Rating:  Summary: Oh Ripley, what have they done to you.... Review: Well, what can one say about this movie, I saw it, and I really can't belive they brought Ripley back as a clone, that's kind of an anti-human approach to it. I also could not get passed the fact that if this was supposed to be a clone of Ripley, how could she not remember Newt? That was unforgiveable. My advice, watch ALIENS instead and forget about this and the thrid movies all together.
Rating:  Summary: YUCK, just awful...1 star is more than it deserves Review: Stick with the original. I also think the under-rated 3rd Alien is much better than this. Forget the ridiculous "Resurrection", I never even got past the silly part where the "new" born-again Ripley proves she's a basketball star. Simply stupid. Even the upcoming "Predator VS Alien" couldn't possibly be worse than this. They should have stuck with the storyline in some of those Alien comic books that came out years ago. They certainly were better than this tripe. Plus, finally we'll get an Alien film without Ms Weaver. I love her, but we watch these movies for the Alien and her presence in these movies has been unjustifiable to me since at least Alien 3.
Rating:  Summary: Vive les Aliens! Review: Alien 4 has garnered some rotten reviews. Unfairly so. I suspect that one of the reasons why many people dismiss this film is that it simply doesn't take itself as seriously as either the brilliant but rather po-faced Aliens 2 and the atmospheric and even more po-faced Aliens 3. There's more comedy, more snappy one-liners and a cinematic dexterity that seems to come so easily to French filmmakers such as Marc Caro, Luc Besson, Jean-Jacques Beneix to name a few. This was perhaps what made people turn their noses up at Fifth Element; they were peeved that Besson had not quite been reverential and serious enough. And indeed at times the tone in Aliens-the Resurrection veers towards light-heartedness (even flippancy), but there's also breathtaking action scenes, stunning photography and a climax that kicks bottom, although not perhaps on the scale of the James Cameron masterpiece. The aliens are there, present and correct (they're back and this time they're really upset!)and there are loads of genetic experiments-gone-wrong to make you go: "OOOh! Urrgh! Look at That one!". The film's main weakness is some of the acting performances. Some of the thespians were perhaps chosen more on the strengths of their looks rather than acting ability, but for every Winona Ryder there's a J.E.Freeman who is once again typecast as the Dickensian bad guy, but does it brilliantly as usual. Sigourney is looking a wee bit tired (I don't think she'll be back for the fifth) but does the Ripley thing with the required - if uninspired - gutsiness. To sum up, Aliens 4 doesn't quite reach the heights of Aliens 2 - what can? - but is nevertheless miles better than Aliens 3. (Someone should talk to Paul Veerhoven about doing no. 5.) Good fun. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Winona Ryder ruined it Review: I can't help but think this film would have been received better had it not been for Winona Ryder and her horrid acting scarring this film. With a performance oddly reminiscent of her Heathers character, it just seemed out of place.
Rating:  Summary: I thought you were dead? Review: This movie has such a bad reputation. Generally, I think its a fantastic edition to the Alien series. Sure, the way Ripley came back is cliched, but how else could Ripley possibly come back to life? The 'newborn' alien has an equally bad rep, but I found the only annoying thing was that damn nose thingy on its face. But the rest is could. Jean Pierre Jeunet directed a fantastic underwater scene, and the alien designers made a fantastic alien nest. Alien Resurrection also has my favorite Alien scene. Its where the 8th Ripley clone discovers clones 1-7 and then burns them all with a flamer. Some bad CGI (but lets keep in mind it was only 1997) lets it down in places, but the rest of it is pretty good. 4/5
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious!!! Review: This movie seems more like a spoof of the Alien films. I did not feel like I was watching a film from the Alien series at all; This is the first Alien flick I've seen that didn't scare me. I had seen "Aliens" first and even though it was more of an action movie, it was still scary. Then I saw "Alien 3" when I was 10; I came out of the theater shivering because the alien in that film scared the heck out of me. Soon after that, I saw The first film "Alien" and realized old movies can be even scarier. Then I saw "Resurrection" and all I did was laugh; my favorite part of the flick was when Ron Perlman's character shot a spider. "Resurrection" is o.k. it just isn't what i would call a horror movie. I only gave this movie three stars because it made me laugh.
Rating:  Summary: "Resurrection" gets better DVD than it probably deserves! Review: Easily the weakest of the "Alien" films, this fourth entry seemed like a quick way to earn a few more dollars off a franchise that had already been put to rest. I have never been a big fan of "Resurrection" but it wouldn't have made sense not to release it with the other three films when the time came for the "Alien Quadrilogy". Like the other films, you get two versions- the original theatrical release and a brand-new special edition. "Resurrection" never quite added up to me. They had more or less ended the series succesfully with "Alien 3" but for some reason, they decided they needed to bring Ripley back once again. This time, she has been cloned by a team of government scientists and military personel to bring life back to the species that she wiped out in the last movie. For added plot, a team of "space pirates" sell the human crew of a ship that they seized to the scientists so that they can use them as bait. The Aliens end up getting loose and killing anyone in their path as the humans try to escape. It's all been done before though and much better too. Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet and writer Joss Whedon try their hardest but this sequel just isn't necessary at all. The two most sypmathetic characters in the film are emotionless creatures and the remaining ones are either too macho or too cowardly to be even the slightest bit likeable. Jeunet's attempt to give the film a feel similiar to his European work just doesn't play right as part of the series. Where the first film was scary, the second was thrilling, and the third was bleak, this one is just weird. We have all these deformed Ripley clones in a lab, a bunch of really strange characters, and an anti-climatic moment in which Ripley makes love with her Alien child. What? "Resurrection" does provide one real cool scene in which the human survivors are being chased by the Aliens underwater but after that, it just goes back to being strange for the sake of being strange. The longer special edition version has a couple of extended sequences as well as an alternate opening and ending for the film. As director Jeunet points out in his intro to it, this is not a "director's cut" as he was content with the original cut of the film. It's just a longer and somewhat different version of the same movie. Nothing put back in really saves it from being a disaster though there is one scene where the Ripley clone attempts unsuccesfully to remember Newt from "Aliens" that is somewhat neat for series fans. The featurettes on the second disc go into extensive detail about the making of the film but since I really didn't care for the movie, they weren't that insightful to me with the exception of the concluding one where people involved with the franchise discuss what a fifth film might be like. If you enjoyed "Resurrection" then this is actually a really good special edition. The DVD itself is packed with so much added bonus features that you will probably enjoy but as a die-hard "Alien" fan, I never liked this fourth movie. Thumbs down to the film, thumbs up to the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Giant Space Cockroaches = Good Entertainment. Review: This movie could have been great - it had the budget and the talent, but somehow it came together as a thrill-ride for 14-year-olds.. If you let Joss Wheland of Buffy fame write a real sci-fi movie for adults... then the project fails. He's a brilliant lightweight. This film proves it. Flaws include: 1) A happy ending for most flicks does not include crashing a giant spaceship into South America. It's a sour note to kill 10M people on the ground. Really. 2) Most of the characters here are all moving cardboard cutouts. They have no backstory or context outside the movie. Without more personity, no matter how good it is, it's still not very good.. E.G. Tomb Raider.. There's just no life behind the eyes of these people and no deep dialogue. 3) There's basically too much physical plot going on. Too much running around - through the ship & back again with no setup & no context. There's little planning. There's a lot of running & shooting. Less would have been more here, and being disoriented and lost in the ship-laberynthe added nothing. The aliens themselves have (amazingly) become commonplace and hum-drum. Sure they're dangerous but they're not smart and they've run out of surprises. Instead of oozing slime with great menace they've become walking geysers of slippery goo. Scary! I have to say though, the child-hybrid monster was very disturbing. It was un-nerving to look at in the way that the original alien was 25 years ago. Maybe it can have it's own series on the WB. On a sad note, to have spent that much $ without a big box office return means the franchise has probably run out of steam. C'est la vie. It was fun, but without Jim Cameron working on it it's time has past.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie despite the critics... Review: This movie follows the series in a logical sequence. I think it has gotten a bad rap. It is fast paced and very entertaining and worthly on the shelf of any Alien fan.
Rating:  Summary: What...the Hell...is this? Review: This movie is...wow. I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I saw this film. They CLONED RIPLEY! What kind of cheap piece of crap is that? Jeez. And by some genetic miracle the queen inside of her was cloned as well, yeah that makes perfect sense. But...but...they couldn't totally separate the queen and Ripley DNA. Woah, so now we have TWO mutant clones. Surely madness will ensue from this. I as well as many people didn't really like the amount of sci-fi in this movie, really breaking down the alien and seeing every single part of it lit perfectly. Then naturally, the alien drones are super-intelligent and naturally escape from their captivity and proceed to take over the whole ship. Oh yeah, and Winona Ryder is some really pissy negative android who hates herself. And a lot of really irritating characters are the crew that brought over the humans for the eggs laid by the queen to impregnate. As I said, much goes wrong. One thing I've noticed about all the Alien movies is the token black guy. Sometimes there's more than one, but the black guy never lives to see the end. Anyway, what is there to like about this movie? I really don't know, you get to see really bad digital effects(by anyone's standards), really REALLY cliched characters badly acted, Sigourney Weaver mating with an alien, the queen giving birth to Ripley's love-child hideous white thing that...just...wow), Ripley having to kill said love-child really really gruesomely, and the tease for "Alien 5." This movie flat out sucks, through and through. It's no wonder it's taken Fox another seven years to put the alien back on the screen. Don't buy this movie and don't rent it. Avoid this if you possibly can even if it is on HBO.