Rating:  Summary: Shrek on steroids Review: This movie is all special effects and no heart. You'll probably find yourself wondering who to root for since no characters are really likeable. If you really like The Hulk, check it out but otherwise, its not worth your time.
Rating:  Summary: Undecided approach Review: ON THE BAD SIDE: The story takes long to develop. You might have to watch it twice to get a few details. The scene where they make a gross attempt to speak Spanish was embarrasing. It was as close to real Spanish, as the TexMex food is to real Mexican food. Sometimes you end up wondering whether you're watching Hulk or Superman, 'cause now he can fly.ON THE GOOD SIDE: -Once the story develops it gets entertaining for a big while -The scene of the fight with the dogs was great. That by itself makes it worth to rent the movie. -The main 3 actors do act very well. TO SUMMARIZE: I did have fun watching this movie. I recommend you rent it, but I really sugest you don't buy it, unless you are collecting all of these "comics" movies.
Rating:  Summary: An above average comic book to movie translation. Review: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 / 4 of 5 / An above average comic book to movie translation. I found Ang Lee's treatment of the Hulk mythos to be interesting and compelling. While some liberties were taken with the back story and creation of the Hulk, I think it worked out pretty well. The pure CG Hulk himself doesn't detract but does serve to stand out against humankind and nature. Banner's dad as the Absorbing Man was a bit of a stretch, couldn't they have waited for a Thor film for that? Still, the effects for the Absorbing Man were good while he was on film. Oh Jennifer Connely, where are those fit and full days of the HotSpot and Rocketeer? You're too thin and look sickly now, it saddens me to have to say. Overall the cast does a bang-up job especially Sam Elliot as Thunderbolt Ross. Bruce Banner is adeptly played w/ wide range by Eric Bana. There are some Crouching Tiger angles and sensibilities sprinkled about if you watch for them. Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Stay Away Stay Far Away Review: Ok let me start off by saying this film could have been ok but they tried to give the skull bashing hulk of the comics a bunch of human feelings that make the story very slow moving and at times yes VERY BORING even the action sequences suffer from bad direction. This Movie is almost as bad as crouching tiger hidden dragon which is my all time least favorite movie I dont know what anyone saw in that movie in the theater some people were so bored they started laughing at every bad sequence.
Rating:  Summary: Hulk could beat up Neo ,Luke Skywalker and X Men in 1 go. Review: bruce banner gets angry and he gets big muscly and green and stops the thing thats getting him angry from getting him angry.He has big giant muscles (even bigger than supermans),is green,and annoyed at stuff that winds him up. In a fight he could easily beat up batman or superman.He has bigger muscles and he can lift up mountains.(if you doubt me look at the fight he had against hercules where hurcules got a big boulder and threw it at the hulk and the hulk chucked a mountain at him.Its documented in marvel comics .One nil to hulk).anyway this film is good coz the 70s tv hulk was a fraud coz he couldnt lift up mountains(he struggled at lifting cars above his head,the wnker.) This hulk is proper hard.He throws tanks miles into the distance and swats machine gun helicopters like flies and is very big, green and muscly.This is the best film ever apart from matrix and scarface.
Rating:  Summary: Hulk could beat up Superman anyday Review: When i was 9 i loved hulk.bruce banner gets angry and he gets big muscly and green and stops the thing thats getting him angry from getting him angry.He has big giant muscles (even bigger than supermans),is green,and annoyed at stuff that winds him up. In a fight he could easily beat up batman or superman.He has bigger muscles and he can lift up mountains.(if you doubt me look at the fight he had against hercules where hurcules got a big boulder and threw it at the hulk and the hulk chucked a mountain at him.Its documented in marvel comics .One nil to hulk).anyway this film is good coz the 70s tv hulk was a [deceit]coz he couldnt lift up mountains(he struggled at lifting cars above his head,the wnker.) This hulk is proper hard.He throws tanks miles in to the distance and swats machine gun helicopters like flies and is very big, green and muscly.This is the best film ever apart from matrix and scarface.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Special Effects!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: The Hulk is based on a comic book hero from marvel like,"spiderman,"daredevil", characters like that. Hulk's real identity is "Bruce Bana", a scientist who works for the government, and is testing a nuclear weapon. A friend of his, but then gets in the way and Bruce moves him out of the way and gets hit by the "GammaRay". Bruce's dad has been giving him shots since he was a baby for he could be protected by any government experiments. Then the rage is released, so then every time Bruce gets annoyed, he becomes this ferocious Monster. The government then wants the Hulk for they could do testing on him and stuff. It is a real knockout. Not better than "Spiderman", but is still really cool. This 2 disc set includes behind the scenes on the amazing "Dog Fight" scene. It also includes deleted scenes that actually should have been taken out. It also has an interview with Stan Lee, which is pretty funny. It also has full-length commentary by Ang Lee. He is a weird choice to direct this film, but still pulls it off. Going from "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon", to a action packed film! The weird thing that this DVD didn't have but should've, was the teaser that they showed before showing the film "Spiderman" in the theater. Or they at least should have showed the trailer if they had one. Another really cool thing about this DVD is, if you have an xbox, put in the first disc in first, and you can play a complete level of hulk the game. It is real cool. Another question in my mind is "why did Ang Lee decide to direct this film in 1:85:1. Shouldn't it have been 2:35:1? But I guess it can work that way. I don't really get why people hate this movie, its not that all great but its still pretty cool. Well watch it for your self and find out.
Rating:  Summary: Hulk...best comic book movie to date. Review: Let me start out by saying you must go into this movie with an open mind, don't think it's going to be another Spider-man or X-men type movie, it's got WAY more depth and story then they both do combined. And that seems to be why some people didn't enjoy this film, because it wasn't a popcorn type film like they thought it was going to be. Again go into it with an open mind. The original is changed some from the comic book Hulk, but at the same time it still tells the same story, just in an updated way. The visuals are jaw dropping, the all CGI Hulk is the best use of CGI to date in a movie (right up along side of Gollum and surpassing him at times), and the overall visuals of the movie are also great looking. The acting is top notch. Nick Nolte gives the performance of his life in this film, and the rest of the crew is also fantastic. Banner (played by Eric Bana) has a tough job to do since his character is emotionally repressed, which would be very hard to pull off on screen without looking to boring, but he pulls it off well. And if you think an all CGI character can't act, think again. The Hulk shows more emotions then most actors to in movies today. The sound track is also amazing. The score is done by Elfman and it's fantastic, one of the better scores that I've heard in a long time. And last the editing, it's the most amazing editing I've seen so far. The way Ang Lee uses comic type panels in the movie is both fresh and it works. They usually show either more then one thing that is going on at one time, or different things going on at different time periods. Again, it's amazing what they did with the editing. Everthing in this movie is top notch, it's a must see, and Ang Lee (the director) should have been nominated for some awards, but since all movie awards are complete crap it didn't happen. I'd give this movie a 10/10, it's as perfect as a comic book movie as you can have.
Rating:  Summary: Hulk is a load of bulk Review: This was a film i was looking forward to. After X-men and especially Spiderman, i was expecting a hugh blockbuster. Instead, what i got was a hugh melo-drama that was attempting to look to artsy fartsy. What was bad was that it didn't just stick to the comic book, there where changes, and not for the better. With X-men and Spiderman, the changes you see (the costumes in x-men - the organic webbing in spidey) where a necessity and chasnges for the better, but no changes to the origins story. In Hulk, i don't remember anything about Bruce's father injecting him with something as a child to help bring the Hulk to life. Why they did this when it was never part of the origin story is beyond me. If they where trying to improve on it, they failed, because you can't improve up on it. The casting of the movie was a brilliant choice.Jenniffer Connoly was top notch as Betty, full of character and emothion, she brought her to life, Nic Nolte was average as the dad. While Eric Bana was a good choice for Bruce, the dialogue and direction used for him impaired him from doing his job properly. The only good thing about this film was the CGI and the use of comic stips throughout the film. Don't bother with it, a waste of money.
Rating:  Summary: DARK, CONFUSING AND DISAPPOINTING Review: I wanted so bad to like this movie, and in fact was pretty sure I would. The previews certainly looked good, and with Ang Lee at the helm of a big budget production featuring eye-popping CGI with all the resources of one of Marvel Comics' best series' to draw upon, what could go wrong? Sadly, just about everything. The origin sequence, which appears to be based more on Frankenstein than the Hulk comic book, is convoluted and disorienting. There are too many flashbacks and throwing Bruce Banner's demented father into the mix was a terrible miscue. The basic gamma bomb origin from the comic is given a conspiracy theory angle that might have worked on the X-Files but flags miserably here and the film never recovers. The bulk of the film is uneven, slow, and pretentious. There are too many badly developed but lengthy plot threads all playing out simultaneously--the gamma bomb, the military conspiracy, Bruce's relationship with Betty, Bruce's relationship with his father, Betty's relationship with HER father, the transformation of David Banner into the Absorbing Man--and everything just slowly unravels for an agonizing 138 minutes that actually seems like a lot more. One would expect the action sequences to steal the show and atone for many sins, but in reality there aren't that many action scenes and the ones that we do see aren't always handled well. A case in point is the Hulk's battle with the mutant dogs. It's too dark to make out clearly and rather pointless anyway. The Hulk's run-ins with the Army are much better but are a long time in coming, and the climactic showdown between Hulk and the Absorbing Man is for all its technical pyrotechnics highly unconvincing, with a resolution that is perhaps supposed to be mystical but is instead hopelessly absurd and totally unmoving. The cast clearly tries hard but has little to work with and the results are decidedly mixed. Jennifer Connelly is an empathetic and engaging Betty Ross and makes a great damsel in distress, while Sam Elliott nails General Thunderbolt Ross dead-on. On the other hand, Eric Bana, perhaps because he is shackled by such a disparate script, portrays a rather lifeless and unconvincing Bruce Banner. Nick Nolte, definitely a talented actor by any measure, mumbles and stumbles his way through the movie as Bruce's maniacal father, David. The role is an inherently bad one that should have been left out--it wasn't, and Nolte struggles in vain to do anything of value with it. The FX and CGI on the other hand are quite good, and the unaccountably spartan action scenes are if nothing else spectacular, even if they often misfire. The Hulk himself is a bit of an enigma, which is perhaps as it should be. Though not especially realistic he is somehow lifelike, and is generally much more sympathetic than Bruce Banner himself. There is a certain pathos in Hulk's animated features that most of the human actors never match. The biggest problems with this movie are script and direction. The storytellers tried to do too much and fell short. The fact that alterations to the details of the comic book were made is not so much the problem as is the overall direction the movie tries to go in. The decision to make a dark movie was not necessarily a bad one, but the execution is sorely lacking. Tim Burton's Batman is a dark comic book adaptation as well, but it retains the wonder and fun of its source material. Ang Lee's Hulk is just downright depressing. A less heavy-handed approach would have worked better. For all that I don't like about this movie, I am glad the end leaves room for a possible sequel. There is enough good in this effort to potentially build on, so perhaps the creators will learn from their mistakes and give the Hulk the movie he deserves. Maybe we'll even get to see a CGI Abomination go toe to toe with a revitalized Hulk--what a battle that could be! Until then, you might want to check out some of the old Bill Bixby and Lou Ferreigno episodes from the classic TV show. They may look tame compared to the movie, but at least they make sense.