Rating:  Summary: The Four Horsemen Saga much better Review: Which is sad since a movie should be far above a tv series standards. It should have a bigger budget, better writers, and a plot. This one was so all over the place. The movie I saw in theaters wasn't bad. It wasn't great by any means... but it wasn't bad. Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert were still in top form, but there was a lot of umph missing. It didn't have that, movie...action/suspence hold your breath feeling. I felt like I was watching the series.What is worse, is the DVD/VHS release. Give us some credit people. do you ever think that maybe some people would hate the new...way to television series corny ending that tore any emotional sincerity the theatrical release had? Don't you think maybe just maybe people liked the movie version better? The added scenes, I can see why they were deleted. Joe had nothing to do with the movie, then he shows up out of nowhere, shoots a guy who is trying to shoot Duncan (Who he wanted to live in the first place so there wouldn't be less immortals...and why didn't he go after Kell who killed more immortals than Duncan if he was going to kill someone) Shoots the guy, says Merry Christmas and is not seen again. It left you saying...duh...Intellegence took a nosedive. Yes its a movie, but give us some credit for wanting it to be clear enough to follow the story...god let it be PART of the story! Just don't add it in to say..."Hey we had Joe in the movie." The added scenes and the new ending killed any feeling, and rythem the movie had. If you are use to watching the series and haven't seen this in the movie theater...you won't be effeceted. But if you saw the movie version (At least in the US) where the pointless scenes were removed and the emotional ending of Duncan at Connor's grave walking into the sunset with "Bonny Portmore" playing softly in the background...this version isn't for you. I would personally like to ask that the theatrical version be released on video. It was far better.
Rating:  Summary: Great way to end a legend Review: I thought it was a very good movie.Granted it wasn't as good as the one that started it all but it sure comes close.The plot was ok and i thought Adrian Paul is well suited to take up the sword from Chris Lambert.I thought that it was a good way to pass on the mantle by having Connor and Duncon face off cuz as you know there can be only one.i like the exchange between the two right before Duncon makes his choice i dont want to give away who walks away to face the main villian. i recommend this movie to any highlander fan it ties it all up nicely
Rating:  Summary: Horrible. There is a spoiler envolved here....... Review: Please, for everything that is right and good in this world, do not see this movie. EVER. It promises to be detrimental to your psyche. I had every intention of liking this movie. I swear! I enjoy the Highlander series (save for #2, naturally, I am not a complete idiot :), and Christopher Lambert is among my favorite screen presences. HOWEVER (sorry for the spoiler, but this needs to be said)Connor McLeod gets killed in this movie. By none other than Duncan McLeod (think Highlander the series). And if THAT is not assenine enough for you, the plot is twisty like a bad pretzel, and not in the usual interesting way. This is simply thrown together, and seems to be directed by the folks that put together the TV show. Adrian Paul is mostly pretty to look at, but he really comes off as a big ol' weenie - yes, that is a technical term - in this one. Whining his way through this film is definitely NOT becoming of him. The scripting is bad, the acting by most of the supporting cast is not much better, and the musical score....well, I won't go there. Please trust me in that this is a horrible horrible piece of tripe. You would be better off with 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes'. Then again, wouldn't we all?
Rating:  Summary: Highlander Endgames Review: Being a faithful Highlander viewer i felt that this movie had no relavence to previous Highlander films. Being that Connor MacLeod is the one that recieves the prize in all previous movies i found it ludacress that in Endgames he would die at the hands of Duncan Macleod an immortal with less experience.
Rating:  Summary: THIS is what a DVD should be. And its a fine movie... Review: I will review 2 things, first the DVD itself, then the movie. 1. the DVD Well. If you (or the publishers) want to know why someone from Germany (a.k.a. me) pays nearly 15$ more for a region 1 DVD, this one shows you why: Its packed nad crammed with goodies and stuff and it has a complete second movie in it that shows how a cut can alter the movie (i cannot tell you which one i prefer, really). Sound and picture are top notch. So this goes to the companies: Until we do not get the same here in region 2 countries, you won't stop us from buying region 1 DVDs. Really, i would love not having to spend so much money on shipping (money that i rather would spend on another DVD!). But since you seem to believe that its ok to treat i.e. Germany second class its _your_ problem. Safe your money for easy-crackable encodings, just give us the same DVDs: problems solved. ;) 2. The movie Everybody should know by now that the first movie has no sequel and ends with its credits (Connor has the prize). So Endgame is not a sequel to the first movie. Engame is the movie-sequel of the tv Highlander-series which took the idea of the Highlander-universe into the nineties: So there is the same myth that there are immortal people killing each other following rules and rituals and not even they know why they exist and how this all works. The main character is Duncan McLeod and only him Then there are very strong supporting characters like Methos and Joe Dawson - and of course Connor - but since this is kind of another parallel universe the prize has not been handed out yet since in the series you can see lot of people "becoming" immortal and thus equaling the number of dead ones (here is the main difference: The movie speaks of the final gathering - the last immortals meet in New York and fight it out). During the series the overall ambience grows very dark, sad and tragic (and follows the desillusionated mood that was attempted to put on Connor in the first movie). I really loved this and the main reason i liked Endgame is, that this darkness remains in the movie - and gives it a great disturbing undertone that helps the movie to clearly differ from the first movies mood: Far from the heroism of the eighties the immortals are troubled with fear, sorrow and self-pity. The "Game" is no more challenge for the good of the world but an unnerving fateful curse to the most of the immortals with wich they just try to cope (and survive as long as possible). The story is allright, you could see it as a tv double-feature with higher budget. The historical parts are, as in the first movie, the best, i think they are the reason for the success of Highlander in the first place. Funny sidenote: I have no clue, what additional 12 minutes there should be in de DVD: Perhaps we had this version in the movies here in Germany (Like with the first movie - the directors cut was the normal movie version over here)? Or did they cut the bedroom-scene in the US (i heard that a naked breast can be a big problem over there)?
Rating:  Summary: A True Disappointment Review: Being a tremendous fan of the first Highlander film (especially as a Queen worshipper and follower of Sean Connery)The sequals have all been a disappointment, this one in particular. I was hoping that this film could sort out the timelines throughout the series, but no, they have caused even more confusion - where on earth do the Canopy and the explanation about Aliens from Outer Space ideas fit in - and at that time where was Duncan?. Did they shoot the Continuity Director at the end of the first film? Haven't the writers and production teams seen the previous movies? If you don't try to connect this film with any of the others then it may have deservered 3 stars, but from someone who likes to make sense of a story, it was lucky to get 2.
Rating:  Summary: Plot is more mature than the two dimensional 1st movie. Review: I thought this movie was excellent. I thought the first Highlander was awesome, but lets face it, it doesn't hold up well over time (especially after you have followed the series). The issues of immortality have been tackled in a much more thorough way in the series, and Endgame tackles the ULTIMATE issue for immorals of good character, which is...I won't spoil it for you. Endgame has a much better plot line, although somewhat rushed. Jacob Kell is not a very scary bad guy though. Most of the time, you just want him to shut up. It is completely NOT plausible that Donnie Yen's character would be weaker than him. The fight scene between Adrian Paul and Donnie Yen is one of the BEST WEAPONS scenes EVER. That is saying alot. For any of you who are Jet Li fans, Donnie Yen fought Jet Li to a standstill in Once Upon In China II it one of the best martial arts movies in history. Better, braver storylines, much better swordplay...what else do you judge Highlander movies by?
Rating:  Summary: Fitting End Review: To enjoy the Highlander movies you have to forget about Highlander 2, and call it a bizarre mistake. Highlander 3 went back to the original synopsis that "There can only be one" (immortal) in the world, and the series once again did away with that idea. Doesn't make much sense, but trust me - Highlander : Endgame, delivers. The action sequences have greatly improved. Adrian Paul gets the best of those whilst Chris Lambert walks in and out of scenes seemingly aware that his highlanding days are nearing an end. The plot is pretty much the same as ever - one nasty Immortal wants to kill all the others, but this time two immortals must team up if they are to defeat him. The scene is set for a fantastic series of action pieces with our heroes doing battle through the centuries. Paul and Lambert work well together. Fans of the series will note that Stan Kitsch character makes NO appearance. Overall the plot isn't great, but as a mixture of swords and sorcery, H : E is terrific fun - albeit more gory than previous outings. If you enjoyed the first Highlander, I think you'll find this compares favourably indeed. In fact I actually prefer this latest, and last, chapter in the Highlander legacy.
Rating:  Summary: People don't get it..... Review: Several people reviewing this film don't seem to realize this film actually has nothing to do with the first film but is meerly a film based on the TV series where the Kurgan and Conner did not fight for the prize but it was just another Immortal duel! Geez comparing this to the first film is like apples to oranges. I loved the first film the subsquent sequals do not exist in my mind. BUT THIS FILM IS NOT A SEQUAL!!! If you watched the series and liked it, I did, you will like this film, I did. Is it great cinema? No. Is it the fabulous acting? No. But then neither was the series so get over it people and just see the movie for the fun of it as modern sword and sorcery camp! *SIGH*
Rating:  Summary: Curse you, Highlander Sequels! Review: I was going to give this movie a 3 star rating, but the more I think about it, the more annoyed with the film I become. First of all, this film could have been a lot better had it just starred Adrian Paul (Duncan MacLeod), or had it been set in the past. Instead, they had to set it in the current era, disregarding (once again) the first movie. Of course, movie fans aren't the only ones facing potential disappointment, as even the series is disregarded in some instances. There are so many plot holes they should have given free Swiss Cheese with the video. The plot is just ridiculous. There are so many ways this film could have gone, and they had to pick THIS way. Methos and Dawson (and the Watchers in general) are introduced haphazardly, with no real explanations given to why they are friends with Duncan. Plus, their on air time is so short there was really no point in having them on in the first place. The rogue watcher was practically a waste of time, although the film was so short that they needed all the time they could muster. In this movie, Connor's mother apparently DIDN'T forsake him, AND Connor has been tortured his whole life by her death. Uh, okay. Connor also killed a guy named Jacob Kell, a member of his clan (he turns out to be the main villian). If you think for a minute, shouldn't it be Jacob MacLeod? Clans all bore the same name. "I am Jacob Kell of the Clan MacLeod." Yeah, right. Thank you for that little plot inconsistancy, movie. While the continuous flashbacks didn't bother me, there was so much (trying) to go on in this 87 minute movie that they weren't fleshed out enough to help the plot development like they could have. Connor MacLeod was and still is my favorite, but I'm not really disappointed he died. Immortals aren't supposed to show their age the way Christopher Lambert did. Get the guy some makeup and a wig, okay? Damn he looked old. Anyway, the way he died was rather annoying. Connor and Duncan have both beaten the "strongest" or "toughest" immortal time and time again, and I don't think this loser Kell could have been THAT big a deal. The most annoying scene with Connor was the fight in the cemetary. Damn it, he was fighting like he had a hangover and paralysis. Also, this whole thing about an army of immortals who don't follow the rules....I'm sorry, they would have been taken out a long time ago. Every immortal who follows the rules would have tracked them down and taken their heads before they even became powerful, simply because even the lowliest of immortal scum honor the rules. This film was just plain awful. There was SO MUCH POTENTIAL lying in this movie. They could have gone in so many wonderful places, taken the series to new heights, pleased old fans and obtained new fans. Instead, they once again pissed off the movie fans, they annoyed the series fans with the inconsistencies (Duncan married, anyone?), and isolated any potential newcomers by offering a confusing and under-developed plot. Damn you, Panzer-Davis. This film actually managed to become as irritating as the second one was.