Rating:  Summary: Was this worth the wait? Review: This was probably the worst action movie i have seen in my life. it felt like the movie would never end, and it was real cute that they decided to play that Aerosmith song about a million times throughout the movie. The movie was far from suspensefull, far from dratatic, and far from romantic. This movie was just a movie made to screw the person who sat in line to see this, or buy it! This is just another big budget movie, that needed to get millions of dollars and just made the preview look good and the movie was lame. The plot was to messy and confusing, and if you didnt pay attention for 30 seconds you would loose track of what was going on! please dont buy or rent this, it just sucks!
Rating:  Summary: Dumb as a box of rocks, but great movie making. Review: If you'r willing to spend the extra cash to get the Criterion edition of Armegeddon, it is clear you've already seen this movie. If you want this deluxe version, you love the movie. So, you want to know, is the extra expense worth it? I've just got five words for you: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes! This two disk edition provides hours of behind the camera information and insight. The first commentary track is with the director, producer and stars of the movie. The director, Michael Bay, passes on interesting information on the making and origins of the film. I did find his personality to be somewhat abrasive and harsh. I guess some directors are like that. Bruce Willis seems to be very low key and Ben Affleck is a riot. All in all, a very interesting track. The second track is with the director of photography and various science consultants. I found this track very enjoyable. The information provided by the DP is technically oriented and provides great insight into the art of cinematography. The scientific commentaty is also very interesting. To my surprise, many of the things that happen in Armegeddon(for example, the dual shuttle launch)are within the realm of possibility. Disk number two is packed with goodies. There is a blooper reel that is so so. I think it is funnier for people who were involed in the production of the movie. I thought it was OK. There are tons of conceptual art and matierial on the SPFX and design of the movie. This disk will keep a fan busy for hours on end. The transfer for the set is razor sharp and the sound is spectacular. Unfortunatly, I do not have a home theater hook up. If I did, I suspect I would be pulling a few G's along with Harry and the boys. This is the disk you will pull out to show friends what quality DVD can do. So, bottom line, buy this edition, it is worth the extra money!
Rating:  Summary: SAVING THE PLANET WAS NEVER SO MUCH FUN! Review: Bruce Willis may be the starof ARMAGEDDON, but it's thesuperior supporting cast thatreally pushes this film overthe top.Ben Affleck,Liv Tyler,Billy Bob Thornton,Will Patton,Keith David,Peter Stormare are all very good in the film,but it's Steve Buscemi's comic relief that drives this extravaganza! Subtract Mr. Buscemi from the mix and the moviewould be no better than average.I've never seen a film that made saving the planet quite so fun!The Criterion Edition of the film is worth the extra pesos or bucks they charge.It's a director's cut of the film and the added minutes only help the show.Most of the additional time concerns the training of the first-time astronauts,who will go on to save the planet for us.A second disc is included in the package which is loaded with extras film fans love.You get a gag reel,deleted scenes,trailers,a music video by Aerosmith,storyboards,and a whole lot more.As usual,the folks at Criterion have done a bang-up job,the video trasfer is terrific,the added film footage lifts the movie even higher,and the extra disc with the supplementary material is the crowning jewell! If you liked the original movie,you'll like this director's cut better!
Rating:  Summary: Could've been better. Review: What are the critics thinking? It seems like a PG-13 movie can get away with almost anything these days. The part where the shuttle hits the pilots' bodies when about to land, a little much for the youngsters, don't you think? Furthermore, an asteroid about 1/100 the earth's size WILL NOT have the earth's gravity!
Rating:  Summary: cry baby Chalk Review: I'm gald to see from all the other reviews that this movie has provoked as many varried feelings and reactions as it has amongst my friends. I have seen this film five times, and cried for four of them. I am not an emotional guy, and I usually hate this sort of movie, but there is something in it that just get me each time. Others I have watched it with have had the same reation, others have hated it. If ever I was to make a movie I would be glad to have raised such passions. Love or hate. All I can recommend is that you watch it, and make up your own mind. I will not go into the film, and the plot as this has already been well documented, all I can say is that I hope you enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: a waste of time Review: Like most people, I like watching dumb action movies once in a while. I am sorry but, in my opnion, this one was just bad, really bad. There was a lot of action, but I found almost all of it boring. And the transparent attempts made by the director to pull the emotional strings were pathetic. The movie was neither exciting nor moving. I hated this movie with a passion.
Rating:  Summary: What a pile of crud! Review: Why was this junkpile part of the Criterion Collection? This has to be the worst film since "Plan 9"! I expected mindless entertainment, I got mindless trash.. SFX - lame (boom, boom, boom) Story - None Acting - Puleeese! Why would ANYONE like this clunker? I like dumb movies as much as anyone, but COME ON!
Rating:  Summary: The death of american good taste Review: This movie is the perfect example of how profit driven studios occasionally forget that soulless, poorly executed, infantile, two and a half hour trailers can be hugely commercially successful if marketed correctly. Many people refute my condemnation of this movie by saying that they go to the movies to enjoy themselves not to see important or artistic works. First of all, seeing intellegent, inspired and creative works pleases me more than anything else, the feeling I get when I leave the theatre is like nothing else. I didn't enjoy this movie for a second. It sickened me. If people truly enjoy movies like this (it made $200 mil domestically) I don't understand how this does so well, when intellegent, well-crafted and yes, highly entertaining movies like the insider make $30 mil. Nixon barely registered at the box office. If this is the choice of the American people, the future of art is bleak.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie in all time! Review: I have watched Armaggedon on Sky before and i thought it was brilliant because of the acting and the actors/actresses. (Especially Ben Affleck!) The movie itself was entertaining and cool and i insist that you go and buy it or video it!
Rating:  Summary: A great movie! Review: I absolutley loved this movie.In a way it was similar to "deep impact" but it focused on different characters and it wasn't as serious. "Armageddon" has everything a movie needs. Adventure, comedy, drama, and some romance. I recommend it to anyone.