Rating:  Summary: A good movie. Could have been alot better Review: Personally, I liked Endgame. But I went in the theater with more backround information in my head. The Endgame website goes into much greater detail about the characters than the movie did. Stuff like how Kell's followers became immortal, how Kell convinced them to join him, etc. I was disappointed the movie did not talk about these things and the immortals were just there with him. I didn't mind that the supernatural stuff was taken out, I personally like it better when its just the immortals fighting. If the makers of the movie would have put more into character developement and more plot, the movie could have been excellent instead of just okay. Also, somepeople say the continuity doesn't make sense. Well, it does if you just discount the fact that Connor was the last. Highlander and The Final Dimension still happened though. Just place them in the series universe. Also, in a chat with CL on MSN, he says that Endgame takes place between 2002 and 2005, so it doesn't exclude that gathering. That's all I have to say. It really was pretty good, I just hope they put more into a director's cut.
Rating:  Summary: why do they mess with storylines? Review: I have enjoyed the Highlander series (both movies and television) for quite some time now. When I heard this movie was coming out I was excited to see it. After the fact however, I should have waited until it came on HBO. There are things you come to understand about the main characters of Duncan, Methos, Dawson etc. And as a viewer, you're brought into believing a story about these characters. Yet this basic storyline changes dramatically in this so called final Highlander movie. I love the actors, and they are all more than qualified, I just wish they had better material to work with.
Rating:  Summary: I liked it, but then I'm a fan of the tv series.. Review: before I give you my thoughts...I'd like to suggest, that people dont post major spoilers in their reviews... Some people havent seen the movie four times like I have, and might actually WANT to be surprised by the ending to Endgame....besides, posting spoilers without warnings (ex: putting the actual spoiler in the title of your review!) is just plain rude! Enough said. on with my review........I loved Endgame! But then I am just mildly obsessed with Adrian Paul (just a little...no reason for Adrian to be worried...) All the other people who are saying they hated it because it didnt follow the storyline of the original movie or the two previous (bad, very bad) attempts at a sequel for the original movie. Be a little bit more open minded.. It's just a movie, you're supposed to go in and hand over your $7 and enjoy it (or hate it..whatever..) but, still remember... In the end, it's only a movie. I do think that anyone has only seen the original Highlander should watch a few episodes from the tv show, and then COMPLETELY IGNORE HL2 (both versions) and HL3, before going to see Endgame. Endgame at least made a worthy effort at being the true sequel to the original. Was it just the makeup department slacking off, or did Christopher Lambert look REALLY OLD in this movie (No offense Christopher...really...I still wuv ya!) I know the last movie was 15 yrs ago and all, but they could at least have given him some lip balm or something.. (his lips looked chapped in half of his present-day scenes) Or, it could just be that it was REALLY cold in Romania where they filmed a lot of the movie. Loved the fight sequences, all of them.. Adrian should do more action movies (gawd I hope so!) I'd like to see him in some more action movies.. I loved the choreography of all the fight scenes. Adrian Paul makes them look so easy, and the swordfighting has improved since the start of the HL tv series. I wouldnt mind seeing a sequel to Endgame. (hope there is one, with ALL major HL characters..flashbacks are a nice plot device) Go see Endgame (and see it often, so they'll make a sequel) I want to see more Methos!
Rating:  Summary: trash Review: Unfortunately, "Highlander: Endgame" is the biggest waste of great acting talent in history. This movie expects viewers to disregard significant plot elements from what they've seen before (whether it was in the movies or tv series), but yet other parts still remain canon. It has no continuity with anything Highlander, yet anyone who's never seen Highlander won't be able to understand this film. Fans of the first movie will be utterly offended at the way Connor MacLeod has become a whiny little girl in this movie. I guess that's the way Panzer and Davis saw it fitting to thank the original Highlander fans who made them successful... The movie looks like it was edited on my basement VCR. Kell is a villian that even Ritchie Ryan wouldn't have broken a sweat over... Christopher Lambert's and Adrian Paul's excellent talents are wasted in this movie, and it's a complete disgrace to the original vision. "Highlander: The Final Dimension" is a masterpiece compared to this film (and far better in terms of being faithful to the original story...). P.S. Rumor has is that an alternate ending was made (ala Sam Raimi's "Army of Darkness") in which Connor does not die. Time will only tell if this is true or false...
Rating:  Summary: Conner MacLoed ROCKS! Review: Christopher Lambert gives an Oscar-worhty performance when he reprises his role from the Highlander series. This is the best thing to come from the Highlander mythology since the original film.
Rating:  Summary: THEY KILLED CONNOR MACLOUD! Review: I am use to the Highlander films having flaws in them and not showing much continuity, like how Brenda Wyatt dies 2 different ways. In Highlander 2, she died of skin poisoning from harmful ultraviolet rays. In Highlander 3 she was run over by a truck in Scotland. I am usually able to go with the flow but now the filmmakers have pushed the limits to the brink of destruction. They've broken all the rules which tells me that they don't really have much interest in giving the diehard fans, like me, the honest and truthful film we all wanted to see. Case in point, Connor MacLoud won the prize in the original Highlander film. That means in the end, there can be only one and he is it! So what do the director and screenwriter of the new film do? They change every rule without a care in the world. In Highlander 4:Endgame, Connor MacLoud (Christopher Lambert) is beheaded by none other than Duncan MacLoud himself (Adrian Paul). This is complete sacrilege. I cannot believe they would do such a horrible thing. If anything I assumed it would be Duncan who dies, which to me, was inevitable, since Connor will eventually win the prize anyway. But obviously, rather than staying true to the original legend of Highlander, the filmmakers decided to cater to the fans of the TV series instead. I'm sure that Mr. Lambert has also grown tired of the role, since he only made one guest appearance on the show (The Gathering [PILOT]). I really enjoyed the beginning of the movie. Backstory about Connor is always interesting. They even went to the trouble of getting the original actresses who played Rachel and Heather (Sheila Gish & Beatie Edney) from the first film to return. But that's pretty much all I liked. Even the rules about two people only to a fight is forgotten, showing Duncan fighting a slew of immortals, who, by the way, are quite forgettable. I had high hopes for this movie. I really did. I wanted to write and say that it was great, but I can't. This time they have gone too far. In this movie they pretend that Connor never actually wins the prize. I mean, how can he now? Plus they kill of poor Rachel practically immediately. We all know that Connor left her when he went to face off for the last time against the Kurgon, Victor Krueger (Clancy Brown) but here we see him still visiting her and POW!, she gets blown up. Supposedly, because of her death, Connor decides he just can't handle living his immortal life since anytime he gets close to someone they end up dead. So he has The Watchers put him to sleep in a dark chamber so he doesn't have to live in reality anymore. In other words, complete nonsense. I promise you, if you are a true Highlander fan, you will be insulted by this movie. Anyone who loves the original film as I do will be completely shocked and appalled by this horrid display. Connor MacLoud was the winner of the prize, end of story. If you must view Part 4, wait for the DVD or Video. This is not the way I wanted the Highlander Saga to end. But I guess in the end, there could never be only one...
Rating:  Summary: a well done movie Review: i did like the movie a lot even though i am a true fan of the original movie. Jacob Kell was a very good villian, but i think the Kurgan still takes the cake for best villian. however this movie was much better than the second and third Highlanders.
Rating:  Summary: No continuity, and they cut out parts of the trailler Review: This movie has no continuity with the other three. One problem I have is something I won't say because it is a big spoiler. The parts of the trailer that show Jacob Kell as having supernatural powers (other than the immortal thing) were cut from the movie. In the trailer Kell stops a sword flying at him with magic. Didn't happen in the movie. In another scene in the trailer, Kell is sliced in two by Connor each half become a Kell so there are two of them. Didn't happen in the movie. I am a big HL fan and I think I'll just forget this movie ever happened. The same people who wrote this movie must have been in on HL 2 the quickening. At least HL 2 was made a little better in the director's cut when they removed all the parts about the immortals being from the planet Zeist. The director's cut of this one would have to cut the whole movie, and just be the sound track or something.
Rating:  Summary: The true Highlander sequel Review: If you thought the trailer was good, wait until you see this roller coaster ride! Highlander: Endgame is a very human story and still fills the gaps with some of the most explosive action sequences of the year, a few topping even The Matrix. Fans of the movies AND the television show and both genders will not be disappointed, and there are a number of surprises where the audience will come to an understanding and respect for the fate of one of the main characters. Immortality and redemption are the keys to the success of the wonderful story that Endgame provides. The movie does not involve Sleepy Hollow's head-chopping effect, so why did the MPAA rate it an "R" movie? Perhaps due to the concept, the imagination the audience may conclude, and even the semi-religious tone expressed by the villain. Flashbacks are brilliantly done but they do not break up the mood one bit. Also, with the introduction of the "Watchers" (not to be confused with the movie The Watchers), there are many possibilities of future releases based on this aspect alone. The evil immortal Kell makes The Kurgan look like a toy soldier while Adrian Paul's Duncan MacLeod and Christopher Lambert's Connor MacLeod share a refining moment as master and apprentice. Highlander: Endgame will keep you coming back for more!
Rating:  Summary: There can be only eight or ten? Review: (Minor SPOILERS for ENDGAME and the original HIGHLANDER) I should start off this review by stating right away that I'm a huge fan of the first movie. I never watched the series, but I do know a few bare facts about it from websites and such. What this film attempts to do is please fans of BOTH the movie and the TV show, while at the same time trying to explain everything about the HIGHLANDER mythos to those who haven't seen either medium before. Needless to say, this is an impossible task and the movie fails utterly on that level. Frankly, I don't think a non-fan would get anything at all out of ENDGAME; there are so many references back to the movies and TV show that I can only imagine it's impossible to follow if you're not a fan. The plot of this movie ostensibly involves the two Highlanders, Connor MacLeod (from the movie) and Duncan MacLeod (from the TV series) banding together to defeat a powerful evil immortal, Kell. They must stop Kell from killing all the other immortals and gaining The Prize, which gives the winner something like control of the world. (What *exactly* the Prize is has been kept purposely and wisely vague for the duration of both the TV and movie series.) In order to accept this plot, we must ignore the original HIGHLANDER movie, in which the final immortals left on Earth battled for The Prize, and the ultimate winner was of course Connor MacLeod. So you see the dilemma for purist fans of the first movie... the basic premise of ENDGAME is already against HIGHLANDER canon. Anyway, the trailers of this film make it look like Connor and Duncan will be fighting back-to-back against the all-powerful Kell. This is misleading in a number of ways, which I won't go into in detail. Suffice it to say, Duncan and Connor don't meet in the present day (in which the main part of the movie takes place) until more than halfway through the film. The contrived connection of the villain (Kell) to our two heroes is way too coincidental, even for a HIGHLANDER movie, and requires too big of a leap of faith on the viewer's part. In addition, there are a profusion of subplots that go nowhere--the "Sanctuary" bit that is played out in the first half, the Faith/Duncan relationship, the moral confusion of Jinn-- and that will only confuse the "Highlander" virgin unused to the flashback sequences that characterize the movies and TV show. Even most fans will be wondering what it all means by the weak ending scenes. Now, to the mechanics of the film itself. The character development is unfortunately sadly lacking. Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert are both competent actors, but they'd have to work Deniro-sized magic to squeeze something good out of the lame and mostly incoherent script. And that is something they are just not capable of doing. Connor/Lambert fans will be hugely disappointed in more ways than one: Connor wanders through his role muttering darkly and feeling sorry for himself. This is NOT the Connor we know and love from the first film, or even the terrible HL2 and mediocre HL3. Much of the focus is on Paul, and the film is very much a passing of the torch in that regard. The main baddie, Kell, is very weak as a villain--indeed, many viewers will wonder what is so unconquerable about this guy. Of Kell's gang, only martial-arts expert Jinn and the aptly named Faith have any depth at all. But even the opportunities for those two are squandered by a film that focuses too much on style at the expense of substance. One gets the feeling that creators tried to stuff all the exciting stuff from six years of TV and three movies into one 90 minute extravaganza, hoping the audience would forget to think. To be fair, the movie is not all bad. The fight sequences are very well done, and it's nice to see Connor back on the big screen, even if the result feels like an over-extended episode of the TV show. If you're a big HIGHLANDER fan, there are several things that will please you: the re-appearance of Heather; the Silvercup sign; the historical flashback sequences. The special effects are adequate, and the quickening process is an interesting sight to behold. Unfortunately the film's few strengths, strengths that are really for fans only, cannot overcome its lack of plot, driving theme, or characters we can care about. I'd say this is a 5 out of 10, and that's being generous. Compared to HL2 (a negative 10 out of 10) and HL3 (a 4/10), it's okay--I would rather watch ENDGAME again than either of the other sequels--but that's like saying lima beans are better than pebbles for eating. You wouldn't really want to eat either one.