude Marlon Brando, who was paid millions for his few days(and few minutes)of work on the film. The script is expertly written by Mario Puzo("The Godfather"). It is such a well structured script that tells the beginning, and origin, of the legend, and is incredibly tight. Richard Donner's direction was flawless. He captures every scene and makes every moment count. There are numerous scenes here etched in fans' heads, and lines as well, and that makes for a rather unforgettable adventure. There are also some nice little cameos in the movie. The original Superman, Kirk Alyn, plays Lois' father early in the movie when they are on a train, and the original TV lois, Noel Neil, plays her mom. Now, with Bryan Singer doing "Superman Returns" for 2006, with Brandon Routh as Clark/Superman, Kate Bosworth as Lois, and Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, he has a lot to live up too. With Spacey being cast, it's already on the right track. The best superhero movie of all time.
Rating:  Summary: You'll Believe A Man Can Fly Review: You will believe a man can fly
Son of Kal-el, Jor-el is sent to earth by his father mere moments before his home planet of Krypton is destryoed. It takes a year for the boy to travel to the earth crashing in a field to be discovered buy the Kents who raise him as their own. Though he is no ordinary boy, he has super-human strenghts and grows up to be Superman! He fights for truth, justice and the American way!
It sounds a bit hokey but after all it is Superman. Now finally we have the box-office smash, Academy Award® winner and a beloved fan favorite for more than a generation, Superman: The Movie now soars even higher in a state-of-the-art digital transfer from restored elements and with dynamically remixed digital audio. There's more: the epic adventure now includes eight minutes integrated into the film by director Richard Donner. Among the highlights: added footage of the Krypton Council, a glimpse of veterans from previous Superman incarnations, a meeting with Jor-El that underscores the Man of Steel's purpose on Earth and an extended sequence inside Lex Luthor's gauntlet of doom.
Having mentioned some specifics and disc propaganda, let me say this is a great movie. While this took well over a year to shoot, (they shot this and Superman 2 simultaneously) and plagued by an ever burgening budget and producer - director infighting, this film nevertheless was a breakthrough in special effects technology. The tag line of the film was, "You will believe that a man can fly." And you did. They made it appear as though Christopher Reeve was flying through the air. You cannot read history backwards and say it looks fake, because maybe by todays CGI world it may look a bit hokey, but in 1978 it was a marvel, and in my opinion, it still is.
Unknown actor at the time Christopher Reeve gives us a powerful and believable performance in the dual Kent/Superman role. Hackman gives a brilliant comedic performance as Lex Luthor, and Margot Kidder rounds out an excellent cast. (On principal I am not mentioning the actor who plays Superman's father, you probably know that already).
The only contention I had with this disc was the fact that some scenes were added that were not in the theatrical cut. They were edited in and while the chapter list lets us know I feel there should have at least had a branching option to watch them within the movie or alone. Aside from that this is a stellar disc.
Rating:  Summary: THE FIRST GREAT SUPERHERO FILM Review: Released in 1978, Superman would be the first big buget Hollywood treatment of Superheroes and thus is historically a very important film as it showed studios just how big movies like this could be. Directed by Richard Donner the movie covers the origins of Superman from the destruction of his planet of krypton to being sent away prior to its destruction to Earth where he would be found by Mr. and Mrs Kent and raised as their own son, Clark.
We see Clark as a young man coming to grips with his power, even showing off by racing a train. With the death of his father (Glen Ford) we cut to an adult Clark going to Metropolis and getting a job with the Daily Planet and meeting Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) Perry White (Jackie Cooper) and eventually his arch-nemesis, lex Luthor (Gene Hackman).
Long before the days of computer generated special effects, the geniuses behind Superman really did make us believe a man could fly. His first appearance as Superman where he catches Lois Lane as she plummets to certain doom, and then catches the crashed helicopter still give me chills when I watch it.
Of course the thing that most of us will remember about Superman is its star, the late Christopher Reeve. The man truly embodied what Superman was. His fantastic portrayal of the geeky, fumbling Clark contrasted perfectly with his powerful and definitive portrayal as the Man of Steel.
Gene Hackman was comically evil as Lex Luthor and was joined by co-horts Ned beatty and Valerie perrine as the film's eye candy.
Mario Puzo, known for his best work in the original story of The Godfather, put together a wonderful researched story staying true to the classic comic. This special edition contains several added scenes not in the original theatrical release featuring several more scenes on Krypton invloving Brando. The main things about this great DVD are the 3 documentaries hosted by Marc McLure who played Jimmy Olsen in the movies. They give a fascinating look behind the making of these movies and the problems of casting and pulling off the special effects that they faced. Also great is the screen tests which feature some of the other actresses who were considered for the part of Lois Lane and a great commentary track by Richard Donner.
Really a wonderful and valuable DVD. It's one I will always keep! Hopefully we will see a special Edition of Superman 2. One of the few sequels that were actually better than the original.