Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: The Two Towers was better than Fellowship by a long shot... and I loved the Fellowship. If it continues at this rate, Return of the King will be beyond our wildest dreams. That said, I did have minor issues with this rendition that gave me a pause before I went ahead and gave the movie 5 stars. I am not a "Tolkien Purist" even though I've read and loved the books, but I've got to agree with bear283, Faramir's character shouldn't have been changed and I'm not sure why Jackson felt the need to. Also, the Ents and Treebeard were made out to be indecisive and foolish, which is insulting to the wise old charaters Tolkien created. That said,the pacing of the movie is great and even with some of our favourite stuff from the books cut out (and the whole battle at Helm's Deep being changed around and blown out of proportion) the movie is still pretty true to the book. Also the landscapes are fabulous and so in tune with Tolkien's descriptions. That and the battles are amazing, and the special effects are awe inspiring. And not that it needs to be said, but the casting is beyond perfect.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE!! Review: This is one of the best movies i have seen!! It was all very well done, and the actors are GREAT! Through the whole movie, my attention was kept with it, and i've seen it 5 times in the theaters! In my opinion, it was a lot better than Fellowship, which is a VERY good movie. I recommend this movie to everyone!!
Rating:  Summary: Was a little disappointed but I thought it was very good. Review: Okay, let me start off that I'm NOT a Tolkien purist! I love Tolkien's work and I think Peter Jackson is doing a wonderful job with the movies. Alright, now to be honest I was a little disappointed with the Two Towers--only with ONE thing! And that was Treebeard...I really wished Peter shouldn't have changed Treebeard because I really loved Treebeard in the book! And to much of my surprise I was shocked that they changed Treebeard. Oh well, it's been done and there's nothing I can do about it.Anyway, I'll get on with my review. From the beginning to the end of the movie...I was just so amazed. I loved it all except for the Treebeard part, I was so disappointed. But I loved the Frodo and Sam, Elijah Wood did another wonderful job as Frodo. He's getting more drawn to the ring and Sam's trying his best to keep Frodo to his senses. Then there's Gollum--and he's no where near being another Jar Jar Brinks! Who would do a better job than Andy Serkis? I thought Andy was brillant and he seemed to do the role of Gollum perfectly. I never had a good image of Gollum but the sound of his voice is how Andy did in the movie. Then the Helm's Deep battle...wow. I was just blown away with all the action and all those Uruk-hai. Took them five days to do that scene of Helm's Deep and wow, what a battle! The music in Two Towers is absolutely beautiful! I bought the OST a few days after I seen the movie. Well I really can't think of what else to put but all I can say that this movie was wonderful and I've only seen it twice in theaters. Although when it comes out on DVD I'm definity buying it and watching it as many times I can. I've watched Fellowship of the Ring on DVD and the extended dvd version so many times I lost count. Although I can't wait to see what happens in Return of the King. So this isn't much of review but I loved the movie, a little disappointed but liked it anyway. :D
Rating:  Summary: Not true to the book - but SO WHAT? Review: The purists may rise up in revolt and curse Mr. Jackson, but all I can say (as every film student beofre me has said) - u cannot put a book up on screen word for word. Books and movies flow differently, and obviously the type of audience also has to be considered. There are a significant number of deviations from the book in this movie but 1)Not for a second was the continuity or the context broken, and 2)It actually meant that somebody who has memorised the book from cover to cover was left in suspense. This movie stays in your mind for days after it was viewed. The battle scenes were brilliant. The Black riders managed to look sacrier on their new steeds. Frodo is developing confidence, as the power of the Ring takes hold. When you see Gollum you actually and truly understand what a wretched creature he is, and why Bilbo could not slay him when he had the chance. Just for these bits alone, I praise the director to the sky. The deviations from the story are too numerous to count: Theoden is 'possessed' by Saruman, not just fooled by Wormtongue's lies (which makes it seem more beliveable) Faramir is not 'good' as portrayed in the book, but I felt this was necessary to bring home why frodo wanted to avoid men and go off on his quest alone, and also show the what troubled times everyone was living in and the lack of trust existing among all people. The addition of the Arwen and Aragorn story also gives both of them some charcter, and is necessary as you are trying to capture the film audience. But not for a second did it seem out of place. Overall the movie was much much better than the first and there was so much more action. The only complaint I have is that it should have ended like the book did with Shelob's Lair....because now it leaves me worried and anxious considering there are only 3 more hours left - what will be cut, and what won't? I took a friend of mine along who had only seen the film version of Fellowship of the Ring (and not read any of LOTR) and she just positively loved this part, and like billions of other people around world, is awaiting the final installment
Rating:  Summary: one ring to rule them all . Review: second story of lord of the rings. its real intersting story about good and evil. its about medievl times. like harry potter.
Rating:  Summary: Enough! Review: If you are a Tolkien purist, then stop writing bad reviews about "The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers". I have read the author J.R.R. Tolkiens "The Lord Of The Rings" trilogy books well over three times and I loved them. I do not care about the parts that Peter Jackson and his crew have changed, added, and cut. I still think that this is a wonderful movie. I know that deep down the so called Tolkien purists love this movie. They just are afraid to admit it because of their love of the books. If you are a Tolkien purist and (or) you hate "The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers" movie then be quiet and do not write any reviews on this site!
Rating:  Summary: Four Stars, Two Thumbs Up, The Winner Of Two Academy Awards! Review: "The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers" is, in my opinion, the best movie of late 2002. The action is intense, the drama is amazing, and the fun and excitement this movie has is brilliant! This movie is so great that it is the winner of six movie awards in all. It is the winner of three Bafta Awards, one Film Critics Choice Award, and two Academy Awards. Add all those movie awards up that makes six in all. "The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers" is better than its prequal "The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring", and that movie was wonderful! "The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers" is spectacular! I highly recommend you see it in theaters and (or) buy it on DVD or VHS when it is released in stores. I saw this movie three times at the theaters. That is how amazed I was with this wonderful movie.
Rating:  Summary: A movie I highly recommend you see Review: "The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers" is one of the best movies I have ever seen since "The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring". It has action, adventure, drama, a little romance, fantasy, and fun. It is the winner of one Film Critics Choice Awards, three Bafta Awards, and two Academy Awards. In all this movie is the winner of six movie awards. This is a movie I highly recommend you see or buy on VHS or DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Better and more Powerful than the First!!!! Review: I am a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. I also love the films, but the first had some "transformations" that I did not agree with. The Fellowship did not give enough character information on all of the characters: like Sam, Aragorn, and Merrry and Pippin. I think Jackson simplified their characters too much to make Frodo seem more important. This is contrary to Tolkien's work. His work is the antithesis of all the hero stories where there is one main hero, who does everything. Tolkien has many heroes in many forms. The Ents are heros. Aragorn and Sam. Gimli and Legolas. NOT just Frodo. It is not just him saving the world. It is everyone's actions combined. Jackson I am glad to say corrected his few errors in the magnificent Two Towers. He gave every character there due and made Merry and Pippin like they should have been in the first movie. The one thing that Jackson and his crew changed that I agreed with was giving Arwen and Aragorn's romance a bigger presence. It made the movie all the more profound and enjoyable. Jackson and his crew did the impossible with creating Gollum and the Ents to perfection without making them seem funny or fake. THERE was one change that diminished the film for me. Jackson changed Faramir's character and took away his goodness and purpose by making him just like his brother. When in reality he lets Frodo and Sam go and proves he is a better person than Boromir. Also that men can resist the ring's power. The Two Towers is better than Fellowship but has it very few flaws. This movie expands Tolkien's universe like the first could not as a film. It may not be completely loyal to Tolkien but made that up in the character development all the way around. It is beautifully shot and acted. The score is grand and sad just like the book. Viggo Mortensen once again proved he is ARAGORN. Sean Astin was given the time to show the true and pure spirit that is SAMWISE. Gollum and Treebead need I say more. Jackson has proven again that Tolkien can be adapted. He did some things wrong, but overall he gave the viewer a glimpse into the world of Tolkien. These are hard novels to adapt and sometimes I cannot believe they were transfered as well as they were. Jackson shows a small piece of Tolkien, but to truly experience and appreciate Tolkien you must read the books. They are amazing and there is nothing like them in literature.
Rating:  Summary: Best Ever Review: This is one of the best films ever and I anticipate the release of this DVD and the third part of this trilogy.