Rating:  Summary: 1 Star is too kind Review: I just finished watching Endgame on the recommendation of my brother. Well, I don't know what movie he saw, but I have to say that Highlander: Endgame is not only the worst of the four Highlander movies, it's not even good enough to be an episode of the series.A lot of the other reviews point out the in the original movie (we aren't even going to discuss #2 or #3) that Connor won the prize. That's true, but I can understand the writers and producers forgetting that little tidbit since they discovered people wanted more of the Highlander world. But this is the worst possible way to move from Lambert to Paul. Connor is turned from a dark brooding hero to someone who just gives up. And as others have pointed out, Kell does not even begin to stack up as a movie villian. Frankly, the fight should have been Connor and Kell if we must follow that logic. Connor had the grievance with Kell, Duncan didn't even know who he was until half way through the movie. And maybe I missed something, but Duncan kills his own wife to be with her forever??????? On Connor's advice?????? Please. Someone needs to look at the series, which was decent in it's own right, and the original movie and find a better way to move from Lambert to Paul.
Rating:  Summary: The best Highlander sequel to hit the globe Review: When I first saw it at theaters I was disappointed with the ending. But when it came out to video. I was amazed that they changed the ending. Well not change but added a new part. The action was great and the actors did a great job especially Bruce Payne. I think he did a great performance playing Jacob Kell. If you haven't seen any of the Highlander films I recommend seeing all the films except Highlander 2 that made no sense at all. I still own it though but I leave it out of the series.
Rating:  Summary: End of tradition Review: This out with the old (and lets face it Chris, you're getting old) attempt to turn Highlander over from the traditional Christopher Lambert movie series to Adrian Paul has a good story and acting; however it does deviate a bit from the traditional story line to be more like the television series. It also paints a poor picture of Connor as somehow being weaker willed due to his long and hard encounters. If you are a true Highlander fan you must have this to complete your collection; however, the 1st and 3rd Highlanders are still the best. Best in story, acting, and casting.
Rating:  Summary: I'm sorry, this stunk! Review: Normally I'm not a purist when it comes to film, meaning I'm not normally one of those people who constantly decries sequels as lacking everything that made the original great. I loved The Phantom Menace; I loved Hannibal; I thought the Prophecy sequels were great (ok, so 2 was mediocre, but 3 was brilliant!); and I'm often quick to defend such films against (what I perceive as) knee-jerk negativity from people who had unrealistic expectations. That all said, when it comes to Highlander, I am a total purist. The first film was a masterpiece, and none of the sequels has come anywhere close to matching it for beauty, simplicity and brilliance. Highlander 2 was a terrible sequel, completely rewriting the whole mythology! Highlander 3 was made, in my opinion, to apologise for Highlander 2, and so just tried to copy the original film in order to try and recapture some of the magic. It succeeded in this marginally better than the second film. The tv series was ok, although I never did gel with the alternate timeline of "Connor Macleod DIDN'T actually win the prize when he killed the Kurgan". And taking this new "timeline" into the movies with Endgame completely ruined it for me. Continuing to drastically change the premise of a movie with each successive sequel is a sign of desperation, and a sign not to expect too much from these sequels in my opinion. This is a movie of the series, with an awkward cameo by Christopher Lambert, and it has no place being that connected (as it is by Lambert's presence) to the original film. For those who just watch the movies, and either didn't watch or didn't stay with the series, this film is a baffling ordeal to watch. Well, it was for me anyway. And the blatant JVC product placement while Connor and Duncan were fighting was laughable. Sorry, this film was just a huge disappointment for me.
Rating:  Summary: Donnie Yen ! Review: I only went to see this movie because Donnie Yen made a cameo. Even though Yen was in a few scenes, you can clearly see He can kick more a$$ than the Maine Villain! He should have been the head villain, but I guess he would have looked to good compared to Lambert and Paul. Maybe they should use better fights in the nexet Highlander, like Hong Kong Movie style. I don't know why they didn't think of that for the 2&3rd movies. Think about it, these Guys have been around for centuries, they should have awesome skills from all the battles they fought and all the knowledge they have obtain. $H!T look how fast and skillful Donnie's character was, He out skilled the others in his 10 min or less on film and then he got wiped out so CHEESY! The movie was good. Well I said enough.
Rating:  Summary: There can only be 2! Review: Highlander: Endgame actually does a good job bringing the series back to life after the second one killed it. Sure, the movie is bit of a mess, jumps from one thing to another and isn't as engaging as the original but still it is the only sequel that is worth watching. The lead villain may be played over the top, but what actor playing a villain in a Highlander movie hasn't given an over the top performance? Still, he is the easiest to bear since Clancy Brown in the original. Seeing the movie Highlander and TV show Highlander together on the big screen is pretty damn cool, well, even if the underrated Christopher Lambert does totally out-act Adrian Paul. Yes, that's right, Lambert is underrated. I think he was a fantastic Tarzan and is a pretty decent actor. This movie has the best DVD of them all too. It has lots of cool extra features, plus the interactive menus are pretty damn cool. I wish the first one had a DVD this cool. Now if only this movie brought back the theme from Queen, then it would of been the perfect Highlander movie.
Rating:  Summary: hate and displeasure, glad i didn't buy, not worth owning! Review: This movis is the last gasp of the old Highlander machine getting put to death, By the new highlander machine. If you like the old Conner character, you will hate this movie, they turned him into the worst coward shell, scared...coward, and made the hero to be Duncan. Not only forgetting about the past movies to make the new character look good, but tring to change history!!! Adrian Paul may be a good actor, but if he was the focus they should have kept christopher lambert out of it totally, what they did to his character is [bogus]! This movie has totally turned me against all roles with PAUL as the lead, knowing that he had a part in such [a] worthless...movie, that was built on the role first done by LAMBERT, and now wants to be the only one, when clearly the last one that is left, is CONNER, not Duncan!! This [is not good]!
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as one would think Review: I didnt feel this movie was good at all, in fact i felt it was a huge dissapointment. I reccomend even if you are a highlander fan rent it first. See it for yourself, then decide on it. I disliked this highlander the most. the first was great and the rest seemed to go downhill. This one was wrock bottom. But dont take my word for it, rent it and see for yourself
Rating:  Summary: Anything with Adrian Paul has to be good!! Review: Okay, I admit it - I was more of a fan of the Highlander Series than the movies. (I just couldn't get past Lambert's French accented Scot - hasn't he heard of dialect coaches??) This movie is MUCH more bloody than the movie or the TV series. Still, it gives more information into Duncan and Connor MacLeod. I did see the movie in the theatre and so the Director's Cut confused me a little because there seemed to be scenes that were changed. I then read that the ending had been changed. Now I would like to see the original one again. Anyway, in summary, if you like Highlander, you will like the movie. If not, you probably want to choose something else.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Flick Viewed Seperately From The Series Review: I have to admit, this was the first Highlander I saw, and I thought it was great. After viewing the others, I can see why so many series fans have beef. Essentially, this film tries to clean up all the contradictions and sci fi mumbo jumbo in the other films and concentrate on the characters instead - good move. I would suggest watching this flick and leaving the other films - especially - Highlander II - unwatched. This film highlites interesting character dynamics, the romantic notions of immortality (sort of like is attempted in many bad vampire movies), and some impressive fight choreography. Also, the soundtrack has a wonderful celtic feel. On the whole, I would suggest watching it for the first time with somebody who can fill you in on the basics of the series, but it is most assuredly a worthwhile effort.