Rating:  Summary: Exactly. Watch it if your a Hulk fan. Review: The Incredible Hulk with rising star, Eric Bana (Finding Nemo), Jennifer Conolly, and a great performance by Nick Nolte. Unlike Spider-Man and Daredevil, The Hulk has a small time starring actor. The Hulk was truely a disapointment for me. It moved too fast, the story was hard to follow, but non-the-less, great performances. If your a big Hulk fan, you should watch it. The action scenes are good but the story and dialogue just screwed it up. With a great director like Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) this movie looked like it would be a hit but instead just a disapointment.
Rating:  Summary: Good for adults not really for kids Review: Just forget about all those who read the comics or watched the TV series. Just watch it as a new film and it will be better than expected. Good film....you will need to switch off and just enjoy the movie.Dont anylise it....just watch it and you will like it!!! Its a good all round action movie Its a bit on the slow side to start with, so your kids might get bored, they would be better off waiting for the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: zzzzzzzzzz Review: This movie was a bit dull for a comic book adaption...the 1st 40 minutes was about the origin..an extended origin unlike the comic and could have been alot less dealt with..Finally, the Hulk shows up and most of the fight scenes--ARE IN THE DARK??? you couldn't make things out...Since the storyline was so dragged out you would have thought the technical effects would have balanced the movie out, but i was a disappointment...hopefully a sequal will be made with a different writer and a btter HULKmovie will be brought more to the comic fan...
Rating:  Summary: Watch it if you are a Hulk fan. Review: I am a Hulk fan and after seeing the teaser for the film a summer before it was released I could not wait to see it. I was a little disapointed. I was worried about the visual effects, how would the Hulk look. The Hulk looked incredible, as good as Golum. The story was not so good. Not enough action. Hardly any major emotions-laughter, fear, excitement-did I feel during the movie. I felt even his tranformation from Banner to the Hulk was understated. The problem may be that there are fans of the comic book and fans of the tv series. They should have tried to emulate one or the other. The movie had too much about Banners early life and not enough HULK SMASH!!! Maybe they had to show Banners early history so people who are new to the Hulk could understand what was going on but the movie suffered as a result. In closing I will say that the Hulk looked as real as possible. Great job in that department.
Rating:  Summary: Whaaaaaaaaaaa.... Review: People who whine about "bad CGI" or "slow pacing" are awesome. Why? Because the louder they scream, the better I know the movie is. That's the case with "The Hulk." This is a movie that surprised everyone by not being the movie that anyone expected it to be. It was a movie that, after seeing it on opening night, made me ask, "what the hell was that?" The answer of course turned out to be, "Brilliant!" It's that kind of movie. It hits you from behind and doesn't let you recover for a couple of weeks. This is definitely not Spider-Man. But then it's not called Spider-Man, so why anyone would expect it to be, I don't know. Like the ol' Webhead, Hulk is one of Marvel's flagship characters. But he's a completely different kind of character, and this is a different kind of movie. Hulk's not really a hero. He's a monster, but an essentially noble one. Complaints about the CGI? Cry me a river. Anybody who trashes the CG in a movie does it for only one reason. Attention. So to those people I say: that's nice, Billy. I'll stick that review on the fridge, right next to your last report card. Hulk is the second-best CG character ever put to film - after Gollum from "The Lord of the Rings." Don't judge a movie by it's box office, but by the content of the film. And this is an incredible film.
Rating:  Summary: Not perfect, but well worth watching Review: I've been collecting comic books since I was eight years old (I'll stop when I die) so I was interested to hear Ang Lee would direct the Hulk movie. Having now seen the film, though there've been many changes made to the character's history, I feel they did a pretty darn good job capturing his essence. First major change, Bruce no longer develops the gamma bomb for the military. I guess the writers thought it would be too difficult to build sympathy for a character who spends his days building bigger and better ways to slaughter thousands of people. Now Bruce's metamorphosis is triggered by a combination of experiments performed on him as a child by his scientist father, and a lab accident. While this may sidestep the whole issue of building sympathy for a weapons designer, we lose that overriding, powerful image of the Hulk being born at the heart of a nuclear bomb blast. In the comics, Bruce's father was even more of a monster than in the movie. It was comics writer Bill Mantlo who first came up with the idea that Bruce Banner was a seriously abused child - we're talking his entire childhood was a living hell of physical/emotional abuse, and watching the same delivered upon his mother. In the movie, though the father experiments upon his son, and eventually, accidentally kills his wife, versus Bruce's comics father - who beat his wife to death, and it was NOT an accident - he's comparatively decent. Of course, that doesn't make him a nice guy. Nick Nolte was an inspired choice to play the father. Even his good guys are psycho a-holes. Give him a character who's a psycho a-hole to start with and he really goes to town. Mantlo theorized the Hulk is basically an expression of Multiple Personality Disorder, Bruce Banner's rage over what happened to him as a child - repressed his entire life - finally released into the world as a separate personality, a different body, by gamma radiation. An idea put forth in the movie, that to my knowledge has never been used in the comics - and I find this fascinating - is that Bruce feels a JOY, a release when he becomes the Hulk. On some level, this repressed man delights when he's finally able to lash out at a world that's dealt with him so cruelly. Yes, this is a dark movie. Bruce Banner is Marvel Comics' Job. Really, given everything he's been through, he should have committed suicide years ago. The only thing he has going for him - and this is a biggie - he has the love of a good woman. This is his lifeline, what keeps him sane, gives him a reason to go on living. And this was communicated well in the movie. I've been an Eric Bana fan since his amazing performance in Black Hawk Down. Bana was a good choice to play Bruce Banner; he was able to project the sense of Banner's pain. The only gripe I have with Eric as Bruce is that in the scenes where we see him stripped down, this guy does not have the body of a shy, bookish scientist nerd. He has the body of a Delta Force troopie. Jennifer Connelly brought her customary sensitivity and intelligence to her portrayal of Betty Ross. I'm shocked, though, at how thin she looks throughout the film. It's like she's actually been listening to the idiots who've opined, over the years, her bounteous curves made her look overweight (as if!). Watching this movie, I was struck with the urge to take her out to dinner, not out of a desire to get lucky, just to feed her a decent meal. I agree with the statement that Sam Elliot was born to play Thunderbolt Ross. The notion of the Hulk fleeing through the New Mexico desert, being hounded by Thunderbolt Ross, tossing around tanks, etc. had become a cliche' in Marvel Comics before the Sixties were out. I was surprised to see how much power those images, those ideas, had when translated onto the movie screen. During those scenes, I was just sitting there going, "Oh my God." The CGI Hulk looked great. I was impressed at how believable he seemed. Really, the only major complaint I have about this movie, that cost it its 5th star, was the frequent use of split-screen technique during many key scenes, especially early on. It's difficult to suspend your disbelief when the director is constantly calling your attention to the fact this is Just a Movie with such flashy techniques. Really, I expected better from Ang Lee.
Rating:  Summary: It Was Alright Review: This movie could have been better in so many ways. But it wasn't bad the way it was. Sure it could've had a better story but I Thought it was good.
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointing Review: As a comic book fan when I heard about a Hulk movie I was very exited.I expected awsome fight sequences and great story like in spiderman,but what a joke! When I finally went to see it I almost fell asleep the first half of the movie, with Bruce's stupid flashbacks when he was a baby.When fight sequences actually did come it was worse than the 70's TV show.When the Hulk jumps He just might as well have the ability to fly!Then the final fighting scene was completely stupid and confusing.Plus the ending was dumb and unsatisfying.If you are an EXTREME fan of the hulk go see it but if your just a casual comic book reader or just want to see a good entertaining movie skip it!
Rating:  Summary: Grow up you over-analyzing geeks! Review: This was a true movie for fans of the Hulk who wanted a real adult version of the comic book adaptation. Ang Lee's version had a heart to the movie that created a real storyline instead of the normal big-budget fake..stuff that hollywood normally grinds out today (see LXG). This movie had incredible acting, awesome special effects and breathtaking directing to cap it off. There are some that say that the CG "wasn't real enough for me" but are probably the same kids that are stuck living in their parents basement overanalyzing every detail of every movie that is released. Grow up! This CG fit what this movie was trying to accomplish for its storyline. As long as you sit down to enjoy a real story of the Hulk, you won't be disappointed from Ang Lee's version. It may be a little long, but overall it delivered a heart and soul that hasn't been seen in comic book movies to date. All of you geeks that only look at CG are missing the entire point of moviemaking and should go back to watching Scooby Doo or any other non-sensical stuff that entertains your generation.
Rating:  Summary: Possibly the worst movie in existance Review: This is quite possibly the worst movie in existance. The plot (if you can call it that) develops unbelievably slowly. The movie is incredibly boring. After an hour into the movie, Bruce Banner finally turns into the Hulk. At this time you think, 'finally, something interesting.' You couldn't be more wrong. The movie actually gets worse as he transforms. If you stay awake long enough, you will see the Hulk fall about 15,000 feet or more into an ocean (I think it's an ocean, could be a lake. I didn't really care much.) By that time the Hulk would have reached a maximum velocity and slammed into the water, which would feel harder than concrete. This should kill him, as it would kill any creature on earth, genetically altered or not. The Hulk however swims to safety and digs underground. Wow. Do not waste your time with this movie. Your time would be better spent staring at a wall for two hours. If you want to watch a Marvel movie, watch something like Spider-Man, DareDevil, or X-Men.