Rating:  Summary: hot steamy pile o crap Review: this is not only a SUCKY movie, but quite possibly the worst movie of 2003. The effects were more fake than Pam Anderson's melons and the plot was... wait there was no plot. Its a long boring movie about a green blob that fights giant poodles (NO IM NOT JOKING) and jumps from the middle of the desert to the GOldent Gate Bridge (WOW TALENTED!). We saw From Justin To Kelly after this, and in comparison, WE LOVED IT (that should give you an accurate idea...) (no offense American Idol fans, but that movie sucks too) I gave it 1 star only because no negatives were allowed.
Rating:  Summary: reflective people's movie Review: I have never read the Hulk comic books, and perhaps watched some TV episodes, although they didn't register. The lukewarm feedbacks on Amazon made me delay to see this movie. As I saw the DVD, I was very surprised. Should I be surprised, tho? It's Ang Lee's movie, from the director best known to deal with the subtlety of human feelings. He makes Hulk more like a graphic novel instead of a common superhero comic book. If you have read 'Nausicaa of the valley of wind' by Hayao Iyazaki, you know what I mean by graphic novel. Although there have been a lot of complaints about the first half of the movie, on the emotionally supressed and distant Banner, I do view it extremely crucial. It helps engage audience into the leading characters' minds. Without it, one wouldn't appreciate the energy, anger, and freedom Hulk unleashes in the second half, or the heart wrenching feeling Ross has to go through when the unbearable mystery of the man she loves is finally revealed. Emotion always needs to be felt from both sides.
Rating:  Summary: How did I know... Review: I knew this would be bad. I saw a preview for it and was so amazed that they were making a hulk movie because i loved the Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno one, but then, i looked at screenshots online and saw that the hulk was poorly computerized and cheesy. Then, after seeing Spider Man, I knew that this would be another Marvel masterpiece down in the dumps. I hated every aspect of both movies. The only Marvel-based movies that i can say I enjoyed was X-men, X2, and all the old movies (Batman, Superman...). Whoever made those movies can teach the people who made this crap a few things.
Rating:  Summary: Rated for actual movie quality, not for... Review: entertainment value. I believe you may need to be a fan of the character the Hulk, comic books, and Ang Lee to enjoy this movie to the fullest. I loved it. The camera angles in comic book panels were fantastic! Eric Bana does nice, repressed work. Nick Nolte is unfortunately over the top. Jennifer Connelly does A Beautiful Reprise to her role with Russell Crowe. As an action flick, this movie is slow to start. You want to see the green baddie sooner. As a serious movie delving into surpressed feelings and bad parenting, this gets the job done. The problem is that the storytelling stagnates a bit as the entire first half of the movie is devoted to showing us how bad Banner is off. The CGI is slick and polished. The thing is, it is not as entertaining as it should have been. It is a little too serious and there is not enough protagonist action for us to really find some fun. That's really it. There isn't enough fun. Banner could maybe start to appreciate the good stuff he can do as the Hulk, instead it's all very serious and afflicted. In any case, I loved it on most levels, but it is not the entertaining movie that Spiderman is.
Rating:  Summary: Would be rated 5 if sold $5 Review: You'll find the action in the second part of the film and then you can enjoy all special effects showing Hulk strengh against the World First Army. During the first part, you get a real headache following the pre-life of Hulk.
Rating:  Summary: Awful Review: If you liked the original TV show...you'll hate this movie. Eric who? The only thing that saves this movie at all are the scenes where...oh wait, I'm thinking of the wrong movie. Yeah, nothing saved this movie. It was awful, even on the big screen.
Rating:  Summary: Hulk smashes! Review: With so many movies based in comic books these days, originality is something that doesn't seem to be appearing much. Most of those movies are formulaic, predictable and action-oriented. "Hulk", at least, tries to be different, gives the characters some time to develop and even has a story to tell. Director Ang Lee builds a superhero-drama and slowly introduces the tension, conflict and pain that define the green giant. Eric Bana gives a convincing performance as the nervous and reserved Bruce Banner, developing his inner fight between sanity and madness. Although the movie is well acted and directed, it doesn`t show most of the trademarks of a typical and bland blockbuster, so it failed to convince a big part of the audiences. That`s unfortunate, since it has an intriguing dark atmosphere, grabbing the viewer and creating a tense mood. Yet, it gets slow in some moments, an runs for too long (2h15m). "Hulk" is a good comic book adaptation and one of the best summer films of 2003, howevewer it`s not for everyone and requires some patience. The tone and overall feel of the movie is similar to that in "Unbreakable", making for an interesting double-feature.
Rating:  Summary: As unexpected as 'Unbreakable' Review: Firstly, let me say that 4 stars does not mean that I watch this movie every night, but my rating represents my overall feelings towards the film and DVD (because we're in the business of rating DVDs here, right?). My guess is also that most of those who reviewed the film had certain expectations that they feel were not met. Well if you knew that it was Ang Lee directing, then I suspect you atleast gave your expectations some thought. Because if you were hoping this movie to resemble a Michael Bay (Bad Boys, Pearl Harbour) picture then you obviously were going to be disappointed. This movie isn't supposed to be like all the other comic book hero remakes.I thought the ACTING was all around good. I really believed Eric Bana in his role, because he isn't playing a cartoon cut-out...he's playing a complex character. I think he handled the inner conflicts and emotions really well. Jennifer Connelly and Sam Shepard are excellent too. You believe right away that Shepard could be a high ranking military official, and yet like in Big Lobowski, he has a twinkle in his eye, and you sense he isn't as ice cold as most movies depict their 'army bad guys' to being. As for Nick Nolte, well, I don't know the last time I saw this guy not look hungover, so I don't think this role was much of a stretch. Anyway, you learn very quickly to dislike him (the character). The CINEMATOGRAPHY was really fascinating at times, and this usually went hand in hand with the excellent Danny Elfman SCORE. Remember, Elfman is the same guy who scored Spiderman. But he's a lot more adventurous this time around. The scenes with the desert landscape, vegetation and close ups of rocks are accompanied by some gorgeous doudouk (Armenian wind instrument) music. The EDITING was totally unique, utilising various types of split screen tricks reminding you of the movie's Comic Book origins. We're not used to this style of scene transitions, so it can feel a bit weird -- I applaud the idea, because of it's originality, but I don't know if I like it. Maybe it's a bit too clever for its own good. The EFFECTS for the Hulk are pretty good. They're better than I expected. But people will disagree. It's inevitable, because nearly every other scene is atleast based on reality, so you instantly notice this big green Hulk in contrast, and are easily tempted to cry foul. The battle in the desert is pretty spectacular though. Great action sequences. DISLIKES: The opening credit sequence - while helpful in explaining the backstory - is about 4 minutes long. I think it could have been rushed along a bit more. The pacing isn't always that comfortable either, but I can see past that. The showdown between father and son makes logical sense to me (in the storytelling sense), but I would have preferred the father to retire from the story earlier on in the movie. The DVD: I liked the Making Ofs, expecially my usual favourites (casting & music/sound). Also, it was amusing to see Ang Lee in the blue suit acting out how he felt the Hulk should move. Good extras. Ang Lee's commentary was low-key, but insightful. The movie didn't do as well at the Box Office as desired (though $130 million US Domestic is hardly a flop), so there are talks of there not being a sequel. But that's fine by me. Why does every movie have to have a sequel? What's wrong with a good idea done once? OVERALL ... Textured. Unexpected. Emotional. I find it hard to sum up. It's Ang Lee, so it's not going to float everyone's boat. But I'm a fairly non-superficial guy, and I liked that this film, the story, the characters, the dynamics between the characters, that all of this was not shallow. It has a soul. I think that if you give it a chance, you'll find things to like.
Rating:  Summary: even cheese would have been better Review: I like comics. I like superhero movies. I don't like this one. The story lost control of itself somewhere. Plot lines were left just dangling in the wind. And for some reason, the hulk chooses bouncing around as his mode of transportation. Did he fill up on gummy berry juice? Great actors were wasted. And apparently the transition between scenes is more important than the scene itself. There was a story here, but I don't know what happened to it.
Rating:  Summary: Comic Book Movie done right Review: I have read so many reviews from people that after watching this film "don't get it". This film builds and builds to a high ending that doesn't let go. I was gripping the seat watching this film I applaud Ang Lee for pushing the envelope on this film he uses many different camera angels and techniques when it all said and done. Good preformances all around from Bana and Connelly. DVD exras are very nice. Worth getting. 3 million DVD's were sold of the title the first week.....thats a very large amount if it wasn't liked. With Marvel recently announcing a sequal I am sure that Connelly and Bana are going to pass on this next film of the HULK franchise. The film made 130+ million at the box office but was considered a dissapointment.