Rating:  Summary: Watch it for the music; laugh at the dialog. Review: Krull grows on you, but it's pretty juvenile stuff. Even in 1983 the effects were not too special. and the dialog sounds as though it was written by a pre-teen who is as pretentious as he is precocious. How did the director let his cast get by delivering lines with the lingering gravity of Shakespeare? The film takes off a little bit after the opening 10 minutes and the actors loosen up slightly, but they take everything so Seriously! This film could have been much better if it had been played as was The Princess Bride. Both films are sword-wielding fairytales, but Krull makes the mistake of conciously trying to achieve "epic" status. On the positive side is the musical score by James (Titanic) Horner. A year after he wrote the score for Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan he was back with similar sounds, but an even more heroic theme. I was familiar with the music well before I ever saw the movie and had visions of stirring action behind the opening credits. It was a surprise to see that virtually Nothing is happening during the rousing strains at the beginning of the film! Perhaps the score is TOO good for the movie. It belongs in a true epic, not a wannabe. There's plenty to look at and listen to, but don't expect depth of plot. Boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back with the help of friends with mystic powers, bandits with swords, and a magical sword/frisbee called the "Glave". There is plenty to wonder about...the real motives of the evil "Monster", the fate of slain "Slayers", how one captures a "fire mare" so easily, and why the heroine is allowed to wander through the stronghold of the villian without supervision. However, if you can forget logic and enjoy the swords and sorcery genre, you could do worse to than watch KRULL. Worse examples are......well, I'll get back to you.
Rating:  Summary: We've been invaded! Review: It frightens me that so many people are writing glowing reviews for this film. Is there a conspiracy? Have we been invaded by Krull-loving Amazonians? I remember seeing this movie in the theater and laughing at scenes that were obviously not meant to be funny. Krull was a film which had its heart in the right place but was plain clumsy at execution. If it's medieval heroics you're after, by all means Excalibur is the film for you. Even Willow seems to exude depth when compared to Krull.
Rating:  Summary: We want DVD! Review: Like so many others, I grew up loving this movie. Whenever my mom and I would go to the video store to rent some movies, my choice was a choice of two, ghostbusters and krull (both of which i saw a million times before). It's fairly obvious that a successful movie like ghostbusters would be on DVD, but Krull is one of those cult classics like evil dead that deserve to be on DVD. All I can say is thankfully they've already given us Evil Dead on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Must bring this movie to DVD Review: Over the years I have seen many movies, but this movie will always be my all time favourite. I saw it at the movies back in 1984 when I was 13 and never has a film taken me on such a magical jouney of escapism that it did. Please bring this to DVD asap.
Rating:  Summary: I hope we'll see (& buy) the D.V.D vesion of KRULL 1 day :) Review: ( to studio managers ) common guys... you produce the DVD version,, we'll buy it.
Rating:  Summary: I want my DVD version too!! Review: The movie has all the aspects of a great fantasy story! I've rented this movie time and time again and finaly decided to buy the VHS -- only because there is no DVD!!?!? Why I ask! WHY?!? This movie deserves that, and when it gets it, I'm buying it too!
Rating:  Summary: Why is this not on DVD yet? Review: I remember seeing this film when I was a little girl. It was well done by an all star cast. (Did you realize the Witch in the Black Widow Cave was the one who played Paul Attradies' mother in Dune? Not to mention Liam Neeseen & Timothy Dalton! ) It has all the elements of a good bedtime story--action, adventure, magic, love, etc. I especally love the part where the illusionist turned himself into a dog just to please the boy who was the apprentice to the old wizard. :-) I cannot understand why this movie has not already been placed on DVD. It took years for Labyrith to get on DVD. It's time that this classic tale of love & faith can conquer all be put on DVD now! (Please, please guys, put this film on DVD. Thank you.)
Rating:  Summary: lifetimes memory Review: i first saw this when i was 3. the film stuck in my mind ever since. i've only seen it 3 times (i can't get it in a pal version and the bbc havent shown it to my knollage since 1992). its a classic case of 'save the princess'. it also has one or two suprise actors currently in soaps.
Rating:  Summary: wand-a questful tale Review: a long time ago me & my friend's brother were sitting around his house, unknown to me he had rented it or his mom did anyway. he popped it in & i was transported to another world that only exists in my mind of fantasy , honor & all the good stuff. today i reflected on that seeing that title in the store. i bought it vaguely remembering the whole story of the picture, but as soon as i popped it in . a flood of memories came flying back plus this film has'nt aged at all, time has just made it better . if you love sci-fi films like me, this is a good one to add too your collection . Highly Recommended! as these other titles Neverending Story, Willow,Tron on with your Quest dear warrior. by the way put this film on dvd & video widescreen Please!
Rating:  Summary: i'm the only person who dislikes this movie? Review: Wow, i'm confused. When my friends and i make lists of the worst movies of all time, Krull is always at the top of the list. The sci-fi/fantasy group here in Minneapolis has a monthly movie night at a local theatre where we watch horrible movies and laugh at them. Krull's one of the favorites for being so bad it's funny. When i was a kid, i had low standards. Really low. i loved movies back then that, when i watch them now, i wonder what i was thinking. How could i have liked Gymkata? How did Beastmaster make it on my top 10 list? But even back then, i thought Krull was one of the worst films i had ever seen, second only to treasure of the four crowns. It's not simply poorly done for now - it was bad decades ago when i was just a kid