Rating:  Summary: I wanted to like this more... Review: I am a Highlander fan and I liked this flick infanitely more than the other sequals, but it just didn't quite make it. The concepts are interesting and even "cool" and I did have some guilty pleasures, but who let those bad-guy motorcycle guys in? That, and several other lapses of sillyness just punched holes in the good points of the film. Typically, fans will like this flick better than two stars, but not love it. Non-fans should stay far away and might rate this in the turkey range. Still a helluva lot better than some tripe in theaters.
Rating:  Summary: Surprise ending! Review: I saw this film in the theatre three times, then rented it. What a surprise -- the video version has many more snippets of dialog and a different ending than the film version. I liked the VHS version better than the theatrical version. A must for any Adrian Paul or Highlander fan.
Rating:  Summary: Let's hear it for a decent sequel for once! Review: Here's the warning - I may give away a few spoilers, but I'll try not to, so apologies in advance if I give too much away.Whoa! Now this was the sequel you want to watch. True, if you're the sort that only likes either the original film, (Christophe Lambert) or the TV series (Adrian Paul) you may not enjoy this one as much. I've only seen a few dozen ep's from the series, but that was enough to get a good idea of Paul's character and his connection with Connor. Unlike the other two sequels, which should be re-titled 'Pile of Pants' and 'Let's keep changing the title.' Endgame really made an effort to count the adventures that Duncan had through the series, and his past history with Connor, before they went their separate ways. The DVD extras were a nice touch; the interactive game helped answer a few questions, even if some of the answers seemed a little hard to believe (Orange juice?), the earlier cut of the movie was an excellent idea for an extra, as it shows some of the detailed work that was put into the film, and ultimately changed for the final cut. The deleted scenes, (only a few) well, I can see why they might have been cut; I don't see Duncan being that disrespectful of (a friend's) property. My only real gripe with this film, is in agreement with a previous review, Christophe Lambert looked seriously old in the present day, (don't tell me they couldn't have used make-up, he looked fine in the flashbacks.) at least a lot older than someone supposedly eternally eighteen, (1518-1536) but maybe it was that terrible haircut(?)
Rating:  Summary: This is the movie that broke my heart. Review: I love highlander; I loved the show, I loved the movies (in spite of their flaws), I'm even kind of a fan of Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert. I was so excited about this movie that I couldn't wait for it to come out. Having said all that, I (regrettably) have no choice but to pan this movie. Big time. Sure, their were some good sword fights, but it was nothing better than what you would see in any episode of the Highlander TV series. There were a few good lines, but nothing better than what you would see on TV. What made the movie really bad was the plot. It was convoluted, confusing, and had huge gaps that blew my mind with their stupidity. Example: at the end, Joe shows up out of nowhere and kills the guy who is about to kill Duncan. What!! where did he come from? Why was that scene even in the movie? To sum up Highlander:Endgame (which doesn't end anything, except my love for all things Highlander); this feels like a fair episode of the Highlander TV series that got badly out of control and somehow became a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Would this film appeal to me if I only saw the Films ?? Review: I have only seen the films and wanted to have some closure, however not having seen the TV series would I be left guessing as to what has been happening in TV land. Having seen the other reviews which really didn't help I bought it anyway. Basically the answer is yes I understood it, it gives a degree of closure to the series and yet leaves enough room for a future film / series, more importantly did I enjoy it. Yes if you take the series as Highlander 1,2 (renegade version) and Endgame you would have a decent trilogy, if you realy wanted to include highlander 3 I feel you would ruin a good series. Good set of extras on this DVD, lots of trailers. yeh ! 3 stars 3.5 if I could Not a great DVD but cerainly not a bad one certainly worth the $15
Rating:  Summary: Highlander fan Review: If you are a true highlander fan --you will love this. If you are new to the game you might be lost. I'm a true Duncan fan and I enjoyed it. Looking for more to come---hope to purchase all the episodes to the TV series.
Rating:  Summary: What happened to "there can be only one"? Review: This can only be an attempt to unseat Connor as the best immortal. Can Duncan fill his shoes? This can only be seen down the road. The biggest mystery that should leave anyone viewing this Highlander episode is; do we see a new type of immortal emerging? Faith/Kate, Duncan's long lost wife, loses her head to Jacob Kell. She emerges later intact? Has someone lost their train of thought on this? Would Widen approve of this? Other than this point the movie is pretty good in the Highlander sense.
Rating:  Summary: Ugghhh! Review: I loved the first film, but boy do I wish they'd taken their own advice. "There can be only ONE!!!" When handed the script for this turkey, the director should have said "Who wrote this drivel and have they even seen the original film?!?" The writers clearly forgot that Connor MacLeod won the "Prize" back in 1985! Whereas Highlander 2 ignored the original history of the immortals, (and was rightfully slated for it) this film goes one further. It completely ignores everything that happened in the original film except when it is convenient for a flashback. Even if you can ignore the awful script, the unexplained appearances of unknown characters and plot elements (unless you have seen the TV series); you still won't believe what they do to the story in the name of continuing their franchise. Endgame? Let's hope so!
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good Review: I had heard a lot of things about this movie, including hearing fellow Highlander fans panning this beyond belief. Well, I'm a devoted Highlander fan, and I must say I loved this movie a hell of a lot. True, it's nothing worthy of an Academy Award, but it's the best since the original (God only knows "Final Dimension" was horrible beyond belief), and the fight scenes are great (the best in the Highlander series). I hope they make more Highlander movies with Duncan, Joe, and Methos, or at least bring back the series (I really miss it, the new series "The Raven" sucked). All in all, I was pleased with "Endgame", and the extras included are pretty sweet too.
Rating:  Summary: Engame was Outstanding! Review: Say what you will ... and the legions of Connor fans will doubtless disagree with me ... but Endgame shows the *only* way that the Highlander series could possibly continue, and handles that continuance with grace and dignity. The DVD contains an alternate version of the ending (same idea, less the odd morphing), just in case you think there might be a different outcome than you saw in the theatres. I cried in the theatre, and I cry when I re-watch this marvelous addition to the Highlander canon.