Rating:  Summary: Armageddon.........oh no........................ Review: I'll start by saying that I had really high expectations for this movie.The idea of a meteor hitting the Earth, possibly wiping out all life, I thought ''cool'', it had some decent actors in it, an excellent director, so where did it all go wrong? This must be one of the worst movies of all time, the idea is good, and was portrayed quite well in ''deep impact''(although it was hated by people, I really liked it.) Although it starts off ok, then the ''oh the Americans will save the day'' thing starts, just like in ''Independence Day'', although in that movie, it wasn't so blatant. I know it was only a movie, but come on. And the end? Oh my. HOW BAD?????????????? Anyone who really gets genuinely upset about this must be pretty sad. The best thing about the whole movie was the music and score.
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon: An Exercise in Attrition Review: If I stuck 50,000 chimpanzees in a room with 50,000 typewriters and let them randomly punch away at the keys for 3 days straight, they'd still come up writing something exponentionally better than the screenplay for Armageddon. This film is mind-bogglingly horrible. To think that sentient beings actually congregated and wrote this abomination is a mystery for the Ages. The fact that this piece of crap was so successful is further proof that mankind is regressing in its cognitive evolution. If I was given a choice between being sentenced 5 years in a Turkish prison and having to sit through this film (in its entirety) again, I'd hop on the next jumbo jet to Istanbul! 1 star is 1 too many. Anyone who gave it more than that should really take a long, hard look in the mirror.
Rating:  Summary: Because it's my duty! Review: Why in God's name does this movie average 3 and 1/2 star reviews? I am obligated, as a sentient creature, to bring that lofty average down! Thinking people: unite! Give this movie a 1 star review as soon and as often as you can!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent collection of material Review: The Criterion Collection release of Armageddon is a treat. It offers 2 commentary tracks, one featuring the director Michael Bay, actors Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer has comments on several interesting things. Affleck's commentary is sometimes very funny. The other commentary track features the Director of Photography and special effects people. The commentary includes interesting details, including background information on the characters and filming locations. Note: The commentary is raw and sometimes laced with profanity, although the movie itself is rated PG-13, for reasons explained in the commentary. Although it's not much, this collection is also a Director's Cut and has a couple scenes added, notable of which is Harry Stamper's character visiting his father before launch. Some other scenes are cut slightly differently, adding some depth to the story. The Gag reel on the second disk is extremely funny, raw, and not your typical "behind-the-scenes" documentary. The second disk also features a tremendous amount of information on the special effects and includes many different trailers and promo material. The Aerosmith song video is also included. While the story can be nit-picked, it's still very exciting and enjoyable. Overall, if you liked the movie, the Criterion Collection release is the DVD to have.
Rating:  Summary: What are you all thinking? Review: Let me guess, you all liked that burning hunk of pig snout called Deep Impact more? Please. Lemme dispute some stuff first: The NASA guys KNOW the world knows about the ASTEROIDS that hit New York, THE WORLD DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT THE METEOR. Only one person has identified the meteor, and although the world gets alerted to it (you'll see why) they coudln't know until it was too late. Second of all, the NASA guys perform the tests on the drillers because they don't want to use the drillers, Thorton (Truman) pushes them to use Bruce's team. There then now, I liked this movie because, simply, it's a good disaster flick with impressive actors. You sympathize with the drillers because you meet their families, friends, etc. Unlike in Deep Impact in which the astronauts are just nameless faces we see twice. Rent the DVD, Rent the VHS, Buy the Criterian Collection. Just don't let the bad reviews scare you away from this excellent movie.
Rating:  Summary: Really zero stars Review: If ever a movie deserved zero stars it is this piece of junk. Here is the thing, I like Ben Afleck and Bruce Willis. I think Billy Bob Thorton is a decent enough actor and I am a huge Steve Buchemi fan. With that said they all need to fire their agents for making this movie. The story even for Sci-fi is a complete joke. I mean suspension of dis-belief is one thing but come on. This movie bit on every level. It was not entertaining or funny, or dramatic. This movie made over 100 million. That says a lot about the American movie going public.
Rating:  Summary: What was Criterion thinking? Review: Since the Criterion Collection is supposedly a series of "classic and important contemporary films," you have to wonder what they were thinking doing such a high-quality special edition of a movie as bad as this one. Come on, guys, it's a bad movie! Nothing in it makes any sense! Think about everything that's wrong with this film just in terms of the story (what little there is). The NASA guys seem to think nobody knows about the crisis, even after New York City is decimated by an asteroid shower. NASA also wastes time doing psychological tests on the driller guys, even though they're the only people who can do the job and there's barely enough time to train them as astronauts. Then the Russian space station randomly explodes just to keep things moving. Then they have to defuse the bomb on the asteroid in the ancient "which wire should I pull" routine, even though *it's not a terrorist bomb* and they should have been briefed on everything about it since their organization built it. Oh, and there's apparently normal gravity on the asteroid, except for when the plot demands otherwise (when they jump the big ravine in the land rover). But the movie's style is even worse. It alternates between "Gee, we're having fun playing the audience like a piano" fake sentimentalism and "Let's make everything exciting by cutting everything together really fast" hyper-editing. Come on, guys, how entertaining can this movie be when you can't even tell what's going on most of the time? Jerry Bruckheimer needs to retire...
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon Review: This is one of the most spectacular movies I have ever seen. It had me off my seat the whole time with its intensity, thrill, and emotion. It is deffenetly a must see movie. When NASA realise there is a meteor the size of Texas heading strait for Earth in just 18 days,that could end all life on Earth, they know they have to do something.By this time in the movie I am overcome with suspence on what may happen. They decide to take a team off roughneck oil drillers to drill a whole and drop a nuclear warhead into it's core. The drillers are divided into two groups to go into space. As soon as they get into space, 1 of the space ships goes down because of too much debri from the meteor. There are only three survivors from that accident.The other space ship lands on the meteor and begins to drill, but can not get to the wanted dept without help. The three survivors from the first space ship come to the rescue and help them drill to their wanted dept. In all the caos the remote to detinate the bomb has been wrecked so somebody has to stay on the meteor to detinate the warhead sacrificing himself to save the world. In the end all is good and well because of one brave man who saved the world.
Rating:  Summary: action movie with everything in it! Review: I love this movie! I loved it so much more the 2nd time I saw it, & I already loved it the 1st time! This movie has good action, special fx, comedy, romance. I actually think this is 1 of Bruce Willis' best movies! Hes been so much better lately than he used to be! He isn't JUST an action star now. This is an action movie, but not your typical one. Bruce Willis has been making some really good movies & doin some really good roles! This is one of them! The rest of the cast done great also. I especially enjoy Steve Busemi! He's awesome! Its a true adventure everytime I watch this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Armageddon is 5 stars! Review: This is one of the best Bruce Willis films to date. With non-stop action the entire 2nd half of movie. Great cast, and special effects throughout movie. Get this DVD, it is great.