Rating:  Summary: Action-packed! Review: A crew of Highjackers led by Treat Williams go into a ship where the passengers suddenly have disappeared but only find one surviving passenger ( Famke Jannsen), they all must survive and escape the ship from a deadly prehistoric monster that is attacking the ship.It's got a farfetched plot but this movie is very entertaining and gory at times. The monster itself is cool looking, the action keeps going making this a enjoyable feast of blood and action. Also recommended: Titanic, Ghost Ship, Die Hard, Leviethan, Deep Star Six, Deep Blue Sea, Alien Resurrection, Aliens, From Dusk Till Dawn, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Die Hard 2, Con Air, The Rock, The Toxic Avenger, Slugs, The Beginning of the End, Jaws, Lake Placid, Alien, Predator, and Total Recall.
Rating:  Summary: Aliens at sea. Review: I like Treat Williams. I like Famke Janssen. I like movies about ships lost at sea, and the toothy creatures that lurk in its depths and look on people as savory entrees. Oh, and I definitely like the Alien series. All that explains why I sort of enjoyed Deep Rising, a rollercoaster of a movie that tosses all pretense of originality out the window from the get-go and focuses on doing the same old thing in a fun and flashy way.
Rating:  Summary: Not up to much. Review: I used to have this on DVD and I only watched it once. Perhaps this is because the film is quite boring and even the presence of the beautiful Famke Janssen cannot balance the trash out. Every set looks the same as the last and it's just so dull. It should have been gorier and milked it's hardly original concept for all it's worth. The dialogue simply stinks too. Jerry Goldsmith's music is below par also which is very strange for him as he usually produces the best stuff. Sommers went on to direct The Mummy and The Mummy Returns and from these 3 films it's easy to guess how his typical standard will be. Skip it. The DVD is in Dolby 5.1 and non-anamorphic 2.35:1 widescreen.
Rating:  Summary: What can I say?I love it! Review: Yeah this film is pretty flawed all right. God Knows I've written some biting reviews of movies of the same calibre. But hey, it's not every day that a movie about a giant squid-thing from the abyss attacks a ship, which just so happens to be MY cup of tea. It certainly isn't everyone's. I recommend at least renting it. There's a very good chance it'll entertain you
Rating:  Summary: America's Greatest Action Hero! Review: Ah, Treat Williams! He's America's greatest action hero, from his role in this film to his role in the many "Substitute" sequels, he's solidified his inheretence of "Greatest Action Star" from Van Damme and Jeff Speakman. In "Deep Rising", a hilariously cheesy, surprisingly effective action thriller, Williams plays John Finnegan, a freelance speedboat operator with a devil may care attitude. He won't ask questions about his charters, which is how he finds himself and his crew, consisting of Kevin J. O'Conner as the comic relief mechanic and Una Damon as his plucky, soon-to-be eaten co-pilot, carrying a rogues gallery of mercenaries to an unknown spot in the South China Sea. The merc's goal: Hijack the most fantasteristific ocean liner and take a whole lot of money from the ultra-rich passengers. Throwing a wrench into the plan is a gigantic sea creature which decides to invade the ship before they get there and eats everybody onboard. No, I swear, that's what happens. What follows is basically an "Alien" [copy]with a good sense of it's own inherent badness. Famke Jansen joins the gang as a jewel thief who survives the inital sea monster attack. Rounding out the rag-tag group of survivors is supreme slime-ball Anthony Heald(Dr. Chilton in "Silence of the Lambs") as the nefarious builder/owner of the luxury liner. It's all good folks, from cheesy one-liners to some rather sectacular action set pieces. The film was written and directed by Stephen Sommers, who would go on to make the "Mummy" films, which...aren't nearly as entertaining as this cheesball. Give into the power of Treat Williams. See this movie. Your life will be altered in a good way.
Rating:  Summary: A great B-Movie! Review: Deep Rising is a really fun film, filled with excitement, humor, and gruesome special effects. My only complaint is that the monster occasionally looked hokey, but most of the time it looked good. The movie is obviously set up for a sequel, but I doubt there's going to be one. The DVD only has a trailer and a recommendation list for extras, but the sound and picture are superb. Great score by Jerry Goldsmith.
Rating:  Summary: Some times a cigar is just a cigar...... Review: Well I bet that got your attention....Sometimes a movie is good just because its fun to watch and DEEP RISING is one of those rare gems. Not every movie has to be "better and newer" just to be fun. Call this a 50's B movie for gen X (did I actualy say that???)
Rating:  Summary: Really good sci-fi/action/horror flick Review: This has to be one of the best monster flicks every produced. It is totally my style of film. The common themes I love in horror flicks are crew trapped by some uknown terror with lots of weapons and they have to figure out a way out and blasting hundreds of creepers only pisses them off. Furthermore, the crew gets devasted and ripped to shreds one by one. Man thats just too much fun. Well this film delivers the suspense and action in this one. This movie plus aliens has delivered he formula for monster suspense better than any other action thriller flicks. For the editorial who said that this movie wasnt origanal and even the bashed the director is a total [...]. Its true that its not an entirely original film but its a really fun film with lots of action. What more can you ask?...
Rating:  Summary: Bleauch! Review: Stephen Sommer's oh-how agonisingly-predictable monster movie (which owes a lot to James Cameron's ALIENS) is as un-original as they come. Blunty, it's a rehash of of the old corny "monster at sea" movies. Nothing suprised me, except for a couple of impressive special effects. And did anyone mention plausability? This is so uninvolving and lacklustre it borders on the excremental. Only some inventive stuff with that gooey creature offing people eliviated my interest, but the rest is boring drivel.