Rating:  Summary: Awesome sound!!! Review: I have had this DVD for a few years now. It is wonderful with just five surround speakers, but with a subwoofer it sounds simply fantastic! I just bought a JBL 300 watt PSW1000 subwoofer, have a Yamaha Receiver and ZSeries cables from Monster. Well, needless to say I have never had such an experience in all my days involved in hi fidelity sound. The opening sequence blows me away and the rest of the film holds me up in rapture. What more can I say? It's fantastic!!!
Rating:  Summary: Superman Vs. Lex Luthor! Review: This is a terrific movie. Christopher Reeve is in my opinion the definitive Clark Kent/Superman and the rest of the cast is top notch too, Gene Hackman, Margo Kidder, etc. As for the reviewer who says that the villain wasn't Lex Luthor. Actually it was Lex Luthor and he was called that and was played by Gene Hackman. Anyway, this is a terrific movie and I highly recommend it and I like the movie so much I'm going to buy the DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Okay, but where's Luthor? Review: It boggles my mind how anyone could bring the classic character to the big screen and not bring Superman's most dastardly nemesis with him. I'm speaking of course about Lex Luthor. There are some who believe that Gene Hackman's character (who is never mentioned by name in the movie, believe it or not) is supposed to be Luthor, but we really have no way of knowing. Boo to Warner Bros and all involved, except the actors.
Rating:  Summary: please don't remake this hollywood!! Review: This is an almost perfect film. Chris Reeves was great as was Margot Kidder. Great story, we don't need this remade.
Rating:  Summary: Superman Review: Until the X-Men movies came along, this and Superman II were definitely the greatest superhero movies around. This movie still holds up although maybe Reeve's portrayal of Clark Kent is a little too overboard and it's a shame that Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor is so comical. Other than that, all of the Superman moments in this movie are fantastic. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: It set the Standard Review: Now that comic book films are part of Hollywood, it is helpful to re-examine one of the first and the best. Richard Donner's direction of this film is excellent, as is the acting by the cast. The wonderful midwestern landscapes of this film are still as beautiful now as they were then (I think they were shot in Canada, if memory serves correctly), and are in my view WAY underrated. It took twelve years (Dances With Wolves) before the plains were shot this way again.I also remember the big hub-bub about Marlon Brando's salary for this film...Brando's performance is very good and just reinforces why he is one of the all time greats. Many people remember Star Wars. This is the film that I remember from that time. Truly a classic.
Rating:  Summary: Good family film and trip down memory lane Review: This movie is now more than 25 years old and while the special effects have aged and the pacing of the movie seems a tad slow by modern standards, there is a nice spirit to the movie that still carries through. My 10 and 12 year olds enjoyed watching it with us and enjoyed the story. The performances are all pretty good. Margot Kidder never looked better and Christopher Reeve really became and embodied Superman. He had all the right qualities. One of the interesting things is noticing all the actors you had forgotten were in this movie and remembering where else you have seen them or heading over to IMDB and looking them up. Good family film and nostalgia trip.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the usual Warner's DVD's Review: Being a comic book geek, I still believe that this is the best and most faithful adaptation of a comic book character yet. Warner's has been kind of skimpy on added features with a lot of their classic films, but that's not the case here. This wonderful film finally receives a well deserved update from Warner's, but misses the mark for perfection. The picture and sound transfers are perfect (although I don't recall the "flying credits" sound muting out John Williams's awesome score in the beginning. They seem extra loud here). Other bonus goodies that are great: additional footage, previously only seen on TV prints, incorporated into the movie including Luthor's "Gauntlet of Doom" (which always makes me wonder why studios spend money on these sequences and then take them out??) and a directory of the added scenes; a soundtrack only option; an entertaining commentary by director Richard Donner and "Script Consultant" Tom Mankiewicz; and also entertaining Screen Tests for the role of Superman (sadly, it's just Christopher Reeve), Lois Lane (including Leslie Ann Warren, Susan Blakely and Stockard Channing), and Ursa (this one's really short though and does not show Sarah Douglas's test at all). Knowing the potential costs for the rights to this footage, it's especially great that these were included. All in all a great disc, but what's missing, you ask? Well, if you like this movie and have never seen the extended TV versions, you might find nothing wrong here. Warner's has included a "whopping" 2 deleted scenes, not incorporated back into the film. Okay, that's nice, but where are all the other deleted and alternate scenes (nearly a half hour's worth of footage has been shown on TV, not including commericial time)? And still Warner's insists on using those cheapo cardboard snap cases. Even on Special Editions! Arrrgh! Come on Warner's! When VHS first started out, Warner's was a pioneer in using clamshell cases for their videos and slowly phased them out, leaving Disney as the only one using them. Now Warner's seem to be behind on the times with this, whereas everyone uses a great protective snap case but them. All in all a great film, and a great DVD which is near prefect. Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys this film and many of you probably won't be bothered by what I've complained is missing. Definitely worth the price in any case. Now if we could only get Warner's to do the same for Superman II! P.S. to Warner's - For part 2, it would be great if you could include some the "lost/unused" footage originally shot by Donner, before he was fired and replaced by Richard Lester, in the features section!
Rating:  Summary: Will Always Be A Classic Review: This film will always be important to me because I was a child during the era of these films. I watched them endlessly on television. I had a crush on Christopher Reeve for years. I never got enough of these films. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I bought the DVD this weekend and it was worth every penny. Superman will always be a classic film experience. With three sequels, this film was a blockbuster alongside Star Wars and Return of the Jedi. It's the perfect 80's experience and if you are an eighties kid I suggest you relive those moments by buying all of the Superman films. I admit it was very sad to watch since Christopher is now confined to a wheelchair for life. I couldn't keep my mind off of his ailment while watching the film. It was sad to think of the eighties and how fast time pasts but this is what makes this movie wonderful...memories. This film is not perfect by all means. The dialoge is wacky. The special effects are cheap ( but back then they were amazing ). People not used to the film will only concentrate on its faults but it has so much more to offer. It will forever be a classic and one of the most romantic series ever made. No matter how old or dated these Superman films get it will always be remembered. Not even the upcoming Hollywood remake can change that. This touched the hearts of millions for over twenty years. No one can top that.
Rating:  Summary: Should be a Two Disk Set.... Review: With Warners re-relaseing a lot of their movies as two disk sets, I belive this movie should be among them. It was largely suucessful and to date, still remains the best movie Warners did on a DC Comics hero. Cmon Warners, re-release this movie on DVD as a two disk set. It deserves that.